def __init__(self, datawindow_ms=60000, msgwindow_ms=60000, data_preprocessor=None, stimulus_preprocessor=None, timeout_ms=100, mintime_ms=50): # rate control self.timeout_ms = timeout_ms self.mintime_ms = mintime_ms # minimum time to spend in update => max processing rate # amout of data in the ring-buffer self.datawindow_ms = datawindow_ms self.msgwindow_ms = msgwindow_ms # connect to the mindaffectDecoder = None self.port = -1 self.U = UtopiaClient() self.t0 = self.getTimeStamp() # init the buffers # Messages self.msg_ringbuffer = deque() self.msg_timestamp = None # ts of most recent processed message # DataPackets self.data_ringbuffer = None # init later... self.data_timestamp = None # ts of most recent processed data self.data_preprocessor = data_preprocessor # function to pre-process the incomming data # StimulusEvents self.stimulus_ringbuffer = None # init later... self.stimulus_timestamp = None # ts of most recent processed data self.stimulus_preprocessor = stimulus_preprocessor # function to pre-process the incomming data # Info about the data sample rate -- estimated from packet rates.. self.raw_fs = None self.fs = None self.newmsgs = [ ] # list new unprocssed messages since last update call # BODGE: running statistics for sig2noise estimation # TODO: move into it's own Sig2Noise computation class self.last_sigquality_ts = None self.last_log_ts = None self.send_sigquality_interval = 1000 # send signal qualities every 1000ms = 1Hz self.noise2sig_halflife = 2000 # noise2sig estimate halflife self.raw_power = 0 self.preproc_power = 0
class Client(Node): """Connect to the Utopia Hub and send data to the decoder. This plugin makes the MindAffect decoder compatible with any device supported by Timeflux. Attributes: i (Port): Default input, expects DataFrame. Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../timeflux_mindaffect/examples/openbci.yaml :language: yaml """ def __init__(self, host=None, port=8400, timeout=5000): """ Args: host (str): The Utopia Hub hostname. Leave to `None` for autodiscovery. port (int): The Utopia Hub port. timeout (int): Delay (in ms) after which we stop trying to connect. """ # Connect to the Utopia Hub self._client = UtopiaClient() try: self._client.autoconnect(host, port, timeout_ms=timeout) except: pass if not self._client.isConnected: raise WorkerInterrupt('Could not connect to Utopia hub') # Keep track of the header so it is sent only once self._header = None # Start the sync server self._task = Task(Server(), 'start').start() def update(self): if self.i.ready(): now = getTimeStamp() data = if not self._header: rate = self.i.meta['rate'] channels =[1] labels = list( self._header = DataHeader(now, rate, channels, labels) self._client.sendMessage(self._header) self._client.sendMessage(DataPacket(now, data)) def terminate(self): self._client.disconnect() self._task.stop()
def __init__(self, host=None, port=8400, timeout=5000): """ Args: host (str): The Utopia Hub hostname. Leave to `None` for autodiscovery. port (int): The Utopia Hub port. timeout (int): Delay (in ms) after which we stop trying to connect. """ # Connect to the Utopia Hub self._client = UtopiaClient() try: self._client.autoconnect(host, port, timeout_ms=timeout) except: pass if not self._client.isConnected: raise WorkerInterrupt('Could not connect to Utopia hub') # Keep track of the header so it is sent only once self._header = None # Start the sync server self._task = Task(Server(), 'start').start()
class UtopiaDataInterface: # TODO [X] : infer valid data time-stamps # TODO [] : smooth and de-jitter the data time-stamps # TODO [] : expose a (potentially blocking) message generator interface # TODO [X] : ring-buffer for the stimulus-state also, so fast random access # TODO [X] : rate limit waiting to reduce computational load def __init__(self, datawindow_ms=60000, msgwindow_ms=60000, data_preprocessor=None, stimulus_preprocessor=None, timeout_ms=100, mintime_ms=50): # rate control self.timeout_ms = timeout_ms self.mintime_ms = mintime_ms # minimum time to spend in update => max processing rate # amout of data in the ring-buffer self.datawindow_ms = datawindow_ms self.msgwindow_ms = msgwindow_ms # connect to the mindaffectDecoder = None self.port = -1 self.U = UtopiaClient() self.t0 = self.getTimeStamp() # init the buffers # Messages self.msg_ringbuffer = deque() self.msg_timestamp = None # ts of most recent processed message # DataPackets self.data_ringbuffer = None # init later... self.data_timestamp = None # ts of most recent processed data self.data_preprocessor = data_preprocessor # function to pre-process the incomming data # StimulusEvents self.stimulus_ringbuffer = None # init later... self.stimulus_timestamp = None # ts of most recent processed data self.stimulus_preprocessor = stimulus_preprocessor # function to pre-process the incomming data # Info about the data sample rate -- estimated from packet rates.. self.raw_fs = None self.fs = None self.newmsgs = [ ] # list new unprocssed messages since last update call # BODGE: running statistics for sig2noise estimation # TODO: move into it's own Sig2Noise computation class self.last_sigquality_ts = None self.last_log_ts = None self.send_sigquality_interval = 1000 # send signal qualities every 1000ms = 1Hz self.noise2sig_halflife = 2000 # noise2sig estimate halflife self.raw_power = 0 self.preproc_power = 0 def connect(self, host=None, port=-1, queryifhostnotfound=True): '''make a connection to the utopia host''' if host: = host if port > 0: self.port = port self.U.autoconnect(, self.port, timeout_ms=5000, queryifhostnotfound=queryifhostnotfound) if self.U.isConnected: # subscribe to messages: data, stim, mode, selection self.U.sendMessage(Subscribe(None, "DEMSN")) return self.U.isConnected def getTimeStamp(self): '''get the current timeStamp''' return self.U.getTimeStamp() def sendMessage(self, msg: UtopiaMessage): ''' send a UtopiaMessage to the utopia hub''' self.U.sendMessage(msg) def initDataRingBuffer(self): '''initialize the data ring buffer, by getting some seed messages and datapackets to get the data sizes etc.''' print("geting some initial data to setup the ring buffer") # get some initial data to get data shape and sample rate databuf = [] nmsg = 0 while len(databuf) < 30: msgs = self.U.getNewMessages(500) for m in msgs: m = self.preprocess_message(m) if m.msgID == DataPacket.msgID: # data-packets are special databuf.append(m) # append raw data else: self.msg_ringbuffer.append(m) self.msg_timestamp = m.timestamp nmsg = nmsg + 1 nsamp = sum([len(m.samples) for m in databuf]) - len(databuf[0].samples) dur = (databuf[-1].timestamp - databuf[0].timestamp ) / 1000.0 #[-1, -1]-databuf[0][-1, -1])/1000.0 self.raw_fs = nsamp / dur # fs = nSamp/time print('Estimated sample rate={}'.format(self.raw_fs)) # init the pre-processor (if one) if self.data_preprocessor: np.array(databuf[0].samples), fs=self.raw_fs) # tell it the sample rate # apply the data packet pre-processing databuf = [self.processDataPacket(m) for m in databuf] # estimate the sample rate of the pre-processed data pp_nsamp = sum([d.shape[0] for d in databuf]) - databuf[0].shape[0] pp_dur = (databuf[-1][-1, -1] - databuf[0][-1, -1] ) / 1000.0 #[-1, -1]-databuf[0][-1, -1])/1000.0 self.fs = pp_nsamp / pp_dur # fs = nSamp/time print('Estimated pre-processed sample rate={}'.format(self.fs)) # create the ring buffer, big enough to store the pre-processed data if self.data_ringbuffer: print("Warning: re-init data ring buffer") # TODO []: why does the datatype of the ring buffer matter so much? Is it because of uss? # Answer[]: it's the time-stamps, float32 rounds time-stamps to 24bits self.data_ringbuffer = RingBuffer(maxsize=self.fs * self.datawindow_ms / 1000, shape=databuf[0].shape[1:], dtype=np.float32) # insert the warmup data into the ring buffer for d in databuf: # init the ring-buffer if needed self.data_ringbuffer.extend(d) return (nsamp, nmsg) def initStimulusRingBuffer(self): '''initialize the data ring buffer, by getting some seed messages and datapackets to get the data sizes etc.''' # TODO []: more efficient memory use, with different dtype for 'real' data and the time-stamps? self.stimulus_ringbuffer = RingBuffer(maxsize=self.fs * self.datawindow_ms / 1000, shape=(257, ), dtype=np.float32) def preprocess_message(self, m: UtopiaMessage): ''' apply pre-processing to topia message before any more work ''' # WARNING BODGE: fit time-stamp in 24bits for float32 ring buffer # Note: this leads to wrap-arroung in (1<<24)/1000/3600 = 4.6 hours # but that shouldn't matter..... m.timestamp = m.timestamp % (1 << 24) return m def processDataPacket(self, m: DataPacket): '''pre-process a datapacket message ready to be inserted into the ringbuffer''' #print("DP: {}".format(m)) # extract the raw data d = np.array(m.samples, dtype=np.float32) # process as singles # apply the pre-processor, if one was given if self.data_preprocessor: d_raw = d.copy() # warning-- with agressive downsample this may not produce any data! d = self.data_preprocessor.transform(d) # BODGE: running estimate of the electrode-quality self.update_and_send_ElectrodeQualities(d_raw, d, m.timestamp) if d.size > 0: # If have data to add to the ring-buffer, guarding for time-stamp wrap-around # TODO [ ]: de-jitter and better timestamp interpolation # guard for wrap-around! if self.data_timestamp is not None and m.timestamp < self.data_timestamp: print("Warning: Time-stamp wrap-around detected!!") if self.data_timestamp is not None and self.data_timestamp < m.timestamp: # simple linear interpolation for the sample time-stamps ts = np.linspace(self.data_timestamp, m.timestamp, len(d) + 1) ts = ts[1:] else: if self.fs: # interpolate with the estimated sample rate ts = np.arange(-len(d) + 1, 1) * (1000 / self.fs) + m.timestamp else: # give all same timestamp ts = np.ones(len(d)) * m.timestamp # combine data with timestamps d = np.concatenate((np.array(d), ts[:, np.newaxis]), 1) # update the last time-stamp tracking self.data_timestamp = m.timestamp return d def processStimulusEvent(self, m: StimulusEvent): '''pre-process a StimulusEvent message ready to be inserted into the stimulus ringbuffer''' # get the vector to hold the stimulus info d = np.zeros((257, ), dtype=np.float32) if self.stimulus_ringbuffer is not None and self.stimulus_timestamp is not None: # hold value of used objIDs from previous time stamp d[:] = self.stimulus_ringbuffer[-1, :] # insert the updated state d[m.objIDs] = m.objState d[-1] = m.timestamp # apply the pre-processor, if one was given if self.stimulus_preprocessor: d = self.stimulus_preprocessor.transform(d) # update the last time-stamp tracking self.stimulus_timestamp = m.timestamp return d def update_and_send_ElectrodeQualities(self, d_raw: np.ndarray, d_preproc: np.ndarray, ts: int): ''' compute running estimate of electrode qality and stream it ''' raw_power, preproc_power = self.__class__.update_electrode_powers( d_raw, d_preproc) # BODGE []: estimate the noise2signal ratio as raw:preprocessed power # compute the sliding window weight for the old data alpha = 2**(-(d_raw.shape[0] / self.raw_fs) / (self.noise2sig_halflife / 1000.0)) self.raw_power = self.raw_power * alpha + raw_power * (1 - alpha) self.preproc_power = self.preproc_power * alpha + preproc_power * ( 1 - alpha) # noise2signal estimated as removed raw power (assumed=noise) to preprocessed power (assumed=signal) noise2sig = np.maximum( float(1e-6), (self.raw_power - self.preproc_power)) / np.maximum( float(1e-8), self.preproc_power) # hack - detect disconnected channels noise2sig[self.raw_power < 1e-8] = 100 # rate limit sending of signal-quality messages if self.last_sigquality_ts is None or ts > self.last_sigquality_ts + self.send_sigquality_interval: #print("SigQ:\nraw_power={}\npp_power={}\nnoise2sig={}".format(self.raw_power,self.preproc_power,noise2sig)) print("Q", end='') self.U.sendMessage(SignalQuality(ts, noise2sig)) self.last_sigquality_ts = ts @staticmethod def update_electrode_powers(d_raw: np.ndarray, d_preproc: np.ndarray): ''' compute running estimate of per electrode raw and preprocessed power ''' # smoothed per-channel raw signal power -- # BODGE: center over time+space to correct for arbitary offsets over all channels # TODO []: use a separate baseline removal filter for the raw-version? # or leave it non-centered? so it's an indirect measure of the offset? #d_raw = d_raw.copy() - np.mean(np.mean(d_raw, axis=0, keepdims=True),keepdims=True) d_raw = d_raw.copy() - np.mean(d_raw, axis=0, keepdims=True) d_preproc = d_preproc.copy() - np.mean( d_preproc, axis=0, keepdims=True) resamprate = (d_raw.shape[0] / d_preproc.shape[0] ) #N.B. corrected for missing downsampled samples. raw_power = np.sum(d_raw**2, axis=0) / resamprate # smoothed per-channel preprocessed power preproc_power = np.sum(d_preproc**2, axis=0) return (raw_power, preproc_power) def update(self, timeout_ms=None, mintime_ms=None): '''Update the tracking state w.r.t. the utopia-hub. By adding data to the data_ringbuffer and (non-data) messages to the messages ring buffer. Args timeout_ms : int max block waiting for messages before returning mintime_ms : int min time to accumulate messages before returning Returns newmsgs : [newMsgs :UtopiaMessage] list of the *new* utopia messages from the server nsamp: int number of new data samples in this call Note: use data_ringbuffer[-nsamp:,...] to get the new data nstimulus : int number of new stimulus events in this call Note: use stimulus_ringbuffer[-nstimulus:,...] to get the new data ''' if timeout_ms is None: timeout_ms = self.timeout_ms if mintime_ms is None: mintime_ms = self.mintime_ms t0 = self.getTimeStamp() nsamp = 0 nmsg = 0 nstimulus = 0 if not self.U.isConnected: self.U.connect() if not self.U.isConnected: return if self.data_ringbuffer is None: # do special init stuff if not done nsamp, nmsg = self.initDataRingBuffer() if self.stimulus_ringbuffer is None: # do special init stuff if not done self.initStimulusRingBuffer() if self.last_log_ts is None: self.last_log_ts = self.getTimeStamp() # record the list of new messages from this call newmsgs = self.newmsgs # start with any left-overs from old calls self.newmsgs = [] # clear the left-over messages stack ttg = timeout_ms - (self.getTimeStamp() - t0 ) # time-to-go in the update loop while ttg > 0: # rate limit if ttg >= mintime_ms: sleep(mintime_ms / 1000.0) ttg = timeout_ms - (self.getTimeStamp() - t0 ) # udate time-to-go # get the new messages msgs = self.U.getNewMessages(ttg) # process the messages - basically to split datapackets from the rest print(".", end='') #print("{} in {}".format(len(msgs),self.getTimeStamp()-t0),end='',flush=True) for m in msgs: m = self.preprocess_message(m) print("{:c}".format(m.msgID), end='', flush=True) if m.msgID == DataPacket.msgID: # data-packets are special d = self.processDataPacket(m) # (samp x ...) self.data_ringbuffer.extend(d) nsamp = nsamp + d.shape[0] elif m.msgID == StimulusEvent.msgID: # as are stmiuluse events d = self.processStimulusEvent(m) # (nY x ...) self.stimulus_ringbuffer.append(d) nstimulus = nstimulus + 1 else: # NewTarget/Selection are also special in that they clear stimulus state... if m.msgID == NewTarget.msgID or m.msgID == Selection.msgID: # Make a dummy stim-event to reset all objIDs to off d = self.processStimulusEvent( StimulusEvent(m.timestamp, np.arange(255, dtype=np.int32), np.zeros(255, dtype=np.int8))) self.stimulus_ringbuffer.append(d) self.stimulus_timestamp = m.timestamp if m.timestamp > self.msg_ringbuffer[ 0].timestamp + self.msgwindow_ms: # slide msg buffer self.msg_ringbuffer.popleft() self.msg_ringbuffer.append(m) newmsgs.append(m) nmsg = nmsg + 1 self.msg_timestamp = m.timestamp # update time-to-go ttg = timeout_ms - (self.getTimeStamp() - t0) # new line if self.getTimeStamp() > self.last_log_ts + 2000: print("", flush=True) self.last_log_ts = self.getTimeStamp() # return new mesages, and count new samples/stimulus return (newmsgs, nsamp, nstimulus) def push_back_newmsgs(self, oldmsgs): '''put unprocessed messages back onto the newmessages queue''' # TODO []: ensure this preserves message time-stamp order? self.newmsgs.extend(oldmsgs) def extract_data_segment(self, bgn_ts, end_ts=None): return extract_ringbuffer_segment(self.data_ringbuffer, bgn_ts, end_ts) def extract_stimulus_segment(self, bgn_ts, end_ts=None): return extract_ringbuffer_segment(self.stimulus_ringbuffer, bgn_ts, end_ts) def extract_msgs_segment(self, bgn_ts, end_ts=None): ''' extract the messages between start/end time stamps''' msgs = [] # store the trial stimEvents for m in reversed(self.msg_ringbuffer): if m.timestamp <= bgn_ts: # stop as soon as earlier than bgn_ts break if end_ts is None or m.timestamp < end_ts: msgs.append(m) # reverse back to input order msgs.reverse() return msgs def run(self, timeout_ms=30000): '''test run the interface forever, just getting and storing data''' t0 = self.getTimeStamp() # test getting 5s data tstart = self.data_timestamp trlen_ms = 5000 while self.getTimeStamp() < t0 + timeout_ms: self.update() # test getting a data segment if tstart is None: tstart = self.data_timestamp if tstart and self.data_timestamp > tstart + trlen_ms: X = self.extract_data_segment(tstart, tstart + trlen_ms) print("Got data: {}->{}\n{}".format(tstart, tstart + trlen_ms, X[:, -1])) Y = self.extract_stimulus_segment(tstart, tstart + trlen_ms) print("Got stimulus: {}->{}\n{}".format( tstart, tstart + trlen_ms, Y[:, -1])) tstart = self.data_timestamp + 5000 print('.', flush=True)
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. from mindaffectBCI.utopiaclient import UtopiaClient # connect to the mindaffectDecoder U = UtopiaClient() try: U.autoconnect(timeout_ms=5000, queryifhostnotfound=False, scanifhostnotfound=True) except Exception as ex: print("Connection error: {}".format(ex)) print("\n\n\n\n---------------------------------------------\n") if U.isConnected: print( "Connected to decoder@ \n ***** {} ****\n" .format(U.gethostport())) else: print( "Could not connect to decoder.. is it turned on? is it on the same wifi network?"
# init the display fig = plt.figure(1) fig.clear() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # single fullfig axes ax.set_xlim(-datawindow_ms, 0) # xlim set to match data duration ax.set_xlabel('time (ms)') ax.set_ylabel('uV') # make lines and bounding boxes for the lines line = [] bbox = [] # connect to the mindaffectDecoder U = UtopiaClient() U.autoconnect(timeout_ms=5000, queryifhostnotfound=True) # subscribe to the raw-data messages U.sendMessage(Subscribe(None, "D")) # render loop qual = [] dataringbuffer = deque() t0 = U.getTimeStamp() while True: # get enough new data for update window t = U.getTimeStamp() while U.getTimeStamp() < t + updatet_ms: msgs = U.getNewMessages(0) for m in msgs: if m.msgID == DataPacket.msgID: