def __init__(self): super().__init__() Label((0, 0), font=font14, value='Dialog box demonstration.') Label((0, 100), font=font10, value='User written and gdialog generated') self.lbl_result = Label((10, 50), font=font10, fontcolor=WHITE, width=70, border=2, fgcolor=RED, bgcolor=DARKGREEN) # User written dialog fwdbutton(195, 242, UserDialogBox, text='User') # Dialog built using DialogBox dialog_elements = (('Yes', GREEN), ('No', RED), ('Foo', YELLOW)) fwdbutton(0, 242, DialogBox, text='Gen', args=(font14, ), kwargs={ 'elements': dialog_elements, 'label': 'Test dialog' }) quitbutton(390, 242)
def __init__(self): super().__init__() fwdbutton(0, 242, BackScreen, 'Fast') fwdbutton(120, 242, TabScreen, 'Tabs') quitbutton() tb1 = Textbox((0, 0), 200, 8, font=IFONT16, **tbargs) tb2 = Textbox((210, 0), 200, 8, font=IFONT16, clip=False, **tbargs) Label((0, 135), width=200, value='Clipping', **labels) Label((210, 135), width=200, value='Wrapping', **labels) btns = (Button((0, 180), text='Up', callback=btn_cb, args=(tb1, tb2, 1), **btntable), Button((120, 180), text='Down', callback=btn_cb, args=(tb1, tb2, -1), **btntable)) for btn in btns: btn.greyed_out(True) # Disallow until textboxes are populated self.reg_task(txt_test(tb1, None)) self.reg_task(txt_test(tb2, btns))
def __init__(self): super().__init__() # Scale with custom variable and legends. Label((0, 0), font=font14, value='FM radio scale 88-108MHz.') def legendcb(f): return '{:2.0f}'.format(88 + ((f + 1) / 2) * (108 - 88)) self.scale = Scale((0, 30), font10, legendcb=legendcb, width=350, height=60, bgcolor=BLACK, fgcolor=GREEN, pointercolor=RED, fontcolor=YELLOW) self.reg_task( # Scale with varying color. Label((0, 130), font=font14, value='Default scale -1 to +1, varying colors.') def tickcb(f, c): if f > 0.8: return RED if f < -0.8: return BLUE return c self.lbl_result = Label((0, 240), font=font14, fontcolor=WHITE, width=70, border=2, fgcolor=RED, bgcolor=DARKGREEN) self.scale1 = Scale((0, 160), font10, tickcb=tickcb, width=350, height=60, bgcolor=BLACK, fgcolor=GREEN, pointercolor=RED, fontcolor=YELLOW) self.reg_task(self.default()) quitbutton(390, 242)
def __init__(self): super().__init__() labels = { 'width' : 60, 'fontcolor' : WHITE, 'border' : 2, 'fgcolor' : RED, 'bgcolor' : DARKGREEN, 'font' : font10, } quitbutton() meter1 = Meter((320, 0), barcolor=YELLOW, fgcolor=CYAN, bgcolor=BLACK) meter2 = Meter((360, 0), font=font10, legends=('0','5','10'), barcolor=GREEN, fgcolor=CYAN, bgcolor=BLACK, cb_move=self.meter_change) x = 230 lstlbl = [] for n in range(3): lstlbl.append(Label((x, 40 + 60 * n), **labels)) led = LED((420, 0), border = 2) slave1 = HorizSlider((10, 100), fgcolor = GREEN, cb_move = self.slave_moved, cbm_args = (lstlbl[1],), border = 2) slave2 = HorizSlider((10, 160), fgcolor = GREEN, cb_move = self.slave_moved, cbm_args = (lstlbl[2],), border = 2) master = HorizSlider((10, 40), font = font10, fgcolor = YELLOW, fontcolor = WHITE, legends = ('0', '5', '10'), cb_end = self.callback, cbe_args = ('Master',), cb_move = self.master_moved, cbm_args = (lstlbl[0], slave1, slave2, led), value=0.5, border = 2) # On/Off toggle: enable/disable quit button and one slider bs = ButtonList(self.cb_en_dis) lst_en_dis = [slave1, slave2, master] bs.add_button((280, 240), font = font14, fontcolor = BLACK, fgcolor = GREEN, text = 'Disable', height=30, width=90, args = [True, lst_en_dis]) bs.add_button((280, 240), font = font14, fontcolor = BLACK, fgcolor = RED, text = 'Enable', height=30, width=90, args = [False, lst_en_dis]) self.reg_task(self.test_meter(meter1)) self.reg_task(self.test_meter(meter2))
def __init__(self, font, *, elements, location=(20, 20), label=None, bgcolor=DARKGREEN, buttonwidth=25, closebutton=True): height = 150 spacing = 20 buttonwidth = max(max([TFT.get_stringsize(x[0], font)[0] for x in elements]) + 4, buttonwidth) buttonheight = max(TFT.get_stringsize('x', font)[1], 25) nelements = len(elements) width = spacing + (buttonwidth + spacing) * nelements if label is not None: width = max(width, TFT.get_stringsize(label, font)[0] + 2 * spacing) super().__init__(location, height, width, bgcolor = bgcolor) x = self.location[0] + spacing # Coordinates relative to physical display gap = 0 if nelements > 1: gap = ((width - 2 * spacing) - nelements * buttonwidth) // (nelements - 1) y = self.location[1] + self.height - buttonheight - 10 if label is not None: Label((x, self.location[1] + 50), font = font, bgcolor = bgcolor, value = label) for text, color in elements: Button((x, y), height = buttonheight, width = buttonwidth, font = font, fontcolor = BLACK, fgcolor = color, text = text, shape = RECTANGLE, callback = self.back, args = (text,)) x += buttonwidth + gap if closebutton: x, y = TFT.get_stringsize('X', font) size = max(x, y, 25) Button((self.location[0] + width - (size + 1), self.location[1] + 1), height = size, width = size, font = font, fgcolor = RED, text = 'X', shape = RECTANGLE, callback = self.back, args = ('Close',))
def __init__(self): super().__init__() Label((0, 0), font=font14, value='Multiple screen demonstration.') fwdbutton(0, 242, KnobScreen, 'Knobs') fwdbutton(100, 242, SliderScreen, 'Sliders') fwdbutton(200, 242, AssortedScreen, 'Various') fwdbutton(0, 100, TaskScreen, 'Tasks') quitbutton(390, 242)
def __init__(self): super().__init__() Label((0, 0), font=font14, value='Demo of linear and log scale controls.') fwdbutton(10, 50, linearScreen, 'Linear') fwdbutton(10, 100, LogScreen, 'Log') quitbutton(200, 242)
def volume(x, y): # Volume slider table = { 'fontcolor': WHITE, 'font': font10, 'fgcolor': YELLOW, 'legends': ('0', '5', '11'), 'value': 0.7, } Label((x + 50, y + 100), font=font14, value='Volume') return Slider((x, y + 10), **table)
def balance(x, y): # Balance slider table = { 'fontcolor': WHITE, 'legends': ('L', 'C', 'R'), 'font': font10, 'fgcolor': CYAN, 'value': 0.5, } Label((x, y + 50), font=font14, value='Balance') return HorizSlider((x, y), **table)
def __init__(self): super().__init__() backbutton(390, 242) fwdbutton(0, 242, BackScreen) labels = { 'width': 70, 'fontcolor': WHITE, 'border': 2, 'fgcolor': RED, 'bgcolor': (0, 40, 0), } lstlbl = [] for n in range(2): lstlbl.append(Label((120, 120 + 40 * n), font=font10, **labels)) lbl_1 = Label((120, 120), font=font10, **labels) lbl_2 = Label((120, 160), font=font10, **labels) meter1 = Meter((320, 0), font=font10, legends=('0', '5', '10'), barcolor=YELLOW, fgcolor=GREEN, bgcolor=BLACK) dial1 = Dial((120, 0), fgcolor=YELLOW, border=2, pointers=(0.9, 0.7)) Knob((0, 0), fgcolor=GREEN, bgcolor=(0, 0, 80), color=(168, 63, 63), border=2, cb_end=self.callback, cbe_args=['Knob1'], cb_move=self.knob_moved, cbm_args=[dial1, 0, lbl_1, meter1]) Knob((0, 120), fgcolor=WHITE, border=2, cb_move=self.knob_moved, cbm_args=[dial1, 1, lbl_2], cb_end=self.callback, cbe_args=['Knob2'], arc=pi * 1.5)
def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.tasks = [] # Control cancellation explicitly Label((0, 0), font=font14, value='Green dial runs only') Label((0, 30), font=font14, value='when screen is visible') Label((0, 120), font=font14, value="Yellow dial's value is") Label((0, 150), font=font14, value='computed continuously.') self.dial1 = Dial((350, 10), fgcolor=GREEN, border=2, pointers=(0.9, 0.7)) self.dial2 = Dial((350, 120), fgcolor=YELLOW, border=2, pointers=(0.9, 0.7)) self.pause = False # asyncio can't pause coros so handle at application level self.tasks.append(asyncio.create_task(self.maintask(self.dial1, True))) self.tasks.append(asyncio.create_task(self.maintask(self.dial2))) fwdbutton(0, 242, BackScreen) self.backbutton(390, 242) # Special backbutton
def show(self): tft = self.tft width = self.width font = self.font fh = self.font.height() fhdelta = fh / 2 tl = self.ticklen x0 = self.x0 x1 = self.x1 y0 = self.y0 y1 = self.y1 height = y1 - y0 if self.redraw: # An overlaying screen has closed. Force redraw. self.redraw = False self.drawn = False self.ptr_y = None # Invalidate previous bar so it's redrawn. if not self.drawn: self.drawn = True if self.divisions > 0: xs = x0 + 1 xe = x1 - 1 dy = height / (self.divisions) # Tick marks for tick in range(self.divisions + 1): ypos = int(y0 + dy * tick) tft.draw_line(xs, ypos, xe, ypos, self.fgcolor) if self.legends is not None and font is not None: # Legends if len(self.legends) <= 1: dy = 0 else: dy = height / (len(self.legends) - 1) yl = self.y1 # Start at bottom for legend in self.legends: # constrain y to vertical extent of widget loc = (x1 + 4, min(y1 - fh, max(y0, int(yl - fhdelta)))) Label(loc, font=font, fontcolor=self.fontcolor, value=legend) yl -= dy ptr_y = round(y1 - self._value * (height - 1)) # y position of top of bar if self.ptr_y is None: tft.fill_rectangle(x0 + tl, y0 + 1, x1 - tl, y1 - 1, self.bgcolor) self.ptr_y = y1 if ptr_y < self.ptr_y: # Bar has moved up tft.fill_rectangle(x0 + tl, ptr_y, x1 - tl, self.ptr_y, self.barcolor) elif ptr_y > self.ptr_y: # Moved down, blank the area tft.fill_rectangle(x0 + tl, ptr_y, x1 - tl, self.ptr_y, self.bgcolor) self.ptr_y = ptr_y
def source(x, y, cb=lambda *_: None): # Source radiobuttons rb = RadioButtons(BLUE, cb) for t in (('1', 'Radio'), ('2', 'CD'), ('3', 'Vinyl'), ('4', 'TV')): button = rb.add_button((x, y), font=font14, fontcolor=WHITE, shape=CIRCLE, fgcolor=(0, 0, 90), height=40, width=40, text=t[0]) Label((x + 50, y + 10), font=font14, value=t[1]) y += 55
def geq(x, y): # Graphic equaliser fr = ('25Hz', '50Hz', '100Hz', '200Hz', '400Hz', '800Hz', '1.5KHz', '3KHz', '6KHz', '12KHz') table = { 'fontcolor': WHITE, 'legends': ('-20', '0', '20'), 'font': font10, 'fgcolor': GREEN, 'value': 0.5, } sliders = [] for freq in fr: sliders.append(Slider((x, y), **table)) Label((x, y + 210), font=font10, value=freq) x += 80 return sliders
def __init__(self): super().__init__() # Common args for the labels labels = { 'width': 75, 'fontcolor': WHITE, 'border': 2, 'fgcolor': RED, 'bgcolor': (0, 40, 0), } # Common arguments for all three sliders table = { 'fontcolor': WHITE, 'legends': ('0', '5', '10'), } backbutton(390, 242) fwdbutton(0, 242, BackScreen) self.lstlbl = [] for n in range(3): self.lstlbl.append(Label((80 * n, 215), font=font10, **labels)) y = 5 self.slave1 = Slider((80, y), font=font10, fgcolor=GREEN, cb_end=self.callback, cbe_args=('Slave1', ), cb_move=self.slave_moved, cbm_args=(1, ), **table) self.slave2 = Slider((160, y), font=font10, fgcolor=GREEN, cb_end=self.callback, cbe_args=('Slave2', ), cb_move=self.slave_moved, cbm_args=(2, ), **table) master = Slider((0, y), font=font10, fgcolor=YELLOW, cb_end=self.callback, cbe_args=('Master', ), cb_move=self.master_moved, cbm_args=(0, ), value=0.5, border=2, **table)
def show(self): tft = self.tft # Blank slot, ticks and slider tft.fill_rectangle( self.x0, self.y0, self.x1, self.y1, self.bgcolor) # Blank and redraw slot, ticks and slider self.redraw = False x = self.slot_x0 y = self.y0 if self.divisions > 0: dx = self.slot_len / (self.divisions) # Tick marks ys = y + 1 ye = y + self.dy - 1 for tick in range(self.divisions + 1): xpos = int(x + dx * tick) tft.draw_line(xpos, ys, xpos, ye, self.fgcolor) # Blank and redraw slot tft.fill_rectangle(self.slot_x0, self.slot_y0, self.slot_x1, self.slot_y1, self.bgcolor) tft.draw_rectangle(self.slot_x0, self.slot_y0, self.slot_x1, self.slot_y1, self.fgcolor) # Legends: if redrawing, they are already on the Screen's display list if self.legends is not None and not self.drawn: if len(self.legends) <= 1: dx = 0 else: dx = self.slot_len / (len(self.legends) - 1) xl = x font = self.font bw = self.border for legend in self.legends: offset = tft.get_stringsize(legend, font)[0] / 2 loc = int(xl - offset), y - font.height() - bw - 1 Label(loc, font=font, fontcolor=self.fontcolor, value=legend) xl += dx if self._value is None: self.value(self._initial_value, show=False) # prevent recursion self.slide_x = self.slide_x0 + self._value * self.slot_len color = self.slidecolor if self.slidecolor is not None else self.fgcolor tft.fill_rectangle(self.slide_x, self.slide_y0, self.slide_x + self.slidewidth, self.slide_y1, color) self.drawn = True
def show(self): tft = self.tft # Blank slot, ticks and slider tft.fill_rectangle(self.x0, self.y0, self.x1, self.y1, self.bgcolor) self.redraw = False x = self.x0 y = self.slot_y0 slot_len = self.slot_len # Height of slot if self.divisions > 0: dy = slot_len / (self.divisions) # Tick marks xs = x + 1 xe = x + self.dx - 1 for tick in range(self.divisions + 1): ypos = int(y + dy * tick) tft.draw_line(xs, ypos, xe, ypos, self.fgcolor) # Blank and redraw slot tft.fill_rectangle(self.slot_x0, self.slot_y0, self.slot_x1, self.slot_y1, self.bgcolor) tft.draw_rectangle(self.slot_x0, self.slot_y0, self.slot_x1, self.slot_y1, self.fgcolor) # Legends: if redrawing, they are already on the Screen's display list if self.legends is not None and not self.drawn: if len(self.legends) <= 1: dy = 0 else: dy = slot_len / (len(self.legends) - 1) yl = y + slot_len # Start at bottom fhdelta = self.font.height() / 2 font = self.font for legend in self.legends: loc = (x + self.width, int(yl - fhdelta)) Label(loc, font=font, fontcolor=self.fontcolor, value=legend) yl -= dy if self._value is None: self.value(self._initial_value, show=False) # Prevent recursion self.slide_y = self.slide_y0 - self._value * self.slot_len color = self.slidecolor if self.slidecolor is not None else self.fgcolor tft.fill_rectangle(self.slide_x0, self.slide_y, self.slide_x1, self.slide_y + self.slideheight, color) self.drawn = True
def __init__(self): super().__init__() Label((0, 0), font=font10, value='Plot module demonstrator.') y = 30 dy = 42 fwdbutton(0, y, Tseq, 'TSeq') Label((75, y + 5), font=font10, value='Time sequence demo.') y += dy fwdbutton(0, y, PolarScreen, 'Polar') Label((75, y + 5), font=font10, value='A polar plot.') y += dy fwdbutton(0, y, XYScreen, 'XY') Label((75, y + 5), font=font10, value='Cartesian plot.') y += dy fwdbutton(0, y, RealtimeScreen, 'RT') Label((75, y + 5), font=font10, value='Realtime demo.') y += dy fwdbutton(0, y, PolarORScreen, 'Over') Label((75, y + 5), font=font10, value='Two demos of clipping.') y += dy fwdbutton(0, y, DiscontScreen, 'Lines') quitbutton()
class BaseScreen(Screen): def __init__(self): super().__init__() # Scale with custom variable and legends. Label((0, 0), font=font14, value='FM radio scale 88-108MHz.') def legendcb(f): return '{:2.0f}'.format(88 + ((f + 1) / 2) * (108 - 88)) self.scale = Scale((0, 30), font10, legendcb=legendcb, width=350, height=60, bgcolor=BLACK, fgcolor=GREEN, pointercolor=RED, fontcolor=YELLOW) self.reg_task( # Scale with varying color. Label((0, 130), font=font14, value='Default scale -1 to +1, varying colors.') def tickcb(f, c): if f > 0.8: return RED if f < -0.8: return BLUE return c self.lbl_result = Label((0, 240), font=font14, fontcolor=WHITE, width=70, border=2, fgcolor=RED, bgcolor=DARKGREEN) self.scale1 = Scale((0, 160), font10, tickcb=tickcb, width=350, height=60, bgcolor=BLACK, fgcolor=GREEN, pointercolor=RED, fontcolor=YELLOW) self.reg_task(self.default()) quitbutton(390, 242) # COROUTINES async def radio(self): cv = 88.0 # Current value val = 108.0 # Target value while True: v1, v2 = val, cv steps = 200 delta = (val - cv) / steps for _ in range(steps): cv += delta # Map user variable to -1.0..+1.0 self.scale.value(2 * (cv - 88) / (108 - 88) - 1) await asyncio.sleep_ms(200) val, cv = v2, v1 async def default(self): cv = -1.0 # Current val = 1.0 while True: v1, v2 = val, cv steps = 400 delta = (val - cv) / steps for _ in range(steps): cv += delta self.scale1.value(cv) self.lbl_result.value('{:4.3f}'.format(cv)) await asyncio.sleep_ms(250) val, cv = v2, v1
def __init__(self): super().__init__() Label((0, 0), font=font14, value='Ensure back refreshes properly') backbutton(390, 242) self.open_arg = 'Opening' self.hide_arg = 'Hiding'
def __init__(self): super().__init__() labels = { 'width': 70, 'fontcolor': WHITE, 'border': 2, 'fgcolor': RED, 'bgcolor': (0, 40, 0), 'font': font14, } radiobuttons = [ { 'text': '1', 'args': ['1'] }, { 'text': '2', 'args': ['2'] }, { 'text': '3', 'args': ['3'] }, { 'text': '4', 'args': ['4'] }, ] buttonlist = [ { 'fgcolor': GREEN, 'shape': CLIPPED_RECT, 'text': 'Start', 'args': ['Live'] }, { 'fgcolor': RED, 'shape': CLIPPED_RECT, 'text': 'Stop', 'args': ['Die'] }, ] backbutton(390, 242) fwdbutton(0, 242, BackScreen) lstlbl = [] for n in range(4): lstlbl.append(Label((350, 40 * n), **labels)) self.led = LED((440, 0), border=2) Checkbox((300, 0), callback=self.cbcb, args=[lstlbl[0], False]) Checkbox((300, 40), fillcolor=RED, callback=self.cbcb, args=[lstlbl[1], True]) # On/Off toggle x = 1 bs = ButtonList(self.callback) bs0 = None for t in buttonlist: # Buttons overlay each other at same location t['args'].append(lstlbl[2]) button = bs.add_button((x, 120), font=font14, height=30, fontcolor=BLACK, **t) if bs0 is None: bs0 = button # Radio buttons x = 1 rb = RadioButtons(BLUE, self.callback) # color of selected button for t in radiobuttons: t['args'].append(lstlbl[3]) button = rb.add_button((x, 180), font=font14, fontcolor=WHITE, fgcolor=(0, 0, 90), height=40, width=40, **t) x += 60
def __init__(self): super().__init__() Label((0, 0), font=font10, value='Refresh test') backbutton()
def __init__(self): super().__init__() # Scale 0 Label((0, 0), font=font14, value='Default scale 5 decades.') lbl_result0 = Label((0, 240), **labels) # Define callbacks for scale 0 def legendcb(f): if f < 999: return '{:<1.0f}'.format(f) return '{:<1.0f}K'.format(f / 1000) def scale_move0(scale): sv = scale.value() lbl_result0.value('{:6.2f}'.format(sv)) self.scale1.value( scale.value()) # Cause lower scale to mimic this one self.scale0 = ScaleLog((0, 30), legendcb=legendcb, value=15, cb_move=scale_move0, **scales) # Scale 1 with varying color. Label((0, 130), font=font14, value='Varying colors, follows top scale.') lbl_result1 = Label((200, 240), **labels) # Define callbacks for scale 1 def tickcb(f, c): if f > 30000: return RED if f < 10: return BLUE return c def scale_move1(scale): sv = scale.value() lbl_result1.value('{:6.2f}'.format(sv)) self.scale1 = ScaleLog((0, 160), tickcb=tickcb, cb_move=scale_move1, **scales) # Define buttons x = 390 y = 242 backbutton(x, y) y -= 50 Button((x, y), fgcolor=GREEN, text='Enable', callback=self.en, **buttons) y -= 50 Button((x, y), fgcolor=YELLOW, text='Disable', callback=self.dis, **buttons) y -= 50 Button((x, y), fgcolor=BLUE, text='Reset', callback=lambda _: self.scale1.value(1), **buttons)
def __init__(self): super().__init__() # Scale 0 with custom variable and legends. Label((0, 0), font=font14, value='FM radio scale 88-108MHz.') lbl_result0 = Label((0, 240), **labels) # Define callbacks for scale 0 def legendcb(f): return '{:2.0f}'.format(88 + ((f + 1) / 2) * (108 - 88)) def scale_move0(scale): sv = scale.value() sv = (sv + 1) / 2 # 0 <= sv <= 1 lbl_result0.value('{:6.2f}'.format(sv * (108 - 88) + 88)) self.scale0 = ScaleCtrl((0, 30), legendcb=legendcb, cb_move=scale_move0, **scales) # Scale 1 with varying color. Label((0, 130), font=font14, value='Default scale -1 to +1, varying colors.') lbl_result1 = Label((200, 240), **labels) # Define callbacks for scale 1 def tickcb(f, c): if f > 0.8: return RED if f < -0.8: return BLUE return c def scale_move1(scale): sv = scale.value() lbl_result1.value('{:4.3f}'.format(sv)) self.scale1 = ScaleCtrl((0, 160), tickcb=tickcb, cb_move=scale_move1, **scales) # Define buttons x = 390 y = 242 backbutton(x, y) #Button((x, y), fgcolor = RED, text = 'Quit', #callback = lambda _: Screen.shutdown(), **buttons) y -= 50 Button((x, y), fgcolor=GREEN, text='Enable', callback=self.en, **buttons) y -= 50 Button((x, y), fgcolor=YELLOW, text='Disable', callback=self.dis, **buttons) y -= 50 Button((x, y), fgcolor=BLUE, text='Zero', callback=lambda _: self.scale1.value(0), **buttons)
def __init__(self): super().__init__() Button((390, 240), font=IFONT16, callback=self.quit, fgcolor=RED, text='Quit', shape=RECTANGLE, width=80, height=30) dial = VectorDial((120, 0), fgcolor=YELLOW, border=2) hrs = Pointer(dial) mins = Pointer(dial) k0 = Knob((0, 0), fgcolor=GREEN, bgcolor=(0, 0, 80), color=(168, 63, 63), border=2, cb_end=self.callback, cbe_args=['Knob1'], cb_move=self.knob_moved, cbm_args=(mins, 0.9)) k1 = Knob((0, 120), fgcolor=WHITE, border=2, arc=pi * 1.5, cb_end=self.callback, cbe_args=['Knob2'], cb_move=self.knob_moved, cbm_args=(hrs, 0.7)) Label((0, 225), font=font10, value='Arc = 270 degs.') # Dropdown self.lbl_dd = Label((120, 120), font=IFONT16, width=100, border=2, bgcolor=(0, 40, 0), fgcolor=RED) self.dropdown = Dropdown( (280, 0), font=IFONT16, width=100, callback=self.cbdb, elements=('Dog', 'Cat', 'Rat', 'Goat', 'Snake', 'Pig')) btnrst = Button((280, 70), font=IFONT16, callback=self.set_dropdown, fgcolor=BLUE, text='Reset', shape=RECTANGLE, width=80, height=30) # Test of set by value btnsnake = Button((280, 120), font=IFONT16, callback=self.set_bytext, args=('Snake', ), fgcolor=CYAN, fontcolor=BLACK, text='Snake', shape=RECTANGLE, width=80, height=30) # test set by text # Listbox self.lbl_lb = Label((120, 150), font=IFONT16, width=100, border=2, bgcolor=(0, 40, 0), fgcolor=RED) listbox = Listbox( (370, 70), font=IFONT16, width=105, bgcolor=GREY, fgcolor=YELLOW, select_color=BLUE, elements=('aardvark', 'zebra', 'armadillo', 'warthog'), callback=self.cblb) # On/Off toggle grey style self.lbl_style = Label((170, 210), font=font10, value='Current style: grey') bstyle = ButtonList(self.cb_style) bstyle.add_button((170, 240), font=IFONT16, fontcolor=WHITE, height=30, width=90, fgcolor=RED, shape=RECTANGLE, text='Dim', args=(False, )) bstyle.add_button((170, 240), font=IFONT16, fontcolor=WHITE, height=30, width=90, fgcolor=GREEN, shape=RECTANGLE, text='Grey', args=(True, )) # On/Off toggle enable/disable bs = ButtonList(self.cb_en_dis) self.lst_en_dis = (bstyle, k0, k1, self.dropdown, listbox, btnrst, btnsnake) bs.add_button((280, 240), font=IFONT16, fontcolor=BLACK, height=30, width=90, fgcolor=GREEN, shape=RECTANGLE, text='Disable', args=(True, )) bs.add_button((280, 240), font=IFONT16, fontcolor=BLACK, height=30, width=90, fgcolor=RED, shape=RECTANGLE, text='Enable', args=(False, ))
def __init__(self): super().__init__() # Common args for the labels labels = { 'width': 60, 'fontcolor': WHITE, 'border': 2, 'fgcolor': RED, 'bgcolor': (0, 40, 0), } # Common args for all three sliders table = { 'fontcolor': WHITE, 'legends': ('0', '5', '10'), 'cb_end': self.callback, } btnquit = Button((390, 240), font=font14, callback=quit, fgcolor=RED, text='Quit', shape=RECTANGLE, width=80, height=30) self.dial1 = Dial((350, 10), fgcolor=YELLOW, border=2, pointers=(0.9, 0.7)) self.dial2 = Dial((350, 120), fgcolor=YELLOW, border=2, pointers=(0.9, 0.7)) self.lstlbl = [] for n in range(3): self.lstlbl.append(Label((80 * n, 240), font=font10, **labels)) y = 5 self.slave1 = Slider((80, y), font=font10, fgcolor=GREEN, cbe_args=('Slave1', ), cb_move=self.slave_moved, cbm_args=(1, ), **table) self.slave2 = Slider((160, y), font=font10, fgcolor=GREEN, cbe_args=('Slave2', ), cb_move=self.slave_moved, cbm_args=(2, ), **table) master = Slider((0, y), font=font10, fgcolor=YELLOW, cbe_args=('Master', ), cb_move=self.master_moved, value=0.5, border=2, **table) self.reg_task(self.task1()) self.reg_task(self.task2()) # On/Off toggle: enable/disable quit button and one slider bs = ButtonList(self.cb_en_dis) lst_en_dis = [self.slave1, btnquit] button = bs.add_button((280, 240), font=font14, fontcolor=BLACK, height=30, width=90, fgcolor=GREEN, shape=RECTANGLE, text='Disable', args=[True, lst_en_dis]) button = bs.add_button((280, 240), font=font14, fontcolor=BLACK, height=30, width=90, fgcolor=RED, shape=RECTANGLE, text='Enable', args=[False, lst_en_dis])
def __init__(self): super().__init__() # These tables contain args that differ between members of a set of related buttons table = [ { 'fgcolor': GREEN, 'text': 'Yes', 'args': ('Oui', 2), 'fontcolor': (0, 0, 0) }, { 'fgcolor': RED, 'text': 'No', 'args': ('Non', 2) }, { 'fgcolor': BLUE, 'text': '???', 'args': ('Que?', 2) }, # 'fill': False to see effect { 'fgcolor': GREY, 'text': 'Rats', 'args': ('Rats', 2) }, ] # Highlight buttons: only tabulate data that varies table_highlight = [ { 'text': 'P', 'args': ('p', 2) }, { 'text': 'Q', 'args': ('q', 2) }, { 'text': 'R', 'args': ('r', 2) }, { 'text': 'S', 'args': ('s', 2) }, ] # A Buttonset with two entries table_buttonset = [ { 'fgcolor': GREEN, 'shape': CLIPPED_RECT, 'text': 'Start', 'args': ('Live', 2) }, { 'fgcolor': RED, 'shape': CLIPPED_RECT, 'text': 'Stop', 'args': ('Die', 2) }, ] table_radiobuttons = [ { 'text': '1', 'args': ('1', 3) }, { 'text': '2', 'args': ('2', 3) }, { 'text': '3', 'args': ('3', 3) }, { 'text': '4', 'args': ('4', 3) }, ] labels = { 'width': 70, 'fontcolor': WHITE, 'border': 2, 'fgcolor': RED, 'bgcolor': (0, 40, 0), 'font': font14, } # Uncomment this line to see 'skeleton' style greying-out: # Screen.tft.grey_color() # Labels self.lstlbl = [] for n in range(5): self.lstlbl.append(Label((390, 40 * n), **labels)) self.lst_en_dis = [] # Controls affected by disable button. # Button assortment x = 0 for t in table: self.lst_en_dis.append( Button((x, 0), font=font14, shape=CIRCLE, callback=self.callback, **t)) x += 70 # Highlighting buttons x = 0 for t in table_highlight: self.lst_en_dis.append( Button((x, 60), fgcolor=CYAN, shape=CIRCLE, fontcolor=BLACK, litcolor=WHITE, font=font14, callback=self.callback, **t)) x += 70 # Pad lbl_pad = Label((0, 200), value='touch me', fontcolor=WHITE, border=2, fgcolor=RED, bgcolor=DARKGREEN, font=font14) pad = Pad((0, 200), width=lbl_pad.width, height=lbl_pad.height, onrelease=False, callback=lambda _: lbl_pad.value('Short'), lp_callback=lambda _: lbl_pad.value('Long')) self.lst_en_dis.append(pad) # Start/Stop toggle = ButtonList(self.callback) self.bs0 = None for t in table_buttonset: # Buttons overlay each other at same location button =, 240), font=font14, fontcolor=BLACK, height=30, **t) if self.bs0 is None: # Save for reset button callback self.bs0 = button self.lst_en_dis.append( # Radio buttons x = 0 self.rb = RadioButtons(BLUE, self.callback) # color of selected button self.rb0 = None for t in table_radiobuttons: button = self.rb.add_button((x, 140), font=font14, fontcolor=WHITE, fgcolor=(0, 0, 90), height=40, width=40, **t) if self.rb0 is None: # Save for reset button callback self.rb0 = button x += 60 self.lst_en_dis.append(self.rb) # Checkbox self.cb1 = Checkbox((340, 0), callback=self.cbcb, args=(0, )) self.cb2 = Checkbox((340, 40), fillcolor=RED, callback=self.cbcb, args=(1, )) self.lst_en_dis.extend([self.cb1, self.cb2]) # Reset button self.lbl_reset = Label((200, 210), font=font10, value='Reset also responds to long press') self.btn_reset = Button((300, 240), font=font14, height=30, width=80, fgcolor=BLUE, shape=RECTANGLE, text='Reset', fill=True, callback=self.cbreset, args=(4, ), onrelease=False, lp_callback=self.callback, lp_args=('long', 4)) # Quit self.btn_quit = Button((390, 240), font=font14, height=30, width=80, fgcolor=RED, shape=RECTANGLE, text='Quit', callback=self.quit) # Enable/Disable toggle self.bs_en = ButtonList(self.cb_en_dis) self.bs_en.add_button((200, 240), font=font14, fontcolor=BLACK, height=30, width=90, fgcolor=GREEN, shape=RECTANGLE, text='Disable', args=(True, )) self.bs_en.add_button((200, 240), font=font14, fontcolor=BLACK, height=30, width=90, fgcolor=RED, shape=RECTANGLE, text='Enable', args=(False, ))
class KnobScreen(Screen): def __init__(self): super().__init__() Button((390, 240), font=IFONT16, callback=self.quit, fgcolor=RED, text='Quit', shape=RECTANGLE, width=80, height=30) dial = VectorDial((120, 0), fgcolor=YELLOW, border=2) hrs = Pointer(dial) mins = Pointer(dial) k0 = Knob((0, 0), fgcolor=GREEN, bgcolor=(0, 0, 80), color=(168, 63, 63), border=2, cb_end=self.callback, cbe_args=['Knob1'], cb_move=self.knob_moved, cbm_args=(mins, 0.9)) k1 = Knob((0, 120), fgcolor=WHITE, border=2, arc=pi * 1.5, cb_end=self.callback, cbe_args=['Knob2'], cb_move=self.knob_moved, cbm_args=(hrs, 0.7)) Label((0, 225), font=font10, value='Arc = 270 degs.') # Dropdown self.lbl_dd = Label((120, 120), font=IFONT16, width=100, border=2, bgcolor=(0, 40, 0), fgcolor=RED) self.dropdown = Dropdown( (280, 0), font=IFONT16, width=100, callback=self.cbdb, elements=('Dog', 'Cat', 'Rat', 'Goat', 'Snake', 'Pig')) btnrst = Button((280, 70), font=IFONT16, callback=self.set_dropdown, fgcolor=BLUE, text='Reset', shape=RECTANGLE, width=80, height=30) # Test of set by value btnsnake = Button((280, 120), font=IFONT16, callback=self.set_bytext, args=('Snake', ), fgcolor=CYAN, fontcolor=BLACK, text='Snake', shape=RECTANGLE, width=80, height=30) # test set by text # Listbox self.lbl_lb = Label((120, 150), font=IFONT16, width=100, border=2, bgcolor=(0, 40, 0), fgcolor=RED) listbox = Listbox( (370, 70), font=IFONT16, width=105, bgcolor=GREY, fgcolor=YELLOW, select_color=BLUE, elements=('aardvark', 'zebra', 'armadillo', 'warthog'), callback=self.cblb) # On/Off toggle grey style self.lbl_style = Label((170, 210), font=font10, value='Current style: grey') bstyle = ButtonList(self.cb_style) bstyle.add_button((170, 240), font=IFONT16, fontcolor=WHITE, height=30, width=90, fgcolor=RED, shape=RECTANGLE, text='Dim', args=(False, )) bstyle.add_button((170, 240), font=IFONT16, fontcolor=WHITE, height=30, width=90, fgcolor=GREEN, shape=RECTANGLE, text='Grey', args=(True, )) # On/Off toggle enable/disable bs = ButtonList(self.cb_en_dis) self.lst_en_dis = (bstyle, k0, k1, self.dropdown, listbox, btnrst, btnsnake) bs.add_button((280, 240), font=IFONT16, fontcolor=BLACK, height=30, width=90, fgcolor=GREEN, shape=RECTANGLE, text='Disable', args=(True, )) bs.add_button((280, 240), font=IFONT16, fontcolor=BLACK, height=30, width=90, fgcolor=RED, shape=RECTANGLE, text='Enable', args=(False, )) # CALLBACKS # cb_end occurs when user stops touching the control def callback(self, knob, control_name): print('{} returned {}'.format(control_name, knob.value())) def knob_moved(self, knob, pointer, length): val = knob.value() # range 0..1 pointer.value(length * cmath.exp(-2j * val * pi)) def quit(self, button): Screen.shutdown() def cb_en_dis(self, button, disable): for item in self.lst_en_dis: item.greyed_out(disable) def cb_style(self, button, desaturate): self.lbl_style.value(''.join( ('Current style: ', 'grey' if desaturate else 'dim'))) Screen.set_grey_style(desaturate=desaturate) def cbdb(self, dropdown): self.lbl_dd.value(dropdown.textvalue()) def cblb(self, listbox): self.lbl_lb.value(listbox.textvalue()) def set_dropdown(self, button): self.dropdown.value(0) def set_bytext(self, button, txt): self.dropdown.textvalue(txt)
def passthru(x, y, items): # Passthru checkbox Checkbox((x, y), callback=cb_en_dis, args=(items, )) Label((x + 40, y), font=font14, value='Flat response')