Exemple #1
import mimify
import sys

mimify.unmimify("samples/sample.msg", sys.stdout, 1)
Exemple #2
import mimify
import StringIO, sys

# decode message into a string buffer

file = StringIO.StringIO()

mimify.unmimify("samples/sample.msg", file, 1)

# encode message from string buffer

file.seek(0) # rewind

mimify.mimify(file, sys.stdout)
import mimify

fileh = open('thismsg_dec.txt','r')

msgContent =fileh.read()
msgContent = str.replace(msgContent,'<div','__div__<div')
msgPart = str.split(msgContent,'__div__',4) 

import APsummary
import APtext
import slugTools

summary = APsummary.getSummaryFields(msgPart[3])

# get the four-digit profile ID
profileId = slugTools.getProfile(summary['apcategory'],summary['dateline'])

# get elements for slug: date, trans ref, emailers' initials.
# also get a date formatted for the pubdate field.

staffHandle = slugTools.getStaffHandle(msgPart[0])
pubDate = slugTools.dateString()
slugDate = slugTools.slugDateString()
transNum = slugTools.firstToken(summary['filenametransref'])

# combine the slug elements to appear in the slug field.
# prepend the path and append '.xml' for the physical filename.
Exemple #4
import mimify
import io, sys

# decode message into a string buffer

file = io.StringIO()

mimify.unmimify("samples/sample.msg", file, 1)

# encode message from string buffer

file.seek(0)  # rewind

mimify.mimify(file, sys.stdout)