Exemple #1
    def read(self, file_object):
        self.map_id = VarInt.read(file_object)
        self.scale = Byte.read(file_object)

        if self.context.protocol_version >= 107:
            self.is_tracking_position = Boolean.read(file_object)
            self.is_tracking_position = True

        icon_count = VarInt.read(file_object)
        self.icons = []
        for i in range(icon_count):
            type, direction = divmod(UnsignedByte.read(file_object), 16)
            x = Byte.read(file_object)
            z = Byte.read(file_object)
            icon = MapPacket.MapIcon(type, direction, (x, z))
        self.width = UnsignedByte.read(file_object)
        if self.width:
            self.height = UnsignedByte.read(file_object)
            x = Byte.read(file_object)
            z = Byte.read(file_object)
            self.offset = (x, z)
            self.pixels = VarIntPrefixedByteArray.read(file_object)
            self.height = 0
            self.offset = None
            self.pixels = None
Exemple #2
    def read(self, file_object):
        self.entity_id = VarInt.read(file_object)
        if self._context.protocol_version >= 49:
            self.objectUUID = UUID.read(file_object)
        type_id = Byte.read(file_object)
        self.type = SpawnObjectPacket.EntityType.get_type_by_id(type_id)

        if self._context.protocol_version >= 100:
            self.x = Double.read(file_object)
            self.y = Double.read(file_object)
            self.z = Double.read(file_object)
            self.x = Integer.read(file_object)
            self.y = Integer.read(file_object)
            self.z = Integer.read(file_object)

        self.pitch = UnsignedByte.read(file_object)
        self.yaw = UnsignedByte.read(file_object)
        self.data = Integer.read(file_object)

        if self._context.protocol_version < 49:
            if self.data > 0:
                self.velocity_x = Short.read(file_object)
                self.velocity_y = Short.read(file_object)
                self.velocity_z = Short.read(file_object)
            self.velocity_x = Short.read(file_object)
            self.velocity_y = Short.read(file_object)
            self.velocity_z = Short.read(file_object)
Exemple #3
    def write(self, socket, compression_threshold=None):
        packet_buffer = PacketBuffer()
        VarInt.send(self.id, packet_buffer)

        VarInt.send(self.map_id, packet_buffer)
        Byte.send(self.scale, packet_buffer)
        if self.context.protocol_version >= 107:
            Boolean.send(self.is_tracking_position, packet_buffer)

        VarInt.send(len(self.icons), packet_buffer)
        for icon in self.icons:
            type_and_direction = (icon.direction << 4) & 0xF0
            type_and_direction |= (icon.type & 0xF)
            UnsignedByte.send(type_and_direction, packet_buffer)
            Byte.send(icon.location[0], packet_buffer)
            Byte.send(icon.location[1], packet_buffer)

        UnsignedByte.send(self.width, packet_buffer)
        if self.width:
            UnsignedByte.send(self.height, packet_buffer)
            UnsignedByte.send(self.offset[0], packet_buffer)  # x
            UnsignedByte.send(self.offset[1], packet_buffer)  # z
            VarIntPrefixedByteArray.send(self.pixels, packet_buffer)

        self._write_buffer(socket, packet_buffer, compression_threshold)
Exemple #4
 def read(self, file_object, parent):
     h_position = UnsignedByte.read(file_object)
     self.x, self.z = h_position >> 4, h_position & 0xF
     self.y = UnsignedByte.read(file_object)
     self.block_state_id = VarInt.read(file_object)
     # Absolute position in world to be compatible with BlockChangePacket
     self.location = Vector(self.position.x + parent.chunk_x * 16,
                            self.position.z + parent.chunk_z * 16)
Exemple #5
 def read(self, file_object):
     self.chunk_x = Integer.read(file_object)
     self.chunk_z = Integer.read(file_object)
     records_count = VarInt.read(file_object)
     record_type = self.BaseRecord.get_subclass(self.context)
     self.records = []
     for i in range(records_count):
         record = record_type(h_position=UnsignedByte.read(file_object),
 def send_with_context(self, record, socket, context):
     if context.protocol_later_eq(741):
         value = record.block_state_id << 12 | \
                 (record.x & 0xF) << 8 | \
                 (record.z & 0xF) << 4 | \
                 record.y & 0xF
         VarLong.send(value, socket)
         UnsignedByte.send(record.x << 4 | record.z & 0xF, socket)
         UnsignedByte.send(record.y, socket)
         VarInt.send(record.block_state_id, socket)
Exemple #7
 def send_with_context(self, record, socket, context):
     if context.protocol_version >= 741:
         value = (record.block_state_id << 12
                  | (record.x & 0xF) << 8
                  | (record.z & 0xF) << 4
                  | record.y & 0xF)
         VarLong.send(value, socket)
         UnsignedByte.send(record.x << 4 | record.z & 0xF, socket)
         UnsignedByte.send(record.y, socket)
         VarInt.send(record.block_state_id, socket)
Exemple #8
 def read(self, file_object):
     self.chunk_x = Integer.read(file_object)
     self.chunk_z = Integer.read(file_object)
     records_count = VarInt.read(file_object)
     self.records = []
     for i in range(records_count):
         rec_horizontal_position = UnsignedByte.read(file_object)
         rec_y_coordinate = UnsignedByte.read(file_object)
         rec_blockData = VarInt.read(file_object)
         record = MultiBlockChangePacket.Record(
                      rec_y_coordinate, rec_blockData)
Exemple #9
 def read_with_context(cls, file_object, context):
     record = cls()
     if context.protocol_version >= 741:
         value = VarLong.read(file_object)
         record.block_state_id = value >> 12
         record.x = (value >> 8) & 0xF
         record.z = (value >> 4) & 0xF
         record.y = value & 0xF
         h_position = UnsignedByte.read(file_object)
         record.x = h_position >> 4
         record.z = h_position & 0xF
         record.y = UnsignedByte.read(file_object)
         record.block_state_id = VarInt.read(file_object)
     return record
Exemple #10
    def read(self, file_object):
        self.empty = False
        self.block_count = Short.read(file_object)
        self.bpb = UnsignedByte.read(file_object)
        if self.bpb <= 4:
            self.bpb = 4

        if self.bpb <= 8: # Indirect palette
            self.palette = []
            size = VarInt.read(file_object)
            for i in range(size):
        else: # Direct palette
            self.palette = None

        size = VarInt.read(file_object)
        longs = []
        for i in range(size):

        self.blocks = []
        mask = (1 << self.bpb)-1
        for i in range(4096):
            l1 = int((i*self.bpb)/64)
            offset = (i*self.bpb)%64
            l2 = int(((i+1)*self.bpb-1)/64)
            n = longs[l1] >> offset
            if l2>l1:
                n |= longs[l2] << (64-offset)
            n &= mask
            if self.palette:
                n = self.palette[n]
    def write_fields(self, packet_buffer):
        VarInt.send(self.entity_id, packet_buffer)
        if self.context.protocol_version >= 49:
            UUID.send(self.object_uuid, packet_buffer)
        Byte.send(self.type_id, packet_buffer)

        xyz_type = Double if self.context.protocol_version >= 100 else Integer
        for coord in self.x, self.y, self.z:
            xyz_type.send(coord, packet_buffer)
        for coord in self.pitch, self.yaw:
            UnsignedByte.send(coord, packet_buffer)

        Integer.send(self.data, packet_buffer)
        if self.context.protocol_version >= 49 or self.data > 0:
            for coord in self.velocity_x, self.velocity_y, self.velocity_z:
                Short.send(coord, packet_buffer)
Exemple #12
    def read(self, file_object):
        self.map_id = VarInt.read(file_object)
        self.scale = Byte.read(file_object)

        if self.context.protocol_in_range(107, PRE | 6):
            self.is_tracking_position = Boolean.read(file_object)
        elif self.context.protocol_earlier(107):
            self.is_tracking_position = True

        if self.context.protocol_later_eq(452):
            self.is_locked = Boolean.read(file_object)
            self.is_locked = False

        if self.context.protocol_later_eq(PRE | 6):
            self.is_tracking_position = Boolean.read(file_object)

        icon_count = VarInt.read(file_object)
        self.icons = []
        for i in range(icon_count):
            if self.context.protocol_later_eq(373):
                type = VarInt.read(file_object)
                type, direction = divmod(UnsignedByte.read(file_object), 16)
            x = Byte.read(file_object)
            z = Byte.read(file_object)
            if self.context.protocol_later_eq(373):
                direction = UnsignedByte.read(file_object)
            if self.context.protocol_later_eq(364):
                has_name = Boolean.read(file_object)
                display_name = String.read(file_object) if has_name else None
                display_name = None
            icon = MapPacket.MapIcon(type, direction, (x, z), display_name)

        self.width = UnsignedByte.read(file_object)
        if self.width:
            self.height = UnsignedByte.read(file_object)
            x = Byte.read(file_object)
            z = Byte.read(file_object)
            self.offset = (x, z)
            self.pixels = VarIntPrefixedByteArray.read(file_object)
            self.height = 0
            self.offset = None
            self.pixels = None
Exemple #13
    def read(self, file_object):
        self.map_id = VarInt.read(file_object)
        self.scale = Byte.read(file_object)

        if self.context.protocol_version >= 107:
            self.is_tracking_position = Boolean.read(file_object)
            self.is_tracking_position = True

        if self.context.protocol_version >= 452:
            self.is_locked = Boolean.read(file_object)
            self.is_locked = False

        icon_count = VarInt.read(file_object)
        self.icons = []
        for i in range(icon_count):
            if self.context.protocol_version >= 373:
                type = VarInt.read(file_object)
                type, direction = divmod(UnsignedByte.read(file_object), 16)
            x = Byte.read(file_object)
            z = Byte.read(file_object)
            if self.context.protocol_version >= 373:
                direction = UnsignedByte.read(file_object)
            if self.context.protocol_version >= 364:
                has_name = Boolean.read(file_object)
                display_name = String.read(file_object) if has_name else None
                display_name = None
            icon = MapPacket.MapIcon(type, direction, (x, z), display_name)

        self.width = UnsignedByte.read(file_object)
        if self.width:
            self.height = UnsignedByte.read(file_object)
            x = Byte.read(file_object)
            z = Byte.read(file_object)
            self.offset = (x, z)
            self.pixels = VarIntPrefixedByteArray.read(file_object)
            self.height = 0
            self.offset = None
            self.pixels = None
    def write_fields(self, packet_buffer):
        VarInt.send(self.entity_id, packet_buffer)
        if self.context.protocol_version >= 49:
            UUID.send(self.object_uuid, packet_buffer)

        if self.context.protocol_version >= 458:
            VarInt.send(self.type_id, packet_buffer)
            Byte.send(self.type_id, packet_buffer)

        xyz_type = Double if self.context.protocol_version >= 100 else Integer
        for coord in self.x, self.y, self.z:
            xyz_type.send(coord, packet_buffer)
        for coord in self.pitch, self.yaw:
            UnsignedByte.send(coord, packet_buffer)

        Integer.send(self.data, packet_buffer)
        if self.context.protocol_version >= 49 or self.data > 0:
            for coord in self.velocity_x, self.velocity_y, self.velocity_z:
                Short.send(coord, packet_buffer)
    def read(self, file_object):
        self.entity_id = VarInt.read(file_object)
        if self.context.protocol_version >= 49:
            self.object_uuid = UUID.read(file_object)
        self.type_id = Byte.read(file_object)

        xyz_type = Double if self.context.protocol_version >= 100 else Integer
        for attr in 'x', 'y', 'z':
            setattr(self, attr, xyz_type.read(file_object))
        for attr in 'pitch', 'yaw':
            setattr(self, attr, UnsignedByte.read(file_object))

        self.data = Integer.read(file_object)
        if self.context.protocol_version >= 49 or self.data > 0:
            for attr in 'velocity_x', 'velocity_y', 'velocity_z':
                setattr(self, attr, Short.read(file_object))
    def read(self, file_object):
        self.entity_id = VarInt.read(file_object)
        if self.context.protocol_version >= 49:
            self.object_uuid = UUID.read(file_object)

        if self.context.protocol_version >= 458:
            self.type_id = VarInt.read(file_object)
            self.type_id = Byte.read(file_object)

        xyz_type = Double if self.context.protocol_version >= 100 else Integer
        for attr in 'x', 'y', 'z':
            setattr(self, attr, xyz_type.read(file_object))
        for attr in 'pitch', 'yaw':
            setattr(self, attr, UnsignedByte.read(file_object))

        self.data = Integer.read(file_object)
        if self.context.protocol_version >= 49 or self.data > 0:
            for attr in 'velocity_x', 'velocity_y', 'velocity_z':
                setattr(self, attr, Short.read(file_object))
Exemple #17
 def write(self, packet_buffer):
     UnsignedByte.send(self.x << 4 | self.z & 0xF, packet_buffer)
     UnsignedByte.send(self.y, packet_buffer)
     VarInt.send(self.block_state_id, packet_buffer)
Exemple #18
 def read(self, file_object):
     h_position = UnsignedByte.read(file_object)
     self.x, self.z = h_position >> 4, h_position & 0xF
     self.y = UnsignedByte.read(file_object)
     self.block_state_id = VarInt.read(file_object)
    def write_fields(self, packet_buffer):
        VarInt.send(self.map_id, packet_buffer)
        Byte.send(self.scale, packet_buffer)
        if self.context.protocol_version >= 107:
            Boolean.send(self.is_tracking_position, packet_buffer)

        VarInt.send(len(self.icons), packet_buffer)
        for icon in self.icons:
            if self.context.protocol_version >= 373:
                VarInt.send(icon.type, packet_buffer)
                type_and_direction = (icon.type << 4) & 0xF0
                type_and_direction |= (icon.direction & 0xF)
                UnsignedByte.send(type_and_direction, packet_buffer)
            Byte.send(icon.location[0], packet_buffer)
            Byte.send(icon.location[1], packet_buffer)
            if self.context.protocol_version >= 373:
                UnsignedByte.send(icon.direction, packet_buffer)
            if self.context.protocol_version >= 364:
                Boolean.send(icon.display_name is not None, packet_buffer)
                if icon.display_name is not None:
                    String.send(icon.display_name, packet_buffer)

        UnsignedByte.send(self.width, packet_buffer)
        if self.width:
            UnsignedByte.send(self.height, packet_buffer)
            UnsignedByte.send(self.offset[0], packet_buffer)  # x
            UnsignedByte.send(self.offset[1], packet_buffer)  # z
            VarIntPrefixedByteArray.send(self.pixels, packet_buffer)
Exemple #20
        def read_data(self, data, dimension):
            file_object = PacketBuffer()
            for i in range(16):
                if self.bitmask & (1 << i):
                    bits_per_block = UnsignedByte.read(file_object)
                    palette = None
                    if bits_per_block < GLOBAL_BITS_PER_BLOCK:
                        palette_length = VarInt.read(file_object)
                        palette = []
                        for _ in range(palette_length):

                    section = ChunkDataPacket.ChunkSection()

                    data_length = VarInt.read(file_object)
                    data = []
                    for _ in range(data_length):
                        part = file_object.read(8)
                        data.append(int.from_bytes(part, 'big'))
                    section.data = data
                    section.palette = palette

                    block_mask = (1 << bits_per_block) - 1

                    # print(i)

                    for y in range(16):
                        for z in range(16):
                            for x in range(16):
                                block_mask = (1 << bits_per_block) - 1
                                number = (((y << 4) + z) << 4) + x
                                long_number = (number * bits_per_block) >> 6
                                bit_in_long_number = (number *
                                                      bits_per_block) & 63
                                block = (data[long_number] >>
                                         bit_in_long_number) & (block_mask)
                                if bit_in_long_number + bits_per_block > 64:
                                    block |= (data[long_number + 1] & (
                                        (1 <<
                                         (bit_in_long_number + bits_per_block -
                                          64)) - 1)) << (64 -
                                if palette:
                                    # if block > 0:
                                    #     print(palette)
                                    #     print(len(palette))
                                    #     print(block)
                                    #     print(bits_per_block)
                                    #     print((x, y, z, self.x, self.z))
                                    block = palette[block]

                                if type(block) is float:

                                section.blocks[x][y][z] = block

                    section.light = file_object.read(2048)
                    if dimension == 0:
                        section.sky_light = file_object.read(2048)
                    self.sections[i] = section
Exemple #21
 def read(self, file_object):
     self.window_id = UnsignedByte.read(file_object)
     self.count = Short.read(file_object)
     self.slots = [Slot(-1)]*self.count
     for slot_number in range(self.count):
         self.slots[slot_number] = Slot.read(file_object)
Exemple #22
    def write_fields(self, packet_buffer):
        VarInt.send(self.map_id, packet_buffer)
        Byte.send(self.scale, packet_buffer)
        if self.context.protocol_version >= 107:
            Boolean.send(self.is_tracking_position, packet_buffer)

        VarInt.send(len(self.icons), packet_buffer)
        for icon in self.icons:
            if self.context.protocol_version >= 373:
                VarInt.send(icon.type, packet_buffer)
                type_and_direction = (icon.type << 4) & 0xF0
                type_and_direction |= (icon.direction & 0xF)
                UnsignedByte.send(type_and_direction, packet_buffer)
            Byte.send(icon.location[0], packet_buffer)
            Byte.send(icon.location[1], packet_buffer)
            if self.context.protocol_version >= 373:
                UnsignedByte.send(icon.direction, packet_buffer)
            if self.context.protocol_version >= 364:
                Boolean.send(icon.display_name is not None, packet_buffer)
                if icon.display_name is not None:
                    String.send(icon.display_name, packet_buffer)

        UnsignedByte.send(self.width, packet_buffer)
        if self.width:
            UnsignedByte.send(self.height, packet_buffer)
            UnsignedByte.send(self.offset[0], packet_buffer)  # x
            UnsignedByte.send(self.offset[1], packet_buffer)  # z
            VarIntPrefixedByteArray.send(self.pixels, packet_buffer)