Exemple #1
 def monitor( self, hosts=None, timeoutms=-1 ):
     """Monitor a set of hosts (or all hosts by default),
        and return their output, a line at a time.
        hosts: (optional) set of hosts to monitor
        timeoutms: (optional) timeout value in ms
        returns: iterator which returns host, line"""
     if hosts is None:
         hosts = self.hosts
     poller = select.poll()
     Node = hosts[ 0 ]  # so we can call class method fdToNode
     for host in hosts:
         poller.register( host.stdout )
     while True:
         ready = poller.poll( timeoutms )
         for fd, event in ready:
             host = Node.fdToNode( fd )
             if event & select.POLLIN:
                 line = host.readline()
                 if line is not None:
                     yield host, line
         # Return if non-blocking
         if not ready and timeoutms >= 0:
             yield None, None