Exemple #1
def maths(image, cutoff, mask):
    os.system('rm -r ' + mask)
    maths = mirexec.TaskMaths()
    maths.exp = "<" + image + ">"
    maths.mask = "<" + image + ">" + ".gt." + str(cutoff)
    maths.out = mask
    tout = maths.snarf()
Exemple #2
def maths(imname, cutoff, maskname):
    os.system('rm -r ' + maskname)
    maths = mirexec.TaskMaths()
    maths.exp = imname
    maths.mask = imname + '.gt.' + str(cutoff)
    maths.out = maskname
Exemple #3
def mkfmod():
	Uses image properties to cutout a single rectangular 
	region from a mask. 
	S.fipe = X,Y,xp,yp,l
	X,Y: Size of the model image (pixels)
	xp,yp: Pixel coords of the source to be peeled
	l: Pixel length of displacement from source
    # First, the size of the image
    S.fipe = S.fipe.split(',')
    X = int(S.fipe[0])
    Y = int(S.fipe[1])
    xp = int(S.fipe[2])
    yp = int(S.fipe[3])
    l = int(S.fipe[4])
    model = S.fipe[5]
    polygon = 'polygon(1,1,' + str(xp - l) + ',1,' + str(xp -
                                                         l) + ',' + str(yp + l)
    polygon = polygon + ',' + str(xp + l) + ',' + str(yp +
                                                      l) + ',' + str(xp +
                                                                     l) + ',1,'
    polygon = polygon + str(X) + ',1,' + str(X) + ',' + str(Y) + ',1,' + str(
        Y) + ')'
    maths = mirexec.TaskMaths()
    maths.exp = model
    maths.region = polygon
    maths.out = 'fmod'
    tout = maths.snarf()
    acos.taskout(maths, tout, 'maths.txt')
Exemple #4
def maths(image, cutoff, mask):
    shrun('rm -r ' + mask)
    maths = mirexec.TaskMaths()
    maths.exp = image
    maths.mask = image + ".gt." + str(cutoff)
    maths.out = mask
    tout = maths.snarf()
Exemple #5
def maths(settings, fname):
    settings.gt = round(settings.gt, 10)
    maths = mirexec.TaskMaths()
    maths.exp = settings.image
    maths.mask = settings.image + '.gt.' + str(settings.gt)
    maths.out = settings.mask
    tout = maths.snarf()
    acos.taskout(maths, tout, fname)
Exemple #6
def fp_models(ppoly, fpoly, model):
	Uses the vertices defined in pgon to  
    maths = mirexec.TaskMaths()
    maths.exp = model
    maths.mask = model
    maths.region = ppoly
    maths.out = model.replace("src", "src_p")
    tout = restor.snarf()
    acos.taskout(maths, tout, 'maths.txt')

    maths = mirexec.TaskMaths()
    maths.exp = model
    maths.mask = model
    maths.region = fpoly
    maths.out = model.replace("src", "src_f")
    tout = restor.snarf()
    acos.taskout(maths, tout, 'maths.txt')
Exemple #7
def mk_lsm(options):
	mk_lsm: The module that makes the NVSS LSM using the miriad task IMGEN.
	Needs options.infile (template) and options.outfile (name of output point source model)

    # NOTE: Classic cos^6 model of the WSRT PB used to calculate apparent fluxes. Here we use c=68.
    PB = lambda c, v, r: (pl.cos(c * v * r))**6

    # NOTE: Grab the central coordinates from the template file.
    c = getradec(options.infile)
    print c
    ra0 = c.ra.deg
    dec0 = c.dec.deg

    # NOTE: Query the NVSS around the central pointing
    L, M, N, S = query_nvss(options, ra0, dec0, s='>10.', proj='NCP')
    L_asec = L * 3600.
    M_asec = M * 3600.
    pl.scatter(L_asec, M_asec, c=S * 1000, s=S)
    pl.xlabel('L offset (arcsec)')
    pl.ylabel('M offset (arcsec)')
    pl.savefig(options.infile + '-nvss-lsm.pdf', dpi=300)
    n = 20
    modfiles = ''
    # NOTE: Make the LSM!
    imgen = mirexec.TaskImGen()
    for j in range(0, 1 + N / n):
        imgen.in_ = options.infile
        imgen.out = 'tmod' + str(j)
        os.system('rm -r ' + str(imgen.out))
        objs = ''
        spars = ''
        for i in range(0, n):
            if (i + j * n < N):
                objs += 'point,'
                d2point = L[i + j * n]**2 + M[i + j * n]**2
                S_app = S[i + j * n] * PB(c=68, v=1.420, r=d2point)
                spars += str(S_app / 1e3) + ',' + str(
                    L_asec[i + j * n]) + ',' + str(M_asec[i + j * n]) + ','
        imgen.factor = 0
        imgen.object = objs[:-1]
        imgen.spar = spars[:-1]
        modfiles += '<' + imgen.out + '>+'
    maths = mirexec.TaskMaths()
    maths.exp = modfiles[0:-1]
    os.system('rm -r ' + options.outfile)
    maths.out = options.outfile
    os.system('rm -r tmod*')