Exemple #1
 def test_min():
     x_np = np.array([[1, 2], [2, 1], [0, 0]])
     x_grad1 = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 1]])
     x_grad2 = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1]])
     x_grad3 = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 1]])
     def red1(x):
         return mp.min(x)
     def red2(x):
         return mp.min(x, axis=1)
     def red3(x):
         return mp.min(x, axis=1, keepdims=True)
     def red4(x):
         return mp.min(x, axis=0)
     def red5(x):
         return mp.min(x, axis=0, keepdims=True)
     grad1 = grad(red1)
     assert np.all(grad1(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad1)
     grad2 = grad(red2)
     assert np.all(grad2(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad2)
     grad3 = grad(red3)
     assert np.all(grad3(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad2)
     grad4 = grad(red4)
     assert np.all(grad4(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad3)
     grad5 = grad(red5)
     assert np.all(grad5(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad3)
Exemple #2
    def test_min():
        x_np = np.array([[1, 2], [2, 1], [0, 0]])
        x_grad1 = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 1]])
        x_grad2 = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1]])
        x_grad3 = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 1]])

        def red1(x):
            return mp.min(x)

        def red2(x):
            return mp.min(x, axis=1)

        def red3(x):
            return mp.min(x, axis=1, keepdims=True)

        def red4(x):
            return mp.min(x, axis=0)

        def red5(x):
            return mp.min(x, axis=0, keepdims=True)

        grad1 = grad(red1)
        assert np.all(grad1(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad1)
        grad2 = grad(red2)
        assert np.all(grad2(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad2)
        grad3 = grad(red3)
        assert np.all(grad3(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad2)
        grad4 = grad(red4)
        assert np.all(grad4(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad3)
        grad5 = grad(red5)
        assert np.all(grad5(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad3)
Exemple #3
def quick_grad_check(fun, arg0, extra_args=(), kwargs={}, verbose=True,
                     eps=EPS, rtol=RTOL, atol=ATOL, rs=None):
    """Checks the gradient of a function (w.r.t. to its first arg) in a random direction"""

    if verbose:
        print("Checking gradient of {0} at {1}".format(fun, arg0))

    if rs is None:
        rs = nnp.random.RandomState()
    random_dir = rs.standard_normal(nnp.shape(arg0))
    random_dir = random_dir / nnp.sqrt(nnp.sum(random_dir * random_dir))
    if not extra_args == ():
      unary_fun = lambda x : fun(arg0 + x * random_dir, extra_args)
      numeric_grad = (unary_fun(eps/2) - unary_fun(-eps/2)) / eps
      analytic_grad = np.sum(grad(fun)(arg0, extra_args) * random_dir)
      unary_fun = lambda x : fun(arg0 + x * random_dir)
      numeric_grad = (unary_fun(eps/2) - unary_fun(-eps/2)) / eps
      analytic_grad = np.sum(grad(fun)(arg0) * random_dir)
    if isinstance(numeric_grad, minpy.array.Number):
        assert abs((analytic_grad - numeric_grad).get_data(None)) < atol and abs((analytic_grad - numeric_grad).get_data(None)) < abs((analytic_grad * rtol).get_data(None)), \
            "Check failed! nd={0}, ad={1}".format(numeric_grad, analytic_grad)
    elif isinstance(numeric_grad, minpy.array.Array):
        assert nnp.prod(nnp.shape(analytic_grad.asnumpy())[:]) == 1, "Currently only support check loss"
        assert abs((analytic_grad - numeric_grad).asnumpy()) < atol and abs((analytic_grad - numeric_grad).asnumpy()) < abs((analytic_grad * rtol).asnumpy()), \
            "Check failed! nd={0}, ad={1}".format(numeric_grad, analytic_grad)
        assert False
    if verbose:
        print("Gradient projection OK (numeric grad: {0}, analytic grad: {1})".format(
            numeric_grad, analytic_grad))
Exemple #4
 def test_sum():
     x_np = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])
     x_grad = np.array([[1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1]])
     def red1(x):
         return mp.sum(x)
     def red2(x):
         return mp.sum(x, axis=0)
     def red3(x):
         return mp.sum(x, axis=0, keepdims=True)
     grad1 = grad(red1)
     assert np.all(grad1(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad)
     grad2 = grad(red2)
     assert np.all(grad2(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad)
     grad3 = grad(red3)
     assert np.all(grad3(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad)
def test_customop():
    x = np.array([[0.24854138, 1.94385293, 2.33848549, 2.75407309, 1.66905118],
                  [0.26498274, 1.60618255, 1.25387436, 2.9215846, 1.26427169],
                  [0.87108803, 1.45227827, 2.17339809, 0.50049702, 0.5883466],
                  [0.66406034, 0.48855862, 1.53960508, 0.66568797, 2.23948055],
                  [2.72220612, 1.82959485, 1.51552618, 1.54757016, 1.64023012],
                  [1.69430802, 2.21234513, 0.44159807, 1.94465274, 0.11623679],
                  [0.71774937, 1.99183721, 2.93154152, 0.23254174, 1.63623933],
                  [1.54450952, 2.32885258, 1.64220968, 1.66349828, 2.50975782],
                  [0.99172053, 2.60171951, 1.14377575, 0.28264201, 2.50368237],
                  [1.99669231, 2.16996937, 1.77290071, 1.34783694, 2.42391734]])

    label = np.array([4, 0, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 2, 1, 3])
    grad_func = grad(softmax)

    # Check forward
    assert rel_error(softmax(x, label), 2.16612911224) < 1e-12

    expected_out = np.array([[0.00323393, 0.01761957, 0.02614461, 0.0396159, -0.08661401],
                             [-0.09591437, 0.01562194, 0.01098321, 0.05821122, 0.011098],
                             [-0.08735776, 0.02260642, 0.04649542, 0.00872727, 0.00952864],
                             [0.00992692, -0.09167096, 0.02382641, 0.00994309, 0.04797453],
                             [-0.05756653, 0.01738011, 0.01269563, 0.01310903, 0.01438177],
                             [0.02244518, 0.03767938, 0.00641325, 0.02883012, -0.09536792],
                             [-0.09406418, 0.02122317, 0.05431486, 0.00365391, 0.01487223],
                             [0.01242947, 0.02723256, -0.08629487, 0.01400002, 0.03263282],
                             [0.00820025, -0.05897573, 0.00954693, 0.00403532, 0.03719322],
                             [0.01982428, 0.02357495, 0.01584915, -0.08963896, 0.03039058]])

    # Check backward
    assert rel_error(grad_func(x, label), expected_out) < 1e-7
    print('All passed!')
Exemple #6
def test_context():
    set_context(gpu(1)) # set the global context as gpu(1)
    def sigmoid(x):
        return 0.5 * (np.tanh(x / 2) + 1)
    def predict(weights, inputs):
        return sigmoid(np.dot(inputs, weights))
    def training_loss(weights, inputs):
        preds = predict(weights, inputs)
        label_probabilities = preds * targets + (1 - preds) * (1 - targets)
        l = -np.sum(np.log(label_probabilities))
        return l
    def training_accuracy(weights, inputs):
        preds = predict(weights, inputs)
        error = np.count_nonzero(np.argmax(preds, axis=1) - np.argmax(targets, axis=1))
        return (256 - error) * 100 / 256.0
    with gpu(0):
        xshape = (256, 500)
        wshape = (500, 250)
        tshape = (256, 250)
        inputs = random.rand(*xshape) - 0.5
        targets = np.zeros(tshape)
        truth = random.randint(0, 250, 256)
        targets[np.arange(256), truth] = 1
        weights = random.rand(*wshape) - 0.5
        training_gradient_fun = grad(training_loss)
        for i in range(20):
            print('Trained loss accuracy #{}: {}%'.format(i, training_accuracy(weights, inputs)))
            gr = training_gradient_fun(weights, inputs)
            weights -= gr * 0.01
        print("\nff and bp on {0}".format(weights.context))
    print("\nexecute on cpu")
    with cpu():
        x_cpu = random.rand(32, 64) - 0.5
        y_cpu = random.rand(64, 32) - 0.5
        z_cpu = np.dot(x_cpu, y_cpu)
        print('z_cpu.context = {0}'.format(z_cpu.context))
    print("\nexecute on gpu(0)")
    with gpu(0):
        x_gpu0 = random.rand(32, 64) - 0.5
        y_gpu0 = random.rand(64, 32) - 0.5
        z_gpu0 = np.dot(x_gpu0, y_gpu0)
        print('z_gpu0.context = {0}'.format(z_gpu0.context))
    print("\n[use global context] execute on gpu(1)")
    x_gpu1 = random.rand(32, 64) - 0.5
    y_gpu1 = random.rand(64, 32) - 0.5
    z_gpu1 = np.dot(x_gpu1, y_gpu1)
    print('z_gpu1.context = {0}'.format(z_gpu1.context))
def test_autograd():
    def func(x):
    	y = x + 1
    	return x
    x = 1
    gradient = grad(func)
    print('Gradient should be 1, and it is actually', gradient(x))
Exemple #8
def main():
    x = random.rand(3, 3)
    y = random.rand(3, 3)
    print('x: {}'.format(x.asnumpy()))
    print('y: {}'.format(y.asnumpy()))
    g = core.grad(f, argnum=[0, 1])
    gr = g(x, y)
    print('grad_x: {}'.format(gr[0].asnumpy()))
    print('grad_y: {}'.format(gr[1].asnumpy()))
Exemple #9
    def test_sum():
        x_np = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])
        x_grad = np.array([[1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1]])

        def red1(x):
            return mp.sum(x)

        def red2(x):
            return mp.sum(x, axis=0)

        def red3(x):
            return mp.sum(x, axis=0, keepdims=True)

        grad1 = grad(red1)
        assert np.all(grad1(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad)
        grad2 = grad(red2)
        assert np.all(grad2(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad)
        grad3 = grad(red3)
        assert np.all(grad3(x_np).asnumpy() == x_grad)
Exemple #10
def quick_grad_check(fun,
    """Checks the gradient of a function (w.r.t. to its first arg) in a random direction"""

    if verbose:
        print("Checking gradient of {0} at {1}".format(fun, arg0))

    if rs is None:
        rs = nnp.random.RandomState()

    random_dir = rs.standard_normal(nnp.shape(arg0))
    random_dir = random_dir / nnp.sqrt(nnp.sum(random_dir * random_dir))

    if not extra_args == ():
        unary_fun = lambda x: fun(arg0 + x * random_dir, extra_args)
        numeric_grad = (unary_fun(eps / 2) - unary_fun(-eps / 2)) / eps
        analytic_grad = np.sum(grad(fun)(arg0, extra_args) * random_dir)
        unary_fun = lambda x: fun(arg0 + x * random_dir)
        numeric_grad = (unary_fun(eps / 2) - unary_fun(-eps / 2)) / eps
        analytic_grad = np.sum(grad(fun)(arg0) * random_dir)

    if isinstance(numeric_grad, minpy.array.Number):
        assert abs((analytic_grad - numeric_grad).get_data(None)) < atol and abs((analytic_grad - numeric_grad).get_data(None)) < abs((analytic_grad * rtol).get_data(None)), \
            "Check failed! nd={0}, ad={1}".format(numeric_grad, analytic_grad)
    elif isinstance(numeric_grad, minpy.array.Array):
        assert nnp.prod(nnp.shape(analytic_grad.asnumpy())
                        [:]) == 1, "Currently only support check loss"
        assert abs((analytic_grad - numeric_grad).asnumpy()) < atol and abs((analytic_grad - numeric_grad).asnumpy()) < abs((analytic_grad * rtol).asnumpy()), \
            "Check failed! nd={0}, ad={1}".format(numeric_grad, analytic_grad)
        assert False
    if verbose:
        print("Gradient projection OK (numeric grad: {0}, analytic grad: {1})".
              format(numeric_grad, analytic_grad))
def quick_grad_check(fun,
    # pylint: disable= too-many-arguments
    Checks the gradient of a function (w.r.t. to its first arg) in a random direction

            The function for gradient checking
            Gradient checking point
            Whether print some debug information
            Epsilon in computing numerical gradient
            Relative tolerance
            Absolute tolerance
            RandomState used in generating random direction
    if rs is None:
        rs = np.random.RandomState()

    if isinstance(arg, Value): # convert it to numpy value
        arg = arg.asnumpy()

    random_dir = rs.standard_normal(np.shape(arg))
    random_dir = random_dir / np.sqrt(np.sum(random_dir * random_dir))

    grad_fun = grad(fun)
    unary_fun = lambda x: fun(arg + x * random_dir).asnumpy()
    numeric_grad = (unary_fun(eps / 2) - unary_fun(-eps / 2)) / eps
    analytic_grad = np.sum(grad_fun(arg)[0].asnumpy() * random_dir)

    passed = np.allclose(numeric_grad, analytic_grad, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)

    if verbose:
        if passed:
            print("Gradient projection OK (numeric grad: {0}, analytic grad: {1})".format(\
                numeric_grad, analytic_grad))
            print("Check failed! numeric={0}, analytic={1}".format(\
                numeric_grad, analytic_grad))

    return passed
Exemple #12
def quick_grad_check(fun,
    Checks the gradient of a function (w.r.t. to its first arg) in a random direction

            The function for gradient checking
            Gradient checking point
            Whether print some debug information
            Epsilon in computing numerical gradient
            Relative tolerance
            Absolute tolerance
            RandomState used in generating random direction
    if rs is None:
        rs = np.random.RandomState()

    if isinstance(arg, Value):  # convert it to numpy value
        arg = arg.asnumpy()

    random_dir = rs.standard_normal(np.shape(arg))
    random_dir = random_dir / np.sqrt(np.sum(random_dir * random_dir))

    grad_fun = grad(fun)
    unary_fun = lambda x: fun(arg + x * random_dir).asnumpy()
    numeric_grad = (unary_fun(eps / 2) - unary_fun(-eps / 2)) / eps
    analytic_grad = np.sum(grad_fun(arg).asnumpy() * random_dir)

    passed = np.allclose(numeric_grad, analytic_grad, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)

    if verbose:
        if passed:
            print("Gradient projection OK (numeric grad: {0}, analytic grad: {1})".format(\
                numeric_grad, analytic_grad))
            print("Check failed! numeric={0}, analytic={1}".format(\
                numeric_grad, analytic_grad))

    return passed
Exemple #13
def test_op_statistics():

    def sigmoid(x):
        return 0.5 * (np.tanh(x / 2) + 1)
    def predict(weights, inputs):
        return sigmoid(np.dot(inputs, weights))
    def training_loss(weights, inputs):
        preds = predict(weights, inputs)
        label_probabilities = preds * targets + (1 - preds) * (1 - targets)
        l = -np.sum(np.log(label_probabilities))
        return l
    def training_accuracy(weights, inputs):
        preds = predict(weights, inputs)
        error = np.count_nonzero(
                preds, axis=1) - np.argmax(
                    targets, axis=1))
        return (256 - error) * 100 / 256.0
    xshape = (256, 500)
    wshape = (500, 250)
    tshape = (256, 250)
    inputs = random.rand(*xshape) - 0.5
    targets = np.zeros(tshape)
    truth = random.randint(0, 250, 256)
    targets[np.arange(256), truth] = 1
    weights = random.rand(*wshape) - 0.5
    training_gradient_fun = grad(training_loss)
    for i in range(30):
        print('Trained accuracy #{}: {}%'.format(i, training_accuracy(weights,
        gr = training_gradient_fun(weights, inputs)
        weights -= gr * 0.01
    # Print Op Statistics Info
def test_mxnet_logistic():
    def sigmoid(x):
        return np.multiply(0.5, np.add(np.tanh(x), 1))

    xshape = (256, 500)
    #needs to reverse. because of mxnet's setting
    wshape = (250, 500)
    tshape = (256, 250)
    inputs = random.rand(*xshape) - 0.5
    targets = np.zeros(tshape)
    truth = random.randint(0, 250, 256)
    targets[np.arange(256), truth] = 1
    weights = np.random.rand(*wshape) - 0.5

    x = mx.sym.Variable(name='x')
    fc = mx.sym.FullyConnected(name='fc', data=x, num_hidden=250)
    act = mx.sym.Activation(data=fc, act_type='sigmoid')

    f = core.Function(act, {'x': xshape})

    def predict(weights, inputs):
        #return f( data=[('x', inputs)], weight=[('fc_weight', weights)], ctx=mx.cpu())
        return f(x=inputs, fc_weight=weights)

    def training_loss(weights, inputs):
        preds = predict(weights, inputs)
        label_probabilities = preds * targets + (1 - preds) * (1 - targets)
        return -np.sum(np.log(label_probabilities))

    training_gradient_fun = core.grad(training_loss)

    print('Initial loss: {}'.format(training_loss(weights, inputs)))
    for i in range(100):
        gr = training_gradient_fun(weights, inputs)
        #print('Training gradient: {}'.format(gr))
        weights -= gr * 0.1
        if i % 10 == 0:
            print('Trained loss: {}'.format(training_loss(weights, inputs)))

    # The training loss should be around 300 in a bug-free Minpy
    if (training_loss(weights, inputs)[0] > 600):
        assert (False)
Exemple #15
def test_slice():
    def sigmoid(x):
        return 0.5 * (np.tanh(x / 2) + 1)

    def predict(weights, inputs):
        # Test Slice
        sliced_weights = weights[:, ::2]
        y = sigmoid(np.dot(inputs, sliced_weights))
        return y

    def training_loss(weights, inputs):
        preds = predict(weights, inputs)
        label_probabilities = preds * targets + (1 - preds) * (1 - targets)
        l = -np.sum(np.log(label_probabilities))
        return l

    def training_accuracy(weights, inputs):
        preds = predict(weights, inputs)
        error = np.count_nonzero(
            np.argmax(preds, axis=1) - np.argmax(targets, axis=1))
        return (256 - error) * 100 / 256.0

    xshape = (256, 500)
    # wshape = (500, 250)
    wshape = (500, 500)
    tshape = (256, 250)
    inputs = random.rand(*xshape) - 0.5
    targets = np.zeros(tshape)
    truth = random.randint(0, 250, 256)
    targets[np.arange(256), truth] = 1
    weights = random.rand(*wshape) - 0.5

    training_gradient_fun = grad(training_loss)

    for i in range(20):
        print('Trained loss accuracy #{}: {}%'.format(
            i, training_accuracy(weights, inputs)))
        gr = training_gradient_fun(weights, inputs)
        print('Gradient Size', gr.shape)
        print('Gradient example', gr[0, :10].asnumpy())
        weights -= gr * 0.01
Exemple #16
def test_logistic():
    def sigmoid(x):
        return 0.5 * (np.tanh(x / 2) + 1)

    def predict(weights, inputs):
        return sigmoid(np.dot(inputs, weights))

    def training_loss(weights, inputs):
        preds = predict(weights, inputs)
        label_probabilities = preds * targets + (1 - preds) * (1 - targets)
        l = -np.sum(np.log(label_probabilities))
        return l

    def training_accuracy(weights, inputs):
        preds = predict(weights, inputs)
        error = np.count_nonzero(
                preds, axis=1) - np.argmax(
                    targets, axis=1))
        return (256 - error) * 100 / 256.0

    xshape = (256, 500)
    wshape = (500, 250)
    tshape = (256, 250)
    inputs = random.rand(*xshape) - 0.5
    targets = np.zeros(tshape)
    truth = random.randint(0, 250, 256)
    targets[np.arange(256), truth] = 1
    weights = random.rand(*wshape) - 0.5

    training_gradient_fun = grad(training_loss)

    for i in range(200):
        print('Trained accuracy #{}: {}%'.format(
            i, training_accuracy(weights, inputs)))
        gr = training_gradient_fun(weights, inputs)
        weights -= gr * 0.01

    # The accuracy should be 100 in bug-free MinPy
    if (training_accuracy(weights, inputs) < 95):
        assert (False)
Exemple #17
def test_logistic():

    def sigmoid(x):
        return 0.5 * (np.tanh(x / 2) + 1)
    def predict(weights, inputs):
        return sigmoid(np.dot(inputs, weights))
    def training_loss(weights, inputs):
        preds = predict(weights, inputs)
        label_probabilities = preds * targets + (1 - preds) * (1 - targets)
        l = -np.sum(np.log(label_probabilities))
        return l
    def training_accuracy(weights, inputs):
        preds = predict(weights, inputs)
        error = np.count_nonzero(
                preds, axis=1) - np.argmax(
                    targets, axis=1))
        return (256 - error) * 100 / 256.0

    xshape = (256, 500)
    wshape = (500, 250)
    tshape = (256, 250)
    inputs = random.rand(*xshape) - 0.5
    targets = np.zeros(tshape)
    truth = random.randint(0, 250, 256)
    targets[np.arange(256), truth] = 1
    weights = random.rand(*wshape) - 0.5
    training_gradient_fun = grad(training_loss)
    for i in range(200):
        print('Trained accuracy #{}: {}%'.format(i, training_accuracy(weights,
        gr = training_gradient_fun(weights, inputs)
        weights -= gr * 0.01
Exemple #18
def test_slice():

    def sigmoid(x):
        return 0.5 * (np.tanh(x / 2) + 1)
    def predict(weights, inputs):
        # Test Slice
        sliced_weights = weights[:, ::2]
        y = sigmoid(np.dot(inputs, sliced_weights))
        return y
    def training_loss(weights, inputs):
        preds = predict(weights, inputs)
        label_probabilities = preds * targets + (1 - preds) * (1 - targets)
        l = -np.sum(np.log(label_probabilities))
        return l
    def training_accuracy(weights, inputs):
        preds = predict(weights, inputs)
        error = np.count_nonzero(np.argmax(preds, axis=1) - np.argmax(targets, axis=1))
        return (256 - error) * 100 / 256.0
    xshape = (256, 500)
    # wshape = (500, 250)
    wshape = (500, 500)
    tshape = (256, 250)
    inputs = random.rand(*xshape) - 0.5
    targets = np.zeros(tshape)
    truth = random.randint(0, 250, 256)
    targets[np.arange(256), truth] = 1
    weights = random.rand(*wshape) - 0.5
    training_gradient_fun = grad(training_loss)
    for i in range(20):
        print('Trained loss accuracy #{}: {}%'.format(i, training_accuracy(weights, inputs)))
        gr = training_gradient_fun(weights, inputs)
        print('Gradient Size', gr.shape)
        print('Gradient example', gr[0,:10].asnumpy())
        weights -= gr * 0.01
x = mx.sym.Variable(name='x')
fc = mx.sym.FullyConnected(name='fc', data=x)
#fc = mx.sym.FullyConnected(name='fc', data=x, num_hidden=inputs.shape[1])
act = mx.sym.Activation(data=fc, act_type='sigmoid')
f = core.function(act)

def predict(weights, inputs):
    return f(x=inputs, fc_weight=weights, ctx=mx.cpu())

def training_loss(weights, inputs):
    preds = predict(weights, inputs)
    label_probabilities = preds * targets + (1 - preds) * (1 - targets)
    return -np.sum(np.log(label_probabilities))

xshape = (256, 500)
wshape = (500, 250)
tshape = (256, 250)
inputs = np.random.rand(*xshape) - 0.5
targets = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=tshape)
weights = np.random.rand(*wshape) - 0.5

training_gradient_fun = core.grad(training_loss)

print('Initial loss: {}'.format(training_loss(weights, inputs)))
for i in range(100):
    gr = training_gradient_fun(weights, inputs)
    #print('Training gradient: {}'.format(gr))
    weights -= gr * 0.1
    if i % 10 == 0:
        print('Trained loss: {}'.format(training_loss(weights, inputs)))
Exemple #20
    preds = predict(weights, bias, inputs)
    label_probabilities = preds * targets + (1 - preds) * (1 - targets)
    l = -np.sum(np.log(label_probabilities))
    return l

def training_accuracy(weights, bias, inputs):
    preds = predict(weights, bias, inputs)
    error = np.count_nonzero(np.argmax(preds, axis=1) - np.argmax(targets, axis=1))
    return (256 - error) * 100 / 256.0

xshape = (256, 500)
wshape = (500, 250)
bshape = (250)
tshape = (256, 250)
inputs = random.rand(*xshape) - 0.5
targets = np.zeros(tshape)
truth = random.randint(0, 250, 256)
targets[np.arange(256), truth] = 1
weights = random.rand(*wshape) - 0.5
#bias = random.rand(bshape) - 0.5
#print bias.shape
bias = np.zeros(bshape)
print bias.shape

training_gradient_fun = grad(training_loss)

for i in range(20):
    print('Trained loss accuracy #{}: {}%'.format(i, training_accuracy(weights, bias, inputs)))
    gr = training_gradient_fun(weights, bias, inputs)
    weights -= gr * 0.01
Exemple #21
mx.nd.array(numpy.array([1, 2, 3]))
type(numpy.array([1, 2, 3]))
np.ones((2, 3))
np.ones([2, 3])
mx.nd.ones([2, 3])
mx.nd.ones([2, 3]).asnumpy()

def foo(x):
    return (5 * (x**2) + 3 * x + 2)

d_foo = grad(foo)
d_l_foo = grad_and_loss(foo)

# Symbol
a = mx.sym.Variable('a')
b = mx.sym.Variable('b')
c = a + b
# elemental wise times
d = a * b
# matrix multiplication
e = mx.sym.dot(a, b)
f = mx.sym.Reshape(d + e, shape=(1, 4))
# broadcast
g = mx.sym.broadcast_to(f, shape=(2, 4))
Exemple #22
 def build(self):
     """build network"""
     self.loss = self.loss_f
     self.gradient = grad(self.loss_weights,
                          [0])  # diff with respect to weights
Exemple #23
def test_zero_input_grad():
    def foo1(x):
        return 1

    bar1 = grad(foo1)
    assert bar1(0) == 0.0
Exemple #24
def test_zero_input_grad():
    def foo1(x):
        return 1
    bar1 = grad(foo1)
    assert bar1(0) == 0.0
Exemple #25
def training_accuracy(weights, inputs):
    preds = predict(weights, inputs)
    error = np.count_nonzero(np.argmax(preds, axis=1) - np.argmax(targets, axis=1))
    return (256 - error) * 100 / 256.0

xshape = (256, 500)
# wshape = (500, 250)
wshape = (500, 500)
tshape = (256, 250)
inputs = random.rand(*xshape) - 0.5
targets = np.zeros(tshape)
truth = random.randint(0, 250, 256)
targets[np.arange(256), truth] = 1
weights = random.rand(*wshape) - 0.5

training_gradient_fun = grad(training_loss)

def NumpyVarToMinpy(var):
  return minpy.array.Value.wrap(var)

def MinpyVarToNumpy(var):
  return minpy.array.Value.wrap(var).get_data(ArrayType.NUMPY)

for i in range(20):
    print('Trained loss accuracy #{}: {}%'.format(i, training_accuracy(weights, inputs)))
    gr = training_gradient_fun(weights, inputs)
    print('Gradient Size', gr.shape)
    print('Gradient example', MinpyVarToNumpy(gr[0,:10]))
    weights -= gr * 0.01
def test_context():
    set_context(gpu(1))  # set the global context as gpu(1)

    def sigmoid(x):
        return 0.5 * (np.tanh(x / 2) + 1)

    def predict(weights, inputs):
        return sigmoid(np.dot(inputs, weights))

    def training_loss(weights, inputs):
        preds = predict(weights, inputs)
        label_probabilities = preds * targets + (1 - preds) * (1 - targets)
        l = -np.sum(np.log(label_probabilities))
        return l

    def training_accuracy(weights, inputs):
        preds = predict(weights, inputs)
        error = np.count_nonzero(
            np.argmax(preds, axis=1) - np.argmax(targets, axis=1))
        return (256 - error) * 100 / 256.0

    with gpu(0):
        xshape = (256, 500)
        wshape = (500, 250)
        tshape = (256, 250)
        inputs = random.rand(*xshape) - 0.5
        targets = np.zeros(tshape)
        truth = random.randint(0, 250, 256)
        targets[np.arange(256), truth] = 1
        weights = random.rand(*wshape) - 0.5

        training_gradient_fun = grad(training_loss)

        for i in range(20):
            print('Trained loss accuracy #{}: {}%'.format(
                i, training_accuracy(weights, inputs)))
            gr = training_gradient_fun(weights, inputs)
            weights -= gr * 0.01
        print("\nff and bp on {0}".format(weights.context))

    print("\nexecute on cpu")
    with cpu():
        x_cpu = random.rand(32, 64) - 0.5
        y_cpu = random.rand(64, 32) - 0.5
        z_cpu = np.dot(x_cpu, y_cpu)
        print('z_cpu.context = {0}'.format(z_cpu.context))

    print("\nexecute on gpu(0)")
    with gpu(0):
        x_gpu0 = random.rand(32, 64) - 0.5
        y_gpu0 = random.rand(64, 32) - 0.5
        z_gpu0 = np.dot(x_gpu0, y_gpu0)
        print('z_gpu0.context = {0}'.format(z_gpu0.context))

    print("\n[use global context] execute on gpu(1)")
    x_gpu1 = random.rand(32, 64) - 0.5
    y_gpu1 = random.rand(64, 32) - 0.5
    z_gpu1 = np.dot(x_gpu1, y_gpu1)
    print('z_gpu1.context = {0}'.format(z_gpu1.context))
Exemple #27
from minpy import core
import minpy.numpy as np

def f(x):
    return x

if __name__ == '__main__':
    inp = np.random.random((3, 2))
    g0 = core.grad(f)(inp)
    # All ones.
    g_inj = np.random.random((3, 2))
    injection = lambda *args, **kwargs: f(*args, **kwargs) * g_inj
    g1 = core.grad(injection)(inp)
    # Gradient will be as injected.
Exemple #28
from __future__ import print_function
import minpy.numpy as np
from minpy.core import grad

def func(x):
	y = x + 1
	return x

x = 1
gradient = grad(func)
print('Gradient should be 1, and it is actually', gradient(x))