Exemple #1
    def test_tag_update(self):
        """Test that hashtags are updated if text changes"""
        note = Note(text='foo #tag1 #tag2')
        self.assertEqual({'tag1', 'tag2'}, note.tags)

        note.text = 'updated text #tag3'
        self.assertEqual({'tag3'}, note.tags)
Exemple #2
    def test_tag_update(self):
        """Test that hashtags are updated if text changes"""
        note = Note(text='foo #tag1 #tag2')
        self.assertEqual({'tag1', 'tag2'}, note.tags)

        note.text = 'updated text #tag3'
        self.assertEqual({'tag3'}, note.tags)
Exemple #3
    def test_str_format(self):
        """Test that note can be rendered and parsed from string"""
        notestr = str(Note('hello world', created_time=0))

        date = datetime.fromtimestamp(0).strftime("%x %I:%M %p")
        self.assertEqual('{}: hello world'.format(date), notestr)

        note = Note.parse_from_str(notestr)
        self.assertEqual('hello world', note.text)
        self.assertEqual(0, note.created_time)
Exemple #4
    def setUp(self):
        """Setup notes in DB"""
        fakenote1 = Note('result1', created_time=0)
        fakenote2 = Note('result2', created_time=0)
        fakemn = Mock()
        fakemn.search.return_value = iter([fakenote1, fakenote2])

        self.fake_config = None

        self.fakenote1 = fakenote1
        self.fakenote2 = fakenote2
        self.fakemn = fakemn
Exemple #5
 def test_convert_evernote(self):
     """Test that an Evernote note is converted to a Mininote note"""
     note = convert_to_enote(Note(text='  content  ', guid=123, created_time=1),
     self.assertEqual(123, note.guid)
     self.assertEqual('"  content  "', note.title)
     self.assertEqual(1000, note.created)
     self.assertEqual('guid', note.notebookGuid)
Exemple #6
    def test_add_note(self, MockEvernoteClient):
        """Ensure that server call is made to add a note"""
        client = MockMininote(token='foo')
        client.add_note(Note('bar #unittest'))

        pargs, kwargs = client._note_store().createNote.call_args

        self.assertEqual({'unittest'}, pargs[0].tagNames)
        self.assertEqual('"bar #unittest"', pargs[0].title)
        self.assertEqual(encode_note_text('bar #unittest'), pargs[0].content)
Exemple #7
    def test_str_format(self):
        """Test that note can be rendered and parsed from string"""
        notestr = str(Note('hello world', created_time=0))

        date = datetime.fromtimestamp(0).strftime("%x %I:%M %p")
        self.assertEqual('{}: hello world'.format(date), notestr)

        note = Note.parse_from_str(notestr)
        self.assertEqual('hello world', note.text)
        self.assertEqual(0, note.created_time)
Exemple #8
 def test_str_parse_error(self):
     """Test that exception is raised when parsing invalid note"""
                       lambda: Note.parse_from_str('something: invalid'))
Exemple #9
    def test_parse_tags(self):
        """Test that hashtags are parsed from a note"""
        self.assertEqual(set(), Note(text="starbucks").tags)
                         Note(text="http://google.com#foo has no tags").tags)
        self.assertEqual({"tag1", "tag2"},
                         Note(text="ice coffee #tag1 #tag2").tags)
        self.assertEqual({"dup"}, Note(text="note with #dup #dup").tags)
                         Note(text="note with #normalized #Normalized").tags)
        self.assertEqual({"has-dash"}, Note(text="note with #has-dash").tags)
                         Note(text="note with #has_uscore").tags)

        self.assertEqual({u"ß".encode("utf-8"), u"öo".encode("utf-8")},
                         Note(text=u"#ß #öo".encode('utf-8')).tags)
        self.assertEqual({"start", "end"}, Note(text="#start #end").tags)
        self.assertEqual({"tab"}, Note(text="\t#tab").tags)
        self.assertEqual({"sub"}, Note(text="#sub#tag?").tags)
        self.assertEqual({"coffee"}, Note(text="#coffee: caramel mocha").tags)
        self.assertEqual({"coffee"}, Note(text="#coffee- caramel mocha").tags)
        self.assertEqual(set(), Note(text="#: #.").tags)
        self.assertEqual({"-b", "w"},
                         Note(text="single char tags #-b #w-").tags)
Exemple #10
 def test_convert_evernote_empty(self):
     """Test that empty note is converted"""
     note = convert_to_enote(Note(text=''))
     self.assertEqual('""', note.title)
Exemple #11
 def test_convert_evernote_trunc(self):
     """Test that note size is truncated if too long for Evernote"""
     note = convert_to_enote(Note(text='x' * 1000))
     self.assertEqual('"{}"'.format('x' * 253), note.title)
 def test_adds_first(self):
     """Ensure that additions come before deletions in pairs list"""
     before = [Note('foo', created_time=0)]
     after = [Note('foo', created_time=1)]
     self.assertEqual([(None, 0), (0, None)], match_notes(before, after))
 def test_diff_change_date(self):
     """Ensure that notes with modified dates are treated as new notes"""
     before = [Note('foo', created_time=0), Note('bar', created_time=1)]
     after = [Note('foo', created_time=0), Note('bar', created_time=2)]
     self.assertEqual([(0, 0), (None, 1), (1, None)],
                      match_notes(before, after))
def make_notes(texts):
    return [Note(text, created_time=0) for text in texts]
Exemple #15
 def test_str_parse_error(self):
     """Test that exception is raised when parsing invalid note"""
     self.assertRaises(NoteParseError, lambda: Note.parse_from_str('something: invalid'))