Exemple #1
class Hub(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
	background = None
	def __init__(self, _engine, _map):
		super(Hub, self).__init__()
		if not Hub.background:
			Hub.background = loadImage('data/gfx/hub.png', alpha = True)

		self._engine = _engine
		self._map = _map
		self._minimap = Minimap(_engine, _map)
		self.image = self.background.copy()
		self.rect = self.image.get_rect()

	def screenUpdated(self):
		self._resx, self._resy = self._engine.getResolution()

	def draw(self, surface):
		surface.blit(self.image, (self.rect.left, self.rect.top))

	def update(self):
		self.rect.centerx = self._resx / 2
		self.image = self.background.copy()
		drawText(self.image, "%02d:%02d" % self._engine.timeLeft(), 13, (255, 255, 255), (40, 10))
		drawText(self.image, "%02d fps" % self._engine.clock.get_fps(), 13, (255, 255, 255), (100, 10))
		drawText(self.image, "Czolgi: %2d" % len(self._engine.players[0]['tanks']), 13, (255, 255, 255), (200, 10))
		drawText(self.image, "Czolgi: %2d" % len(self._engine.players[1]['tanks']), 13, (255, 255, 255), (680, 10))
		drawText(self.image, "%d : %d" % (self._engine.players[0]['score'], self._engine.players[1]['score']), 13, (255, 255, 255), (420, 10))
		self._minimap.draw(self.image, (748, 10))
Exemple #2
class Hub(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    background = None

    def __init__(self, _engine, _map):
        super(Hub, self).__init__()
        if not Hub.background:
            Hub.background = loadImage('data/gfx/hub.png', alpha=True)

        self._engine = _engine
        self._map = _map
        self._minimap = Minimap(_engine, _map)
        self.image = self.background.copy()
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect()

    def screenUpdated(self):
        self._resx, self._resy = self._engine.getResolution()

    def draw(self, surface):
        surface.blit(self.image, (self.rect.left, self.rect.top))

    def update(self):
        self.rect.centerx = self._resx / 2
        self.image = self.background.copy()
        drawText(self.image, "%02d:%02d" % self._engine.timeLeft(), 13,
                 (255, 255, 255), (40, 10))
        drawText(self.image, "%02d fps" % self._engine.clock.get_fps(), 13,
                 (255, 255, 255), (100, 10))
                 "Czolgi: %2d" % len(self._engine.players[0]['tanks']), 13,
                 (255, 255, 255), (200, 10))
                 "Czolgi: %2d" % len(self._engine.players[1]['tanks']), 13,
                 (255, 255, 255), (680, 10))
            self.image, "%d : %d" % (self._engine.players[0]['score'],
                                     self._engine.players[1]['score']), 13,
            (255, 255, 255), (420, 10))
        self._minimap.draw(self.image, (748, 10))
Exemple #3
class Game(pyglet.window.Window):
  """The main game class."""
  def __init__(self):
    self.focus = False     # whether the mouse is locked or not
    self.debug = False     # whether to start the debugger next frame


    # Create a second window using PyGame for debugging or whatever it currently does.
    if config.Game.Minimap:
      self.minimap = Minimap(self.world_renderer, self.world_generator, self.world_client)

    if sys.platform == 'linux':

    #pyglet.clock.set_fps_limit(variables.maximum_framerate)      # set the maximum framerate
    # Removed in recent pyglet? This needs to be fixed or looked into

    # PyGlet does this weird thing where the on_draw method is only called if something happens. So if you don't press keys, the game appears to be running at 1 FPS. This prevents that and makes sure the game runs at least 60 FPS. Decreasing this number doesn't seem to make the game run faster.
    if config.Game.PreventSleep:
      pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(self.prevent_sleep, 1.0/60.0) # this prevents the application from 'smartly' sleeping when idle

    # Pre-generate a bunch of blocks and wait for them to finish so as to not clutter the logs.
    #for cx, cy in itertools.product(range(-5, 6), range(-5, 6)):
    #  self.world_generator.request_chunk(cx, cy)


    self.times = []
    if config.Debug.Game.FPS_SPAM: # Create the fps dictionary if we want to spam the current FPS to the console.
      self.fps = {}


  def setup_logger(self):
    # Create the logger.
    self.log = logging.getLogger()
    h = logging.StreamHandler()
    fh = logging.FileHandler(config.LogFile)
    f = logging.Formatter(config.LogFormat)
    ff = logging.Formatter(config.LogFormat)
    self.log.info("Started logging.")

  def setup_window(self):
    # Setup the window
    self.log.info("Initializing window...")
    super(Game, self).__init__(resizable=True)                     # initialize the window
    if config.Window.Width is not None and config.Window.Height is not None:
      self.set_size(config.Window.Width, config.Window.Height)       # set the window size
    self.set_exclusive_mouse(False)                  # don't lock the cursor to this window to start with.
    self.set_vsync(variables.vsync)                  # turn off vsync so the framerate isn't limited at your refresh rate. Doesn't work on my computer anyways so I have it off.
    self.log.info("Initialized window.")

        # Initially set all the GL flags and what not. There are cases where this needs to be set every frame (like having two PyGlet windows. That's why the Minimap is written in PyGame.
    self.log.info("Configuring OpenGL...")
    glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) # gpu can tell when stuff is infront or behind
    glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL)    # anything closer should be drawn
    glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE)  # don't draw faces that are behind something
    glFrontFace(GL_CCW)     # used to determine the 'front' of a 2d shape
    glCullFace(GL_BACK)     # remove the backs of faces
    glDepthRange(0, 1)      # Show as much depth wise as possible
    self.log.info("Configured OpenGL.")

  def setup_keyhandler(self):
    # setup keyboard event handling so we can ask if a key is currently pressed rather than only knowing when a key is pressed.
    self.log.info("Setting up key state handler...")
    self.keys = pyglet.window.key.KeyStateHandler()  # allows for a is_this_key_pressed check
    self.push_handlers(self.keys)                    # tells pyglet that it should keep track of when keys are pressed
    self.log.info("Setup key state handler.")

  def setup_workers(self):
    # Setup the world data storange.
    if sys.platform == 'linux': # Set the niceness a little lower on Linux so the main thread runs smooth at all times.
    self.log.info("Setting up world data server...")
    self.world_server = world_data.WorldDataServer(self.log) # Stores the world data.
    self.world_server.start() # Start the server.
    self.world_client = self.world_server.get_main_client() # Get the client that is used by the main thread and to create more clients.
    self.log.info("Setup world data server.")
    if sys.platform == 'linux': # Set the niceness back to normal.

    # Create some more clients for the various processes we will start.
    self.log.info("Getting extra world data clients for other processes...")
    generator_world_client = self.world_client.new_client("World Generator")[config.WorldRequestData.NewClient]
    renderer_world_client = self.world_client.new_client("World Renderer")[config.WorldRequestData.NewClient]
    self.log.info("Got extra world data clients for other processes.")

    # Create and start the world generator process.
    self.log.info("Creating and starting world generator...")
    if sys.platform == 'linux':
    self.world_generator = world_generator.WorldGenerator(generator_world_client, self.log) # generates new chunks
    self.log.info("Created and started world generator.")

    # Create and start the world renderer process.
    self.log.info("Creating and starting world renderer...")
    if sys.platform == 'linux':
    self.world_renderer = WorldRenderer(renderer_world_client, self.log)          # draws the world
    self.log.info("Created and started world renderer.")

  def setup_player(self):
    # Create the player object.
    self.log.info("Creating player...")
    self.player = player.PlayerManager(self.world_client)        # the player and/or perspective
    self.log.info("Created player.")

  def pregenerate(self):
    # Generate and attempt to render an initial distance if the config file says so. This happens before drawing.
    if config.WorldGenerator.InitialDistance > 0:
      print("Generating initial radius of {}.".format(config.WorldGenerator.InitialDistance))
      self.generate_radius(0, 0, config.WorldGenerator.InitialDistance)

    if config.WorldRenderer.InitialDistance > 0:
      print("Rendering initial radius of {}.".format(config.WorldRenderer.InitialDistance))
      self.generate_radius(0, 0, config.WorldRenderer.InitialDistance)

  def generate_radius(self, cx, cy, radius):
    """Request to generate all the chunks in a radius around (cx, cy)."""
    r = range(-radius, radius+1)
    for ox, oy in itertools.product(r, r):
      x = ox + cx
      y = oy + cy
      self.world_generator.request_chunk(x, y)

  def render_radius(self, cx, cy, radius):
    """Request to render all the chunks in a radius around (cx, cy)."""
    r = range(-radius, radius+1)
    for ox, oy in itertools.product(r, r):
      x = ox + cx
      y = oy + cy
      if not self.world_renderer.is_rendered(x, y):
        self.world_renderer.request_chunk(x, y)

  def prevent_sleep(self,dt):
    prevents pyglet from not updating the screen when the application is idle.
    it makes for weird behaviour if this isn't used.

  def generate_view_sequence(self, cx, cy, view_distance):
    """This is intended to return the sequence to request chunks. However right now just the radius functions are being used instead. So if you want to generate things furthest to closest, this would be for that. But it's not used right now."""
    seq = []
    for distance in range(view_distance):
      if distance == 0:
        seq.append((cx, cy))

    for length in range(distance):
      if length == 0:
        seq.append((cx-distance, cy))
        seq.append((cx+distance, cy))
        seq.append((cx+distance, cy-length))
        seq.append((cx-distance, cy-length))
        seq.append((cx+distance, cy+length))
        seq.append((cx-distance, cy+length))

    for height in range(distance):
      if height == 0:
        seq.append((cx, cy-distance))
        seq.append((cx, cy+distance))
        seq.append((cx-height, cy+distance))
        seq.append((cx-height, cy-distance))
        seq.append((cx+height, cy+distance))
        seq.append((cx+height, cy-distance))
    return seq

  def generate_view(self):
    Requests chunks to be generated, rendered, and continue rendering any pre-calculated chunks.

    if config.Debug.Game.TimeRenderingChunks:
      before = time()

    self.world_renderer.render_queued() # Actually draw any chunks that were pre-calculated.

    if config.Debug.Game.TimeRenderingChunks:
      after = time()
      res = round(after - before, 5)
      if res >= 0.0005:
        print("Took {:.4} seconds to load_finished_chunks.".format(round(after - before, 4)))

    cx, cy = self.world_client.abs_block_to_chunk_block(*self.player.standing_on())[0] # Get the chunk the player is in.

    # Generate all the chunks in the generation distance.
    self.generate_radius(cx, cy, config.WorldGenerator.Distance)
    self.render_radius(cx, cy, config.WorldRenderer.Distance)
    # Using a funky pattern because why not.
    #for x, y in self.generate_view_sequence(cx, cy, config.WorldGenerator.Distance):
      #self.world_generator.request_chunk(x, y)
    #for x, y in self.generate_view_sequence(cx, cy, config.WorldRenderer.Distance):
      #self.world_renderer.request_chunk(x, y)

  def check_user_input(self):
    Check for keys that are currently pressed and act accordingly. This is not for when a key is pressed for the first time. This is only if you want to know when a key is held down. See on_key_press() and on_key_release().
    x = 0.0
    y = 0.0
    z = 0.0

    # player movement
    if self.keys[pyglet.window.key.LEFT] or self.keys[pyglet.window.key.A]:
      x += variables.move_speed[0]
      #self.log.debug("Moving left.")
    if self.keys[pyglet.window.key.RIGHT] or self.keys[pyglet.window.key.D]:
      x -= variables.move_speed[0]
      #self.log.debug("Moving right.")

    if self.keys[pyglet.window.key.UP] or self.keys[pyglet.window.key.W]:
      y += variables.move_speed[2]
      #self.log.debug("Moving forward.")
    if self.keys[pyglet.window.key.DOWN] or self.keys[pyglet.window.key.S]:
      y -= variables.move_speed[2]
      #self.log.debug("Moving backward.")
    if self.keys[pyglet.window.key.SPACE]:
      z += variables.move_speed[1]
      #self.log.debug("Moving up")
    if self.keys[pyglet.window.key.LSHIFT]:
      z -= variables.move_speed[1]
      #self.log.debug("Moving down")

    # only try to move the player if a button was pressed
    if x or y or z:

  def on_mouse_scroll(self, x, y, scroll_x, scroll_y):
    """Is called when the scroll wheel is used."""
    if scroll_y < 0:
      variables.move_speed[0] -= 1
      variables.move_speed[1] -= 1
      variables.move_speed[2] -= 1
    elif scroll_y > 0:
      variables.move_speed[0] += 1
      variables.move_speed[1] += 1
      variables.move_speed[2] += 1

    for i, m in enumerate(variables.move_speed):
      if m < 0:
        variables.move_speed[i] = 0.001

    if variables.debug.print_move_speed:
      print("New move speed: {}, {}, {}".format(round(variables.move_speed[0], 4), round(variables.move_speed[1], 4), round(variables.move_speed[2], 4)))

  def on_mouse_press(self, x, y, button, modifiers):
    """Is called when a mouse button is pressed."""
    if button == pyglet.window.mouse.LEFT:
      if not self.focus:
        self.log.debug("Taking focus.")
        self.focus = True

  def on_mouse_motion(self,x,y,dx,dy):
    """Is called when the mouse moves in the window."""
    if self.focus:

  def on_key_press(self,symbol,modifiers):
    """Is called when a key is pressed; and only when a key is pressed down, not called repeatedly when the key is held. See check_user_input() for held keys."""
    #if symbol == pyglet.window.key.F:

    if symbol == pyglet.window.key.ESCAPE: # Let the mouse out of the window.
      self.log.debug("Dropping focus.")
      self.focus = False

    elif symbol == pyglet.window.key.PLUS: # Increase the number of blocks drawn per frame.
      config.WorldRenderer.MaxBlocksPerFrame += 10
      print("MaxBlocksPerFrame: {}".format(config.WorldRenderer.MaxBlocksPerFrame))

    elif symbol == pyglet.window.key.MINUS: # Decrease the number of blocks drawn per frame.
      config.WorldRenderer.MaxBlocksPerFrame = max(0, config.WorldRenderer.MaxBlocksPerFrame - 10)
      print("MaxBlocksPerFrame: {}".format(config.WorldRenderer.MaxBlocksPerFrame))

    elif symbol == pyglet.window.key.D and modifiers & pyglet.window.key.MOD_ALT: # Open the debugger on the beginning of the next frame.
      self.focus = False
      self.debug = True

    elif symbol == pyglet.window.key.O: # Return the chunk the player is standing in and whether it has been requested to be rendered.
      cx, cy = self.world_client.abs_block_to_chunk_block(*self.player.standing_on())[0]
      print("Chunk {}, {}".format(cx, cy))
      if (cx, cy) in self.world_renderer.requested:
        print("Chunk is in requested")

  def on_resize(self, width, height):
    """Called when window is resized."""
    config.Window.Width = width
    config.Window.Height = height
    super(Game, self).on_resize(width, height)
    print("Resizing window: {}, {}".format(config.Window.Width, config.Window.Height))

  def on_close(self):
    """Called when the game closes or is killed with C-c on the command line."""
    if config.Game.Minimap:

    if len(self.times) > 0:
      average = round(sum(self.times) / len(self.times), 5)
      print("Average load_finished_chunks time: {}".format(average))

  def on_draw(self):
    """Called every frame."""

    # Print the FPS spam if it's enabled.
    if __debug__ and config.Debug.Game.FPS_SPAM:
      offset = 10000
      if dt > 0:
        self.fps[round(time()*offset)] = 1.0 / dt / 100
        #self.fps.append(pyglet.clock.get_fps()) # actually calculating the framerate seems to be more accurate.
        while time() - list(self.fps.keys())[0]/offset >= config.Debug.Game.FPS_SPAM_SPAN: del self.fps[list(self.fps.keys())[0]]
        if len(self.fps) > 0:
          avgerage = round(sum(self.fps.values()) / len(self.fps), 2)
          print("Average FPS: {}".format(avgerage))
          minimum = round(min(self.fps.values()), 2)
          print("Minimum FPS: {}".format(minimum))

    # if the debug flag is set, start the debugger; only when the app isn't running with the -O flag.
    if __debug__ and self.debug:
      self.debug = False


    self.clear() # Clear the screen
    glHint(GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, GL_NICEST) # Maybe change OpenGL settings to look nicer???

    self.player.draw_perspective() # Set the FOV, move the player 'camera', and looking direction.
    self.generate_view() # Do all the generating of chunks and rendering of chunks.

    self.world_renderer.draw() # Draw the world.

    # Update the second window if it's enabled.
    if config.Game.Minimap:
Exemple #4
def main():
    # menu check server or client
    zoom = ZOOM
    kof = 0
    scale = 1
    #draw displey
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode(DISPLAY) 
    # minimap
    minimap = Surface((MINIMAPSIZE,MINIMAPSIZE))
    # generation first position    
    (maps, x, y) = generationmap(zoom)
    # get player start position
    midx = WIN_WIDTH/2
    midy = WIN_HEIGHT/2
    # minimap create
    minmap = Minimap()
    #create this user 
    myplayer = player.Player(midx, midy, True, False, CANNON)
    play_parts = pygame.sprite.Group()
    #this user bullets
    player_bul = pygame.sprite.Group()
    zoom1 = ZOOM + 0.0
    # clock for fps
    timer = pygame.time.Clock()
    # zoom press
    iszoomincres = False
    iszoomdecres = False
    # socket create
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    sock.connect((HOST, PORT))

    upispres = 0
    p = False
    pausa = createbuttons()
    cannon = createbuttons()
    shild = createbuttons()
    # lists for reciven and sending 
    recivepl = []
    reciveen = []
    reckilen = []
    mustdelete = []
    damagesend = []
    sendparts = []
    mybulsend = []
    # send list of this user bullets
    data = ""
    while True:
        #draw background on the screen 
        # if zoom pressed zoom increes
        if iszoomincres == True:
            if scale<MAXSCALE:
                zoom1 += 2
                scale = zoom1/ZOOM
        # if zoom pressed zoom decrease        
        elif iszoomdecres == True:
            if scale>MINSCALE:
                zoom1 -= 2
                scale = zoom1/ZOOM

        #remove and zooming player
        for enemy in reciveen:
            for kilen in reckilen:
                if enemy[3] == kilen:
            x = enzooming(enemy[:3], myplayer.rect.center,
                          myplayer.myposx, myplayer.myposy, scale)
            pldraw(screen, x, EN_COLOR)            
        # check shilds
        #shild_dam((0,0), play_parts)
        # shild restore

        # SHOTTING and all for this player bullets
        # and killed enemies
        mybulsend = []
        damagesend = []
        #update and draw bullets   
        for bul in player_bul:
            x = bzooming((bul.rect.x, bul.rect.y), myplayer.rect.center, 0, 0, scale)
            drawscbull(screen, x, scale)
            # check if bullet find a target
            for encord in reciveen:
                (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) = findsquere(encord)
                #if bullet in the enemy squere kill bullet         
                if bul.rect.x >=  xmin+3 and bul.rect.x <= xmax-3:
                    if bul.rect.y >=  ymin+3 and bul.rect.y <= ymax-3:
            #add bullet in send list    
            mybulsend.append((bul.rect.x+int(myplayer.myposx), bul.rect.y+int(myplayer.myposy), bul.id, bul.num))

        #send thisplayer package
        data = "PL"
        data += pickle.dumps(myplayer.sendp)
        #serialize thisplayer bullets    
        data += "BUL"
        data += pickle.dumps(mybulsend)
        #serialize damage of thisplayer bullets   
        data += "DAM"
        data += pickle.dumps(damagesend)
        data += "PAR"
        data += pickle.dumps(sendparts)
        #send and recive package
        rec = sock.recv(BUFF)

        if rec[:2] == "PL":
            rec = rec[2:]
            cords = rec.split("BUL")

            players = pickle.loads(cords[0])
            for pl in players:
                if pl[3]!= myplayer.id:
                    for myp in recivepl:
                        if pl[3]== myp[3]:

            cor = cords[1].split("ENE")

            #take bullet other player and zoomed
            bullets = pickle.loads(cor[0])
            if bullets != []:
                for b in bullets:
                    temp = False
                    for pl in play_parts:
                        if pl.id == b[2]:
                            temp = True
                    if temp == False:        
                        x = bzooming(b[:2], myplayer.rect.center, myplayer.myposx, myplayer.myposy, scale)
                        drawscbull(screen, x, scale)

            co = cor[1].split("KIL")

            #take enemy cords
            enemies = pickle.loads(co[0])
            for enemy in enemies:
                for myenemy in reciveen:
                    if enemy[3] == myenemy[3]:

            cor = co[1].split("ENB")
            # take id killen enemies
            reckilen = pickle.loads(cor[0])

            #take enemy bullets and zoomed
            enbul = pickle.loads(cor[1])
            for b in enbul:
                x = bzooming(b, myplayer.rect.center, myplayer.myposx, myplayer.myposy, scale)
                drawscbull(screen, x, scale)
        # move recived players
        for p in recivepl:
            if p[4] == False:
                move(p,myplayer.myposx, myplayer.myposy)
                p[4] = True
            x = enzooming(p[:3], myplayer.rect.center,
                          myplayer.myposx, myplayer.myposy, scale)
            pldraw(screen, x, PL_COLOR)  

        # draw recived enemies
        for myenemy in reciveen:
            if myenemy[4] == False:
                myenemy = move(myenemy,myplayer.myposx, myplayer.myposy)
                myenemy[4] = True

        #draw and update thisplayer object 
        pos = mouse.get_pos()
        for pl in play_parts:
            pl.update(0, 1, myplayer)
            if pl.id == myplayer.id:
                pl.draw(screen, pos, scale)
                x = enzooming(pl.points, myplayer.rect.center,
                          myplayer.myposx, myplayer.myposy, scale)
                pldraw(screen, x, PL_COLOR)

        # ALL EVENTS for gamemode
        for e in pygame.event.get():
            # check multipress 
            keystate = pygame.key.get_pressed()
            # exit
            if e.type == QUIT:
            # start moving and rotating
            elif e.type == KEYDOWN:
                if keystate[K_ESCAPE]:
                if keystate[K_UP]:
                    for part in play_parts:
                        part.ismoveup = True
                if keystate[K_DOWN]:
                    for part in play_parts:
                        part.ismovedown = True
                if keystate[K_LEFT]:
                    for part in play_parts:
                        part.isrotateleft = True
                if keystate[K_RIGHT]:
                    for part in play_parts:
                        part.isrotateright = True
                if keystate[K_1]:
                    iszoomincres = True
                if keystate[K_2]:
                    iszoomdecres = True

            # stop moving and rotating        
            elif e.type == KEYUP:
                if e.key == K_UP:
                    for part in play_parts:
                        part.ismoveup = False
                if e.key == K_DOWN:
                    for part in play_parts:
                        part.ismovedown = False
                if e.key == K_LEFT:
                    for part in play_parts:
                        part.isrotateleft = False
                if e.key == K_RIGHT:
                    for part in play_parts:
                        part.isrotateright = False
                if e.key == K_1:
                    iszoomincres = False
                if e.key == K_2:
                    iszoomdecres = False

            #player shoot        
            elif e.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:

                # if button press (CREATEMODE)        
                if e.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                    # mouse position
                    pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                    p = startpause(p, pausa, pos)
                    # if pausa reset all player objects angle
                    if p == True:
                        print myplayer.points
                        alfa = myplayer.alfa
                        if alfa%360!=0:
                            alfa = alfa%360
                            for part in play_parts:
                                part.alfa = 0
                                part.rottoanhle(-alfa, myplayer)
                                part.update(0, 1 , myplayer)
                    #pausa createmode begin
                    while p == True:
                        #print myplayer.rect
                        update_display(screen, cannon, 100, 2, WIN_WIDTH/2)
                        update_display(screen, shild, 140, 2, WIN_WIDTH/2)
                        update_display(screen, pausa, 10, 2, 0)
                        pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                        (p,upispres, mypl) = createmode(screen, p, pausa, cannon, shild, pos, upispres, play_parts, ZOOM, kof, myplayer)
                        if mypl != 0:
                        if upispres == CANNON:
                            drawpoligon(screen, pos)
                        elif upispres == SHILD:
                            drawrect(screen, pos)
                        for pl in play_parts:
                            pl.draw(screen, pos, 1)
                # player shoot
                for pl in play_parts:
                    if pl.ptype == CANNON:
        #pausa button                
        update_display(screen, pausa, 10, 1,0)        

        drawtext(screen, timer)
        minmap.draw(screen, reciveen, myplayer, recivepl)
Exemple #5
class Game:
    """ Class that holds game info, handles user inputs and draws every game component on the screen """    

    def __init__(self):
        # X and Y start position
        self.posX = 3.0
        self.posY = 10.0 
        # Initial direction vector
        self.dirX = -1.0
        self.dirY = 0.0 
        # The 2d raycaster version of camera plane
        self.planeX = 0.0
        self.planeY = 0.66
        self.textures = []
        self.sprites = {}
        # Load some textures and sprites into Spritesheet instances
        self.textures.append(SpriteSheet("assets/eagle.png")) #1
        self.textures.append(SpriteSheet("assets/redbrick.png")) #2
        self.textures.append(SpriteSheet("assets/purplestone.png")) #3
        self.textures.append(SpriteSheet("assets/greystone.png")) #4
        self.textures.append(SpriteSheet("assets/bluestone.png")) #5
        self.textures.append(SpriteSheet("assets/mossy.png")) #6
        self.textures.append(SpriteSheet("assets/wood.png")) #7
        self.textures.append(SpriteSheet("assets/colorstone.png")) #8
        self.projectile_image = SpriteSheet("assets/projectile.png")
        self.player_image = SpriteSheet("assets/player.png")
        # Load static floor image
        self.floor_img = pygame.image.load("assets/floor.png").convert()
        self.minimap = Minimap(5)
        self.font = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 10)
        self.font_large = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 26)
        self.time = 0 # time of current frame
        self.oldTime = 0 #time of previous frame
        self.frameTime = 0.0
        self.my_id = -1
        self.sprites[self.my_id] = []
        self.shoot = False
        self.is_connected = False
        self.done = False
        self.game_map = c.game_map
        self.show_scoreboard = False
        self.scoreboard = Scoreboard()
        self.message = ""
        self.old_message_time = 0
        self.message_time = 0
        self.scoreboard_data = {}
        self.zBuffer = []
        self.show_cursor = False

    def input_handle(self):
        """ Handles user keyboard and mouse inputs """        
        events = pygame.event.get()

        # speed modifiers
        moveSpeed = self.frameTime * 5.0 # The constant value is in squares/second
        rotSpeed = self.frameTime * 3.0 # The constant value is in radians/second

        key = pygame.key.get_pressed()
        # Move forward if no wall in front of you
        if key[pygame.K_w]:
            if(self.game_map[int(self.posX + self.dirX * moveSpeed)][int(self.posY)] == False):
                self.posX += self.dirX * moveSpeed
            if(self.game_map[int(self.posX)][int(self.posY + self.dirY * moveSpeed)] == False):
                self.posY += self.dirY * moveSpeed

        # Move backwards if no wall behind you
        if key[pygame.K_s]:
            if(self.game_map[int(self.posX - self.dirX * moveSpeed)][int(self.posY)] == False):
                self.posX -= self.dirX * moveSpeed
            if(self.game_map[int(self.posX)][int(self.posY - self.dirY * moveSpeed)] == False):
                self.posY -= self.dirY * moveSpeed
        if key[pygame.K_d]:
            oldDirX = self.dirX
            self.dirX = self.dirX * cos(-pi/2) - self.dirY * sin(-pi/2)
            self.dirY = oldDirX * sin(-pi/2) + self.dirY * cos(-pi/2)
            oldPlaneX = self.planeX
            self.planeX = self.planeX * cos(-pi/2) - self.planeY * sin(-pi/2)
            self.planeY = oldPlaneX * sin(-pi/2) + self.planeY * cos(-pi/2)

            if(self.game_map[int(self.posX + self.dirX * moveSpeed)][int(self.posY)] == False):
                self.posX += self.dirX * (moveSpeed/2)
            if(self.game_map[int(self.posX)][int(self.posY + self.dirY * moveSpeed)] == False):
                self.posY += self.dirY * (moveSpeed/2)

            oldDirX = self.dirX
            self.dirX = self.dirX * cos(pi/2) - self.dirY * sin(pi/2)
            self.dirY = oldDirX * sin(pi/2) + self.dirY * cos(pi/2)
            oldPlaneX = self.planeX
            self.planeX = self.planeX * cos(pi/2) - self.planeY * sin(pi/2)
            self.planeY = oldPlaneX * sin(pi/2) + self.planeY * cos(pi/2)
        if key[pygame.K_a]:
            oldDirX = self.dirX
            self.dirX = self.dirX * cos(-pi/2) - self.dirY * sin(-pi/2)
            self.dirY = oldDirX * sin(-pi/2) + self.dirY * cos(-pi/2)
            oldPlaneX = self.planeX
            self.planeX = self.planeX * cos(-pi/2) - self.planeY * sin(-pi/2)
            self.planeY = oldPlaneX * sin(-pi/2) + self.planeY * cos(-pi/2)

            if(self.game_map[int(self.posX - self.dirX * moveSpeed)][int(self.posY)] == False):
                self.posX -= self.dirX * moveSpeed
            if(self.game_map[int(self.posX)][int(self.posY - self.dirY * moveSpeed)] == False):
                self.posY -= self.dirY * moveSpeed

            oldDirX = self.dirX
            self.dirX = self.dirX * cos(pi/2) - self.dirY * sin(pi/2)
            self.dirY = oldDirX * sin(pi/2) + self.dirY * cos(pi/2)
            oldPlaneX = self.planeX
            self.planeX = self.planeX * cos(pi/2) - self.planeY * sin(pi/2)
            self.planeY = oldPlaneX * sin(pi/2) + self.planeY * cos(pi/2)

        # Rotate to the right
        if key[pygame.K_RIGHT]:
            # Both camera direction and camera plane must be rotated
            oldDirX = self.dirX
            self.dirX = self.dirX * cos(-rotSpeed) - self.dirY * sin(-rotSpeed)
            self.dirY = oldDirX * sin(-rotSpeed) + self.dirY * cos(-rotSpeed)
            oldPlaneX = self.planeX
            self.planeX = self.planeX * cos(-rotSpeed) - self.planeY * sin(-rotSpeed)
            self.planeY = oldPlaneX * sin(-rotSpeed) + self.planeY * cos(-rotSpeed)

        # Rotate to the left
        if key[pygame.K_LEFT]:
            # Both camera direction and camera plane must be rotated
            oldDirX = self.dirX
            self.dirX = self.dirX * cos(rotSpeed) - self.dirY * sin(rotSpeed)
            self.dirY = oldDirX * sin(rotSpeed) + self.dirY * cos(rotSpeed)
            oldPlaneX = self.planeX
            self.planeX = self.planeX * cos(rotSpeed) - self.planeY * sin(rotSpeed)
            self.planeY = oldPlaneX * sin(rotSpeed) + self.planeY * cos(rotSpeed)

        for event in events:
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                self.done = True  
            elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                if key[pygame.K_SPACE]:
                    self.shoot = True
                    if not self.is_connected:
                        self.sprites[self.my_id].append(Sprite(self.posX, self.posY, self.dirX, self.dirY, self.projectile_image, 0.4))
            elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                if event.button == 1:
                    self.shoot = True
                    if not self.is_connected:
                        self.sprites[self.my_id].append(Sprite(self.posX, self.posY, self.dirX, self.dirY, self.projectile_image, 0.4))
                if event.button == 3:
                    if not self.show_cursor:
                        self.show_cursor = True
                    elif self.show_cursor:
                        self.show_cursor = False
        if key[pygame.K_ESCAPE]:
            self.done = True

        self.show_scoreboard = False
        if key[pygame.K_TAB]:
            self.show_scoreboard = True
        (movement_x, movement_y) = pygame.mouse.get_rel()
        if movement_x:
            rotSpeed *= (-movement_x/25)
            oldDirX = self.dirX
            self.dirX = self.dirX * cos(rotSpeed) - self.dirY * sin(rotSpeed)
            self.dirY = oldDirX * sin(rotSpeed) + self.dirY * cos(rotSpeed)
            oldPlaneX = self.planeX
            self.planeX = self.planeX * cos(rotSpeed) - self.planeY * sin(rotSpeed)
            self.planeY = oldPlaneX * sin(rotSpeed) + self.planeY * cos(rotSpeed)

    def cast_sprites(self, dict_sprites, screen):
        """ Cast sprites into a surface

            dict_sprites (dict): dictionary containing all the sprites, including players and projectiles
            screen (surface): the pygame surface to draw the sprites

        sprites = []
        # Check for you own sprite so you dont cast your player
        for player_id, sprites_list in dict_sprites.items():
            for sprite in sprites_list:
                if not (int(player_id) == self.my_id and sprite.is_player):
        # TODO: Sort sprites from far to close

        # After sorting the sprites, do the projection and draw them
        for sprite in sprites:
            # Translate sprite position to relative to camera
            spriteX = sprite.x - self.posX
            spriteY = sprite.y - self.posY

            # Transform sprite with the inverse camera matrix
            # [ planeX   dirX ] -1                                       [ dirY      -dirX ]
            # [               ]       =  1/(planeX*dirY-dirX*planeY) *   [                 ]
            # [ planeY   dirY ]                                          [ -planeY  planeX ]

            invDet = 1.0 / (self.planeX * self.dirY - self.dirX * self.planeY) # Required for correct matrix multiplication

            transformX = invDet * (self.dirY * spriteX - self.dirX * spriteY)
            transformY = invDet * (-self.planeY * spriteX + self.planeX * spriteY) # This is actually the depth inside the screen, that what Z is in 3D, the distance of sprite to player, matching sqrt(spriteDistance[i])

            if transformY == 0:
                transformY = 0.001
            spriteScreenX = int((c.SCREEN_WIDTH / 2) * (1 + transformX / transformY))

            # Parameters for scaling and moving the sprites
            uDiv = sprite.uDiv
            vDiv = sprite.vDiv
            vMove = sprite.vMove
            vMoveScreen = int(vMove / transformY)

            # Calculate height of the sprite on screen
            spriteHeight = abs(int(c.SCREEN_HEIGHT / (transformY))) / vDiv # Using "transformY" instead of the real distance prevents fisheye
            # Calculate lowest and highest pixel to fill in current stripe
            drawStartY = -spriteHeight / 2 + c.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 + vMoveScreen
            if drawStartY < 0:
                drawStartY = 0
            drawEndY = spriteHeight / 2 + c.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 + vMoveScreen
            if drawEndY >= c.SCREEN_HEIGHT:
                drawEndY = c.SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1

            # Calculate width of the sprite
            spriteWidth = abs( int (c.SCREEN_HEIGHT / (transformY))) / uDiv
            drawStartX = -spriteWidth / 2 + spriteScreenX
            drawEndX = spriteWidth / 2 + spriteScreenX
            if drawEndX >= c.SCREEN_WIDTH:
                drawEndX = c.SCREEN_WIDTH - 1

            # Get sprite image size
            image_width = sprite.image.get_width()
            image_height = sprite.image.get_height()
            for stripe in range(int(drawStartX), int(drawEndX)):
                texX = int(256 * (stripe - (-spriteWidth / 2 + spriteScreenX)) * image_width / spriteWidth) / 256
                if transformY > 0 and drawStartX >= 0 and drawEndX < c.SCREEN_WIDTH and transformY < self.zBuffer[stripe]:
                    tmp_image1 = sprite.image.get_image(int(round(texX)), 0, 1, image_height)
                    tmp_image = pygame.transform.scale(tmp_image1, (1, int(spriteHeight)))

                    # Darken sprites that are far from the player
                    darken_percent = (1 - (spriteHeight*30/c.SCREEN_HEIGHT))
                    dark = pygame.Surface(tmp_image.get_size(), pygame.SRCALPHA).convert_alpha()
                    darkness = (darken_percent*255)
                    if darkness > 255:
                        darkness = 255
                    elif darkness < 0:
                        darkness = 0
                    dark.blit(tmp_image, (0 , 0))
                    dark.fill((darkness, darkness, darkness, 0), None, pygame.BLEND_RGBA_SUB)
                    #print("drawx: {} drawy: {}".format(drawStartX, drawStartY))
                    screen.blit(dark, (stripe , drawStartY))

                    middle_stripe = int(drawStartX + (drawEndX - drawStartX)//2)
                    if stripe ==  middle_stripe and sprite.is_player:
                        ratio = 4 * (spriteHeight / image_height) 
                        text_default = self.font_large.render(sprite.name, True, c.GREEN)
                        scaled_width = int(ratio*text_default.get_width())
                        scaled_height = int(ratio*text_default.get_height())
                        text = pygame.transform.scale(text_default, (scaled_width, scaled_height))
                        screen.blit(text, (middle_stripe  - text.get_width()//2, drawStartY - text.get_height()))

            # print("{}  {}  {}".format(drawEndX//2, drawStartY, inside))


            if not self.is_connected:
                if self.game_map[int(sprite.x)][int(sprite.y)]:

    def draw(self, screen):
        """  Draws all the game components

            screen (surface): the surface to draw the game on
        pygame.draw.rect(screen, c.BLACK, (0, 0, c.SCREEN_WIDTH, c.SCREEN_HEIGHT//2))
        floor_size = self.floor_img.get_size()
        if floor_size[0] != c.SCREEN_WIDTH or floor_size[1] != c.SCREEN_HEIGHT//2:
            self.floor_img = pygame.transform.scale(self.floor_img, (c.SCREEN_WIDTH, c.SCREEN_HEIGHT//2))
        screen.blit(self.floor_img, (0, c.SCREEN_HEIGHT//2, c.SCREEN_WIDTH, c.SCREEN_HEIGHT//2))

        self.zBuffer = []
        for x in range(0, c.SCREEN_WIDTH):

            # Calculate ray position and direction
            cameraX = 2 * x / c.SCREEN_WIDTH - 1 # x-coordinate in camera space
            rayDirX = self.dirX + self.planeX*cameraX
            rayDirY = self.dirY + self.planeY*cameraX

            # Which box of the map we're in
            mapX = int(self.posX)
            mapY = int(self.posY)

            # Length of ray from current position to next x or y-side
            sideDistX = 0.0
            sideDistY = 0.0

            # Length of ray from one x or y-side to next x or y-side
            if rayDirX == 0:
                rayDirX = 0.001
            if rayDirY == 0:
                rayDirY = 0.001
            deltaDistX = abs(1 / rayDirX)
            deltaDistY = abs(1 / rayDirY)
            perpWallDist = 0.0

            # What direction to step in x or y-direction (either +1 or -1)
            stepX = -1
            stepY = -1

            hit = 0 # was there a wall hit?
            side = 0 # was a NS or a EW wall hit?

            # Calculate step and initial sideDist
            if rayDirX < 0:
                stepX = -1
                sideDistX = (self.posX - mapX) * deltaDistX
                stepX = 1
                sideDistX = (mapX + 1.0 - self.posX) * deltaDistX
            if rayDirY < 0:
                stepY = -1
                sideDistY = (self.posY - mapY) * deltaDistY
                stepY = 1
                sideDistY = (mapY + 1.0 - self.posY) * deltaDistY

            # Perform DDA
            while hit == 0:
                # jump to next map square, OR in x-direction, OR in y-direction
                if sideDistX < sideDistY:
                    sideDistX += deltaDistX
                    mapX += stepX
                    side = 0
                    sideDistY += deltaDistY
                    mapY += stepY
                    side = 1
                # Check if ray has hit a wall
                if(self.game_map[mapX][mapY] > 0): 
                    hit = 1

            # Calculate distance of perpendicular ray (Euclidean distance will give fisheye effect!)
            if side == 0:
                perpWallDist = (mapX - self.posX + (1 - stepX) / 2) / rayDirX
                perpWallDist = (mapY - self.posY + (1 - stepY) / 2) / rayDirY

            # Calculate height of line to draw on screen
            if perpWallDist == 0:
                perpWallDist = 0.000001
            lineHeight = int(c.SCREEN_HEIGHT / perpWallDist)
            if lineHeight > 10*c.SCREEN_HEIGHT:
                lineHeight = 10*c.SCREEN_HEIGHT

            # Calculate lowest and highest pixel to fill in current stripe
            drawStart = -lineHeight / 2 + c.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2
            if drawStart < 0:
                drawStart = 0
            drawEnd = lineHeight / 2 + c.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2
            if drawEnd >= c.SCREEN_HEIGHT:
                drawEnd = c.SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1

            # Texturing calculations
            texNum = self.game_map[mapX][mapY] - 1  # 1 subtracted from it so that texture 0 can be used!

            # Calculate value of wallX
            wallX = 0.0 # Where exactly the wall was hit
            if side == 0:
                wallX = self.posY + perpWallDist * rayDirY
                wallX = self.posX + perpWallDist * rayDirX
            wallX -= floor((wallX))

            # X coordinate on the texture
            texX = int(wallX * c.TEX_WIDTH)
            if(side == 0 and rayDirX > 0):
                texX = c.TEX_WIDTH - texX - 1
            if(side == 1 and rayDirY < 0):
                texX = c.TEX_WIDTH - texX - 1

            # TODO: an integer-only bresenham or DDA like algorithm could make the texture coordinate stepping faster
            # How much to increase the texture coordinate per screen pixel
            step = 1.0 * c.TEX_HEIGHT / lineHeight
            # Starting texture coordinate
            texPos = (drawStart - c.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 + lineHeight / 2) * step

            image1 = self.textures[texNum].get_image(int(round(texX)), 0, 1, 64 )
            image2 = pygame.transform.scale(image1, (1, lineHeight))
            darken_percent = (1 - (lineHeight*5/c.SCREEN_HEIGHT))
            dark = pygame.Surface(image2.get_size()).convert_alpha()
            darkness = (darken_percent*255)
            if darkness > 255:
                darkness = 255
            elif darkness < 0:
                darkness = 0
            dark.fill((0, 0, 0, darkness))

            screen.blit(image2, ((x * 1), c.SCREEN_HEIGHT // 2 - lineHeight // 2))
            screen.blit(dark, ((x * 1), c.SCREEN_HEIGHT // 2 - lineHeight // 2))

        # Cast Sprites and Players:
        self.cast_sprites(self.sprites, screen)
        # Draw Minimap
        self.minimap.draw(screen, self.game_map, self.posX, self.posY, self.sprites)

        # Timing for input and FPS counter
        self.oldTime = self.time
        self.time = pygame.time.get_ticks()
        self.frameTime = (self.time - self.oldTime) / 1000.0 # Frametime is the time this frame has taken, in seconds
        fps = 1.0 / self.frameTime
        text = self.font.render("FPS: {:.2f}".format(fps), True, c.WHITE)
        screen.blit(text, (10, 10))

        # Draw Scoreboard
        if self.show_scoreboard:
            self.scoreboard.draw(screen, self.sprites, self.scoreboard_data)

        # Draw the crosshair
        cross_size = 20
        pygame.draw.line(screen, c.RED, (c.SCREEN_WIDTH//2 - cross_size//2, c.SCREEN_HEIGHT//2 + 20),
                            (c.SCREEN_WIDTH//2 + cross_size//2, c.SCREEN_HEIGHT//2 + 20))
        pygame.draw.line(screen, c.RED, (c.SCREEN_WIDTH//2, c.SCREEN_HEIGHT//2 - cross_size//2 + 20),
                            (c.SCREEN_WIDTH//2, c.SCREEN_HEIGHT//2 + cross_size//2 + 20))

        # Draw server message and empty the variable after some time
        if self.message:
            self.message_time = pygame.time.get_ticks()
            if self.message_time - self.old_message_time > 5000:
                self.old_message_time = self.message_time
                self.message = ""
        if not self.message:
            self.old_message_time = pygame.time.get_ticks()
        text = self.font.render(self.message, True, c.WHITE)
        screen.blit(text, (c.SCREEN_WIDTH//2, 10))