Exemple #1
def list_submissions(request):

    context = {'category': 'submissions'}

    connection = Connection(get_bamboo_url(request.user.project))
    main_dataset = CachedDataset(get_bamboo_dataset_id(request.user.project),
    submissions_list = main_dataset.get_data(cache=True, cache_expiry=VSHORT)

    for submission in submissions_list:
        submission.update(detailed_id_dict(submission, prefix='teacher_'))

    paginator = FlynsarmyPaginator(submissions_list, 10, adjacent_pages=2)

    page = request.GET.get('page')
        submissions = paginator.page(page)
    except PageNotAnInteger:
        submissions = paginator.page(1)
    except EmptyPage:
        submissions = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)

    context.update({'submissions': submissions})

    return render(request, 'list_submissions.html', context)
Exemple #2
def detail_teacher_bamboo(request, uid):
    ''' Report Card View leveraging bamboo aggregation '''

    context = {'category': 'teachers',
               'schoolcat': '%s|%s'
               % (request.user.project.slug, 'school_names')}

    # retrieve short ID
    sid = request.GET.get('short', None)
    if not sid:
        sid = short_id_from(uid)

    # build barcode (identifier on submissions) from UID param.
    barcode = build_urlid_with(uid, sid)

    connection = Connection(get_bamboo_url(request.user.project))
    teacher_dataset = CachedDataset(get_bamboo_dataset_id(request.user.project,

    # Retrieve teacher data from bamboo (1req)
    teacher = teacher_dataset.get_data(query={'barcode': barcode},
                                       cache=True, cache_expiry=VLONG)[0]

    context.update({'teacher': teacher})


    return render(request, 'detail_teacher_bamboo.html', context)
Exemple #3
def list_teachers(request):

    context = {'category': 'teachers',
               'schoolcat': '%s|%s'
               % (request.user.project.slug, 'school_names')}

    # redirect to a teacher's page if jump_to matches one.
    jump_to = request.GET.get('jump_to', None)

    connection = Connection(get_bamboo_url(request.user.project))
    teacher_dataset = CachedDataset(get_bamboo_dataset_id(request.user.project,

    teachers_list = teacher_dataset.get_data(cache=True, cache_expiry=MEDIUM)

    ''' Not using the `group` method of bamboo here as it's innefiscient
        for our use case: it would request multiple inner-loops and uglify
        the templates.

        Instead, we grab the raw list of teachers and then group them
        by the school name resulting in a 2-dim list.

        While it works, I believe the pagination is done at school level
        making it useless for cases where there are many teachers per school '''

    # school list container ; each key should contain list of teachers.
    school_list = {}

    for teacher in teachers_list:
        if not teacher.get('barcode', None):


        # requested teacher exists ; redirect
        if teacher.get('sid_') == jump_to:
            return redirect(detail_teacher, uid=teacher.get('uid_'))

        if teacher.get('school') in school_list:
            school_list[teacher.get('school')] = [teacher, ]

    paginator = FlynsarmyPaginator(school_list.values(), 10, adjacent_pages=2)

    page = request.GET.get('page', 1)
        schools = paginator.page(page)
    except PageNotAnInteger:
        schools = paginator.page(1)
    except EmptyPage:
        schools = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)

    # context.update({'teachers': teachers})
    context.update({'schools': schools})

    return render(request, 'list_teachers.html', context)
Exemple #4
def card_teacher(request, uid):

    context = {'category': 'teachers'}

    connection = Connection(get_bamboo_url(request.user.project))
    teacher_dataset = CachedDataset(get_bamboo_dataset_id(request.user.project,
    teacher = teacher_dataset.get_data(query={'barcode': uid},
                                       cache=True, cache_expiry=VLONG)[0]

    teacher.update({'qrcode': b64_qrcode(uid, scale=2.0)})

    context.update({'teacher': teacher})

    return render(request, 'card_teacher.html', context)
Exemple #5
def detail_teacher_django(request, uid):
    ''' Report Card View processing data from submissions list/data only

        2 bamboo requests:
            - teacher data from uuid
            - list of submissions for that teacher

        All processing/grouping done in python. '''

    context = {'category': 'teachers',
               'schoolcat': '%s|%s'
               % (request.user.project.slug, 'school_names')}

    connection = Connection(get_bamboo_url(request.user.project))
    main_dataset = CachedDataset(get_bamboo_dataset_id(request.user.project),
    teacher_dataset = CachedDataset(get_bamboo_dataset_id(request.user.project,

    def get_age_group(sub):
        ''' return age group (key str) of a given submission based on age'''
        for key, age_range in REPORTS_AGE_GROUPS.items():
            if (sub.get(u'general_information_age', 0)
             in range(age_range[0], age_range[1] + 1)):
                return key
        return u"all"

    def init_reports():
        ''' A reports container with initial values '''
        reports = {}
        for age_group in REPORTS_AGE_GROUPS.keys():
            reports[age_group] = {}
            for sex in ('male', 'female', 'total'):
                reports[age_group][sex] = {}
                for level in REPORTS_READING_LEVELS.keys() \
                             + REPORTS_NUMERACY_LEVELS.keys() + ['total']:
                    reports[age_group][sex][level] = {'nb': 0, 'percent': None}
        return reports

    def compute_report_for(reports, submission, is_numeracy=False):
        ''' increment counters on all categories for a submission '''

        age_group = get_age_group(submission)
        sex = submission.get('general_information_sex')
        level = submission.get('learning_levels_numeracy_nothing' if is_numeracy
                               else 'learning_levels_reading_nothing')

        #       AGE GRP    SEX     LEVEL
        reports['all']['total']['total']['nb'] += 1
        reports['all']['total'][level]['nb'] += 1

        reports['all'][sex]['total']['nb'] += 1
        reports['all'][sex][level]['nb'] += 1

        reports[age_group][sex][level]['nb'] += 1
        reports[age_group]['total'][level]['nb'] += 1
        reports[age_group][sex]['total']['nb'] += 1

        reports[age_group]['total']['total']['nb'] += 1

    def compute_percentages(reports):
        ''' calculates the percentages fields for the reports dict '''

        def pc(num, denum):
                return float(num['nb']) / float(denum['nb'])
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                return 0

        for age_group, ago in reports.items():
            for sex, so in ago.items():
                for level, lo in so.items():
                    reports[age_group][sex][level]['percent'] = \

    def sort_reports(reports_dict):
        ''' sort report by Age (asc) then gender keeping total/All at last '''

        def cmp_rep(x, y):
            if x == y:
                return 0

            # 'all' age group is last
            if x == 'all' or y == 'all':
                return 1 if x == 'all' else -1
            # compare minimum age for group to sort
            xa_min = REPORTS_AGE_GROUPS.get(x, (100, 0))[0]
            ya_min = REPORTS_AGE_GROUPS.get(y, (100, 0))[0]
            return 1 if xa_min > ya_min else -1

        reports = []

        # loop on dict and transform to:
        #   - dicts composed of {'name': x, 'data': y}
        #   - data is an ordered array of dicts
        for age_group in sorted(reports_dict.keys(), cmp=cmp_rep):
            age_group_data = reports_dict.get(age_group)
            age_group_data.update({'name': age_group})
            age_group_sex = []
            for sex in sorted(age_group_data.keys()):
                if sex == 'name':
                sex_data = age_group_data.get(sex)
                sex_data.update({'name': sex})
            reports.append({'name': age_group,
                            'data': age_group_sex})

        return reports

    # retrieve short ID
    sid = request.GET.get('short', None)
    if not sid:
        sid = short_id_from(uid)

    # if we don't have an UID, find out teacher from SID.
    if uid == sid:
        barcodes = {}
        for bc in teacher_dataset.get_data(select=['barcode'],
                                           cache=True, cache_expiry=VSHORT):
            barcodes[short_id_from(bc)] = bc
        barcode = barcodes.get(sid, '')
        barcode = uid

    # Retrieve teacher data from bamboo (1req)
    teacher = teacher_dataset.get_data(query={'barcode': barcode},
                                       cache=True, cache_expiry=VLONG)[0]

    # retrieve list of submissions from bamboo (1req)
    submissions = main_dataset.get_data(
                               query={'$or': [{'teacher_barcode': barcode},
                                              {'$regex':sid, '$options':'i'}}]},

    # initialize containers for reading report and numeracy report.
    reading_dict = init_reports()
    numeracy_dict = init_reports()

    # loop on submissions to fill reading/num reports
    for submission in submissions:
        compute_report_for(reading_dict, submission)
        compute_report_for(numeracy_dict, submission, is_numeracy=True)

    # compute percentages for reading/num reports

    # sort/transform reports for template
    reading_reports = sort_reports(reading_dict)
    numeracy_reports = sort_reports(numeracy_dict)

    context.update({'teacher': teacher,
                    'reading_reports': reading_reports,
                    'numeracy_reports': numeracy_reports})

    return render(request, 'detail_teacher.html', context)