input="allele.table", name="BS.%d" %bs)) condor_temp = main + "\n".join(a) out = open(os.path.join(outpath, ""), "w") out.write(condor_temp) out.close() if __name__ == '__main__': outdir = sys.argv[1] BS = int(sys.argv[2]) indir = sys.argv[3] if (os.path.exists(outdir)): #i = 0 #while os.path.exists(outdir+".back.%d" %i): # i += 1 #os.rename(outdir, outdir+".back.%d"%i) sys.stdout.writelines("The output directory %s already exists. Do you want to proceed? (y/n)?" % outdir) a = sys.stdin.readline() if a != "y\n": sys.exit(1) else: os.makedirs(outdir) require_dir(os.path.join(outdir, "logs")) make_BS_condor(outdir, BS, indir) make_ST_condor(outdir, "mpest", "", "mpest", BS)
sys.stdout.writelines( "The output directory %s already exists. Do you want to proceed? (y/n)?" % outdir) a = sys.stdin.readline() if a != "y\n": sys.exit(1) else: os.makedirs(outdir) for ds in datasets: ds_paths, replicas, names, outgroup = get_datasets( ds, twophase_conf.get("datasets", ds)) for ds_path in ds_paths: ds_name = os.path.basename(ds_path) out_ds_path = os.path.join(outdir, ds_name) require_dir(out_ds_path) for rep in replicas: out_rep_path = os.path.join(out_ds_path, "R%d" % rep) print out_rep_path require_dir(out_rep_path) for ml in mltools: ml_tool = ml.split(".")[0] for alg in algtools: out_path = os.path.join(out_rep_path, "%s_%s" % (ml, alg)) require_dir(out_path) require_dir(os.path.join(out_path, "logs")) alg_tool = alg.split(".")[0]
sys.stdout.writelines( "The output directory %s already exists. Do you want to proceed? (y/n)?" % outdir) a = sys.stdin.readline() if a != "y\n": sys.exit(1) else: os.makedirs(outdir) for ds in datasets: ds_paths, replicas, names, outgroup, options = get_datasets( ds, twophase_conf.get("datasets", ds)) for ds_path in ds_paths: ds_name = os.path.basename(ds_path) out_ds_path = os.path.join(outdir, ds_name) require_dir(out_ds_path) for rep in replicas: out_rep_path = os.path.join(out_ds_path, "R%d" % rep) print out_rep_path require_dir(out_rep_path) for ml in mltools: ml_tool = ml.split(".")[0] for alg in algtools: out_path = os.path.join(out_rep_path, "%s_%s" % (ml, alg)) require_dir(out_path) require_dir(os.path.join(out_path, "logs")) alg_tool = alg.split(".")[0]