class Model: """ Mixed Integer Programming Model This is the main class, providing methods for building, optimizing, querying optimization results and re-optimizing Mixed-Integer Programming Models. To check how models are created please see the examples included. """ def __init__(self, name: str = "", sense: str = MINIMIZE, solver_name: str = ""): """Model constructor Creates a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Model. The default model optimization direction is Minimization. To store and optimize the model the MIP package automatically searches and connects in runtime to the dynamic library of some MIP solver installed on your computer, nowadays gurobi and cbc are supported. This solver is automatically selected, but you can force the selection of a specific solver with the parameter solver_name. Args: name (str): model name sense (str): MINIMIZATION ("MIN") or MAXIMIZATION ("MAX") solver_name: gurobi or cbc, searches for which solver is available if not informed """ # initializing variables with default values = name self.solver_name = solver_name self.solver = None # reading solver_name from an environment variable (if applicable) if not self.solver_name and "solver_name" in environ: self.solver_name = environ["solver_name"] if not self.solver_name and "solver_name".upper() in environ: self.solver_name = environ["solver_name".upper()] # creating a solver instance if self.solver_name.upper() == GUROBI: from mip.gurobi import SolverGurobi self.solver = SolverGurobi(self,, sense) elif self.solver_name.upper() == CBC: from mip.cbc import SolverCbc self.solver = SolverCbc(self,, sense) else: # checking which solvers are available from mip import gurobi if gurobi.has_gurobi: from mip.gurobi import SolverGurobi self.solver = SolverGurobi(self,, sense) self.solver_name = GUROBI else: from mip.cbc import SolverCbc self.solver = SolverCbc(self,, sense) self.solver_name = CBC # list of constraints and variables self.constrs = ConstrList(self) self.vars = VarList(self) # initializing additional control variables self.__cuts = 1 self.__cuts_generator = None self.__lazy_constrs_generator = None self.__start = None self.__status = OptimizationStatus.LOADED self.__threads = 0 self.__n_cols = 0 self.__n_rows = 0 def __del__(self): if self.solver: del self.solver def __iadd__(self, other) -> "Model": if isinstance(other, LinExpr): if len(other.sense) == 0: # adding objective function components self.objective = other else: # adding constraint self.add_constr(other) elif isinstance(other, tuple): if isinstance(other[0], LinExpr) and isinstance(other[1], str): if len(other[0].sense) == 0: self.objective = other[0] else: self.add_constr(other[0], other[1]) return self def add_var(self, name: str = "", lb: float = 0.0, ub: float = INF, obj: float = 0.0, var_type: str = CONTINUOUS, column: "Column" = None) -> "Var": """ Creates a new variable in the model, returning its reference Args: name (str): variable name (optional) lb (float): variable lower bound, default 0.0 ub (float): variable upper bound, default infinity obj (float): coefficient of this variable in the objective function, default 0 var_type (str): CONTINUOUS ("C"), BINARY ("B") or INTEGER ("I") column (Column): constraints where this variable will appear, necessary only when constraints are already created in the model and a new variable will be created. Examples: To add a variable :code:`x` which is continuous and greater or equal to zero to model :code:`m`:: x = m.add_var() The following code creates a vector of binary variables :code:`x[0], ..., x[n-1]` to model :code:`m`:: x = [m.add_var(var_type=BINARY) for i in range(n)] """ if var_type == BINARY: lb = 0.0 ub = 1.0 if len(name.strip()) == 0: nc = self.solver.num_cols() name = "C{:011d}".format(nc) self.solver.add_var(obj, lb, ub, var_type, column, name) self.__n_cols += 1 return Var(self, self.__n_cols - 1) def add_constr(self, lin_expr: "LinExpr", name: str = "") -> "Constr": """ Creates a new constraint (row) Adds a new constraint to the model, returning its reference Args: lin_expr (LinExpr): linear expression name (str): optional constraint name, used when saving model to\ lp or mps files Examples: The following code adds the constraint :math:`x_1 + x_2 \leq 1` (x1 and x2 should be created first using :func:`add_var<mip.model.Model.add_var>`):: m += x1 + x2 <= 1 Which is equivalent to:: m.add_constr( x1 + x2 <= 1 ) Summation expressions can be used also, to add the constraint \ :math:`\displaystyle \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} x_i = y` and name this \ constraint :code:`cons1`:: m += xsum(x[i] for i in range(n)) == y, "cons1" Which is equivalent to:: m.add_constr( xsum(x[i] for i in range(n)) == y, "cons1" ) """ if isinstance(lin_expr, bool): raise InvalidLinExpr("A boolean (true/false) cannot be \ used as a constraint.") self.__n_rows += 1 self.solver.add_constr(lin_expr, name) return Constr(self, self.__n_rows - 1) def clear(self): """Clears the model All variables, constraints and parameters will be reset. In addition, a new solver instance will be instantiated to implement the formulation. """ # creating a new solver instance sense = self.sense self.__n_cols = 0 self.__n_rows = 0 if self.solver_name.upper() == GUROBI: from mip.gurobi import SolverGurobi self.solver = SolverGurobi(self,, sense) elif self.solver_name.upper() == CBC: from mip.cbc import SolverCbc self.solver = SolverCbc(self,, sense) else: # checking which solvers are available from mip import gurobi if gurobi.has_gurobi: from mip.gurobi import SolverGurobi self.solver = SolverGurobi(self,, sense) self.solver_name = GUROBI else: from mip.cbc import SolverCbc self.solver = SolverCbc(self,, sense) self.solver_name = CBC # list of constraints and variables self.constrs = ConstrList(self) self.vars = VarList(self) # initializing additional control variables self.__cuts = 1 self.__cuts_generator = None self.__start = [] self.__status = OptimizationStatus.LOADED self.__threads = 0 def copy(self, solver_name: str = None) -> "Model": """ Creates a copy of the current model Args: solver_name(str): solver name (optional) Returns: clone of current model """ if not solver_name: solver_name = self.solver_name copy = Model(, self.sense, solver_name) # adding variables for v in self.vars: copy.add_var(,, ub=v.ub, obj=v.obj, var_type=v.var_type) # adding constraints for c in self.constrs: orig_expr = c.expr expr = LinExpr(const=orig_expr.const, sense=orig_expr.sense) for (var, value) in orig_expr.expr.items(): expr.add_term(self.vars[var.idx], value) copy.add_constr(lin_expr=expr, # setting objective function"s constant copy.objective_const = self.objective_const return copy def constr_by_name(self, name: str) -> "Constr": """ Queries a constraint by its name Args: name(str): constraint name Returns: constraint or None if not found """ cidx = self.solver.constr_get_index(name) if cidx < 0 or cidx > len(self.constrs): return None return self.constrs[cidx] def var_by_name(self, name: str) -> "Var": """Searchers a variable by its name Returns: Variable or None if not found """ v = self.solver.var_get_index(name) if v < 0 or v > len(self.vars): return None return self.vars[v] def optimize(self, max_seconds: float = inf, max_nodes: int = inf, max_solutions: int = inf) -> OptimizationStatus: """ Optimizes current model Optimizes current model, optionally specifying processing limits. To optimize model :code:`m` within a processing time limit of 300 seconds:: m.optimize(max_seconds=300) Args: max_seconds (float): Maximum runtime in seconds (default: inf) max_nodes (float): Maximum number of nodes (default: inf) max_solutions (float): Maximum number of solutions (default: inf) Returns: optimization status, which can be OPTIMAL(0), ERROR(-1), INFEASIBLE(1), UNBOUNDED(2). When optimizing problems with integer variables some additional cases may happen, FEASIBLE(3) for the case when a feasible solution was found but optimality was not proved, INT_INFEASIBLE(4) for the case when the lp relaxation is feasible but no feasible integer solution exists and NO_SOLUTION_FOUND(5) for the case when an integer solution was not found in the optimization. """ if self.__threads != 0: self.solver.set_num_threads(self.__threads) # self.solver.set_callbacks(branch_selector, # incumbent_updater, lazy_constrs_generator) self.solver.set_processing_limits(max_seconds, max_nodes, max_solutions) self.__status = self.solver.optimize() return self.__status def read(self, path: str): """Reads a MIP model in :code:`.lp` or :code:`.mps` format. Note: all variables, constraints and parameters from the current model will be cleared. Args: path(str): file name """ self.clear() self.__n_cols = self.solver.num_cols() self.__n_rows = self.solver.num_rows() def relax(self): """ Relax integrality constraints of variables Changes the type of all integer and binary variables to continuous. Bounds are preserved. """ self.solver.relax() for v in self.vars: if v.type == BINARY or v.type == INTEGER: v.type = CONTINUOUS def write(self, path: str): """Saves the MIP model, using the extension :code:`.lp` or :code:`.mps` to specify the file format. Args: path(str): file name """ self.solver.write(path) @property def objective_bound(self) -> float: return self.solver.get_objective_bound() @property def objective(self) -> LinExpr: """The objective function of the problem as a linear expression. Examples: The following code adds all :code:`x` variables :code:`x[0], ..., x[n-1]`, to the objective function of model :code:`m` with the same cost :code:`w`:: m.objective = xsum(w*x[i] for i in range(n)) A simpler way to define the objective function is the use of the model operator += :: m += xsum(w*x[i] for i in range(n)) Note that the only difference of adding a constraint is the lack of a sense and a rhs. """ return self.solver.get_objective() @objective.setter def objective(self, objective): if isinstance(objective, int) or isinstance(objective, float): self.solver.set_objective(LinExpr([], [], objective)) elif isinstance(objective, Var): self.solver.set_objective(LinExpr([objective], [1])) elif isinstance(objective, LinExpr): self.solver.set_objective(objective) @property def verbose(self) -> int: """0 to disable solver messages printed on the screen, 1 to enable """ return self.solver.get_verbose() @verbose.setter def verbose(self, verbose: int): self.solver.set_verbose(verbose) @property def threads(self) -> int: """number of threads to be used when solving the problem. 0 uses solver default configuration, -1 uses the number of available processing cores and :math:`\geq 1` uses the specified number of threads. An increased number of threads may improve the solution time but also increases the memory consumption.""" return self.__threads @threads.setter def threads(self, threads: int): self.__threads = threads @property def sense(self) -> str: """ The optimization sense Returns: the objective function sense, MINIMIZE (default) or (MAXIMIZE) """ return self.solver.get_objective_sense() @sense.setter def sense(self, sense: str): self.solver.set_objective_sense(sense) @property def objective_const(self) -> float: """Returns the constant part of the objective function """ return self.solver.get_objective_const() @objective_const.setter def objective_const(self, objective_const: float): self.solver.set_objective_const(objective_const) @property def objective_value(self) -> float: """Objective function value of the solution found """ return self.solver.get_objective_value() @property def num_solutions(self) -> int: """Number of solutions found during the MIP search Returns: number of solutions stored in the solution pool """ return self.solver.get_num_solutions() @property def objective_values(self) -> List[float]: """List of costs of all solutions in the solution pool Returns: costs of all solutions stored in the solution pool as an array from 0 (the best solution) to :attr:`~mip.model.model.num_solutions`-1. """ return [ float(self.solver.get_objective_value_i(i)) for i in range(self.num_solutions) ] @property def cuts_generator(self) -> "CutsGenerator": """Cut generator callback. Cut generators are called whenever a solution where one or more integer variables appear with continuous values. A cut generator will try to produce one or more inequalities to remove this fractional point. """ return self.__cuts_generator @cuts_generator.setter def cuts_generator(self, cuts_generator: "CutsGenerator"): self.__cuts_generator = cuts_generator @property def lazy_constrs_generator(self) -> "LazyConstrsGenerator": return self.__lazy_constrs_generator @lazy_constrs_generator.setter def lazy_constrs_generator(self, lazy_constrs_generator: "LazyConstrsGenerator"): self.__lazy_constrs_generator = lazy_constrs_generator @property def emphasis(self) -> SearchEmphasis: """defines the main objective of the search, if set to 1 (FEASIBILITY) then the search process will focus on try to find quickly feasible solutions and improving them; if set to 2 (OPTIMALITY) then the search process will try to find a provable optimal solution, procedures to further improve the lower bounds will be activated in this setting, this may increase the time to produce the first feasible solutions but will probably pay off in longer runs; the default option if 0, where a balance between optimality and feasibility is sought. """ return self.solver.get_emphasis() @emphasis.setter def emphasis(self, emphasis: SearchEmphasis): self.solver.set_emphasis(emphasis) @property def cuts(self) -> int: """controls the generation of cutting planes, 0 disables completely, 1 (default) generates cutting planes in a moderate way, 2 generates cutting planes aggressively and 3 generates even more cutting planes. Cutting planes usually improve the LP relaxation bound but also make the solution time of the LP relaxation larger, so the overall effect is hard to predict and experimenting different values for this parameter may be beneficial. """ return self.__cuts @cuts.setter def cuts(self, cuts: int): if cuts < 0 or cuts > 3: print('Warning: invalid value ({}) for parameter cuts, \ keeping old setting.'.format(self.__cuts)) self.__cuts = cuts @property def start(self) -> List[Tuple["Var", float]]: """Initial feasible solution Enters an initial feasible solution. Only the main binary/integer decision variables which appear with non-zero values in the initial feasible solution need to be informed. Auxiliary or continuous variables are automatically computed. """ return self.__start @start.setter def start(self, start: List[Tuple["Var", float]]): self.__start = start self.solver.set_start(start) @property def num_cols(self) -> int: """number of columns (variables) in the model""" return self.__n_cols @property def num_int(self) -> int: """number of integer variables in the model""" return self.solver.num_int() @property def num_rows(self) -> int: """number of rows (constraints) in the model""" return self.__n_rows @property def num_nz(self) -> int: """number of non-zeros in the constraint matrix""" return self.solver.num_nz() @property def cutoff(self) -> float: """upper limit for the solution cost, solutions with cost > cutoff will be removed from the search space, a small cutoff value may significantly speedup the search, but if cutoff is set to a value too low the model will become infeasible""" return self.solver.get_cutoff() @cutoff.setter def cutoff(self, cutoff: float): self.solver.set_cutoff(cutoff) @property def max_mip_gap_abs(self) -> float: """tolerance for the quality of the optimal solution, if a solution with cost :math:`c` and a lower bound :math:`l` are available and :math:`c-l<` :code:`mip_gap_abs`, the search will be concluded, see mip_gap to determine a percentage value """ return self.solver.get_mip_gap_abs() @max_mip_gap_abs.setter def max_mip_gap_abs(self, max_mip_gap_abs: float): self.solver.set_mip_gap(max_mip_gap_abs) @property def max_mip_gap(self) -> float: """value indicating the tolerance for the maximum percentage deviation from the optimal solution cost, if a solution with cost :math:`c` and a lower bound :math:`l` are available and :math:`(c-l)/l <` :code:`max_mip_gap` the search will be concluded.""" return self.solver.get_mip_gap() @max_mip_gap.setter def max_mip_gap(self, max_mip_gap: float): self.solver.set_mip_gap(max_mip_gap) @property def max_seconds(self) -> float: """time limit in seconds for search""" return self.solver.get_max_seconds() @max_seconds.setter def max_seconds(self, max_seconds: float): self.solver.set_max_seconds(max_seconds) @property def max_nodes(self) -> int: """maximum number of nodes to be explored in the search tree""" return self.solver.get_max_nodes() @max_nodes.setter def max_nodes(self, max_nodes: int): self.solver.set_max_nodes(max_nodes) @property def max_solutions(self) -> int: """solution limit, search will be stopped when :code:`max_solutions` were found""" return self.solver.get_max_solutions() @max_solutions.setter def max_solutions(self, max_solutions: int): self.solver.set_max_solutions(max_solutions) @property def status(self) -> OptimizationStatus: """ optimization status, which can be OPTIMAL(0), ERROR(-1), INFEASIBLE(1), UNBOUNDED(2). When optimizing problems with integer variables some additional cases may happen, FEASIBLE(3) for the case when a feasible solution was found but optimality was not proved, INT_INFEASIBLE(4) for the case when the lp relaxation is feasible but no feasible integer solution exists and NO_SOLUTION_FOUND(5) for the case when an integer solution was not found in the optimization. """ return self.__status def remove(self, objects): """removes variable(s) and/or constraint(s) from the model Args: objects: can be a Var, a Constr or a list of these objects """ if isinstance(objects, Var): self.solver.remove_vars([objects.idx]) elif isinstance(objects, Constr): self.solver.remove_constrs([objects.idx]) elif isinstance(objects, list): vlist = [] clist = [] for o in objects: if isinstance(o, Var): vlist.append(o.idx) elif isinstance(o, Constr): clist.append(o.idx) else: raise Exception( "Cannot handle removal of object of type " + type(o) + " from model.") if vlist: vlist.sort() self.solver.remove_vars(vlist) self.__n_cols -= len(vlist) if clist: clist.sort() self.solver.remove_constrs(clist) self.__n_rows -= len(clist)
class Model: """ Mixed Integer Programming Model This is the main class, providing methods for building, optimizing, querying optimization results and re-optimizing Mixed-Integer Programming Models. To check how models are created please see the :ref:`examples <chapExamples>` included. Attributes: vars(VarList): list of problem variables (:class:`~mip.model.Var`) constrs(ConstrList): list of constraints (:class:`~mip.model.Constr`) Examples: >>> from mip import Model, MAXIMIZE, CBC, INTEGER, OptimizationStatus >>> model = Model(sense=MAXIMIZE, solver_name=CBC) >>> x = model.add_var(name='x', var_type=INTEGER, lb=0, ub=10) >>> y = model.add_var(name='y', var_type=INTEGER, lb=0, ub=10) >>> model += x + y <= 10 >>> model.objective = x + y >>> status = model.optimize(max_seconds=2) >>> status == OptimizationStatus.OPTIMAL True """ def __init__( self: "Model", name: str = "", sense: str = MINIMIZE, solver_name: str = "", solver: Optional[Solver] = None, ): """Model constructor Creates a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Model. The default model optimization direction is Minimization. To store and optimize the model the MIP package automatically searches and connects in runtime to the dynamic library of some MIP solver installed on your computer, nowadays gurobi and cbc are supported. This solver is automatically selected, but you can force the selection of a specific solver with the parameter solver_name. Args: name (str): model name sense (str): MINIMIZATION ("MIN") or MAXIMIZATION ("MAX") solver_name(str): gurobi or cbc, searches for which solver is available if not informed solver(Solver): a (:class:`~mip.solver.Solver`) object; note that if this argument is provided, solver_name will be ignored """ self._ownSolver = True # initializing variables with default values self.solver_name = solver_name self.solver = solver # type: Optional[Solver] # reading solver_name from an environment variable (if applicable) if not solver: if not self.solver_name and "solver_name" in environ: self.solver_name = environ["solver_name"] if not self.solver_name and "solver_name".upper() in environ: self.solver_name = environ["solver_name".upper()] # creating a solver instance if self.solver_name.upper() in ["GUROBI", "GRB"]: from mip.gurobi import SolverGurobi self.solver = SolverGurobi(self, name, sense) elif self.solver_name.upper() == "CBC": from mip.cbc import SolverCbc self.solver = SolverCbc(self, name, sense) else: # checking which solvers are available try: from mip.gurobi import SolverGurobi has_gurobi = True except ImportError: has_gurobi = False if has_gurobi: from mip.gurobi import SolverGurobi self.solver = SolverGurobi(self, name, sense) self.solver_name = GUROBI else: from mip.cbc import SolverCbc self.solver = SolverCbc(self, name, sense) self.solver_name = CBC # list of constraints and variables self.constrs = ConstrList(self) self.vars = VarList(self) self._status = OptimizationStatus.LOADED # initializing additional control variables self.__cuts = -1 self.__cut_passes = -1 self.__clique = -1 self.__preprocess = -1 self.__cuts_generator = None self.__lazy_constrs_generator = None self.__start = None self.__threads = 0 self.__lp_method = LP_Method.AUTO self.__n_cols = 0 self.__n_rows = 0 self.__gap = INF self.__store_search_progress_log = False self.__plog = ProgressLog() self.__integer_tol = 1e-6 self.__infeas_tol = 1e-6 self.__opt_tol = 1e-6 self.__max_mip_gap = 1e-4 self.__max_mip_gap_abs = 1e-10 def __del__(self: "Model"): del self.solver def __iadd__(self: "Model", other) -> "Model": if isinstance(other, LinExpr): if len(other.sense) == 0: # adding objective function components self.objective = other else: # adding constraint self.add_constr(other) elif isinstance(other, tuple): if isinstance(other[0], LinExpr) and isinstance(other[1], str): if len(other[0].sense) == 0: self.objective = other[0] else: self.add_constr(other[0], other[1]) return self def add_var( self: "Model", name: str = "", lb: float = 0.0, ub: float = INF, obj: float = 0.0, var_type: str = CONTINUOUS, column: Column = None, ) -> Var: """ Creates a new variable in the model, returning its reference Args: name (str): variable name (optional) lb (float): variable lower bound, default 0.0 ub (float): variable upper bound, default infinity obj (float): coefficient of this variable in the objective function, default 0 var_type (str): CONTINUOUS ("C"), BINARY ("B") or INTEGER ("I") column (Column): constraints where this variable will appear, necessary only when constraints are already created in the model and a new variable will be created. Examples: To add a variable :code:`x` which is continuous and greater or equal to zero to model :code:`m`:: x = m.add_var() The following code creates a vector of binary variables :code:`x[0], ..., x[n-1]` to model :code:`m`:: x = [m.add_var(var_type=BINARY) for i in range(n)] """ return self.vars.add(name, lb, ub, obj, var_type, column) def add_constr(self: "Model", lin_expr: LinExpr, name: str = "") -> Constr: """Creates a new constraint (row). Adds a new constraint to the model, returning its reference. Args: lin_expr(LinExpr): linear expression name(str): optional constraint name, used when saving model to\ lp or mps files Examples: The following code adds the constraint :math:`x_1 + x_2 \leq 1` (x1 and x2 should be created first using :func:`add_var<mip.model.Model.add_var>`):: m += x1 + x2 <= 1 Which is equivalent to:: m.add_constr( x1 + x2 <= 1 ) Summation expressions can be used also, to add the constraint \ :math:`\displaystyle \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} x_i = y` and name this \ constraint :code:`cons1`:: m += xsum(x[i] for i in range(n)) == y, "cons1" Which is equivalent to:: m.add_constr( xsum(x[i] for i in range(n)) == y, "cons1" ) """ if isinstance(lin_expr, bool): raise InvalidLinExpr("A boolean (true/false) cannot be " "used as a constraint.") return self.constrs.add(lin_expr, name) def add_lazy_constr(self: "Model", expr: LinExpr): """Adds a lazy constraint A lazy constraint is a constraint that is only inserted into the model after the first integer solution that violates it is found. When lazy constraints are used a restricted pre-processing is executed since the complete model is not available at the beginning. If the number of lazy constraints is too large then they can be added during the search process by implementing a :class:`~mip.callbacks.ConstrsGenerator` and setting the property :attr:`~mip.model.Model.lazy_constrs_generator` of :class:`~mip.model.Model`. Args: expr(LinExpr): the linear constraint """ self.solver.add_lazy_constr(expr) def add_sos(self: Solver, sos: List[Tuple[Var, float]], sos_type: int): """Adds an Special Ordered Set (SOS) to the model In models with binary variables it is often the case that from a list of variables only one can receive value 1 in a feasible solution. When large constraints of this type exist (packing and partitioning), branching in one variable at time usually doesn't work well: while fixing one of these variables to one leaves only one possible feasible value for the other variables in this set (zero), fixing one variable to zero keeps all other variables free. This *unbalanced* branching is highly ineffective. A Special ordered set (SOS) is a set :math:`\mathcal{S}=\{s_1, s_2, \ldots, s_k\}` with weights :math:`[w_1, w_2, \ldots, w_k] \in \mathbb{R}^+`. With this structure available branching on a fractional solution :math:`x^*` for these variables can be performed computing: .. math:: \min \{ u_{k'} : u_{k'} = | \sum_{j=1\,\ldots \,k'-1} w_j \ldotp x^*_j - \sum_{j=k'\,\ldots ,k} w_j \ldotp x^*_j | \} Then, branching :math:`\mathcal{S}_1` would be :math:`\displaystyle \sum_{j=1, \ldots, k'-1} x_j = 0` and :math:`\displaystyle \mathcal{S}_2 = \sum_{j=k', \ldots, k} x_j = 0`. Args: sos(List[Tuple[Var, float]]): list including variables (not necessarily binary) and respective weights in the model sos_type(int): 1 for Type 1 SOS, where at most one of the binary variables can be set to one and 2 for Type 2 SOS, where at most two variables from the list may be selected. In type 2 SOS the two selected variables will be consecutive in the list. """ self.solver.add_sos(sos, sos_type) def clear(self: Solver): """Clears the model All variables, constraints and parameters will be reset. In addition, a new solver instance will be instantiated to implement the formulation. """ # creating a new solver instance sense = self.sense if self.solver_name.upper() == GUROBI: from mip.gurobi import SolverGurobi self.solver = SolverGurobi(self,, sense) elif self.solver_name.upper() == CBC: from mip.cbc import SolverCbc self.solver = SolverCbc(self,, sense) else: # checking which solvers are available from mip import gurobi if gurobi.found: from mip.gurobi import SolverGurobi self.solver = SolverGurobi(self,, sense) self.solver_name = GUROBI else: from mip.cbc import SolverCbc self.solver = SolverCbc(self,, sense) self.solver_name = CBC # list of constraints and variables self.constrs = ConstrList(self) self.vars = VarList(self) # initializing additional control variables self.__cuts = 1 self.__cuts_generator = None self.__lazy_constrs_generator = None self.__start = [] self._status = OptimizationStatus.LOADED self.__threads = 0 def copy(self: Solver, solver_name: str = "") -> "Model": """ Creates a copy of the current model Args: solver_name(str): solver name (optional) Returns: clone of current model """ if not solver_name: solver_name = self.solver_name copy = Model(, self.sense, solver_name) # adding variables for v in self.vars: copy.add_var(,, ub=v.ub, obj=v.obj, var_type=v.var_type) # adding constraints for c in self.constrs: orig_expr = c.expr expr = LinExpr(const=orig_expr.const, sense=orig_expr.sense) for (var, value) in orig_expr.expr.items(): expr.add_term(self.vars[var.idx], value) copy.add_constr(lin_expr=expr, # setting objective function"s constant copy.objective_const = self.objective_const return copy def constr_by_name(self: Solver, name: str) -> Optional[Constr]: """ Queries a constraint by its name Args: name(str): constraint name Returns: constraint or None if not found """ cidx = self.solver.constr_get_index(name) if cidx < 0 or cidx > len(self.constrs): return None return self.constrs[cidx] def var_by_name(self: Solver, name: str) -> Optional[Var]: """Searchers a variable by its name Returns: Variable or None if not found """ v = self.solver.var_get_index(name) if v < 0 or v > len(self.vars): return None return self.vars[v] def optimize( self: Solver, max_seconds: float = INF, max_nodes: int = INF, max_solutions: int = INF, ) -> OptimizationStatus: """ Optimizes current model Optimizes current model, optionally specifying processing limits. To optimize model :code:`m` within a processing time limit of 300 seconds:: m.optimize(max_seconds=300) Args: max_seconds (float): Maximum runtime in seconds (default: inf) max_nodes (float): Maximum number of nodes (default: inf) max_solutions (float): Maximum number of solutions (default: inf) Returns: optimization status, which can be OPTIMAL(0), ERROR(-1), INFEASIBLE(1), UNBOUNDED(2). When optimizing problems with integer variables some additional cases may happen, FEASIBLE(3) for the case when a feasible solution was found but optimality was not proved, INT_INFEASIBLE(4) for the case when the lp relaxation is feasible but no feasible integer solution exists and NO_SOLUTION_FOUND(5) for the case when an integer solution was not found in the optimization. """ if self.__threads != 0: self.solver.set_num_threads(self.__threads) # self.solver.set_callbacks(branch_selector, # incumbent_updater, lazy_constrs_generator) self.solver.set_processing_limits(max_seconds, max_nodes, max_solutions) self._status = self.solver.optimize() # has a solution and is a MIP if self.num_solutions and self.num_int > 0: best = self.objective_value lb = self.objective_bound if abs(best) <= 1e-10: self.__gap = INF else: self.__gap = abs(best - lb) / abs(best) if self.store_search_progress_log: self.__plog.log = self.solver.get_log() self.__plog.instance = return self._status def read(self: Solver, path: str): """Reads a MIP model or an initial feasible solution. One of the following file name extensions should be used to define the contents of what will be loaded: :code:`.lp` mip model stored in the `LP file format <>`_ :code:`.mps` mip model stored in the `MPS file format <>`_ :code:`.sol` initial feasible solution Note: if a new problem is readed, all variables, constraints and parameters from the current model will be cleared. Args: path(str): file name """ if not isfile(path): raise OSError(2, "File {} does not exists".format(path)) if path.lower().endswith(".sol") or path.lower().endswith(".mst"): mip_start = load_mipstart(path) if not mip_start: raise Exception("File {} does not contains a valid feasible \ solution.".format(path)) var_list = [] for name, value in mip_start: var = self.var_by_name(name) if var is not None: var_list.append((var, value)) if not var_list: raise Exception("Invalid variable(s) name(s) in \ mipstart file {}".format(path)) self.start = var_list return # reading model model_ext = [".lp", ".mps"] fn_low = path.lower() for ext in model_ext: if fn_low.endswith(ext): self.clear() self.vars.update_vars(self.solver.num_cols()) self.constrs.update_constrs(self.solver.num_rows()) return raise Exception("Use .lp, .mps, .sol or .mst as file extension \ to indicate the file format.") def relax(self: Solver): """ Relax integrality constraints of variables Changes the type of all integer and binary variables to continuous. Bounds are preserved. """ self.solver.relax() def write(self: Solver, file_path: str): """Saves a MIP model or an initial feasible solution. One of the following file name extensions should be used to define the contents of what will be saved: :code:`.lp` mip model stored in the `LP file format <>`_ :code:`.mps` mip model stored in the `MPS file format <>`_ :code:`.sol` initial feasible solution Args: file_path(str): file name """ if file_path.lower().endswith(".sol") or file_path.lower().endswith( ".mst"): if self.start: save_mipstart(self.start, file_path) else: mip_start = [(var, var.x) for var in self.vars if abs(var.x) >= 1e-8] save_mipstart(mip_start, file_path) elif file_path.lower().endswith(".lp") or file_path.lower().endswith( ".mps"): self.solver.write(file_path) else: raise Exception("Use .lp, .mps, .sol or .mst as file extension \ to indicate the file format.") @property def objective_bound(self: Solver) -> Optional[float]: """ A valid estimate computed for the optimal solution cost, lower bound in the case of minimization, equals to :attr:`~mip.model.Model.objective_value` if the optimal solution was found. """ if self.status not in [ OptimizationStatus.OPTIMAL, OptimizationStatus.FEASIBLE, OptimizationStatus.NO_SOLUTION_FOUND, ]: return None return self.solver.get_objective_bound() @property def name(self: Solver) -> str: """The problem (instance) name This name should be used to identify the instance that this model refers, e.g.: productionPlanningMay19. This name is stored when saving (:meth:`~mip.model.Model.write`) the model in :code:`.LP` or :code:`.MPS` file formats. """ return self.solver.get_problem_name() @name.setter def name(self: Solver, name: str): self.solver.set_problem_name(name) @property def objective(self: Solver) -> LinExpr: """The objective function of the problem as a linear expression. Examples: The following code adds all :code:`x` variables :code:`x[0], ..., x[n-1]`, to the objective function of model :code:`m` with the same cost :code:`w`:: m.objective = xsum(w*x[i] for i in range(n)) A simpler way to define the objective function is the use of the model operator += :: m += xsum(w*x[i] for i in range(n)) Note that the only difference of adding a constraint is the lack of a sense and a rhs. """ return self.solver.get_objective() # TODO how to handle objective += ? @objective.setter def objective(self: Solver, objective): if isinstance(objective, (int, float)): self.solver.set_objective(LinExpr([], [], objective)) elif isinstance(objective, Var): self.solver.set_objective(LinExpr([objective], [1])) elif isinstance(objective, LinExpr): if objective.sense == MAXIMIZE: self.solver.set_objective_sense(MAXIMIZE) elif objective.sense == MINIMIZE: self.solver.set_objective_sense(MINIMIZE) self.solver.set_objective(objective) @property def verbose(self: Solver) -> int: """0 to disable solver messages printed on the screen, 1 to enable """ return self.solver.get_verbose() @verbose.setter def verbose(self: Solver, verbose: int): self.solver.set_verbose(verbose) @property def lp_method(self: Solver) -> LP_Method: """Which method should be used to solve the linear programming problem. If the problem has integer variables that this affects only the solution of the first linear programming relaxation.""" return self.__lp_method @lp_method.setter def lp_method(self: Solver, lpm: LP_Method): self.__lp_method = lpm @property def threads(self: Solver) -> int: """number of threads to be used when solving the problem. 0 uses solver default configuration, -1 uses the number of available processing cores and :math:`\geq 1` uses the specified number of threads. An increased number of threads may improve the solution time but also increases the memory consumption.""" return self.__threads @threads.setter def threads(self: Solver, threads: int): self.__threads = threads @property def sense(self: Solver) -> str: """ The optimization sense Returns: the objective function sense, MINIMIZE (default) or (MAXIMIZE) """ return self.solver.get_objective_sense() @sense.setter def sense(self: Solver, sense: str): self.solver.set_objective_sense(sense) @property def objective_const(self: Solver) -> float: """Returns the constant part of the objective function """ return self.solver.get_objective_const() @objective_const.setter def objective_const(self: Solver, objective_const: float): self.solver.set_objective_const(objective_const) @property def objective_value(self: Solver) -> Optional[float]: """Objective function value of the solution found or None if model was not optimized """ if self.status not in [ OptimizationStatus.OPTIMAL, OptimizationStatus.FEASIBLE, ]: return None return self.solver.get_objective_value() @property def gap(self: Solver) -> float: """ The optimality gap considering the cost of the best solution found (:attr:`~mip.model.Model.objective_value`) :math:`b` and the best objective bound :math:`l` (:attr:`~mip.model.Model.objective_bound`) :math:`g` is computed as: :math:`g=\\frac{|b-l|}{|b|}`. If no solution was found or if :math:`b=0` then :math:`g=\infty`. If the optimal solution was found then :math:`g=0`. """ return self.__gap @property def search_progress_log(self: Solver) -> ProgressLog: """ Log of bound improvements in the search. The output of MIP solvers is a sequence of improving incumbent solutions (primal bound) and estimates for the optimal cost (dual bound). When the costs of these two bounds match the search is concluded. In truncated searches, the most common situation for hard problems, at the end of the search there is a :attr:`` between these bounds. This property stores the detailed events of improving these bounds during the search process. Analyzing the evolution of these bounds you can see if you need to improve your solver w.r.t. the production of feasible solutions, by including an heuristic to produce a better initial feasible solution, for example, or improve the formulation with cutting planes, for example, to produce better dual bounds. To enable storing the :attr:`~mip.model.Model.search_progress_log` set :attr:`~mip.model.Model.store_search_progress_log` to True. """ return self.__plog @property def store_search_progress_log(self: Solver) -> bool: """ Wether :attr:`~mip.model.Model.search_progress_log` will be stored or not when optimizing. Default False. Activate it if you want to analyze bound improvements over time.""" return self.__store_search_progress_log @store_search_progress_log.setter def store_search_progress_log(self: Solver, store: bool): self.__store_search_progress_log = store # def plot_bounds_evolution(self): # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # log = self.search_progress_log # # # plotting lower bound # x = [a[0] for a in log] # y = [a[1][0] for a in log] # plt.plot(x, y) # # plotting upper bound # x = [a[0] for a in log if a[1][1] < 1e+50] # y = [a[1][1] for a in log if a[1][1] < 1e+50] # plt.plot(x, y) # @property def num_solutions(self: Solver) -> int: """Number of solutions found during the MIP search Returns: number of solutions stored in the solution pool """ return self.solver.get_num_solutions() @property def objective_values(self: Solver) -> List[float]: """List of costs of all solutions in the solution pool Returns: costs of all solutions stored in the solution pool as an array from 0 (the best solution) to :attr:`~mip.model.Model.num_solutions`-1. """ return [ float(self.solver.get_objective_value_i(i)) for i in range(self.num_solutions) ] @property def cuts_generator(self: Solver) -> "ConstrsGenerator": """A cuts generator is an :class:`~mip.callbacks.ConstrsGenerator` object that receives a fractional solution and tries to generate one or more constraints (cuts) to remove it. The cuts generator is called in every node of the branch-and-cut tree where a solution that violates the integrality constraint of one or more variables is found. """ return self.__cuts_generator @cuts_generator.setter def cuts_generator(self: Solver, cuts_generator: ConstrsGenerator): self.__cuts_generator = cuts_generator @property def lazy_constrs_generator(self: Solver) -> "ConstrsGenerator": """A lazy constraints generator is an :class:`~mip.callbacks.ConstrsGenerator` object that receives an integer solution and checks its feasibility. If the solution is not feasible then one or more constraints can be generated to remove it. When a lazy constraints generator is informed it is assumed that the initial formulation is incomplete. Thus, a restricted pre-processing routine may be applied. If the initial formulation is incomplete, it may be interesting to use the same :class:`~mip.callbacks.ConstrsGenerator` to generate cuts *and* lazy constraints. The use of *only* lazy constraints may be useful then integer solutions rarely violate these constraints. """ return self.__lazy_constrs_generator @lazy_constrs_generator.setter def lazy_constrs_generator(self: Solver, lazy_constrs_generator: ConstrsGenerator): self.__lazy_constrs_generator = lazy_constrs_generator @property def emphasis(self: Solver) -> SearchEmphasis: """defines the main objective of the search, if set to 1 (FEASIBILITY) then the search process will focus on try to find quickly feasible solutions and improving them; if set to 2 (OPTIMALITY) then the search process will try to find a provable optimal solution, procedures to further improve the lower bounds will be activated in this setting, this may increase the time to produce the first feasible solutions but will probably pay off in longer runs; the default option if 0, where a balance between optimality and feasibility is sought. """ return self.solver.get_emphasis() @emphasis.setter def emphasis(self: Solver, emphasis: SearchEmphasis): self.solver.set_emphasis(emphasis) @property def preprocess(self: Solver) -> int: """Enables/disables pre-processing. Pre-processing tries to improve your MIP formulation. -1 means automatic, 0 means off and 1 means on.""" return self.__preprocess @preprocess.setter def preprocess(self: Solver, prep: int): self.__preprocess = prep @property def pump_passes(self: Solver) -> int: """Number of passes of the Feasibility Pump :cite:`FGL05` heuristic. You may increase this value if you are not getting feasible solutions.""" return self.solver.get_pump_passes() @pump_passes.setter def pump_passes(self: Solver, passes: int): self.solver.set_pump_passes(passes) @property def cuts(self: Solver) -> int: """Controls the generation of cutting planes, -1 means automatic, 0 disables completely, 1 (default) generates cutting planes in a moderate way, 2 generates cutting planes aggressively and 3 generates even more cutting planes. Cutting planes usually improve the LP relaxation bound but also make the solution time of the LP relaxation larger, so the overall effect is hard to predict and experimenting different values for this parameter may be beneficial.""" return self.__cuts @cuts.setter def cuts(self: Solver, gencuts: int): self.__cuts = gencuts @property def cut_passes(self: Solver) -> int: """Maximum number of rounds of cutting planes. You may set this parameter to low values if you see that a significant amount of time is being spent generating cuts without any improvement in the lower bound. -1 means automatic, values greater than zero specify the maximum number of rounds.""" return self.__cut_passes @cut_passes.setter def cut_passes(self: Solver, cp: int): self.__cut_passes = cp @property def clique(self: Solver) -> int: """Controls the generation of clique cuts. -1 means automatic, 0 disables it, 1 enables it and 2 enables more aggressive clique generation.""" return self.__clique @clique.setter def clique(self: Solver, clq: int): self.__clique = clq @property def start(self: Solver) -> List[Tuple[Var, float]]: """Initial feasible solution Enters an initial feasible solution. Only the main binary/integer decision variables which appear with non-zero values in the initial feasible solution need to be informed. Auxiliary or continuous variables are automatically computed. """ return self.__start @start.setter def start(self: Solver, start: List[Tuple[Var, float]]): self.__start = start self.solver.set_start(start) def validate_mip_start(self: Solver): """Validates solution entered in MIPStart If the solver engine printed messages indicating that the initial feasible solution that you entered in :attr:`~mip.model.start` is not valid then you can call this method to help discovering which set of variables is causing infeasibility. The current version is quite simple: the model is relaxed and one variable entered in mipstart is fixed per iteration, indicating if the model still feasible or not. """ out.write("Checking feasibility of MIPStart\n") mc = self.copy() mc.verbose = 0 mc.relax() mc.optimize() if mc.status == OptimizationStatus.INFEASIBLE: out.write("Model is infeasible.\n") return if mc.status == OptimizationStatus.UNBOUNDED: out.write("Model is unbounded. You probably need to insert " "additional constraints or bounds in variables.\n") return if mc.status != OptimizationStatus.OPTIMAL: print("Unexpected status while optimizing LP relaxation:" " {}".format(mc.status)) print("Model LP relaxation bound is {}".format(mc.objective_value)) for (var, value) in self.start: out.write("\tfixing %s to %g ... " % (, value)) mc += var == value mc.optimize() if mc.status == OptimizationStatus.OPTIMAL: print("ok, obj now: {}".format(mc.objective_value)) else: print("NOT OK, optimization status: {}".format(mc.status)) return print("Linear Programming relaxation of model with fixations from " "MIPStart is feasible.") print("MIP model may still be infeasible.") @property def num_cols(self: Solver) -> int: """number of columns (variables) in the model""" return len(self.vars) @property def num_int(self: Solver) -> int: """number of integer variables in the model""" return self.solver.num_int() @property def num_rows(self: Solver) -> int: """number of rows (constraints) in the model""" return len(self.constrs) @property def num_nz(self: Solver) -> int: """number of non-zeros in the constraint matrix""" return self.solver.num_nz() @property def cutoff(self: Solver) -> float: """upper limit for the solution cost, solutions with cost > cutoff will be removed from the search space, a small cutoff value may significantly speedup the search, but if cutoff is set to a value too low the model will become infeasible""" return self.solver.get_cutoff() @cutoff.setter def cutoff(self: Solver, cutoff: float): self.solver.set_cutoff(cutoff) @property def integer_tol(self: Solver) -> float: """Maximum distance to the nearest integer for a variable to be considered with an integer value. Default value: 1e-6. Tightening this value can increase the numerical precision but also probably increase the running time. As floating point computations always involve some loss of precision, values too close to zero will likely render some models impossible to optimize.""" return self.__integer_tol @integer_tol.setter def integer_tol(self: Solver, int_tol: float): self.__integer_tol = int_tol @property def infeas_tol(self: Solver) -> float: """Maximum allowed violation for constraints. Default value: 1e-6. Tightening this value can increase the numerical precision but also probably increase the running time. As floating point computations always involve some loss of precision, values too close to zero will likely render some models impossible to optimize.""" return self.__infeas_tol @infeas_tol.setter def infeas_tol(self: Solver, inf_tol: float): self.__infeas_tol = inf_tol @property def opt_tol(self: Solver) -> float: """Maximum reduced cost value for a solution of the LP relaxation to be considered optimal. Default value: 1e-6. Tightening this value can increase the numerical precision but also probably increase the running time. As floating point computations always involve some loss of precision, values too close to zero will likely render some models impossible to optimize.""" return self.__opt_tol @opt_tol.setter def opt_tol(self: Solver, tol: float): self.__opt_tol = tol @property def max_mip_gap_abs(self: Solver) -> float: """Tolerance for the quality of the optimal solution, if a solution with cost :math:`c` and a lower bound :math:`l` are available and :math:`c-l<` :code:`mip_gap_abs`, the search will be concluded, see :attr:`~mip.model.Model.max_mip_gap` to determine a percentage value. Default value: 1e-10.""" return self.__max_mip_gap_abs @max_mip_gap_abs.setter def max_mip_gap_abs(self: Solver, max_mip_gap_abs: float): self.__max_mip_gap_abs = max_mip_gap_abs @property def max_mip_gap(self: Solver) -> float: """value indicating the tolerance for the maximum percentage deviation from the optimal solution cost, if a solution with cost :math:`c` and a lower bound :math:`l` are available and :math:`(c-l)/l <` :code:`max_mip_gap` the search will be concluded. Default value: 1e-4.""" return self.__max_mip_gap @max_mip_gap.setter def max_mip_gap(self: Solver, max_mip_gap: float): self.__max_mip_gap = max_mip_gap @property def max_seconds(self: Solver) -> float: """time limit in seconds for search""" return self.solver.get_max_seconds() @max_seconds.setter def max_seconds(self: Solver, max_seconds: float): self.solver.set_max_seconds(max_seconds) @property def max_nodes(self: Solver) -> int: """maximum number of nodes to be explored in the search tree""" return self.solver.get_max_nodes() @max_nodes.setter def max_nodes(self: Solver, max_nodes: int): self.solver.set_max_nodes(max_nodes) @property def max_solutions(self: Solver) -> int: """solution limit, search will be stopped when :code:`max_solutions` were found""" return self.solver.get_max_solutions() @max_solutions.setter def max_solutions(self: Solver, max_solutions: int): self.solver.set_max_solutions(max_solutions) @property def status(self: Solver) -> OptimizationStatus: """ optimization status, which can be OPTIMAL(0), ERROR(-1), INFEASIBLE(1), UNBOUNDED(2). When optimizing problems with integer variables some additional cases may happen, FEASIBLE(3) for the case when a feasible solution was found but optimality was not proved, INT_INFEASIBLE(4) for the case when the lp relaxation is feasible but no feasible integer solution exists and NO_SOLUTION_FOUND(5) for the case when an integer solution was not found in the optimization. """ return self._status def add_cut(self: Solver, cut: LinExpr): """Adds a violated inequality (cutting plane) to the linear programming model. If called outside the cut callback performs exactly as :meth:`~mip.model.Model.add_constr`. When called inside the cut callback the cut is included in the solver's cut pool, which will later decide if this cut should be added or not to the model. Repeated cuts, or cuts which will probably be less effective, e.g. with a very small violation, can be discarded. Args: cut(LinExpr): violated inequality """ self.solver.add_cut(cut) def remove(self: Solver, objects): """removes variable(s) and/or constraint(s) from the model Args: objects: can be a Var, a Constr or a list of these objects """ if isinstance(objects, Var) or isinstance(objects, Constr): objects = [objects] if isinstance(objects, list): vlist = [] clist = [] for o in objects: if isinstance(o, Var): vlist.append(o) elif isinstance(o, Constr): clist.append(o) else: raise Exception( "Cannot handle removal of object of type " + type(o) + " from model.") if vlist: self.vars.remove(vlist) if clist: self.constrs.remove(clist) else: raise Exception("Cannot handle removal of object of type " + type(objects) + " from model.") def translate(self: Solver, ref) -> Union[List[Any], Dict[Any, Any], Var]: """Translates references of variables/containers of variables from another model to this model. Can be used to translate references of variables in the original model to references of variables in the pre-processed model.""" res = None # type: Union[List[Any], Dict[Any, Any], Var] if isinstance(ref, Var): return self.var_by_name( if isinstance(ref, list): res = list() for el in ref: res.append(self.translate(el)) return res if isinstance(ref, dict): res = dict() for key, value in ref.items(): res[key] = self.translate(value) return res return ref