def mapallvis(uvo, uvc, so, mapdir, lines=[]):
	Similar to mapvis but doesn't do multiple frequency synthesis.
	The frequency axis is preserved so you can get spectra from the image.
    calibrator = 'cnt.usb'
    tall = 0.50

    # remove continuum, its already been mapped

    for i, lin in enumerate(lines):
        vis = '{}/{}.{}.corrected.slfc'.format(uvc, so, lin)
        for src in [
                '{}/{}.{}'.format(mapdir, so, lin),
                '{}/{}.{}.uncorrected'.format(mapdir, so, lin)
            line = miriad.averageVelocityLine(vis, 2)
            for path in glob.glob('{}.full.*'.format(src)):
                if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path)

            invertOptions = {
                'vis': vis,
                'stokes': 'i,v',
                'beam': '{}'.format(src),
                'map': '{0},{0}'.format(src),
                'imsize': 128,
                'cell': 0.3,
                'options': 'systemp,double',
                'sup': 0,

            for stk in ['i', 'v']:
                    'map': '{}.{}'.format(src, stk),
                    'beam': '{}'.format(src),
                    'out': '{}.{}'.format(src, stk),
                    'niters': 3000,
                    'cutoff': tall
                    'map': '{}.{}'.format(src, stk),
                    'beam': '{}'.format(src),
                    'model': '{}.{}'.format(src, stk),
                    'out': '{}.{}'.format(src, stk),
            vis = '{}/{}.{}'.format(uvo, so, lin)
Exemple #2

import shutil, glob, os
import miriad
Separate the continuum from molecular lines

so = 'NGC7538S-s4'
dd = 'UVDATA'
vis = '{}/{}'.format(dd, so)

sb = 'usb'
numChannels = miriad.getNumChannels('{}.{}'.format(vis, sb))
ch = miriad.averageVelocityLine('{}.{}'.format(vis, sb), 5)

freq = 345.8
lab = 'cnt.usb'
free = '6,107,275,478,500,725,762,815,833,1096,1109,1351,1366,1531'

path = '{}.{}'.format(vis, lab)
if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path)
for path in glob.glob('tmp.*'):
    if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path)

print("Starting with:", vis + '.' + sb)

miriad.uvaver({'vis': '{}.{}'.format(vis, sb), 'out': 'tmp.1'})
    'vis': 'tmp.1',
    'out': 'tmp.2',
Exemple #3
def compareSpectra(visUncorrected,
	Compare spectra utility.
	Three panel plot with Stokes I, stokes V uncorrected and Stokes V corrected

	combine: the number of velocity channels to average together
    miriadDefaults = {
        'options': 'avall,nobase',
        'axis': 'freq,amp',
        'interval': 9999,

    optionsI = {
            'stokes': 'i',
            'line': miriad.averageVelocityLine(visUncorrected, factor=combineI)
    optionsV = {
            'stokes': 'v',
            'line': miriad.averageVelocityLine(visCorrected, factor=combineV)

    freq1, amps1 = miriad.dumpSpec(visCorrected, optionsI)
    freq2, amps2 = miriad.dumpSpec(visUncorrected, optionsV)
    freq3, amps3 = miriad.dumpSpec(visCorrected, optionsV)

    # hack for a bad channel
    if filterMaxPeak:
        amps1[amps1.index(max(amps1))] = 0
        amps2[amps2.index(max(amps2))] = 0
        amps3[amps3.index(max(amps3))] = 0

    fontsize = 8
    subtitledict = {'verticalalignment': 'center'}
    pad = 0.05  # 5%
    if stokesVylim is None:
        upperlim = max(max(amps2), max(amps3))
        lowerlim = min(min(amps2), min(amps3))
        upperlim = upperlim + pad * upperlim
        stokesVylim = [(lowerlim, upperlim), (lowerlim, upperlim)]
    elif stokesVylim is 'separate':
        upperlim = max(max(amps2), max(amps3))
        lowerlim = min(min(amps2), min(amps3))
        upperlim = upperlim + pad * upperlim
        stokesVylim = [(lowerlim, max(amps2) + pad * max(amps2)),
                       (lowerlim, max(amps3) + pad * max(amps3))]

    # xlim = (345.65,347.65)
    xlim = (min(freq2), max(freq2))

    defaults = {
        0: {
            'x': freq1,
            'y': amps1,
            'draw': 'steps-mid',
            'line': 'k-',
            'label': 'Stokes I'
        'legend': {
            'loc': legendloc,
            'fontsize': fontsize
        'title': '',
        'xlabel': 'Frequency (GHz)',
        'ylabel': 'Visibility Amplitude',
        'sharex': True,
        'sharey': 'row',
        'hspace': 0.0,
        'ylim': stokesIylim,
        'xlim': xlim,
        'minorticks': True,

    fig = plawt.plot({
    }, {
        0: {
            'x': freq2,
            'y': amps2,
            'draw': 'steps-mid',
            'line': 'k-',
            'label': 'Stokes V before squint correction'
        'legend': {
            'loc': legendloc,
            'fontsize': fontsize
        'ylim': stokesVylim[0],
    }, {
        0: {
            'x': freq3,
            'y': amps3,
            'draw': 'steps-mid',
            'line': 'k-',
            'label': 'Stokes V after squint correction'
        'legend': {
            'loc': legendloc,
            'fontsize': fontsize
        'ylim': stokesVylim[1],
Exemple #4
dd = 'UVDATA'

molecules = ['CO']
for molecule in molecules:
    if molecule == 'CO':
        freq = 345.7959
        lab = 'co3-2'
        rms = 0.15
        rng = '0,30'

    vis = 'UVDATA/{}.{}'.format(so, lab)
    src = 'MAPS/{}.{}'.format(so, lab)
    tall = rms * 3

    # line selection
    line = miriad.averageVelocityLine(vis, 2)

    # MAPS:
    for path in glob.glob('{}.*'.format(src)):
        if os.path.exists(path):
            if os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path)
            else: os.remove(path)

        'vis': vis,
        'line': line,
        'beam': '{}.bm'.format(src),
        'map': '{0},{0},{0},{0}'.format(src),
        'imsize': 128,
        'cell': 0.3,
        'options': 'systemp,double',
if __name__ == '__main__':
	so = 'irc+10216'
	uvo = 'UVDATA'
	uvc = 'UVOffsetCorrect'
	mapdir = 'MAPSCorrect'

	lines = ['cs7-6', 'sis19-18', 'h13cn4-3', 'co3-2', 'cnt.usb', 'usb']
	# input("Press return to split")
	# squint.split(uvo, uvc, so, lines)
	# input("Press return to selfcal")
	# squint.selfcal(so, uvc, lines)
	# input("Press return to map visibilities")
	# squint.mapvis(uvo, uvc, so, mapdir, lines[:],
	# 	lineSelection=[None, None, None, None]
	# )
	input("Press return to map visibilities with frequency axis")
	lsels = ['vel,8,-40,4,4' for l in lines]
	selects = ['uvrange(0,80)' if l == 'co3-2' else None for l in lines]

	lsels[lines.index('usb')] = miriad.averageVelocityLine('UVOffsetCorrect/irc+10216.usb.corrected.slfc', 17)
	squint.mapallvis(uvo, uvc, so, mapdir, lines[:],
	# input("Press return to save plots")
	# vrms = 0.13
	# squint.disp(uvo, uvc, so, mapdir,
	# 	lines=['cs7-6', 'sis19-18', 'h13cn4-3', 'co3-2', 'cnt'],
	# 	stokesVrms=[vrms for l in lines]
	# )
def mapvis(uvo, uvc, so, mapdir, lines=[], lineSelection=[]):
	Make a map from visibilities
	1. Continuum Stokes I,V Uncorrected & Corrected data
	2. Map All lines. Corrected
	3. Map All lines. Uncorrected
	4. Continuum LL and RR independently, for non-selfcal and selfcal cases
    calibrator = 'cnt.usb'
    if len(lines) != len(lineSelection):
        lineSelection = [None for l in lines]

    # 1.
    src = '{}/{}.cnt'.format(mapdir, so)
    tall = 0.03

    for path in glob.glob('{}.*'.format(src)):
        if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path)

    vis = '{}/{}.cnt.usb.corrected.slfc'.format(uvc, so)
    for src in [
            '{}/{}.cnt'.format(mapdir, so),
            '{}/{}.cnt.uncorrected'.format(mapdir, so)
            'vis': vis,
            'stokes': 'i,v',
            'beam': '{}.bm'.format(src),
            'map': '{0},{0}'.format(src),
            'imsize': 128,
            'cell': 0.3,
            'options': 'systemp,double,mfs',
            'sup': 0

        for stk in ['i', 'v']:
                'map': '{}.{}.mp'.format(src, stk),
                'beam': '{}.bm'.format(src),
                'out': '{}.{}.cc'.format(src, stk),
                'niters': 3000,
                'cutoff': tall
                'map': '{}.{}.mp'.format(src, stk),
                'beam': '{}.bm'.format(src),
                'model': '{}.{}.cc'.format(src, stk),
                'out': '{}.{}.cm'.format(src, stk),
        vis = '{}/{}.cnt.usb'.format(uvo, so)

    # 2. Map corrected line data
    # 3. Map uncorrected line data with same paramenters as in 2
    tall = 0.50

    # remove continuum, its already been mapped

    for i, lin in enumerate(lines):
        vis = '{}/{}.{}.corrected.slfc'.format(uvc, so, lin)
        for src in [
                '{}/{}.{}'.format(mapdir, so, lin),
                '{}/{}.{}.uncorrected'.format(mapdir, so, lin)
            line = miriad.averageVelocityLine(vis, 2)
            for path in glob.glob('{}.*'.format(src)):
                if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path)

            invertOptions = {
                'vis': vis,
                'stokes': 'i,v',
                'beam': '{}.bm'.format(src),
                'map': '{0},{0}'.format(src),
                'imsize': 128,
                'cell': 0.3,
                'options': 'systemp,double,mfs',
                'sup': 0,
            if lineSelection[i] is not None:
                invertOptions['line'] = lineSelection[i]

            for stk in ['i', 'v']:
                    'map': '{}.{}.mp'.format(src, stk),
                    'beam': '{}.bm'.format(src),
                    'out': '{}.{}.cc'.format(src, stk),
                    'niters': 3000,
                    'cutoff': tall
                    'map': '{}.{}.mp'.format(src, stk),
                    'beam': '{}.bm'.format(src),
                    'model': '{}.{}.cc'.format(src, stk),
                    'out': '{}.{}.cm'.format(src, stk),
            vis = '{}/{}.{}'.format(uvo, so, lin)

    # 4. nopol is for selfcal case (this option is not used!)
    tall = 0.03

    for stk in ['ll', 'rr']:
        src = '{}/{}.cnt.{}'.format(mapdir, so, stk)
        for path in glob.glob('{}.*'.format(src)):
            if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path)
        for pol in ['nopol', 'nocal']:
            path = '{}.bm'.format(src)
            if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path)

                'vis': '{}/{}.cnt.usb.{}'.format(uvc, so, stk),
                'beam': '{}.bm'.format(src),
                'map': '{}.{}.mp'.format(src, pol),
                'imsize': 128,
                'cell': 0.3,
                'options': 'systemp,double,mfs,{}'.format(pol),
                'sup': 0
                'map': '{}.{}.mp'.format(src, pol),
                'beam': '{}.bm'.format(src),
                'out': '{}.{}.cc'.format(src, pol),
                'niters': 3000,
                'cutoff': tall
                'map': '{}.{}.mp'.format(src, pol),
                'beam': '{}.bm'.format(src),
                'model': '{}.{}.cc'.format(src, pol),
                'out': '{}.{}.cm'.format(src, pol),
Exemple #7

def plotPhase(vis, device='2/xs'):
        'vis': vis,
        'device': device,
        'interval': '1e3',
        'stokes': 'i,v',
        'axis': 'time,pha',
        'nxy': '2,2'

# vis = 'UVDATA/NGC7538S-s4.usb'
vis = 'UVOffsetCorrect/NGC7538S-s4.usb.corrected.slfc'
numChannels = miriad.getNumChannels(vis)
velrange = miriad.getVelocityRange(vis)

    'device': '1/xs',
    'interval': 9999,
    'options': 'avall,nobase',
    'nxy': '1,2',
    'stokes': 'v',
    'axis': 'freq,phase',
    # 'yrange': '0,0.5',
    'line': miriad.averageVelocityLine(vis, factor=20),
Exemple #8
def mapallvis(uvo, uvc, so, mapdir, lines=[], lineSelection=[], selects=[]):
	Similar to mapvis but doesn't do multiple frequency synthesis.
	The frequency axis is preserved so you can get spectra from the image.
    from subprocess import CalledProcessError

    if len(lines) != len(lineSelection):
        lineSelection = [None for l in lines]
    if len(lines) != len(selects):
        selects = [None for l in lines]

    calibrator = 'cnt.usb'
    tall = 0.50

    # remove continuum, its already been mapped

    for i, lin in enumerate(lines):
        vis = '{}/{}.{}.corrected.slfc'.format(uvc, so, lin)
        for src in [
                '{}/{}.{}'.format(mapdir, so, lin),
                '{}/{}.{}.uncorrected'.format(mapdir, so, lin)
            for path in glob.glob('{}*.full.*'.format(src)):
                if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path)

            invertOptions = {
                'vis': vis,
                'stokes': 'i,v',
                'beam': '{}'.format(src),
                'map': '{0},{0}'.format(src),
                'imsize': 128,
                'cell': 0.3,
                'options': 'systemp,double',
                'sup': 0,
            if selects[i]:
                invertOptions['select'] = selects[i]

            except CalledProcessError:
                print("### Retrying invert with line selection")
                line = miriad.averageVelocityLine(vis, 2)
                sel = lineSelection[i] if lineSelection[i] is not None else line
                invertOptions['line'] = sel

            for stk in ['i', 'v']:
                    'map': '{}.{}'.format(src, stk),
                    'beam': '{}'.format(src),
                    'out': '{}.{}'.format(src, stk),
                    'niters': 3000,
                    'cutoff': tall
                    'map': '{}.{}'.format(src, stk),
                    'beam': '{}'.format(src),
                    'model': '{}.{}'.format(src, stk),
                    'out': '{}.{}'.format(src, stk),
            vis = '{}/{}.{}'.format(uvo, so, lin)
Exemple #9
	so = 'orkl_080106'
	uvo = 'UVDATA'
	uvc = 'UVOffsetCorrect'
	mapdir = 'MAPSCorrect'

	lines = ['co3-2', 'sio8-7', 'cnt.usb', 'usb']
	input("Press return to split")
	squint.split(uvo, uvc, so, lines)
	input("Press return to selfcal")
	squint.selfcal(so, uvc, lines)
	input("Press return to map visibilities")
	squint.mapvis(uvo, uvc, so, mapdir, lines[:],
		lineSelection=[None, None, None, None]
	input("Press return to map visibilities with frequency axis")
	usbLine = miriad.averageVelocityLine('UVOffsetCorrect/orkl_080106.usb.corrected.slfc/', 8)
	selects = [None if l == 'co3-2' else None for l in lines]
	squint.mapallvis(uvo, uvc, so, mapdir, lines[:],
		lineSelection=['vel,43,-31,2,2', 'vel,27,-20,2,2', None, usbLine],
		# selects=selects
	input("Press return to save plots")
	squint.disp(uvo, uvc, so, mapdir,
		lines=['co3-2', 'sio8-7', 'cnt'],
		stokesVrms=[0.13, 0.06, 0.038]

	# input("Press return to map continuum visibilities with frequency axis")
	# # usbLine = miriad.averageVelocityLine('UVOffsetCorrect/orkl_080106.usb.corrected.slfc/', 8)
	# squint.mapallvis(uvo, uvc, so, mapdir, ['cnt.usb'],
	# 	lineSelection=[None]