Exemple #1
# %%
from mindstorms import MSHub, Motor, MotorPair, ColorSensor, DistanceSensor, App
from mindstorms.control import wait_for_seconds, wait_until, Timer
from mindstorms.operator import greater_than, greater_than_or_equal_to, less_than, less_than_or_equal_to, equal_to, not_equal_to
import math

# %% [markdown]
# # Initialization

# %%
print("-"*15 + " Execution started " + "-"*15 + "\n")

# %%
hub = MSHub()
app = App()

# %%

# %% [markdown]
# # Configure motors

# %%
print("Configuring motors...")
motors_wheels = MotorPair('A', 'E')

motor_left_arm = Motor('B') # Left arm
motor_right_arm = Motor('F') # Right arm
from mindstorms.operator import greater_than, greater_than_or_equal_to, less_than, less_than_or_equal_to, equal_to, not_equal_to
import math

# %%
from utime import sleep as wait_for_seconds
from utime import ticks_diff, ticks_ms

# %% [markdown]
# # Initialization

# %%
print("-" * 15 + " Execution started " + "-" * 15 + "\n")

# %%
hub = MSHub()
app = App()

# %%

# %% [markdown]
# # Configure motors

# %%
print("Configuring motors...")
motor_left_arm = Motor('B')  # Left arm
motor_right_arm = Motor('F')  # Right arm
motors_arms = MotorPair('B', 'F')
motors_wheels = MotorPair('A', 'E')
Exemple #3
from mindstorms.control import wait_for_seconds, wait_until, Timer
from mindstorms.operator import greater_than, greater_than_or_equal_to, less_than, less_than_or_equal_to, equal_to, not_equal_to
import math

# %%
import random  # Needed to generate random numbers

# %% [markdown]
# # Initialization

# %%
print("-" * 15 + " Execution started " + "-" * 15 + "\n")

# %%
hub = MSHub()
app = App()

# %%

# %% [markdown]
# # Configure motors

# %%
print("Configuring motors...")
motor_left_arm = Motor('B')  # Left arm
motor_right_arm = Motor('F')  # Right arm
motors_arms = MotorPair('B', 'F')
motors_wheels = MotorPair('A', 'E')
# You can find the code in the accompanying [`.py` file](https://github.com/arturomoncadatorres/lego-mindstorms/blob/main/base/charlie/programs/hello_world.py). To get it running, simply copy and paste it in a new Mindstorms project.
# # Imports

# %%
from mindstorms import MSHub, Motor, MotorPair, ColorSensor, DistanceSensor, App
from mindstorms.control import wait_for_seconds, wait_until, Timer
from mindstorms.operator import greater_than, greater_than_or_equal_to, less_than, less_than_or_equal_to, equal_to, not_equal_to
import math

# %% [markdown]
# # Initialization

# %%
hub = MSHub()
app = App()

# %% [markdown]
# # Set color of center button
# For a list and demo of all possible colors, see the example [`push_my_color`](https://github.com/arturomoncadatorres/lego-mindstorms/tree/main/examples)
# It is worth mentioning that `black` will turn off the center button.

# %%
button_color = 'black'
print("Turning color of center button to " + button_color + "...")

# %% [markdown]
# # Set orientation
# %%
from mindstorms import MSHub, Motor, MotorPair, ColorSensor, DistanceSensor, App
from mindstorms.control import wait_for_seconds, wait_until, Timer
from mindstorms.operator import greater_than, greater_than_or_equal_to, less_than, less_than_or_equal_to, equal_to, not_equal_to
import math

# %% [markdown]
# # Initialization

# %%
print("-" * 15 + " Execution started " + "-" * 15 + "\n")

# %%
hub = MSHub()
app = App()

# %%

# %% [markdown]
# # Configure motors

# %%
print("Configuring motors...")
motor_left_arm = Motor('B')  # Left arm
motor_right_arm = Motor('F')  # Right arm
motors_arms = MotorPair('B', 'F')

from mindstorms.control import wait_for_seconds, wait_until, Timer
from mindstorms.operator import greater_than, greater_than_or_equal_to, less_than, less_than_or_equal_to, equal_to, not_equal_to
import math

# %%
import random  # Needed to generate random numbers

# %% [markdown]
# # Initialization

# %%
print("-" * 15 + " Execution started " + "-" * 15 + "\n")

# %%
hub = MSHub()
app = App()

# %%
# If we set the button color to black, we turn it off.

# %% [markdown]
# # Choose random color
# Black is a bit of a boring color, so we will exclude it as a possibility.
# The other possible colors are:
# <table><tr>
# <td> <img src="../multimedia/azure.jpeg" alt="" style="width: 100%;"/> </td>
# <td> <img src="../multimedia/blue.jpeg" alt="" style="width: 100%;"/> </td>
# <td> <img src="../multimedia/cyan.jpeg" alt="" style="width: 100%;"/> </td>
# <td> <img src="../multimedia/green.jpeg" alt="" style="width: 100%;"/> </td>
# <td> <img src="../multimedia/orange.jpeg" alt="" style="width: 100%;"/> </td>
Exemple #7
import math

# %%
# Required for our own timer implementation.
from utime import sleep as wait_for_seconds
from utime import ticks_diff, ticks_ms

# %% [markdown]
# # Initialization

# %%
print("-" * 15 + " Execution started " + "-" * 15 + "\n")

# %%
hub = MSHub()
app = App()

# %%

# %% [markdown]
# # Configure motors

# %%
print("Configuring motors...")
motor_left_arm = Motor('B')  # Left arm
motor_right_arm = Motor('F')  # Right arm
motors_arms = MotorPair('B', 'F')

# %% [markdown]
Exemple #8
# You can find the code in the accompanying [`.py` file](https://github.com/arturomoncadatorres/lego-mindstorms/blob/main/base/charlie/programs/time_to_celebrate.py). To get it running, simply copy and paste it in a new Mindstorms project.
# # Imports

# %%
from mindstorms import MSHub, Motor, MotorPair, ColorSensor, DistanceSensor, App
from mindstorms.control import wait_for_seconds, wait_until, Timer
from mindstorms.operator import greater_than, greater_than_or_equal_to, less_than, less_than_or_equal_to, equal_to, not_equal_to
import math

# %% [markdown]
# # Initialization

# %%
hub = MSHub()
app = App()

# %%
print("-" * 15 + " Execution started " + "-" * 15 + "\n")

# %% [markdown]
# # Turn off center button
# By setting its color to black

# %%
print("Turning center button off...")

# %% [markdown]
# # Display (happy) image
Exemple #9
# %%
from mindstorms import MSHub, Motor, MotorPair, ColorSensor, DistanceSensor, App
from mindstorms.control import wait_for_seconds, wait_until, Timer
from mindstorms.operator import greater_than, greater_than_or_equal_to, less_than, less_than_or_equal_to, equal_to, not_equal_to
import math

# %% [markdown]
# # Initialization

# %%
print("-"*15 + " Execution started " + "-"*15 + "\n")

# %%
hub = MSHub()
app = App()

# %%

# %% [markdown]
# # Configure motors

# %%
print("Configuring motors...")
motors_wheels = MotorPair('A', 'E')

motor_left_arm = Motor('B') # Left arm
# %%
from mindstorms import MSHub, Motor, MotorPair, ColorSensor, DistanceSensor, App
from mindstorms.control import wait_for_seconds, wait_until, Timer
from mindstorms.operator import greater_than, greater_than_or_equal_to, less_than, less_than_or_equal_to, equal_to, not_equal_to
import math

# %% [markdown]
# # Initialization

# %%
print("-" * 15 + " Execution started " + "-" * 15 + "\n")

# %%
hub = MSHub()
app = App()

# %% [markdown]
# # Start hue
# By turning its button off (i.e., setting its color to black) and displaying the asleep image

# %%
print("Turning center button off...")

# %%
print("Displaying asleep face...")
Exemple #11
# %%
from mindstorms import MSHub, Motor, MotorPair, ColorSensor, DistanceSensor, App
from mindstorms.control import wait_for_seconds, wait_until, Timer
from mindstorms.operator import greater_than, greater_than_or_equal_to, less_than, less_than_or_equal_to, equal_to, not_equal_to
import math

# %% [markdown]
# # Initialization

# %%
print("-" * 15 + " Execution started " + "-" * 15 + "\n")

# %%
hub = MSHub()
app = App()

# %%

# %% [markdown]
# # Configure motors

# %%
print("Configuring motors...")
motor_left_arm = Motor('B')  # Left arm
motor_right_arm = Motor('F')  # Right arm
motors_arms = MotorPair('B', 'F')
motors_wheels = MotorPair('A', 'E')