Exemple #1
class Template(common.Template):

    summary = 'Template for creating a '\
            'basic plone25 project inside minitage'

    python = 'python-2.4'

    def pre(self, command, output_dir, vars):
        """register catogory, and roll in common,"""
        vars['category'] = 'zope'
        common.Template.pre(self, command, output_dir, vars)

Template.vars = common.Template.vars \
        + [var('address',
               'Address to listen on',
               default = 'localhost',),
               'Port to listen to',
               default = '8080',),
               'log level (DEBUG|INFO|WARNING|ERROR)',
               default = 'INFO',),
               'Debug mode (on|off)',
               default = 'on',),
               'Administrator login',
               default = 'admin',),
Exemple #2
def parse_xmlconfig(xml, base_vars=None, purge=None):
    """Parse a minitage paster configuration file,
    mainly used in plone templates."""
    result = {
        "qi_mappings": {},
        "qi_hidden_mappings": {},
        "gs_mappings": {},
        "z2packages": {},
        "z2products": {},
        "addons_vars": {},
        "eggs_mappings": {},
        "scripts_mappings": {},
        "zcml_loading_order": {},
        "zcml_mappings": {},
        "versions_mappings": {},
        "checked_versions_mappings": {},
        "urls_mappings": {},
        "plone_np_mappings": {},
        "plone_vsp_mappings": {},
        "plone_sources": {},
        "framework_apps": {},
    overrides = False
    if base_vars:
        overrides = True
        if purge is None:
            purge = True
    qi_mappings = result.get("qi_mappings")
    z2packages = result.get("z2packages")
    z2products = result.get("z2products")
    addons_vars = result.get("addons_vars")
    eggs_mappings = result.get("eggs_mappings")
    scripts_mappings = result.get("scripts_mappings")
    zcml_loading_order = result.get("zcml_loading_order")
    zcml_mappings = result.get("zcml_mappings")
    gs_mappings = result.get("gs_mappings")
    qi_hidden_mappings = result.get("qi_hidden_mappings")
    versions_mappings = result.get("versions_mappings")
    checked_versions_mappings = result.get("checked_versions_mappings")
    urls_mappings = result.get("urls_mappings")
    plone_np_mappings = result.get("plone_np_mappings")
    plone_vsp_mappings = result.get("plone_vsp_mappings")
    plone_sources = result.get("plone_sources")
    framework_apps = result.get("framework_apps")
    # discover  additionnal configuration options
    if purge:
        purge_nodes(xml, "options", "option", addons_vars)
        purge_nodes(xml, "versions", "version", versions_mappings, peroption=True)
        purge_nodes(xml, "checkedversions", "version", checked_versions_mappings, "p", peroption=True)
        purge_nodes(xml, "sources", "source", plone_sources)

        purge_nodes(xml, "qi", "product", qi_mappings, peroption=True)
        purge_nodes(xml, "gs", "product", gs_mappings, peroption=True)
        purge_nodes(xml, "productdistros", "productdistro", urls_mappings, key="url", peroption=True)
        purge_nodes(xml, "eggs", "egg", eggs_mappings, peroption=True)
        purge_nodes(xml, "eggs", "egg", scripts_mappings, "scripts", peroption=True)
        purge_nodes(xml, "eggs", "egg", zcml_mappings, "zcml", peroption=True)
        purge_nodes(xml, "eggs", "egg", z2packages, "zpackage", peroption=True)
        purge_nodes(xml, "eggs", "egg", z2products, "zproduct", peroption=True)
        purge_nodes(xml, "miscproducts", "product", zcml_mappings, "zcml", peroption=True)
        purge_nodes(xml, "miscproducts", "product", z2packages, "zpackage", peroption=True)
        purge_nodes(xml, "miscproducts", "product", z2products, "zproduct", peroption=True)

    xmlTemplate = xml.getElementsByTagName("template")[0]
        discovered_options = []
        optsnodes = xmlTemplate.getElementsByTagName("options")
        if optsnodes:
            for elem in optsnodes:
                nodes = elem.getElementsByTagName("option")
                for o in nodes:
                    oattrs = dict(o.attributes.items())
                    order = int(oattrs.get("order", 99999))
                    # be sure not to have unicode params there because paster will swallow them up
                    addons_vars[oattrs.get("name")] = (
                            UNSPACER.sub(" ", oattrs.get("description", "").strip()),

        # discover development sources information
        sources_node = xmlTemplate.getElementsByTagName("sources")
        if sources_node:
            for elem in sources_node:
                nodes = elem.getElementsByTagName("source")
                for e in nodes:
                    oattrs = dict(e.attributes.items())
                    options = [option.strip() for option in oattrs["options"].split(",")]
                    name = oattrs.get("name").strip()
                    if overrides or (not name in plone_sources):
                        asegg = ""
                        if oattrs.get("asegg", "").strip():
                            asegg = "egg=false"
                        spath = ""
                        if oattrs.get("path", "").strip():
                            spath = "path=%s" % oattrs.get("path", "").strip()
                        item = {
                            "name": name,
                            "type": oattrs.get("type").strip(),
                            "url": oattrs.get("url"),
                            "options": options,
                            "default": oattrs.get("default", "").strip(),
                            "autocheckout": oattrs.get("autocheckout", "").strip(),
                            "opt_arg": oattrs.get("optarg", "").strip(),
                            "asegg": asegg,
                            "path": spath,
                        plone_sources[name] = item

        # discover KGS version
        cvs = xmlTemplate.getElementsByTagName("checkedversions")
        #'with_ploneproduct_plonearticle': [('Products.PloneArticle', '4.1.4',)],
        if cvs:
            for elem in cvs:
                nodes = elem.getElementsByTagName("version")
                added = []
                for e in nodes:
                    oattrs = dict(e.attributes.items())
                    for option in oattrs["options"].split(","):
                        option = option.strip()
                        if not option in checked_versions_mappings:
                            checked_versions_mappings[option] = {}
                        if "v" in oattrs:
                            if overrides or (not oattrs["p"] in checked_versions_mappings[option]):
                                if not (option, oattrs["p"]) in added:
                                    added.append((option, oattrs["p"]))
                                    checked_versions_mappings[option][oattrs["p"]] = oattrs["v"]

        # discover andatory versions pinning
        vs = xmlTemplate.getElementsByTagName("versions")
        # versions_mappings = {RelStorage': [('ZODB3', '3.7.2')],}
        if vs:
            for elem in vs:
                nodes = elem.getElementsByTagName("version")
                added = []
                for e in nodes:
                    oattrs = dict(e.attributes.items())
                    for option in oattrs["name"].split(","):
                        option = option.strip()
                        if not option in versions_mappings:
                            versions_mappings[option] = []
                        if "p" in oattrs:
                            item = (oattrs["p"], oattrs["v"])
                            if overrides or (not item in versions_mappings[option]):
                                if not item[0] in added:
                                    for index, c in enumerate(copy.deepcopy(versions_mappings[option])):
                                        if c[0] == item[0]:
                                            del versions_mappings[option][index]

        # quickinstaller mappings discovery
        qi = xmlTemplate.getElementsByTagName("qi")
        if qi:
            for elem in qi:
                nodes = elem.getElementsByTagName("product")
                for e in nodes:
                    oattrs = dict(e.attributes.items())
                    for option in oattrs["options"].split(","):
                        option = option.strip()
                        hidden = "true" == oattrs.get("hidden", "true")
                        if hidden and (not option in qi_hidden_mappings):
                            qi_hidden_mappings[option] = []
                        if not hidden and (not option in qi_mappings):
                            qi_mappings[option] = []
                        if hidden and (not oattrs["name"] in qi_hidden_mappings):
                        if not hidden and (not oattrs["name"] in qi_mappings):
                                {"name": oattrs["name"], "order": int(oattrs.get("order", "1".strip()))}
            # order options
            for option in qi_mappings:
                qi_mappings[option].sort(lambda x, y: -x["order"] + y["order"])

        # genericsetup mappings discovery
        gs = xmlTemplate.getElementsByTagName("gs")
        gs_added_profiles = []
        if gs:
            for elem in gs:
                nodes = elem.getElementsByTagName("product")
                for e in nodes:
                    oattrs = dict(e.attributes.items())
                    for option in oattrs["options"].split(","):
                        option = option.strip()
                        profile = (oattrs["name"], oattrs.get("profile", "default"), int(oattrs.get("order", 99999)))
                        if not profile in gs_mappings:
                            gs_mappings[profile] = []
                        if not option in gs_mappings[profile]:

        # eggs/zcml discovery
        eggs = xmlTemplate.getElementsByTagName("eggs")
        if eggs:
            for elem in eggs:
                nodes = elem.getElementsByTagName("egg")
                # nodes = purge_nodes(nodes, scripts_mappings, peroption=True, multiple = True, want=True)
                for e in nodes:
                    oattrs = dict(e.attributes.items())
                    for option in oattrs["options"].split(","):
                        option = option.strip()
                        if not option in eggs_mappings:
                            eggs_mappings[option] = []
                        if not oattrs["name"] in eggs_mappings[option]:
                        if "app" in oattrs:
                            if not option in framework_apps:
                                framework_apps[option] = []
                            for item in oattrs["app"].split(","):
                        if "scripts" in oattrs:
                            if not option in scripts_mappings:
                                scripts_mappings[option] = []
                            for item in oattrs["scripts"].split(","):
                        if "zcml" in oattrs:
                            if not option in zcml_mappings:
                                zcml_mappings[option] = []
                            for slug in oattrs["zcml"].split(","):
                                item = (oattrs["name"], slug.strip())
                                if overrides or (not item in zcml_mappings[option]):
                                    zcml_loading_order[item] = int(oattrs.get("zcmlorder", "50000"))
                        for d, package in [(z2packages, "zpackage"), (z2products, "zproduct")]:
                            if package in oattrs:
                                v = oattrs[package]
                                if not option in d:
                                    d[option] = []
                                if v == "y":
                                    if not oattrs["name"] in d[option]:
                                    # d[option].append('#%s' % oattrs['name'])
                                    zp = [z.strip() for z in oattrs[package].split(",")]
                                    noecho = [d[option].append(z) for z in zp if not z in d[option]]
        # misc product discovery
        miscproducts = xmlTemplate.getElementsByTagName("miscproducts")
        if miscproducts:
            for elem in miscproducts:
                nodes = elem.getElementsByTagName("product")
                for e in nodes:
                    oattrs = dict(e.attributes.items())
                    for option in oattrs["options"].split(","):
                        option = option.strip()
                        if "zcml" in oattrs:
                            if not option in zcml_mappings:
                                zcml_mappings[option] = []
                            for slug in oattrs["zcml"].split(","):
                                item = (oattrs["name"], slug.strip())
                                if not item in zcml_mappings[option]:
                                    zcml_loading_order[item] = int(oattrs.get("zcmlorder", "50000"))
                        for d, package in [(z2packages, "zpackage"), (z2products, "zproduct")]:
                            if package in oattrs:
                                v = oattrs[package]
                                if not option in d:
                                    d[option] = []
                                if v == "y":
                                    if not oattrs[package] in d[option]:
                                    # d[option].append('#%s' % oattrs['name'])
                                    zp = [z.strip() for z in oattrs[package].split(",")]
                                    noecho = [d[option].append(z) for z in zp if not z in d[option]]

        # productdistros handling
        productsdistros = xmlTemplate.getElementsByTagName("productdistros")
        if productsdistros:
            for elem in productsdistros:
                nodes = elem.getElementsByTagName("productdistro")
                for e in nodes:
                    oattrs = dict(e.attributes.items())
                    for option in oattrs["options"].split(","):
                        option = option.strip()
                        if not option in urls_mappings:
                            urls_mappings[option] = []
    except Exception, e:
Exemple #3
def parse_xmlconfig(xml,
                    base_vars = None,
    """Parse a minitage paster configuration file,
    mainly used in plone templates."""
    result = {
        'qi_mappings' :                  {},
        'qi_hidden_mappings' :           {},
        'gs_mappings' :                  {},
        'z2packages' :                   {},
        'z2products' :                   {},
        'addons_vars' :                  {},
        'eggs_mappings' :                {},
        'scripts_mappings' :             {},
        'zcml_loading_order' :           {},
        'zcml_mappings' :                {},
        'versions_mappings' :            {},
        'checked_versions_mappings' :    {},
        'urls_mappings' :                {},
        'plone_np_mappings' :            {},
        'plone_vsp_mappings' :           {},
        'plone_sources' :                {},
        'framework_apps' :               {},
    overrides = False
    if base_vars:
        overrides = True
        if purge is None:
            purge = True
    qi_mappings               = result.get('qi_mappings')
    z2packages                = result.get('z2packages')
    z2products                = result.get('z2products')
    addons_vars               = result.get('addons_vars')
    eggs_mappings             = result.get('eggs_mappings')
    scripts_mappings          = result.get('scripts_mappings')
    zcml_loading_order        = result.get('zcml_loading_order')
    zcml_mappings             = result.get('zcml_mappings')
    gs_mappings               = result.get('gs_mappings')
    qi_hidden_mappings        = result.get('qi_hidden_mappings')
    versions_mappings         = result.get('versions_mappings')
    checked_versions_mappings = result.get('checked_versions_mappings')
    urls_mappings             = result.get('urls_mappings')
    plone_np_mappings         = result.get('plone_np_mappings')
    plone_vsp_mappings        = result.get('plone_vsp_mappings')
    plone_sources             = result.get('plone_sources')
    framework_apps            = result.get('framework_apps')
    # discover  additionnal configuration options
    if purge:
        purge_nodes(xml, 'options', 'option', addons_vars)
        purge_nodes(xml, 'versions', 'version', versions_mappings, peroption = True)
        purge_nodes(xml, 'checkedversions', 'version', checked_versions_mappings, 'p', peroption=True)
        purge_nodes(xml, 'sources', 'source', plone_sources)

        purge_nodes(xml, 'qi', 'product', qi_mappings, peroption=True)
        purge_nodes(xml, 'gs', 'product', gs_mappings, peroption=True)
        purge_nodes(xml, 'productdistros', 'productdistro', urls_mappings, key="url", peroption=True)
        purge_nodes(xml, 'eggs', 'egg', eggs_mappings, peroption=True)
        purge_nodes(xml, 'eggs', 'egg', scripts_mappings, 'scripts', peroption=True)
        purge_nodes(xml, 'eggs', 'egg', zcml_mappings, 'zcml', peroption=True)
        purge_nodes(xml, 'eggs', 'egg', z2packages, 'zpackage', peroption=True)
        purge_nodes(xml, 'eggs', 'egg', z2products, 'zproduct', peroption=True)
        purge_nodes(xml, 'miscproducts', 'product', zcml_mappings, 'zcml', peroption=True)
        purge_nodes(xml, 'miscproducts', 'product', z2packages, 'zpackage', peroption=True)
        purge_nodes(xml, 'miscproducts', 'product', z2products, 'zproduct', peroption=True)

    xmlTemplate = xml.getElementsByTagName('template')[0]
        discovered_options = []
        optsnodes = xmlTemplate.getElementsByTagName('options')
        if optsnodes:
            for elem in optsnodes:
                nodes = elem.getElementsByTagName('option')
                for o in nodes:
                    oattrs = dict(o.attributes.items())
                    order = int(oattrs.get('order', 99999))
                    # be sure not to have unicode params there because paster will swallow them up
                    addons_vars[oattrs.get('name')] = (
                                   UNSPACER.sub(' ', oattrs.get('description', '').strip()),

        # discover development sources information
        sources_node = xmlTemplate.getElementsByTagName('sources')
        if sources_node:
            for elem in sources_node:
                nodes = elem.getElementsByTagName('source')
                for e in nodes:
                    oattrs = dict(e.attributes.items())
                    options = [option.strip() for option in oattrs['options'].split(',')]
                    name = oattrs.get('name').strip()
                    if overrides or (not name in plone_sources):
                        asegg = ''
                        if oattrs.get('asegg', '').strip():
                            asegg = 'egg=false'
                        spath = ''
                        if oattrs.get('path', '').strip():
                            spath = 'path=%s' % oattrs.get('path', '').strip() 
                        item = {
                            'name':     name,
                            'type':     oattrs.get('type').strip(),
                            'url':      oattrs.get('url'),
                            'options': options,
                            'default': oattrs.get('default', '').strip(),
                            'autocheckout': oattrs.get('autocheckout', '').strip(),
                            'opt_arg': oattrs.get('optarg', '').strip(),
                            'asegg': asegg,
                            'path': spath,
                        plone_sources[name] = item

        # discover KGS version
        cvs = xmlTemplate.getElementsByTagName('checkedversions')
        #'with_ploneproduct_plonearticle': [('Products.PloneArticle', '4.1.4',)],
        if cvs:
            for elem in cvs:
                nodes = elem.getElementsByTagName('version')
                added = []
                for e in nodes:
                    oattrs = dict(e.attributes.items())
                    for option in oattrs['options'].split(','):
                        option = option.strip()
                        if not option in checked_versions_mappings:
                            checked_versions_mappings[option] = {}
                        if 'v' in oattrs:
                            if overrides or (not oattrs['p'] in
                                if not (option, oattrs['p']) in added:
                                    added.append((option, oattrs['p']))
                                    checked_versions_mappings[option][oattrs['p']] = oattrs['v']

        # discover andatory versions pinning
        vs = xmlTemplate.getElementsByTagName('versions')
        # versions_mappings = {RelStorage': [('ZODB3', '3.7.2')],}
        if vs:
            for elem in vs:
                nodes = elem.getElementsByTagName('version')
                added = []
                for e in nodes:
                    oattrs = dict(e.attributes.items())
                    for option in oattrs['name'].split(','):
                        option = option.strip()
                        if not option in versions_mappings:
                            versions_mappings[option] = []
                        if 'p' in oattrs:
                            item = (oattrs['p'], oattrs['v'])
                            if overrides or (not item in
                                if not item[0] in added:
                                    for index, c in enumerate(
                                        if c[0] == item[0]:
                                            del versions_mappings[option][index]

        # quickinstaller mappings discovery
        qi = xmlTemplate.getElementsByTagName('qi')
        if qi:
            for elem in qi:
                nodes = elem.getElementsByTagName('product')
                for e in nodes:
                    oattrs = dict(e.attributes.items())
                    for option in oattrs['options'].split(','):
                        option = option.strip()
                        hidden = 'true' == oattrs.get('hidden', 'true')
                        if hidden and (not option in qi_hidden_mappings):
                            qi_hidden_mappings[option] = [] 
                        if not hidden and (not option in qi_mappings):
                            qi_mappings[option] = []
                        if hidden and (not oattrs['name'] in qi_hidden_mappings):
                        if not hidden and (not oattrs['name'] in qi_mappings):
                                    'name': oattrs['name'], 
                                    'order': int(oattrs.get('order', '1'.strip()))
            # order options
            for option in qi_mappings:
                qi_mappings[option].sort(lambda x,y:  -x['order'] + y['order'])

        # genericsetup mappings discovery
        gs = xmlTemplate.getElementsByTagName('gs')
        gs_added_profiles = []
        if gs:
            for elem in gs:
                nodes = elem.getElementsByTagName('product')
                for e in nodes:
                    oattrs = dict(e.attributes.items())
                    for option in oattrs['options'].split(','):
                        option = option.strip()
                        profile = (oattrs['name'], oattrs.get('profile', 'default'), int(oattrs.get('order', 99999)))
                        if not profile in gs_mappings:
                            gs_mappings[profile] = []
                        if not option in gs_mappings[profile]:

        # eggs/zcml discovery
        eggs = xmlTemplate.getElementsByTagName('eggs')
        if eggs:
            for elem in eggs:
                nodes = elem.getElementsByTagName('egg')
                #nodes = purge_nodes(nodes, scripts_mappings, peroption=True, multiple = True, want=True)
                for e in nodes:
                    oattrs = dict(e.attributes.items())
                    for option in oattrs['options'].split(','):
                        option = option.strip()
                        if not option in eggs_mappings:
                            eggs_mappings[option] = []
                        if (not oattrs['name'] in eggs_mappings[option]):
                        if 'app' in oattrs:
                            if (not option in framework_apps):
                                framework_apps[option] = []
                            for item in oattrs['app'].split(','):
                        if 'scripts' in oattrs:
                            if (not option in scripts_mappings):
                                scripts_mappings[option] = []
                            for item in oattrs['scripts'].split(','):
                        if 'zcml' in oattrs:
                            if not option in zcml_mappings:
                                zcml_mappings[option] = []
                            for slug in oattrs['zcml'].split(','):
                                item = (oattrs['name'], slug.strip())
                                if overrides or (not item in
                                    zcml_loading_order[item] = int(
                                        oattrs.get('zcmlorder', '50000')
                        for d, package in [(z2packages, 'zpackage'),
                                           (z2products, 'zproduct')]:
                            if package in oattrs:
                                v = oattrs[package]
                                if not option in d:
                                    d[option] = []
                                if v == 'y':
                                    if not oattrs['name'] in d[option]:
                                    #d[option].append('#%s' % oattrs['name'])
                                    zp = [z.strip() for z in oattrs[package].split(',')]
                                    noecho = [d[option].append(z)
                                              for z in zp if not z in d[option]]
        # misc product discovery
        miscproducts = xmlTemplate.getElementsByTagName('miscproducts')
        if miscproducts:
            for elem in miscproducts:
                nodes = elem.getElementsByTagName('product')
                for e in nodes:
                    oattrs = dict(e.attributes.items())
                    for option in oattrs['options'].split(','):
                        option = option.strip()
                        if 'zcml' in oattrs:
                            if not option in zcml_mappings:
                                zcml_mappings[option] = []
                            for slug in oattrs['zcml'].split(','):
                                item = (oattrs['name'], slug.strip())
                                if not item in zcml_mappings[option]:
                                    zcml_loading_order[item] = int(oattrs.get('zcmlorder', '50000'))
                        for d, package in [(z2packages, 'zpackage'), (z2products, 'zproduct')]:
                            if package in oattrs:
                                v = oattrs[package]
                                if not option in d:
                                    d[option] = []
                                if v == 'y':
                                    if not oattrs[package] in d[option]:
                                    #d[option].append('#%s' % oattrs['name'])
                                    zp = [z.strip() for z in oattrs[package].split(',')]
                                    noecho = [d[option].append(z)
                                              for z in zp
                                              if not z in d[option]]

        # productdistros handling
        productsdistros = xmlTemplate.getElementsByTagName('productdistros')
        if productsdistros:
            for elem in productsdistros:
                nodes = elem.getElementsByTagName('productdistro')
                for e in nodes:
                    oattrs = dict(e.attributes.items())
                    for option in oattrs['options'].split(','):
                        option = option.strip()
                        if not option in urls_mappings:
                            urls_mappings[option] = []
    except Exception, e:
Exemple #4
        vars["python_minibuild"] = "python-%s" % pyver
        vars["pyver"] = pyver
        vars["libpyver"] = pyver.replace(".", "")
        vars["python_version"] = executable_version
        vars["executable_site_packages"] = os.path.join(
            executable_prefix, "lib", "python%s" % executable_version, "site-packages"
        vars["executable_prefix"] = executable_prefix

Template.vars = common.Template.vars + [
        "Minibuild checkout facility"
        " (git|bzr|hg|svn|static)\n"
        "static can be used for both "
        "http, ftp and file:// uris: "
        "(only useful in a minitage)",
        "Url of the project to checkout (only useful in a minitage)",
        default="[email protected]/",
        "install_method", "The install method of your minibuild " "(only useful in a minitage)", default="buildout"
    common.var("homepage", "Homepage url of your project " "(only useful in a minitage)", default="http://foo.net"),
Exemple #5
        vars['python26'] = re.sub('(2|3)\..', '2.6', interpreter)
        vars['python_minibuild'] = 'python-%s' % pyver
        vars['python_minibuild'] = 'python-%s' % pyver
        vars['pyver'] = pyver
        vars['libpyver'] = pyver.replace('.', '')
        vars['python_version'] = executable_version
        vars['executable_site_packages'] = os.path.join(
            executable_prefix, 'lib', 'python%s'%executable_version, 'site-packages')
        vars['executable_prefix'] = executable_prefix

Template.vars = common.Template.vars + \
                    'Minibuild checkout facility'
                    ' (git|bzr|hg|svn|static)\n'
                    'static can be used for both '
                    'http, ftp and file:// uris: '
                    '(only useful in a minitage)',
                    default = 'hg',),
                    'Url of the project to checkout (only useful in a minitage)',
                    default = 'http://hg.foo.net',),
                    'The install method of your minibuild '
                    '(only useful in a minitage)',
                    default = 'buildout',),
                    'Homepage url of your project '
                    '(only useful in a minitage)',
                    default = 'http://foo.net',),