def subPlot(self, s="Plot"): bar = {'size':(400,400), 'style':wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE|wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE, 'title':s} f=wx.Frame(self, -1, **bar) g=Graph(f, -1) f.Show(True) g.killframe = f.Destroy self.subplot=g g.OnAltClick=lambda x:self.subAltClick(x) return g
def subPlot(self, s="Plot"): bar = {'size':(400,400), 'style':wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE|wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE, 'title':s} f=wx.Frame(self, -1, **bar) g=Graph(f, -1) f.Show(True) g.killframe = f.Destroy self.subplot=g g.contextMenuContents.append(("SpikeSort: Select Events",self.selectEvents)) wx.EVT_MIDDLE_UP(g, self.subAltClick) g.OnAltClick=lambda x:self.subAltClick(x) return g
def __init__(self, dv, **kwargs): tty=kwargs.get('tty', None) title=kwargs.get('title',"Locus Viewer") BaseGui.__init__(self, dv, title=title, menus=["File", "Display"], pycommand=True,height=4, TTY=tty, showframe=False) controls=[["File","Select Elements To Show",], ["Display", "Show All Functions", self.allFuncs], ["Display", "Select Data",], ] self.dv = dv if dv: self.document = self.dv.document self.fillMenus(controls) self.mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.main.SetSizer(self.mainSizer) self.main.SetAutoLayout(True) self.graph=Graph(self.main, -1) self.mainSizer.Add(self.graph, 1, wx.GROW|wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5) self.SetSize(wx.Size(800,600)) self.stdFileMenu() = []
class LocusViewer(BaseGui): def __init__(self, dv, **kwargs): tty=kwargs.get('tty', None) title=kwargs.get('title',"Locus Viewer") BaseGui.__init__(self, dv, title=title, menus=["File", "Display"], pycommand=True,height=4, TTY=tty, showframe=False) controls=[["File","Select Elements To Show",], ["Display", "Show All Functions", self.allFuncs], ["Display", "Select Data",], ] self.dv = dv if dv: self.document = self.dv.document self.fillMenus(controls) self.mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.main.SetSizer(self.mainSizer) self.main.SetAutoLayout(True) self.graph=Graph(self.main, -1) self.mainSizer.Add(self.graph, 1, wx.GROW|wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5) self.SetSize(wx.Size(800,600)) self.stdFileMenu() = [] def dataImport(self, df, add=False, zoom=False): dpath = df.upath() if not df.xpath(1)[0] == self.document: if add: df=df.clone() self.document.newElement(df) if and not add: = [] print self.document, self.display()"Done Loading Data") def select(self, event=None): els=[e.upath() for e in self.document.getElements('Data')] l = self.askParam([{"Name":"Which Objects", "Type":'Select', "Value":els}]) if not l: return = l[0] self.display() def allFuncs(self, event=None): f = self.document.getElements("Data", {"SampleType":"function"}) = [i.upath() for i in f] self.display() def display(self): #import time;st=time.time() self.graph.plots={} for p in dat = self.document.getInstance(p) dd = dat.getData() if dat.stype() in ['ensemble', 'histogram', 'timeseries']: for i in range(dd.shape[1]): self.graph.addPlot(dd[:,i], sampr=1.0/dat.fs(), style = 'line') elif 'events' in dat.stype(): t = dd[:,0]/float(dat.fs()) if 'labeled' in dat.stype(): y = dd[:,1].astype(t.dtype()) else: y = N.zeros_like(t) self.graph.addPlot(N.column_stack([t, y]), style = 'points', width = 3) else: style = dat.attrib("style") or 'points' for i in range(1, dd.shape[1]): self.graph.addPlot(dd[:,[0,i]], style = style) self.graph.fullScale() self.graph.DrawAll()
def __init__(self, master=None,returnData=None ): BaseGui.__init__(self, master, title="Image Viewer", menus=["File", "Controls", "Tools"], pycommand=True,height=4) self._current_display=[-1, 0] self._framecache=None self.images=[] controls=[["File", "New Viewer", self.newView], ["File", "profile",], ["File", "Save Measurements", self.saveMeasure], ["Controls","Marker Locations",self.markInfo], ["Controls", "Toggle pseudocolor", self.pcolor], ["Controls", "Set Contrast Range", self.setRange], ["Controls", "Show Contrast Range", self.getRange], ["Controls", "Remove Contrast Range", self.remRange], ["Controls", "Maximize Contrast", self.maxRange], ["Controls", "Calibrate Measurements", self.calibM], ["Controls", "Goto Frame", self.showFrame]] self.mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.main.SetSizer(self.mainSizer) self.main.SetAutoLayout(True) self.graph=Graph(self.main, -1) self.graph.axis["ticks"] = 0 self.graph.legend = False #self.graph.fixAR=1.0 psize = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) psize.Add(self.graph, 3, wx.GROW|wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5) self.imlist = AWList(self.main, -1, style=wx.LC_REPORT | wx.SUNKEN_BORDER | wx.WANTS_CHARS) self.imlist.InsertColumn(0, "Images") wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK(self.imlist, self.OnItemClick) psize.Add(self.imlist, 1, wx.GROW|wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5) self.mainSizer.Add(psize, 10, wx.GROW|wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5) if master: self.xm = master self.document = self.xm.document self.images=self.document.getElements('Data', {'SampleType':'image'}) for d in self.images: self.addItem(d) controls.append(["File", "Close", lambda x: self.Destroy()]) self.fillMenus(controls) else: controls.append(['Controls', 'Launch Data Editor', self.launchDE]) self.fillMenus(controls) self.stdFileMenu() # id=wx.NewId() # self.menus["Controls"].AppendCheckItem(id, "Measure") # wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.measureMode) self._inMeasureMode = False self.measurements=[] self.measureCalib = None cbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.tmeasure = wx.ToggleButton(self.main, -1, " Measure ") cbox.Add(self.tmeasure, 0, wx.ALIGN_BOTTOM|wx.ALL, 5) wx.EVT_TOGGLEBUTTON(self.main, self.tmeasure.GetId(), self.measureMode) btn = wx.Button(self.main, -1, " Previous ") cbox.Add(btn, 0, wx.ALIGN_BOTTOM|wx.ALL, 5) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self.main, btn.GetId (), self.previous) btn = wx.Button(self.main, -1, " Next ") cbox.Add(btn, 0, wx.ALIGN_BOTTOM|wx.ALL, 5) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self.main, btn.GetId(), self.imageInfo=wx.StaticText(self.main, -1, "No Image") cbox.Add(self.imageInfo, 1, wx.ALIGN_BOTTOM|wx.ALL, 5) self.mainSizer.Add(cbox, 0, wx.GROW|wx.ALIGN_BOTTOM|wx.ALL, 5) self.graph.keybindings['space'] self.graph.keybindings['backspace']=self.previous gfdt=FileDropLoad(self) self.imlist.SetDropTarget(gfdt) self.graph.twoDzoom=True self.graph.Show(True) self.extmod=ime.IVExtMod(self) self.extmod.makeMenus() self.mainSizer.Fit(self) self.SetSize(wx.Size(1000,700))
class ImageViewer(BaseGui): def __init__(self, master=None,returnData=None ): BaseGui.__init__(self, master, title="Image Viewer", menus=["File", "Controls", "Tools"], pycommand=True,height=4) self._current_display=[-1, 0] self._framecache=None self.images=[] controls=[["File", "New Viewer", self.newView], ["File", "profile",], ["File", "Save Measurements", self.saveMeasure], ["Controls","Marker Locations",self.markInfo], ["Controls", "Toggle pseudocolor", self.pcolor], ["Controls", "Set Contrast Range", self.setRange], ["Controls", "Show Contrast Range", self.getRange], ["Controls", "Remove Contrast Range", self.remRange], ["Controls", "Maximize Contrast", self.maxRange], ["Controls", "Calibrate Measurements", self.calibM], ["Controls", "Goto Frame", self.showFrame]] self.mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.main.SetSizer(self.mainSizer) self.main.SetAutoLayout(True) self.graph=Graph(self.main, -1) self.graph.axis["ticks"] = 0 self.graph.legend = False #self.graph.fixAR=1.0 psize = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) psize.Add(self.graph, 3, wx.GROW|wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5) self.imlist = AWList(self.main, -1, style=wx.LC_REPORT | wx.SUNKEN_BORDER | wx.WANTS_CHARS) self.imlist.InsertColumn(0, "Images") wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK(self.imlist, self.OnItemClick) psize.Add(self.imlist, 1, wx.GROW|wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5) self.mainSizer.Add(psize, 10, wx.GROW|wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5) if master: self.xm = master self.document = self.xm.document self.images=self.document.getElements('Data', {'SampleType':'image'}) for d in self.images: self.addItem(d) controls.append(["File", "Close", lambda x: self.Destroy()]) self.fillMenus(controls) else: controls.append(['Controls', 'Launch Data Editor', self.launchDE]) self.fillMenus(controls) self.stdFileMenu() # id=wx.NewId() # self.menus["Controls"].AppendCheckItem(id, "Measure") # wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.measureMode) self._inMeasureMode = False self.measurements=[] self.measureCalib = None cbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.tmeasure = wx.ToggleButton(self.main, -1, " Measure ") cbox.Add(self.tmeasure, 0, wx.ALIGN_BOTTOM|wx.ALL, 5) wx.EVT_TOGGLEBUTTON(self.main, self.tmeasure.GetId(), self.measureMode) btn = wx.Button(self.main, -1, " Previous ") cbox.Add(btn, 0, wx.ALIGN_BOTTOM|wx.ALL, 5) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self.main, btn.GetId (), self.previous) btn = wx.Button(self.main, -1, " Next ") cbox.Add(btn, 0, wx.ALIGN_BOTTOM|wx.ALL, 5) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self.main, btn.GetId(), self.imageInfo=wx.StaticText(self.main, -1, "No Image") cbox.Add(self.imageInfo, 1, wx.ALIGN_BOTTOM|wx.ALL, 5) self.mainSizer.Add(cbox, 0, wx.GROW|wx.ALIGN_BOTTOM|wx.ALL, 5) self.graph.keybindings['space'] self.graph.keybindings['backspace']=self.previous gfdt=FileDropLoad(self) self.imlist.SetDropTarget(gfdt) self.graph.twoDzoom=True self.graph.Show(True) self.extmod=ime.IVExtMod(self) self.extmod.makeMenus() self.mainSizer.Fit(self) self.SetSize(wx.Size(1000,700)) def prof(self, event): import profile profile.runctx("self.display(0,0)", globals(), locals()) def launchDE(self, event=None): '''Launch a MIEN XML Editor window ''' from mien.interface.main import MienGui d=MienGui(self) d.newDoc(self.document) def newView(self, event=None): '''Make another image viewer as a child of the current one (viewing the same document) ''' i=ImageViewer(self) i.Show(True) i.onNewDoc() def select(self, data): '''Display (and select in the image list) the image contained in element data. Data is an instance, but it is used to select from the list self.images, so it must be an instance in the current document.''' self.display(self.images.index(data)) def getSelected(self, mode='instances'): '''Returns a list of the currently selected images. Mode may be "indexes" (returns integer indexes into the image list), "instances" (returns the objects themselves), or "paths" (returns the upaths of the objects).''' sel=[] for i in range(self.imlist.GetItemCount()): s=self.imlist.GetItemState(i, wx.LIST_STATE_SELECTED) if s: sel.append(i) if mode=='indexes': return sel images=[self.images[i] for i in sel] if mode=='instances': return images return [i.upath() for i in images] def onNewDoc(self): '''Internal method. Update the image list when the document changes''' cdi=None self._framecache=None if self._current_display[0]>=0: cdi=self.images[self._current_display[0]].upath() self.images=self.document.getElements('Data', {'SampleType':'image'}) self.imlist.DeleteAllItems() for d in self.images: self.addItem(d) if cdi: try: self.document.getInstance(cdi) self.display(-1) except StandardError: self.display(None) elif self.images: self.display(0) def getCurrentImage(self): '''Returns the instance of the currently displayed image if there is one, or the first image in the selection list, or None if there is no display and no selection ''' if self._current_display[0] > -1: return self.images[self._current_display[0]] else: try: i=self.getSelected('instances')[0] return i except IndexError: return None def imageCoords(self, a, horiz=True, crop=True): '''a is a 1D array. Returns an array of the same shape converted to image coordinates for the indicated axis (horizontal if horiz is True, vertical otherwise), using the current image. Image coordinates are integer (of type int32), (0,0) is the upper right, and larger Y values are closer to the bottom of the screen. This is the reverse of Y coordinates returned by most MIEN graphs, including the labels on the Y markers. If there is no currently selected image, Y value conversion will assume an image size of 600x400px. If crop is True (default), coordinates are are constrained to never be smaller than 4 pixels of selected area, and never be larger than the size of the image. ''' a=array(a).astype(int32) im = self.getCurrentImage() if im: x=im.getData().shape[0] y=im.getData().shape[1] else: x=600 y=400 if horiz: s=x else: a=y-a s=y if crop: a=maximum(a, 0) a=minimum(a, s) return a def getBoundaries(self, crop=True): '''Return a 2x2 array, containing the bounding box of the current view ((xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax)). Note that the values are in image coordinates, as described in self.imageCoords. ''' l=self.graph.limits.astype(int32) l[2:]=self.imageCoords(l[2:], False, crop) l[:2]=self.imageCoords(l[:2], True, crop) b=array([[l[0], l[3]],[l[1], l[2]]]) return b def getMarkers(self, crop=True): '''Returns a 2tuple of 1D arrays (x, y), where x contains the coordinates of all vertical markers, and y contains the coordinates of all horizontal markers. Coordinates and the behavior of the "crop" flag are as described in self.imageCoords.''' x=self.imageCoords([m['loc'] for m in self.graph.xmarkers], True, crop) y=self.imageCoords([m['loc'] for m in self.graph.xmarkers], False, crop) return (x, y) def update_self(self, **kwargs): '''Internal state maintenance method. This implementation calls self.onNewDoc''' self.onNewDoc() def OnItemClick(self, event=None): pt = event.GetPosition(); item, flags = self.imlist.HitTest(pt) try: self.display(item) except:"can't display %s" % (str(item),)) return def addItem(self, dat): ind=self.imlist.GetItemCount() if not dat.attrib('Url'): dat.setAttrib('Url', "Unknown") name="%s (%s)" % (dat.upath(), dat.attrib('Url') ) if len(name)>30: name=dat.upath() ind=self.imlist.InsertStringItem(ind, name) return ind def display(self, ind, frame=0, contrange=0): if ind is None: self._current_display=[-1, 0] self.graph.killAll() self.graph.DrawAll() self.imageInfo.SetLabel(' No Image ') return elif ind==-1: ind=self._current_display[0] frame=self._current_display[1] else: self._current_display=[ind, frame] self.imlist.SetItemState(ind, wx.LIST_STATE_SELECTED, wx.LIST_STATE_SELECTED) image=self.images[ind] dat=image.getData() dshape=dat.shape if len(dat.shape)<3: ncolors=1 else: ncolors=dat.shape[2] if len(dat.shape)<4: stack=0 else: stack=dat.shape[3] dat=dat[:,:,:,frame] self.graph.killAll() lim=array([[0.0,0.0],[dat.shape[0],dat.shape[1]]]) self.graph.addPlot(dat, style="ScalingImage", limits=lim, colorrange=image.attrib('ColorRange'), pcolor=image.attrib('pseudocolor')) pw=image.attrib("PixelWidth") or 1.0 ph=image.attrib("PixelHeight") or pw ar=float((pw*dat.shape[0]))/(ph*dat.shape[1]) if self.graph.fixAR!=ar: self.graph.fixAR=ar self.graph.fullScale() self.graph.DrawAll() info = self.imlist.GetItemText(ind) info += " %Gx%G" % (dshape[0], dshape[1]) if ncolors == 1: info+=", Grey" elif ncolors ==3: info+= ", RGB" else: info+=", %i color channels" % ncolors if contrange: info+=", levels %G to %G" % (dat.min(), dat.max()) if stack>1: info+=", stack of %i frames. Showing frame %i" % (stack, frame) self.imageInfo.SetLabel(info) if self._inMeasureMode and self.measurements: self.showMeasure(False) def getRange(self, event): ind, frame=self._current_display dat=self.images[ind].getData() info = self.imlist.GetItemText(ind) info += " %Gx%G" % (dat.shape[0], dat.shape[1]) if len(dat.shape)<3 or dat.shape[2]==1: info+=", Grey" elif dat.shape[2] ==3: info+= ", RGB" else: info+=", %i color channels" % dat.shape[2] info+=", levels %G to %G" % (dat.min(), dat.max()) if len(dat.shape)>3 and dat.shape[3]>1: info+=", stack of %i frames. Showing frame %i" % (dat.shape[3], frame) self.imageInfo.SetLabel(info) def showFrame(self, event): if not self._current_display: return try: dat=self.images[self._current_display[0]].getData() nf=dat.shape[3] if nf==1: raise except:"Current image isn't a stack") return if type(event)==int: i=event else: d=self.askParam([{"Name":"Frame Index (0 - %i)" % (nf-1,), "Type":int, "Value":self._current_display[1]}]) if not d: return i=d[0] if i<0: i=nf+i if i<0 or i>nf-1:"Current stack doesn't have a frame index %i" % i) return self.display(self._current_display[0], i) def build_framecache(self): self._framecache=[] for i, im in enumerate(self.images): s=im.getData().shape if len(s)<4: nf=1 else: nf=s[3] for j in range(nf): self._framecache.append((i,j)) def increment(self, inc): if not self.images: return if not self._current_display: self._current_display=[0, 0] if not self._framecache: self.build_framecache() i=self._framecache.index(tuple(self._current_display)) i+=inc if i<0: i=len(self._framecache)+i i=i % len(self._framecache) d=self._framecache[i] self.display(d[0], d[1]) def previous(self, event=None): self.increment(-1) def next(self, event=None): self.increment(+1) def pcolor(self, event): try: im=self.images[self._current_display[0]] except:'no image displayed') return if im.attrib('pseudocolor'): im.setAttrib('pseudocolor', None) else: im.setAttrib('pseudocolor', 'hot') self.display(-1) def setRange(self, event): d=self.askParam([{'Name':'Minimum', 'Value':0.0}, {'Name':'Maximum', 'Value':255.0}]) if not d: return for i in self.getSelected(): i.setAttrib('ColorRange', (d[0], d[1])) self.display(-1) def remRange(self, event): for i in self.getSelected(): i.setAttrib('ColorRange', None) self.display(-1) def maxRange(self, event): for i in self.getSelected(): d=i.getData() i.setAttrib('ColorRange', (d.min(), d.max())) self.display(-1) def calibM(self, event): im = self.getCurrentImage() xmin = 0 ymin = 0 xpix = 100 ypix = 100 if len(self.measurements)>1: m = array(self.measurements) xpix = m[:,0].max() - m[:,0].min() ypix = m[:,1].max() - m[:,1].min() xmin = m[:,0].min() ymin = m[:,1].max() elif im: d = im.getData() xpix = d.shape[0] ypix = d.shape[1] d = self.askParam([{"Name":"X Pixels", "Value":xpix},{"Name":"X Distance", "Value":1.0},{"Name":"X Origin", "Value":xmin},{"Name":"Y Pixels", "Value":ypix},{"Name":"Y Distance", "Value":1.0},{"Name":"Y Origin", "Value":ymin} ]) if not d: return xdpp = float(d[1])/d[0] ydpp = float(d[4])/d[3] xor = d[2] yor = d[5] self.measureCalib = (xor, xdpp, yor, ydpp) self.showMeasure() def saveMeasure(self, event): im = self.getCurrentImage() if not self.measurements:"No measurements") return d = self.askParam([{"Name":"file name", "Value":"image_measurements.txt"}]) if not d: return f = open(d[0], 'w') for m in self.measurements: if self.measureCalib: xmm = (m[0]-self.measureCalib[0])*self.measureCalib[1] ymm = (-m[1]+self.measureCalib[2])*self.measureCalib[3] s = "%.5g %.5g" % (xmm, ymm) else: s= "%i %i" % (m[0], m[1]) try: d=im.getData()[m[0], m[1], :, self._current_display[1]] ts = " %G"* len(d) d = tuple(d) s+= ts % d except: pass s+="\n" f.write(s) f.close()"wrote measurement file") def doMeasure(self, event): im = self.getCurrentImage() if not im:"You must have a displayed image to measure it!") return x=event.GetX() y=event.GetY() rx, ry = self.graph.numericalCoordinates((float(x),float(y)))[0,:] yh=im.getData().shape[1] ry=yh-ry self.measurements.append((int(round(rx)), int(round(ry)))) self.showMeasure() def showMeasure(self, report=True): pl=0 im = self.getCurrentImage() yh=im.getData().shape[1] rsl=['Measurements:'] for i, m in enumerate(self.measurements): l="%i" % i y=yh-m[1] self.graph.drawTaggedLocation(m[0], yh-m[1], '%i' % i, wx.Colour(128,0,128)) s = "%i : (%i, %i)" % (i, m[0], m[1]) if self.measureCalib: xmm = (m[0]-self.measureCalib[0])*self.measureCalib[1] ymm = (-m[1]+self.measureCalib[2])*self.measureCalib[3] s = "%i : (%i:%.4g, %i:%.4g)" % (i, m[0], xmm, m[1], ymm) else: s = "%i : (%i, %i)" % (i, m[0], m[1]) if im: try: d=im.getData()[m[0], m[1], :, self._current_display[1]] if len(d)==1: s+=" = %G" % (float(d[0]),) else: s+=" = %s" % (str(list(d))) except: pass if i>0: lm=self.measurements[i-1] d=sqrt( (m[0] - lm[0])**2+(m[1]-lm[1])**2 ) s+=" dist: %G" % d if pl: s+=" path: %G" % (d+pl,) pl+=d rsl.append(s) if report:"\n".join(rsl)) else: return rsl def measureMode(self, event): self._inMeasureMode = not self._inMeasureMode print self._inMeasureMode if self._inMeasureMode: self.measurements=[] wx.EVT_LEFT_UP(self.graph, lambda x:0) wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN(self.graph, self.doMeasure) self.graph.DrawAll() else: wx.EVT_LEFT_UP(self.graph, self.graph.OnLeftRelease) wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN(self.graph, self.graph.OnLeftClick) def markInfo(self, event=None): rep = "Markers\n" last=None xlocs=[m['loc'] for m in self.graph.xmarkers] xlocs.sort() for t in xlocs: rep+= "X Mark at %G" % t if last: rep+=" dx = %G" % (t-last,) last=t last=None ylocs=[m['loc'] for m in self.graph.ymarkers] ylocs.sort() for t in ylocs: rep+= "Y Mark at %G" % t if last: rep+=" dx = %G" % (t-last,) last=t