def simpleTest(): print("infection hosts rate:") inf_rate = eval(input()) print("amplituda (packets per second):") max = eval(input()) print("period T:") grow_time = eval(input()) / 2 atck_time = 40 test_time = 50 controller = RemoteController('Runos', ip='', port=6653) switch = partial(OVSKernelSwitch, protocols='OpenFlow13') net = TreeNet(depth=2, fanout=3, controller=controller, switch=switch, cleanup=True) net.start() sleep(3) hosts = net.topo.hosts() inf_amount = round(inf_rate * len(hosts)) inf_hosts = [] while inf_amount: num = randint(0, 8) if inf_amount and not (hosts[num] in inf_hosts): inf_hosts.append(hosts[num]) inf_amount -= 1 hosts = net.topo.hosts() general_capacity_per_sec = max / len(inf_hosts) num_intervals = round(grow_time / 2) offset_delay = round((1000 / general_capacity_per_sec) / num_intervals) print(hosts) start = monotonic() childs = [] for i in range(len(hosts)): try: pid = os.fork() except: print('error: create child process') sys.exit(33) if pid == 0: host = net.get(hosts[i]) if hosts[i] in inf_hosts: ping_pair = net.get(hosts[i - 1]) curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (2.5 - curr_time) if (2.5 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), ping_pair.IP(), interval)) host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (ping_pair.IP(), interval)) ping_pair = net.get(hosts[i - 2]) curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (5 - curr_time) if (5 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), ping_pair.IP(), interval)) host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (ping_pair.IP(), interval)) k = 0 while curr_time < atck_time + 5: curr_time = monotonic() - start sleep_time = grow_time * 2 * k + 5 - curr_time if sleep_time > 0: sleep(sleep_time) send_delay = 0 for j in range(num_intervals): curr_time = monotonic() - start send_delay += offset_delay if (curr_time + 2 < atck_time + 5): print("curr_time=%s :: %s start attack" % (curr_time, host.IP())) host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s %s %s" % (host.MAC(), host.IP(), 2, send_delay)) for j in range(num_intervals): curr_time = monotonic() - start if (curr_time + 2 < atck_time + 5): print("curr_time=%s :: %s start attack" % (curr_time, host.IP())) host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s %s %s" % (host.MAC(), host.IP(), 2, send_delay)) send_delay -= offset_delay k += 1 while curr_time < test_time + 5: curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = ( 5 + test_time - curr_time) if (5 + test_time - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), ping_pair.IP(), interval)) host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (ping_pair.IP(), interval)) sleep(0.5) file_name = "atck_duration_" + str(i) + ".txt" handle = open(file_name, "w") handle.write("'%s' : [%s, %s]" % (net.get(hosts[i]).IP(), 5, 45)) handle.close() else: ping_pair = net.get(hosts[i - 1]) curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (5 - curr_time) if (5 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), ping_pair.IP(), interval)) host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (ping_pair.IP(), interval)) ping_pair = net.get(hosts[i - 2]) curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (25 - curr_time) if (25 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), ping_pair.IP(), interval)) host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (ping_pair.IP(), interval)) ping_pair = net.get(hosts[i - 3]) curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = ( test_time + 5 - curr_time) if (test_time + 5 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), ping_pair.IP(), interval)) host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (ping_pair.IP(), interval)) sys.exit(3) if pid > 0: childs.append(pid) for p in childs: pid, status = os.wait() print('childs end') host = net.get(hosts[0]) handleResult = open("runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/tests/infectedMACs.txt", "w") handleResult.write("{") for i in range(len(hosts)): if hosts[i] in inf_hosts: file_name = "atck_duration_" + str(i) + ".txt" handle = open(file_name, "r") result = handleResult.write(result) if i < (len(hosts) - 1): handleResult.write(", ") handle.close() cmnd = "sudo rm " + file_name host.cmd(cmnd) handleResult.write("}") handleResult.close() CLI(net) net.stop()
def simpleTest(): controller = RemoteController('Runos', ip='', port=6653) switch = partial(OVSKernelSwitch, protocols='OpenFlow13') net = TreeNet(depth=2, fanout=3, controller=controller, switch=switch, cleanup=True) net.start() sleep(3) start = monotonic() attack_hosts = ["h1", "h2", "h5"] childs = [] for hostName in net.topo.hosts(): try: pid = os.fork() except: print('error: create child process') sys.exit(33) if pid == 0: host = net.get(hostName) if hostName == "h1": pingPair = net.get("h4") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (12 - curr_time) if (12 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print( hostName, host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) curr_time = monotonic() - start sleep_time = 12.5 - curr_time if sleep_time > 0: sleep(sleep_time) curr_time = monotonic() - start print("curr_time=%s :: %s start attack" % (curr_time, host.IP())) start_attack = curr_time result = host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s 25" % (host.MAC(), host.IP())) curr_time = monotonic() - start end_attack = curr_time print("curr_time=%s :: %s end attack" % (curr_time, host.IP())) pingPair = net.get("h3") pingPair.setIP("") while (curr_time < 50): curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (50 - curr_time) if (50 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print( hostName, host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) sleep(0.5) file_name = "atck_duration_" + attack_hosts[0] + ".txt" handle = open(file_name, "w") handle.write("'%s' : [%s, %s]" % (host.IP(), start_attack, end_attack)) handle.close() if hostName == "h2": pingPair = net.get("h1") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (4 - curr_time) if (4 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print( hostName, host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) curr_time = monotonic() - start print('curr_time=%s :: %s changed IP with DHCP' % (curr_time, host.IP())) host.cmd('dhclient -r') host.cmd('dhclient') sleep(0.5) newIP = host.cmd( "ifconfig | grep 'inet 10.' | cut -f2 -d't' | cut -f1 -d'n'" ) splitnewIP = newIP.split(' ') host.setIP(splitnewIP[1]) pingPair = net.get("h3") pingPair.setIP("") curr_time = monotonic() - start sleep_time = 6 - curr_time if sleep_time > 0: sleep(sleep_time) curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (12 - curr_time) if (12 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print( hostName, host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) curr_time = monotonic() - start sleep_time = 12.5 - curr_time if sleep_time > 0: sleep(sleep_time) curr_time = monotonic() - start print("curr_time=%s :: %s start attack" % (curr_time, host.IP())) start_attack = curr_time result = host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s 35" % (host.MAC(), host.IP())) curr_time = monotonic() - start end_attack = curr_time print("curr_time=%s :: %s end attack" % (curr_time, host.IP())) pingPair = net.get("h7") while curr_time < 50: curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (50 - curr_time) if (50 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print( hostName, host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) sleep(0.5) file_name = "atck_duration_" + attack_hosts[1] + ".txt" handle = open(file_name, "w") handle.write("'%s' : [%s, %s]" % (host.IP(), start_attack, end_attack)) handle.close() if hostName == "h3": pingPair = net.get("h4") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (4 - curr_time) if (4 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print( hostName, host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) curr_time = monotonic() - start print( 'curr_time=%s :: %s changed IP STATIC (%s ->' % (curr_time, host.IP(), host.IP())) host.cmd('ifconfig h3-eth0 netmask 255:0:0:0') host.setIP("") sleep(0.5) pingPair = net.get("h4") curr_time = monotonic() - start sleep_time = 6 - curr_time if sleep_time > 0: sleep(sleep_time) curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (25 - curr_time) if (25 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print( hostName, host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) pingPair = net.get("h7") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (40 - curr_time) if (40 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print( hostName, host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) pingPair = net.get("h6") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (50 - curr_time) if (50 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print( hostName, host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) if hostName == "h4": pingPair = net.get("h5") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (12.5 - curr_time) if (12.5 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print( hostName, host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) pingPair = net.get("h9") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (25 - curr_time) if (25 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print( hostName, host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) curr_time = monotonic() - start print('curr_time=%s :: %s changed IP with DHCP' % (curr_time, host.IP())) host.cmd('dhclient -r') host.cmd('dhclient') sleep(0.5) newIP = host.cmd( "ifconfig | grep 'inet 10.' | cut -f2 -d't' | cut -f1 -d'n'" ) splitnewIP = newIP.split(' ') host.setIP(splitnewIP[1]) pingPair = net.get("h6") curr_time = monotonic() - start sleep_time = 27.5 - curr_time if sleep_time > 0: sleep(sleep_time) curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (40 - curr_time) if (40 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print( hostName, host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) curr_time = monotonic() - start sleep_time = 45 - curr_time if sleep_time > 0: sleep(sleep_time) curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (50 - curr_time) if (50 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print( hostName, host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) if hostName == "h5": pingPair = net.get("h6") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (6 - curr_time) if (6 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print( hostName, host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) pingPair = net.get("h8") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (12 - curr_time) if (12 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print( hostName, host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) curr_time = monotonic() - start sleep_time = 12.5 - curr_time if sleep_time > 0: sleep(sleep_time) curr_time = monotonic() - start print("curr_time=%s :: %s start attack" % (curr_time, host.IP())) start_attack = curr_time result = host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s 25" % (host.MAC(), host.IP())) curr_time = monotonic() - start end_attack = curr_time print("curr_time=%s :: %s end attack" % (curr_time, host.IP())) pingPair = net.get("h8") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (40 - curr_time) if (40 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print( hostName, host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) curr_time = monotonic() - start sleep_time = 46 - curr_time if sleep_time > 0: sleep(sleep_time) while curr_time < 50: curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (50 - curr_time) if (50 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print( hostName, host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) sleep(0.5) file_name = "atck_duration_" + attack_hosts[2] + ".txt" handle = open(file_name, "w") handle.write("'%s' : [%s, %s]" % (host.IP(), start_attack, end_attack)) handle.close() if hostName == "h6": pingPair = net.get("h7") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (6 - curr_time) if (6 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print( hostName, host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) pingPair = net.get("h8") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (27.5 - curr_time) if (27.5 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print( hostName, host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) pingPair = net.get("h7") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (40 - curr_time) if (40 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print( hostName, host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) curr_time = monotonic() - start sleep_time = 45 - curr_time if sleep_time > 0: sleep(sleep_time) curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (50 - curr_time) if (50 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print( hostName, host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) if hostName == "h7": pingPair = net.get("h9") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (6 - curr_time) if (6 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print( hostName, host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) curr_time = monotonic() - start sleep_time = 10 - curr_time if sleep_time > 0: sleep(sleep_time) curr_time = monotonic() - start print('curr_time=%s :: %s move from s4 to s2' % (curr_time, host.IP())) hostIP = host.IP() moveHost(host, net.get('s4'), net.get('s2'), None, net) host = net.get(hostName) host.setIP(hostIP) curr_time = monotonic() - start sleep_time = 17.5 - curr_time if sleep_time > 0: sleep(sleep_time) curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (50 - curr_time) if (50 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print( hostName, host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) if hostName == "h8": pingPair = net.get("h9") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (15 - curr_time) if (15 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print( hostName, host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (27.5 - curr_time) if (27.5 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), interval)) print( hostName, host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s" % interval)) curr_time = monotonic() - start sleep_time = 30 - curr_time if sleep_time > 0: sleep(sleep_time) curr_time = monotonic() - start print('curr_time=%s :: %s move from s4 to s1' % (curr_time, host.IP())) hostIP = host.IP() moveHost(host, net.get('s4'), net.get('s1'), None, net) host = net.get(hostName) host.setIP(hostIP) curr_time = monotonic() - start sleep_time = 37.5 - curr_time if sleep_time > 0: sleep(sleep_time) pingPair = net.get("h9") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (50 - curr_time) if (50 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print( hostName, host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) if hostName == "h9": pingPair = net.get("h6") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (50 - curr_time) if (50 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print( hostName, host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) sys.exit(3) if pid > 0: childs.append(pid) for p in childs: pid, status = os.wait() curr_time = monotonic() - start print("curr_time=%s :: childs end" % curr_time) handleResult = open("runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/tests/infectedMACs.txt", "w") handleResult.write("{") for i in range(len(attack_hosts)): host = net.get(attack_hosts[i]) file_name = "atck_duration_" + attack_hosts[i] + ".txt" handle = open(file_name, "r") result = handleResult.write(result) if i < (len(attack_hosts) - 1): handleResult.write(", ") handle.close() cmnd = "sudo rm " + file_name host.cmd(cmnd) handleResult.write("}") handleResult.close() CLI(net) net.stop()
def simpleTest(): print("infection hosts rate:") inf_rate = eval(input()) print("k:") k = eval(input()) grow_time = 20 atck_time = 40 test_time = 50 max = grow_time * k controller = RemoteController('Runos', ip='', port=6653) switch = partial(OVSKernelSwitch, protocols='OpenFlow13') net = TreeNet(depth=2, fanout=3, controller=controller, switch=switch, cleanup=True) net.start() sleep(3) hosts = net.topo.hosts() inf_amount = round(inf_rate * len(hosts)) inf_hosts = [] while inf_amount: num = randint(0, 8) if inf_amount and not (hosts[num] in inf_hosts): inf_hosts.append(hosts[num]) inf_amount -= 1 print(inf_hosts) general_capacity_per_sec = max / len(inf_hosts) connection_interval = grow_time / len(inf_hosts) send_delay_for_host = round(1000 / general_capacity_per_sec) print(send_delay_for_host) infection_sequence = numpy.arange(len(inf_hosts)) numpy.random.shuffle(infection_sequence) start = monotonic() childs = [] for i in range(len(hosts)): try: pid = os.fork() except: print('error: create child process') sys.exit(33) if pid == 0: host = net.get(hosts[i]) if hosts[i] in inf_hosts: index = inf_hosts.index(hosts[i]) host_turn = connection_interval * infection_sequence[index] ping_pair = net.get(hosts[i - 1]) curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = ( 2.5 + host_turn - curr_time) if (2.5 + host_turn - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), ping_pair.IP(), interval)) host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (ping_pair.IP(), interval)) ping_pair = net.get(hosts[i - 2]) curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = ( 5 + host_turn - curr_time) if (5 + host_turn - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), ping_pair.IP(), interval)) host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (ping_pair.IP(), interval)) curr_time = monotonic() - start sleep_time = 5 + host_turn - curr_time if sleep_time > 0: sleep(sleep_time) curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = 5 + atck_time - curr_time if (5 + atck_time - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start attack" % (curr_time, host.IP())) host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s %s %s" % (host.MAC(), host.IP(), interval, send_delay_for_host)) while curr_time < test_time + 5: curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = ( 5 + test_time - curr_time) if (5 + test_time - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), ping_pair.IP(), interval)) host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (ping_pair.IP(), interval)) sleep(0.5) file_name = "atck_duration_" + str(i) + ".txt" handle = open(file_name, "w") handle.write("'%s' : [%s, %s]" % (net.get( hosts[i]).IP(), 5 + host_turn + 6, 5 + atck_time + 6)) handle.close() else: ping_pair = net.get(hosts[i - 1]) curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (5 - curr_time) if (5 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), ping_pair.IP(), interval)) host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (ping_pair.IP(), interval)) ping_pair = net.get(hosts[i - 2]) curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (25 - curr_time) if (25 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), ping_pair.IP(), interval)) host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (ping_pair.IP(), interval)) ping_pair = net.get(hosts[i - 3]) curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = ( test_time + 5 - curr_time) if (test_time + 5 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), ping_pair.IP(), interval)) host.cmd( "./runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/scripts/ %s %s" % (ping_pair.IP(), interval)) sys.exit(3) if pid > 0: childs.append(pid) for p in childs: pid, status = os.wait() print('childs end') host = net.get(hosts[0]) handleResult = open("runos/src/apps/ddos-defender/tests/infectedMACs.txt", "w") handleResult.write("{") for i in range(len(hosts)): if hosts[i] in inf_hosts: file_name = "atck_duration_" + str(i) + ".txt" handle = open(file_name, "r") result = handleResult.write(result) if i < (len(hosts) - 1): handleResult.write(", ") handle.close() cmnd = "sudo rm " + file_name host.cmd(cmnd) handleResult.write("}") handleResult.close() CLI(net) net.stop()
def simpleTest(): controller = RemoteController('Runos', ip='', port=6653) switch = partial(OVSKernelSwitch, protocols='OpenFlow13') net = TreeNet(depth=2, fanout=3, controller=controller, switch=switch, cleanup=True) net.start() sleep(3) start = monotonic() results = [] childs = [] for hostName in net.topo.hosts(): try: pid = os.fork() except: print('error: create child process') sys.exit(33) if pid == 0: host = net.get(hostName) if hostName == "h1": pingPair = net.get("h4") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (12 - curr_time) if (12 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print(hostName, host.cmd("./ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) curr_time = monotonic() - start sleep_time = 12.5 - curr_time if sleep_time > 0: sleep(sleep_time) curr_time = monotonic() - start print("curr_time=%s :: %s start attack" % (curr_time, host.IP())) result = host.cmd("./ %s %s 25" % (host.MAC(), host.IP())) print("%s end attack" % host.IP()) if hostName == "h2": pingPair = net.get("h1") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (4 - curr_time) if (4 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print(hostName, host.cmd("./ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) curr_time = monotonic() - start print('curr_time=%s :: %s changed IP with DHCP' % (curr_time, host.IP())) host.cmd('dhclient -r') host.cmd('dhclient') sleep(0.5) newIP = host.cmd( "ifconfig | grep 'inet 10.' | cut -f2 -d't' | cut -f1 -d'n'" ) splitnewIP = newIP.split(' ') host.setIP(splitnewIP[1]) pingPair = net.get("h3") pingPair.setIP("") curr_time = monotonic() - start sleep_time = 6 - curr_time if sleep_time > 0: sleep(sleep_time) curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (12 - curr_time) if (12 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print(hostName, host.cmd("./ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) curr_time = monotonic() - start sleep_time = 12.5 - curr_time if sleep_time > 0: sleep(sleep_time) curr_time = monotonic() - start print("curr_time=%s :: %s start attack" % (curr_time, host.IP())) result = host.cmd("./ %s %s 25" % (host.MAC(), host.IP())) print("%s end attack" % host.IP()) if hostName == "h3": pingPair = net.get("h9") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (4 - curr_time) if (4 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print(hostName, host.cmd("./ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) curr_time = monotonic() - start print( 'curr_time=%s :: %s changed IP STATIC (%s ->' % (curr_time, host.IP(), host.IP())) host.cmd('ifconfig h3-eth0 netmask 255:0:0:0') host.setIP("") sleep(0.5) pingPair = net.get("h9") curr_time = monotonic() - start sleep_time = 6 - curr_time if sleep_time > 0: sleep(sleep_time) curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (17 - curr_time) if (17 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print(hostName, host.cmd("./ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) pingPair = net.get("h4") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (25 - curr_time) if (25 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) result = host.cmd("./ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval)) handle = open("outputH3-H4.txt", "w") handle.write(result) handle.close() pingPair = net.get("h7") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (40 - curr_time) if (40 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print(hostName, host.cmd("./ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) pingPair = net.get("h6") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (50 - curr_time) if (50 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print(hostName, host.cmd("./ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) if hostName == "h4": pingPair = net.get("h5") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (17 - curr_time) if (17 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print(hostName, host.cmd("./ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) pingPair = net.get("h6") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (25 - curr_time) if (25 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) result = host.cmd("./ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval)) handle = open("outputH4-H6.txt", "w") handle.write(result) handle.close() curr_time = monotonic() - start print('curr_time=%s :: %s changed IP with DHCP' % (curr_time, host.IP())) host.cmd('dhclient -r') host.cmd('dhclient') sleep(0.5) newIP = host.cmd( "ifconfig | grep 'inet 10.' | cut -f2 -d't' | cut -f1 -d'n'" ) splitnewIP = newIP.split(' ') host.setIP(splitnewIP[1]) pingPair = net.get("h6") curr_time = monotonic() - start sleep_time = 27.5 - curr_time if sleep_time > 0: sleep(sleep_time) curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (50 - curr_time) if (50 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print(hostName, host.cmd("./ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) if hostName == "h5": pingPair = net.get("h6") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (6 - curr_time) if (6 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print(hostName, host.cmd("./ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) pingPair = net.get("h8") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (12 - curr_time) if (12 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print(hostName, host.cmd("./ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) curr_time = monotonic() - start sleep_time = 12.5 - curr_time if sleep_time > 0: sleep(sleep_time) curr_time = monotonic() - start print("curr_time=%s :: %s start attack" % (curr_time, host.IP())) result = host.cmd("./ %s %s 35" % (host.MAC(), host.IP())) print("%s end attack" % host.IP()) if hostName == "h6": pingPair = net.get("h7") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (6 - curr_time) if (6 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print(hostName, host.cmd("./ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) pingPair = net.get("h8") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (27.5 - curr_time) if (27.5 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print(hostName, host.cmd("./ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) pingPair = net.get("h7") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (50 - curr_time) if (50 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print(hostName, host.cmd("./ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) if hostName == "h7": pingPair = net.get("h9") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (6 - curr_time) if (6 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print(hostName, host.cmd("./ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) curr_time = monotonic() - start sleep_time = 10 - curr_time if sleep_time > 0: sleep(sleep_time) curr_time = monotonic() - start print('curr_time=%s :: %s move from s4 to s2' % (curr_time, host.IP())) hostIP = host.IP() moveHost(host, net.get('s4'), net.get('s2'), None, net) host = net.get(hostName) host.setIP(hostIP) curr_time = monotonic() - start sleep_time = 17 - curr_time if sleep_time > 0: sleep(sleep_time) pingPair = net.get("h8") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (27.5 - curr_time) if (27.5 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) result = host.cmd("./ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval)) handle = open("outputH7-H8.txt", "w") handle.write(result) handle.close() pingPair = net.get("h9") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (50 - curr_time) if (50 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print(hostName, host.cmd("./ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) if hostName == "h8": pingPair = net.get("h9") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (15 - curr_time) if (15 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print(hostName, host.cmd("./ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (27.5 - curr_time) if (27.5 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), interval)) print(hostName, host.cmd("./ %s" % interval)) curr_time = monotonic() - start sleep_time = 30 - curr_time if sleep_time > 0: sleep(sleep_time) curr_time = monotonic() - start print('curr_time=%s :: %s move from s4 to s1' % (curr_time, host.IP())) hostIP = host.IP() moveHost(host, net.get('s4'), net.get('s1'), None, net) host = net.get(hostName) host.setIP(hostIP) curr_time = monotonic() - start sleep_time = 37.5 - curr_time if sleep_time > 0: sleep(sleep_time) pingPair = net.get("h9") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (50 - curr_time) if (50 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print(hostName, host.cmd("./ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) if hostName == "h9": pingPair = net.get("h6") curr_time = monotonic() - start interval = (50 - curr_time) if (50 - curr_time) >= 1 else 1 print("curr_time=%s :: %s start ping %s for %s sec" % (curr_time, host.IP(), pingPair.IP(), interval)) print(hostName, host.cmd("./ %s %s" % (pingPair.IP(), interval))) sys.exit(3) if pid > 0: childs.append(pid) curr_time = monotonic() - start sleep_time = 27.5 - curr_time if sleep_time > 0: sleep(sleep_time) print('"curr_time=%s :: switch s2 off' % curr_time) SwitchOff(net.get('s2'), net) curr_time = monotonic() - start sleep_time = 40 - curr_time if sleep_time > 0: sleep(sleep_time) print('"curr_time=%s :: switch s2 up' % curr_time) SwitchUp(net.get('s2'), net) for p in childs: pid, status = os.wait() print('childs end') handleResult = open("outputRTT.txt", "w") handle = open("outputH3-H4.txt", "r") result = handleResult.write(result) handle.close() handle = open("outputH4-H6.txt", "r") result = handleResult.write(result) handle.close() handle = open("outputH7-H8.txt", "r") result = handleResult.write(result) handle.close() handleResult.close() try: pid = os.fork() except: print('error: create child process') sys.exit(33) if pid == 0: host = net.get("h1") host.cmd("sudo rm outputH3-H4.txt outputH4-H6.txt outputH7-H9.txt") sys.exit(3) pid, status = os.wait() CLI(net) net.stop() """