Exemple #1
 def get_selected_obstypes(self):
     sql = "select obsid, type from obs_points where obsid in ({})".format(
     ConnOK, types = db_utils.sql_load_fr_db(sql)
     self.typedict = dict(types)  #make it a dictionary
     sql = "select distinct type from obs_points where obsid in ({})".format(
     ConnOK, self.distincttypes = db_utils.sql_load_fr_db(sql)
    def get_table_data(self, tname, obsids, dbconnection, file_data_srid):
        dbconnection.execute("SELECT * FROM %s LIMIT 1"%tname)
        columns = [x[0] for x in dbconnection.cursor.description]

        if file_data_srid:
            astext = 'ST_AsBinary(ST_Transform({}, %s))'%str(file_data_srid)
            astext = 'ST_AsBinary({})'

        geom_columns = list(db_utils.get_geometry_types(dbconnection, tname).keys())
        #Transform to 4326 just to be sure that both the source and dest database has support for the srid.
        select_columns = [astext.format(col)
                          if (col.lower() in geom_columns and dbconnection.get_srid(tname, col))
                          else col
                          for col in columns]

        sql = '''SELECT {} FROM {}'''.format(u', '.join(select_columns), tname)
        if obsids:
            sql += " WHERE obsid IN ({})".format(sql_unicode_list(obsids))
        table_data = [[x.lower() for x in columns]]
        table_data.extend([row for row in dbconnection.execute_and_fetchall(sql)])
        if len(table_data) < 2:
            return None
            return table_data
 def to_csv(self, tname, obsids=None, replace=False):
     Write to csv
     :param tname: The destination database
     :param obsids:
     sql = "SELECT * FROM %s"%tname
     if obsids:
         sql += " WHERE obsid IN ({})".format(sql_unicode_list(obsids))
     data = self.source_dbconnection.execute_and_fetchall(sql)
     printlist = [[col[0] for col in self.source_dbconnection.cursor.description]]
     filename = os.path.join(self.exportfolder, tname + ".csv")
     utils.write_printlist_to_file(filename, printlist)
Exemple #4
 def big_sql(self):
     # Data must be stored as mg/l in the database since it is converted to meq/l in code here...
     sql = """select a.obsid as obsid, date_time, obs_points.type as type, Cl_meqPl, HCO3_meqPl, SO4_meqPl, Na_meqPl + K_meqPl as NaK_meqPl, Ca_meqPl, Mg_meqPl
     from (select u.obsid, u.date_time, u.Cl_meqPl, u.HCO3_meqPl, u.SO4_meqPl, u.Na_meqPl, u.K_meqPl, u.Ca_meqPl, u.Mg_meqPl
         from (
               select obsid, date_time, 
                   (max (case when %s then reading_num end))/35.453 as Cl_meqPl,
                   (max (case when %s then reading_num end))/61.0168 as HCO3_meqPl,
                   2*(max (case when %s then reading_num end))/96.063 as SO4_meqPl,
                   (max (case when %s then reading_num end))/22.9898 as Na_meqPl,
                   (max (case when %s then reading_num end))/39.0983 as K_meqPl,
                   2*(max (case when %s then reading_num end))/40.078 as Ca_meqPl,
                   2*(max (case when %s then reading_num end))/24.305 as Mg_meqPl
               from w_qual_lab where obsid in (%s) 
               group by obsid, date_time
             ) AS u
         where u.Ca_meqPl is not null and u.Mg_meqPl is not null and u.Na_meqPl is not null and u.K_meqPl is not null and u.HCO3_meqPl is not null and u.Cl_meqPl is not null and u.SO4_meqPl is not null
         ) as a, obs_points WHERE a.obsid = obs_points.obsid""" % (
         ru(self.ParameterList[0]), ru(self.ParameterList[1]),
         ru(self.ParameterList[2]), ru(self.ParameterList[3]),
         ru(self.ParameterList[4]), ru(self.ParameterList[5]),
         ru(self.ParameterList[6]), utils.sql_unicode_list(
     return sql
 def get_number_of_rows(self, obsids, tname):
     sql = "select count(obsid) from %s"%tname
     if obsids:
         sql += " WHERE obsid IN ({})".format(sql_unicode_list(obsids))
     nr_of_rows = self.source_dbconnection.execute_and_fetchall(sql)[0][0]
     return nr_of_rows
Exemple #6
 def big_sql(self):
     # Data must be stored as mg/l in the database since it is converted to meq/l in code here...
     sql = """select a.obsid as obsid, date_time, obs_points.type as type, Cl_meqPl, HCO3_meqPl, SO4_meqPl, Na_meqPl + K_meqPl as NaK_meqPl, Ca_meqPl, Mg_meqPl
     from (select u.obsid, u.date_time, u.Cl_meqPl, u.HCO3_meqPl, u.SO4_meqPl, u.Na_meqPl, u.K_meqPl, u.Ca_meqPl, u.Mg_meqPl
         from (
               select obsid, date_time, 
                   (max (case when %s then reading_num end))/35.453 as Cl_meqPl,
                   (max (case when %s then reading_num end))/61.0168 as HCO3_meqPl,
                   2*(max (case when %s then reading_num end))/96.063 as SO4_meqPl,
                   (max (case when %s then reading_num end))/22.9898 as Na_meqPl,
                   (max (case when %s then reading_num end))/39.0983 as K_meqPl,
                   2*(max (case when %s then reading_num end))/40.078 as Ca_meqPl,
                   2*(max (case when %s then reading_num end))/24.305 as Mg_meqPl
               from w_qual_lab where obsid in (%s) 
               group by obsid, date_time
             ) AS u
         where u.Ca_meqPl is not null and u.Mg_meqPl is not null and u.Na_meqPl is not null and u.K_meqPl is not null and u.HCO3_meqPl is not null and u.Cl_meqPl is not null and u.SO4_meqPl is not null
         ) as a, obs_points WHERE a.obsid = obs_points.obsid""" %(ru(self.ParameterList[0]), ru(self.ParameterList[1]), ru(self.ParameterList[2]), ru(self.ParameterList[3]), ru(self.ParameterList[4]), ru(self.ParameterList[5]), ru(self.ParameterList[6]), utils.sql_unicode_list(self.observations))
     return sql
Exemple #7
 def get_selected_obstypes(self):
     sql = "select obsid, type from obs_points where obsid in ({})".format(utils.sql_unicode_list(self.observations))
     ConnOK, types = db_utils.sql_load_fr_db(sql)
     self.typedict = dict(types)#make it a dictionary
     sql = "select distinct type from obs_points where obsid in ({})".format(utils.sql_unicode_list(self.observations))
     ConnOK, self.distincttypes = db_utils.sql_load_fr_db(sql)