def thread_NoteContainer(notes, duration, instr, *args): nc = NoteContainer(notes) if instr is not None: fluidsynth.set_instrument(nc[0].channel, instr) t = Thread(target=play_stop_NoteContainer, args=(nc, duration)) t.start() return t
def play(self): fluidsynth.init('/usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2', 'alsa') fluidsynth.set_instrument(0, self.instrument) # Use channel 0 self.previous = int(SoundGen.kNoteNone) # Previously played note self.shift = random.randint(-10, 5) # Allow the key to be shifted beat_tracker = int(0) # 4/4 time. while self.should_stop == False: v = random.randint(65, 75) if beat_tracker % 8 == 0: # First beat, strong v = random.randint(85, 95) elif (beat_tracker - 4) % 8 == 0: # Third beat, semi-strong v = random.randint(75, 85) elif beat_tracker % 2 == 1: # Off-beat, very soft v = random.randint(55, 65) # Random note length possible_lengths = [ 4 ] + [2] * 10 + [1] * 4 # 4 is 2 beats, 2 is 1 beat, 1 is half-beat if beat_tracker % 2 == 1: # avoid non-half-beat if currently in half-beat possible_lengths += [1] * 20 # Add weight to half-beat length = random.choice(possible_lengths) beat_tracker += length if self.previous != SoundGen.kNoteNone: fluidsynth.stop_Note(self.previous + self.shift, 0) self.previous = SoundGen.__next_note__(self.previous) fluidsynth.play_Note(self.previous + self.shift, 0, v) time.sleep(length * self.OneBeatLength)
def __init__(self): # possible fluidsynth guys ##main_volume(channel, value) ##modulation(channel, value) ##pan(channel, value) if not fluidsynth.init( os.path.join(config.RESOURCEdirectory, config.SOUNDfont), config.FLUIDSYNTHdriver): sys.exit(" COULD NOT LOAD SOUNDFONT PianoMenu.sf2 ") # set instruments on each channel. fluidsynth.set_instrument( config.PIANOchannel, ## channel to set instrument on config.SOUNDfontPIANO) ## instrument. determined by sound font self.keysmod12 = [ "C", "C#", "D", "Eb", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "Ab", "A", "Bb", "B" ] self.keyson = [0] * 12 # denotes all keys on in an octave self.newnotesonlist = [ ] # list of new [note,velocity] that player has hit self.newnotesofflist = [ ] # list of new note that player has taken fingers off of #self.noteson = set() # set of notes that the player currently has down # commented out since it was crashing things to remove notes sometimes... self.pitchwheel = 64 # current value of the pitch wheel self.modwheel = 0 # current value of the mod wheel self.transientnotes = [] pygame.midi.init()
def playNote(angle, position, instr): fluidsynth.set_instrument(channel, instr) # transform angle note = int(((sin(angle[0]) + 1.0) / 2) * 100) volume = int(((sin(angle[1]) + 1.0) / 2) * 100) print note, volume fluidsynth.play_Note(note, channel, volume)
def run(self): # need to use bank_select fluidsynth.set_instrument(PLAYER_CHANNEL, InstrumentNames["Acoustic Grand Piano"]) fluidsynth.play_Note(self.note) self.event.wait() fluidsynth.stop_Note(self.note)
def play(self): eighth_time = 0.125 beat_time = eighth_time * 2 bar_time = beat_time * self.beat_count fluidsynth.set_instrument(1, 0) fluidsynth.play_NoteContainer(self.chord) next_notes = list(self.melody.notes) playing_notes = [] for eighth in range(self.beat_count * 2): # bar boundary? if eighth % 8 == 0: self.play_chord() try: next_note = next_notes[0] except IndexError as e: # if this is the last note, the above will throw an IndexError pass if next_note.start_eighth == eighth: next_notes.remove(next_note) playing_notes.append(next_note) print('subbeat {}: PLAY FOR {}: {}'.format( eighth, next_note.eighth_count, next_note.note)) fluidsynth.set_instrument(1, 0) fluidsynth.play_Note(next_note.note) for mel_note in list(playing_notes): if eighth == mel_note.start_eighth + mel_note.eighth_count: print('subbeat {}: STOP {}'.format( eighth, mel_note.note)) # don't stop the note if the same note is being played somewhere else! note_played_elsewhere = False for note in playing_notes: # skip over this one, we're interested in other notes if note == mel_note: continue if note.note == mel_note.note: note_played_elsewhere = True if not note_played_elsewhere: fluidsynth.stop_Note(mel_note.note) playing_notes.remove(mel_note) time.sleep(eighth_time) # we should have played the exact # if it isn't, something went wrong somewhere if len(playing_notes) != 0: #raise RuntimeError('playing_notes wasn\'t empty at the end of!') print('EOS playing_notes: {}'.format(playing_notes)) for mel_note in playing_notes: fluidsynth.stop_Note(mel_note.note) playing_notes.remove(mel_note)
def randInstrument(channel, instr_list=set([x for x in range(0, 111)]) - set([9, 18, 33, 55, 86, 92, 97, 101, 108])): # Some of the instruments have to be removed from the list because they are too # difficult to hear (e.g. pads that require long duration to reach normal volume). rand_instr = choice(tuple(instr_list)) fluidsynth.set_instrument(channel, rand_instr) print("Instrument: " + str(rand_instr) + " - " + instr_name[rand_instr])
def fluidsynth_init(): ''' fluidsynth_init - initializes fluidsynth to the soundfont file and sets the instrument for each channel according to the list in ''' fluidsynth.init(general_soundfont, "alsa") for i in instruments: fluidsynth.set_instrument(i[0], i[1], i[2])
def run(self): #takes the main loop and runs background tasks insturment = 1 while 1: time.sleep(2) fluidsynth.set_instrument(0, insturment) insturment += 1 if (insturment > 50): return
def run(self): #takes the main loop and runs background tasks insturment = 0 while 1: time.sleep(15) print "instrument {0}".format(insturment) fluidsynth.set_instrument(2, insturment) insturment += 1 if (insturment > 70): insturment = 0
def Open(self): pygame.mixer.init()"short_music.wav") self.last_detect_time = time.time() fluidsynth.init('/usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2', "alsa") fluidsynth.set_instrument(0, 6) fluidsynth.set_instrument(1, 4)
def __init__(self, numSteps, scaleName="Diatonic", start_key='C', instrument=0, octave=4): self.numSteps = numSteps self.scaleName = scaleName self.start_key = start_key self.octave = octave fluidsynth.set_instrument(1, instrument) self.soundArr = self.__getSoundArr(self.octave)
def play_offset(off, sleep_s=0.2, song=sonata, repeats=5, down_octaves=1, instrument=None): song = song * repeats if instrument is not None: for i in range(off): fluidsynth.set_instrument(i+1, instrument) for i in range(len(song)+off): to_stop = i - off if to_stop >= 0: fluidsynth.stop_NoteContainer(NoteContainer([a + "-" + str(int(b)-down_octaves) for (a, b) in song[to_stop].split()]), channel=(to_stop%off)+1) if i < len(song): fluidsynth.play_NoteContainer(NoteContainer([a + "-" + str(int(b)-down_octaves) for (a, b) in song[i].split()]), channel=(i%off)+1, velocity=127) time.sleep(sleep_s)
def play_example(key): progression = ["I", "vi", "ii", "iii7", "I7", "viidom7", "iii7", "V7"] # key = 'C' chord_list = progressions.to_chords(progression, key) fluidsynth.set_instrument(13, 45) fluidsynth.set_instrument(10, 24) while True: for chord in chord_list: play_solo_bar_with_chord(chords.determine(chord, shorthand=True)[0])
def setUp(self): soundfont = os.getenv("SOUNDFONT") if soundfont is None: raise ValueError( "A soundfont (*.sf2) file path must be provided in the SOUNDFONT environment variable" ) self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() output_file = os.path.join(self.tempdir, "test.wav") fluidsynth.init(soundfont, file=output_file) fluidsynth.set_instrument(0, 0) s = SequencerObserver() fluidsynth.midi.attach(s)
def play_smart_solo_over_chords(chord_list): fluidsynth.set_instrument(13, 45) fluidsynth.set_instrument(10, 108) fluidsynth.main_volume(13, 75) fluidsynth.main_volume(10, 100) solo = Track() bars = generate_solo(chord_list) for i in range(len(bars)): chord = NoteContainer(chords.from_shorthand(chord_list[i])) bar = bars[i] fluidsynth.play_NoteContainer(chord, 13) fluidsynth.play_Bar(bar, 10) fluidsynth.stop_NoteContainer(chord, 13) solo.add_bar(bar) return solo
def __init__( self ): # possible fluidsynth guys ##main_volume(channel, value) ##modulation(channel, value) ##pan(channel, value) if not fluidsynth.init( os.path.join( config.RESOURCEdirectory, config.SOUNDfont), config.FLUIDSYNTHdriver ): sys.exit(" COULD NOT LOAD SOUNDFONT PianoMenu.sf2 ") # set instruments on each channel. fluidsynth.set_instrument( config.PIANOchannel, ## channel to set instrument on config.SOUNDfontPIANO ) ## instrument. determined by sound font self.keysmod12 = [ "C", "C#", "D", "Eb", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "Ab", "A", "Bb", "B" ] self.keyson = [ 0 ]*12 # denotes all keys on in an octave self.newnotesonlist = [ ] # list of new [note,velocity] that player has hit self.newnotesofflist = [ ] # list of new note that player has taken fingers off of #self.noteson = set() # set of notes that the player currently has down # commented out since it was crashing things to remove notes sometimes... self.pitchwheel = 64 # current value of the pitch wheel self.modwheel = 0 # current value of the mod wheel self.transientnotes = [] pygame.midi.init()
def __init__(self): if not fluidsynth.init( os.path.join(config.RESOURCEdirectory, config.SOUNDfont), config.FLUIDSYNTHdriver): sys.exit(" Kan de Fluidsynth Sountfont PianoMenu.sf2 niet laden ") # Een instrument geven aan je channels. fluidsynth.set_instrument( config.PIANOchannel, ## channel voor je instrument. config.SOUNDfontPIANO) ## instrument gebaseerd op je soundfont. self.keysmod12 = [ "C", "C#", "D", "Eb", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "Ab", "A", "Bb", "B" ] self.keyson = [0] * 12 # Representeert alle keys in een octaaf self.newnotesonlist = [ ] # lijst van de noten die de gebruiker heeft aangeslagen. self.newnotesofflist = [] # Lijst van noten die gebruiker loslaat. #self.noteson = set() # noten die gebruiker gebruikt. self.pitchwheel = 64 self.modwheel = 0 self.transientnotes = [] pygame.midi.init()
def play(self): fluidsynth.set_instrument(1, 73) # chords fluidsynth.set_instrument(2, 32) # bass fluidsynth.set_instrument(3, 1, 128) # drums fluidsynth.main_volume(1, 50) fluidsynth.main_volume(2, 100) fluidsynth.main_volume(3, 30) for bars in self._next_bar(): fluidsynth.play_Bars(bars, [1, 2, 3], 110) yield self.current
def set_instrument(self): if not(self.midi_set) and 'midi_instr' in self.params: if not self.no_fluidsynth: fluidsynth.set_instrument(self.params["channel"], self.params["midi_instr"]) self.midi_set = True self.track.instrument.instrument_nr = self.params["midi_instr"]
def play_chord(self): fluidsynth.stop_NoteContainer(self.chord) fluidsynth.set_instrument(1, 0) fluidsynth.play_NoteContainer(self.chord)
8: ["Db", 340, 381], } return switcher.get(argument) ############################################### ### START of main # create NoteContainer n = NoteContainer() n_1 = NoteContainer() n_2 = NoteContainer() # initialize synth fluidsynth.init("/usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2", "alsa") fluidsynth.set_instrument(1, 108) fluidsynth.set_instrument(2, 53) fluidsynth.set_instrument(3, 112) for step in range(16, 100): """ fluidsynth.play_Note(64, 0, 100) sleep(1) fluidsynth.stop_Note(64, 0) """ print("zoom x", 2**step) rate = 2**step amin = xcenter - 2 / rate amax = xcenter + 2 / rate aoffset = 0 bmin = ycenter - 2 / rate bmax = ycenter + 2 / rate boffset = 0
BLACK = (0, 0, 0) WHITE = (255, 255, 255) RED = (255, 0, 0) GREEN = (0, 255, 0) BLUE = (0, 0, 255) GRAY = (128, 128, 128) size = width, height = (800, 700) pygame.display.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size) pygame.display.set_caption("LinMesia") clock = pygame.time.Clock() fluidsynth.init("/usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2", "jack") fluidsynth.set_instrument(0, 0) # banknum = 0 # # presetnum sets the instrument # presetnum = 0 # channel = 0 # soundfont = "/usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2" # fs = fluidsynth.Synth() # fs.start() # sfid = fs.sfload(soundfont) # fs.program_select(channel, sfid, banknum, presetnum) pianokeymap = [['q', 'w', 'e', 'r', 't', 'y', 'u', '2', '3', '5', '6', '7'], ['i', 'o', 'p', '[', ']', '\\', 'z', '9', '0', '-', '=', 'a']]
def set_instrument(self, channel, instrument): fluidsynth.set_instrument(channel, instrument)
def setUp(self): fluidsynth.init('/usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2', file='test.wav') fluidsynth.set_instrument(0, 0) s = SequencerObserver() fluidsynth.midi.attach(s)
def setInstrument(spinner, inst): fluidsynth.set_instrument(1, instrumentNames.index(inst))
import time import Adafruit_MPR121.MPR121 as MPR121 #12-key capacitive switch sensor from sys import exit from neopixel import * #colored lights #midi player libraries from mingus.core import notes, chords from mingus.containers import * from mingus.midi import fluidsynth import RPi.GPIO as GPIO #for GPIO switch #fluidsynth.init('/usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2',"alsa") fluidsynth.init('/home/pi/Documents/Halloween Piano/soundFonts/Arachno SoundFont - Version 1.0.sf2',"alsa") #custom sound font sounds slightly better than FluidR3_GM.sf2, but file size is larger #assign instruments to separate channel numbers (1 is hammond organ, 2 is steel guitar, etc...) fluidsynth.set_instrument(1, 16) #16 hammond organ fluidsynth.set_instrument(2, 26) #26 steel guitar fluidsynth.set_instrument(3, 0, 128) #0 Bank 128 standard drums fluidsynth.set_instrument(4, 114) #114 steel drums fluidsynth.set_instrument(5, 48, 128) #48 bank 128 orchestra drum kit fluidsynth.set_instrument(6, 25, 128) #25 bank 128 TR-808 drum kit fluidsynth.set_instrument(7, 102) #102 echo drops fluidsynth.set_instrument(8, 11) #11 vibraphone fluidsynth.set_instrument(9, 13) #13 xylophone fluidsynth.set_instrument(10, 55) #55 orchestra hit fluidsynth.set_instrument(11, 86) #5th saw wave fluidsynth.set_instrument(12, 88) #fantasia #instrument numbers: #Use Polysynth desktop application to open sf2 files and find instrument and bank numbers #setup GPIO button as input GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)
def set_instrument(bank, instrument): fluidsynth.set_instrument(SYNTH_CHANNEL, instrument, bank)
def cbInstrumentsChanged(self, idx): fluidsynth.set_instrument(0, idx)
On launch the user will be prompted to select the red, blue and green balls. These will then be positionally tracked and trigger the samples assigned to regions of "juggle space". Controls: ----- ESC key - exit left mouse button - report color of pixel under cursor ''' import numpy as np import cv2 from mingus.midi import fluidsynth fluidsynth.init('/usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2',"alsa") fluidsynth.set_instrument(0, 118) fluidsynth.set_instrument(1, 114) fluidsynth.set_instrument(2, 0) class App(object): def __init__(self, video_src): = cv2.VideoCapture(video_src) ret, self.frame = cv2.namedWindow('juggle-music') cv2.setMouseCallback('juggle-music', self.onmouse) # set up font for writing text self.font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX # a dictionary of our tracked objects with their hue range self.objects = dict()
"eeeeeeee", # 118 "eeeeeeee", # 119 "eeeeeeee", # 120 "brrrcrrr", # 121 ] strike = Note("C-4") rest = Note("C-7") # dummy note tempo = 0.11712 fluidsynth.init("TypewriterInstruments.sf2") carriageReturn = {'note':40,'inst':0} # note 40, instrument 0 fluidsynth.set_instrument(1,1) # set instrument 1 as chimes bell = {'note':72,'inst':1} fluidsynth.set_instrument(2,3) # instrument 2 is typewriter typewriter = {'note':50,'inst':2} rest = {'note':100,'inst':0} # dummy note for rest for num,measure in enumerate(notes): #if (num+9) < 97: continue sys.stdout.write(str(num+9)) sys.stdout.flush() for note in measure: if note=="e": note_to_play=typewriter elif note == "r":
def setinstrument(self, channel, instrument): fluidsynth.set_instrument(channel, instrument) print "setting channel", channel, "to instrument", instrument
def setinstrument( self, channel, instrument ): fluidsynth.set_instrument( channel, instrument ) print "setting channel", channel, "to instrument", instrument
def setUp(self): fluidsynth.init("/home/bspaans/workspace/fluidsynth/ChoriumRevA.SF2") fluidsynth.set_instrument(0,0) s = SequencerObserver() fluidsynth.midi.attach(s)
def test_instruments(): for i in range(150): fluidsynth.set_instrument(13, 45) fluidsynth.set_instrument(10, i) print("Instrument number: {0}".format(i)) play_smart_solo_over_chords(['Cm'])
def play_Music(filename): f = open(filename, 'rb') data = json.loads(, encoding='utf8') f.close() n = data['音符'] h = data['音高'] r = data['节拍'] l = data['组成'] k = data['调性'] t = Track() b = Bar('C', (4, 4)) b.place_rest(1) t.add_bar(b) name = 'CDEFGAB' symbol = '!@#$%^&' def tran(x): if x >= 'a': return ord(x) - 87 elif x == '0': return 0.5 else: return float(x) f = open(filename, 'rb') data = json.loads(, encoding='utf8') f.close() n = data['音符'] h = data['音高'] r = data['节拍'] l = data['组成'] k = data['调性'] t = Track() b = Bar('C', (4, 4)) b.place_rest(1) t.add_bar(b) name = 'CDEFGAB' symbol = '!@#$%^&' for i in range(len(l)): rn = list(map(tran, r[l[i]])) b = Bar('C', (4 * sum(rn)/8, 4)) for j in range(len(n[l[i]])): if n[l[i]][j] == '0': b.place_rest(8 / rn[j]) else: x = symbol.find(n[l[i]][j]) if x == -1: x = int(n[l[i]][j]) - 1 y = name[x] else: y = name[x] + '#' print(y) note = Note(y, int(h[l[i]][j])) note.transpose(k[i]) b.place_notes(note, 8 / rn[j]) t.add_bar(b) t2 = Track() b = Bar('C', (4, 4)) b.place_rest(1) t2.add_bar(b) for i in range(int(sum(map(sum, map(lambda x: map(tran, r[x]), l)))) // 8): b = Bar('C', (4, 4)) b.place_notes('C-3', 4) b.place_notes('C-7', 4) b.place_notes('C-5', 4) b.place_notes('C-7', 4) t2.add_bar(b) m = MidiFile() mt = MidiTrack(150) mt2 = MidiTrack(150) mt3 = MidiTrack(150) m.tracks = [mt,mt2,mt3] mt.set_instrument(1, 25) mt.play_Track(t) # for _, _, i in t2.get_notes(): # if i is not None: # i[0].set_channel(2) # mt2.set_instrument(2, 115) # mt2.play_Track(t2) # for _, _, i in t.get_notes(): # if i is not None: # i[0].set_channel(3) # mt3.set_instrument(3, 100) # mt3.track_data += mt3.controller_event(3, 7, 30) # mt3.play_Track(t) # m.write_file('D:/test.midi', False) # for i in range(len(l)): # rn = list(map(tran, r[l[i]])) # b = Bar('C', (4 * sum(rn) / 8, 4)) # for j in range(len(n[l[i]])): # # if i==0 and j==0: # # b.place_notes('D-4', 3) # # el # if n[l[i]][j] == '0': # b.place_rest(1 / rn[j]) # else: # x = symbol.find(n[l[i]][j]) # if x == -1: # x = int(n[l[i]][j]) - 1 # y = name[x] # else: # y = name[x] + '#' # print(y) # # note = Note(y, int(h[l[i]][j])) # note.transpose(k[i]) # #print(note) # print(rn[j]) # #print(b) # b.place_notes(note, 1 / rn[j]) # t.add_bar(b) # print(b) fluidsynth.init("D:\MyCode\MyPython\AiMusicCoach\GeneralUserSoftSynth\GeneralUserSoftSynth.sf2") fluidsynth.set_instrument(1, 1) #24=Nylon Guitar # 25=Steel Guitar # 26=Jazz Guitar # 27=Clean Guitar # 28=Muted Guitar # 29=Overdrive Guitar # 30=Distortion Guitar m.write_file('D:\MyCode\MyPython\AiMusicCoach\Backend\music_file\mysong.midi', False) os.system("d: && cd D:\\MyCode\\MyPython\\AiMusicCoach\\fluidsynth-x64\\bin && fluidsynth -F mysong.wav D:/MyCode/MyPython/AiMusicCoach/GeneralUserSoftSynth/GeneralUserSoftSynth.sf2 D:\MyCode\MyPython\AiMusicCoach\Backend\music_file\mysong.midi") fluidsynth.play_Track(t, channel=1, bpm=150)
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys, time from mingus.midi import fluidsynth from mingus.containers import Note, NoteContainer if sys.platform == 'linux2': fluidsynth.init('GeneralUser GS v1.471.sf2', 'alsa') else: fluidsynth.init('GeneralUser GS v1.471.sf2') fluidsynth.set_instrument(1, int(sys.argv[1]), int(sys.argv[2])) c = Note("C-4") e = Note("E-4") g = Note("G-4") fluidsynth.play_Note(c) time.sleep(2) fluidsynth.play_Note(e) time.sleep(2) fluidsynth.play_Note(g) time.sleep(2) fluidsynth.stop_Note(c) fluidsynth.stop_Note(e) fluidsynth.stop_Note(g) time.sleep(2) nc = NoteContainer(["C-4", "E-4", "G-4"])
import time from constants import * from read_signals import * from mingus.midi import fluidsynth PATH_TO_FIFO = "/home/pi/ECE5725-Final/akai_fifo" fluidsynth.init("/home/pi/ECE5725-Final/sound_fonts/gen.sf2", "alsa") fluidsynth.set_instrument(1, 13, 0) track = [] def record(): time.sleep(3) print ("start") start = time.time() recording = True while recording: with open(PATH_TO_FIFO) as fifo: for line in fifo: if reControlChange.match(line): recording = False break else: if reNoteOn.match(line): m = reNoteOn.match(line) obj = NoteSignal("akai",time.time()-start,int(,int(,True) track.append(obj) if reNoteOff.match(line): m = reNoteOff.match(line)
def setUp(self): fluidsynth.init('/home/bspaans/workspace/fluidsynth/ChoriumRevA.SF2', file='test.wav') fluidsynth.set_instrument(0, 0) s = SequencerObserver() fluidsynth.midi.attach(s)
from kivy.uix.button import Button from kivy.uix.label import Label from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout from kivy.uix.floatlayout import FloatLayout from mingus.core import notes, chords from mingus.containers import * from random import random from math import ceil from mingus.midi import fluidsynth fluidsynth.init('fluid.sf2') #set soundfont #initialize default settings #these are changed by buttons #so they are declared here globally fluidsynth.set_instrument(1, 0) octaveSet = 2 keySet = 'C' scaleSet = 'Major' notesChange = True #keep track of changes, so we don't have to recompute unnecessarily allScales = {} currentNotes = [] class SlateWidget(Widget): notesp = {} #contain playing notes def on_touch_down(self, touch): #draw pretty lines on screen, inspired by online demo color = (random(), random(), random()) with self.canvas: Color(*color)
def setInstrument(self, num): fs.set_instrument(1, num)