Exemple #1
        track_target=o, spot_exponent=10, kq=0.1),
    camera.PositionalLight(pos=(-0.54,1.3,2.5), diffuse=(0.9,0,0,1)),
    camera.PositionalLight(pos=(1.6,1.3,2.7), diffuse=(0,0.9,0,1)),
    camera.PositionalLight(pos=(-2.7,1.7,0.3), diffuse=(0,0,0.9,1)),

for i in range(1,len(context.camera.lights)):
    context.camera.lights[i].debug = True

batch = pyglet.graphics.Batch()
color_group = graphics.ColorGroup((0.5,0.5,0.5,1.0))
objs = []
for x in range(-3, 4):
    for z in range(-3, 4):
        sphere = geom.Cube(0.7)
        geom.transform(sphere, (x * 1.23, 0, z * 1.23))
        geom.get_vlist(sphere, batch, color_group)

print """
You should see a small grid of objects with some
colored lights over it.  You should be able to click
on the bulb of a light to move it around.  The white
light is a spotlight which remains focussed on the
object floating above the grid.

while not w.has_exit:
Exemple #2
if opts.fshader:
    for f in opts.fshader.split(','):
        data = open(f).read()
        fs = shader.FragmentShader(data)

print 'creating program with:', vshaders + fshaders
program = shader.createProgram(*(vshaders + fshaders))

batch = pyglet.graphics.Batch()
shader_group = shader.ShaderGroup(program)

color_group1 = graphics.ColorGroup((0.0,1.0,1.0), parent=shader_group)
sphere1 = geom.Sphere( radius=0.63 )
geom.transform(sphere1, (-0.93,0,0))
geom.get_vlist(sphere1, batch, color_group1)

color_group2 = graphics.ColorGroup((0.0,1.0,0.0), parent=shader_group)
sphere2 = geom.Sphere( radius=0.63 )
geom.transform(sphere2, (0,-0.93,0))
geom.get_vlist(sphere2, batch, color_group2)

color_group3 = graphics.ColorGroup((1.0,0.0,0.0), parent=shader_group)
sphere3 = geom.Sphere( radius=0.63 )
geom.transform(sphere3, (0,0.93,0))
geom.get_vlist(sphere3, batch, color_group3)

color_group4 = graphics.ColorGroup((1.0,0.0,1.0), parent=shader_group)
sphere4 = geom.Sphere( radius=0.63 )
geom.transform(sphere4, (0.93,0,0))