def test_adjacent_mine_count_for_squares_near_mines(self): board = Board(beginner, [1, 2, 3]) self.assertEqual(3, board.adjacent_mine_count(10)) self.assertEqual(2, board.adjacent_mine_count(11)) self.assertEqual(2, board.adjacent_mine_count(9)) self.assertEqual(1, board.adjacent_mine_count(0)) self.assertEqual(1, board.adjacent_mine_count(4))
def test_opening_a_flagged_position_removes_the_flag_from_the_position( self): board = Board(beginner, [1, 2, 3], []) board = board.toggle_flag(20) self.assertCountEqual([20], board.flagmap) board = self.assertCountEqual([], board.flagmap)
def test_adjacent_mine_count_for_corner_mines(self): # M 1 x x x # 1 x x x x # x x x x x board = Board(hexagonal, [0]) self.assertEqual(1, board.adjacent_mine_count(1)) self.assertEqual(0, board.adjacent_mine_count(2)) self.assertEqual(1, board.adjacent_mine_count(24)) self.assertEqual(0, board.adjacent_mine_count(25)) self.assertEqual(0, board.adjacent_mine_count(48))
def test_opening_space_with_a_corner_mine(self): # M 1 x x x x x x # 1 1 x x x x x x # x x x x x x x x board = Board(beginner, [0], []) self.assertEqual(0, board.adjacent_mine_count(5)) board = expected_openmap = set((i for i in range(64))).difference([0]) self.assertCountEqual(expected_openmap, board.openmap)
def test_opening_space_with_some_side_mines(self): # H M M M 1 x x x # 1 2 3 2 1 x x x # x x x x x x x x # The top left corner isn't reachable from the open space, so it shouldn't be opened board = Board(beginner, [1, 2, 3], []) self.assertEqual(0, board.adjacent_mine_count(5)) board = expected_openmap = set((i for i in range(64))).difference([0, 1, 2, 3]) self.assertCountEqual(expected_openmap, board.openmap)
def test_adjacent_mine_count_for_high_mine_cells(self): # x x x x x # x 1 2 1 x # x 1 M M 2 # x 2 4 M x # x 1 M M 2 board = Board(hexagonal, [50, 51, 75, 98, 99]) self.assertEqual(5, board.adjacent_mine_count(74)) self.assertEqual(2, board.adjacent_mine_count(26)) self.assertEqual(2, board.adjacent_mine_count(73)) self.assertEqual(1, board.adjacent_mine_count(97))
def test_adjacent_mine_counts_with_a_corner_mine(self): # M 1 x x x x x x # 1 1 x x x x x x # x x x x x x x x board = Board(beginner, [0], []).open(5) self.assertCountEqual({ 1: 1, 8: 1, 9: 1 }, board.adjacent_mine_counts_for_openmap())
def test_opening_space_with_a_mine_island(self): # x x x x x x x x # x x 1 2 2 1 x x # x x 1 M M 1 x x # x x 1 2 2 1 x x # x x x x x x x x board = Board(beginner, [19, 20], []) self.assertEqual(0, board.adjacent_mine_count(0)) board = expected_openmap = set((i for i in range(64))).difference([19, 20]) self.assertCountEqual(expected_openmap, board.openmap)
def test_flagging_a_position_adds_it_to_the_flagmap_or_removes_it_if_its_already_inside( self): board = Board(beginner, [1, 2, 3]) self.assertCountEqual([], board.flagmap) board = board.toggle_flag(1) self.assertCountEqual([1], board.flagmap) board = board.toggle_flag(4) self.assertCountEqual([1, 4], board.flagmap) board = board.toggle_flag(1) self.assertCountEqual([4], board.flagmap)
def test_adjacent_mine_counts_with_some_side_mines(self): # H M M M 1 x x x # 1 2 3 2 1 x x x # x x x x x x x x # The top left corner isn't reachable from the open space, so it shouldn't be opened board = Board(beginner, [1, 2, 3], []).open(5) self.assertCountEqual({ 4: 1, 8: 1, 9: 2, 10: 3, 11: 2, 12: 1 }, board.adjacent_mine_counts_for_openmap())
def test_adjacent_mine_counts_with_a_mine_island(self): # x x x x x x x x # x x 1 2 2 1 x x # x x 1 M M 1 x x # x x 1 2 2 1 x x # x x x x x x x x board = Board(beginner, [19, 20], []).open(0) self.assertCountEqual( { 10: 1, 11: 2, 12: 2, 13: 1, 18: 1, 21: 1, 26: 1, 27: 2, 28: 2, 29: 1 }, board.adjacent_mine_counts_for_openmap())
def test_opening_an_invalid_position_raises_an_exception(self): board = Board(beginner, [1, 2, 3], []) with self.assertRaises(InvalidPositionException): with self.assertRaises(InvalidPositionException):
def test_adjacent_mine_count_for_mine_islands(self): # x x x x x # x 1 1 x x # x 1 M 1 x # x 1 1 x x # x x x x x board = Board(hexagonal, [50]) # above self.assertEqual(0, board.adjacent_mine_count(24)) self.assertEqual(1, board.adjacent_mine_count(25)) self.assertEqual(1, board.adjacent_mine_count(26)) self.assertEqual(0, board.adjacent_mine_count(27)) # mine row self.assertEqual(0, board.adjacent_mine_count(48)) self.assertEqual(1, board.adjacent_mine_count(49)) self.assertEqual(1, board.adjacent_mine_count(51)) self.assertEqual(0, board.adjacent_mine_count(52)) # below self.assertEqual(0, board.adjacent_mine_count(72)) self.assertEqual(1, board.adjacent_mine_count(73)) self.assertEqual(1, board.adjacent_mine_count(74)) self.assertEqual(0, board.adjacent_mine_count(75))
def test_can_be_built_from_a_minemap(self): board = Board(beginner, [1, 2, 3]) self.assertIsNone(board.won())
def test_flagging_an_invalid_position_raises(self): board = Board(beginner, [1, 2, 3]) with self.assertRaises(InvalidPositionException): board.toggle_flag(-1)
def test_flagging_an_open_position_raises(self): board = Board(beginner, [1, 2, 3], [4]) with self.assertRaises(AlreadyRevealedException): board.toggle_flag(4)
def test_opening_a_mine_loses_the_game(self): board = Board(beginner, [1, 2, 3], []) self.assertIsNone(board.won()) board = self.assertFalse(board.won())
def test_opening_an_position_adjacent_to_mines_doesnt_autoopen_other_positions( self): board = Board(beginner, [1, 2, 3], []) self.assertGreater(board.adjacent_mine_count(4), 0) board = self.assertCountEqual([4], board.openmap)
def test_adjacent_mine_count_for_empty_squares(self): board = Board(beginner, [1, 2, 3]) self.assertEqual(0, board.adjacent_mine_count(63))
def test_opening_all_but_the_mines_wins_the_game(self): board = Board(beginner, [1, 2, 3], (i for i in range(4, 64))) self.assertIsNone(board.won()) board = self.assertTrue(board.won())
def test_can_be_built_from_a_minemap_openmap_and_flagmap(self): board = Board(beginner, [1, 2, 3], [0, 4], [1]) self.assertIsNone(board.won())