def f(): try: minqlx.reload_plugin(msg[1]) channel.reply("Plugin ^6{} ^7has been successfully reloaded." .format(msg[1])) except Exception as e: channel.reply("Plugin ^6{} ^7has failed to reload: {} - {}" .format(msg[1], e.__class__.__name__, e)) minqlx.log_exception(self)
def _rewriteSelf(self): os.system("mv " + self.plugindir + "/.temp/" + "" + " " + self.plugindir) os.system("rm -rf " + self.plugindir + "/.temp/") self.updateAvailable = False minqlx.CHAT_CHANNEL.reply( "test1: Plugin has been successfully updated.") minqlx.reload_plugin("test1") return
def cmd_reload(self, player, msg, channel): if len(msg) < 2: return minqlx.CMD_USAGE else: try: minqlx.reload_plugin(msg[1]) channel.reply("^7Plugin ^6{} ^7has been successfully reloaded." .format(msg[1])) except Exception as e: channel.reply("^7Plugin ^6{} ^7has failed to reload: {} - {}" .format(msg[1], e.__class__.__name__, e)) minqlx.log_exception(self)
def f(): for plugin in self.plugins: if plugin != self.__class__.__name__: try: minqlx.reload_plugin(plugin) except Exception as e: channel.reply("Plugin ^6{} ^7has failed to unload: {} - {}" .format(plugin, e.__class__.__name__, e)) minqlx.log_exception(self) channel.reply("Successfully reloaded all plugins except {}." .format(self.__class__.__name__))
def _reloadtest(self, player, msg, channel): player.tell("reloading") minqlx.reload_plugin("test1") player.tell("go")
def ready(): minqlx.reload_plugin(self._name) channel.reply( "^2Updated ^3iou^7one^4girl^7's ^6{} ^7plugin to the latest version!" .format(self._name))
def done(): minqlx.reload_plugin(msg) channel.reply("{} ^2succesfully ^7installed!".format(msg))
def ready(): minqlx.reload_plugin(self._name) channel.reply("^2Updated ^3iou^7one^4girl^7's ^6{} ^7plugin to the latest version!".format(self._name))