def plugin_init(self,enableplugin=None): plugin.PluginProto.plugin_init(self,enableplugin) self.uservar[0] = 0 self.timer100ms = False self.initialized = False self.readinprogress = False self.lastread = 0 if self.enabled: try: i2cport = gpios.HWPorts.geti2clist() except: i2cport = [] if len(i2cport)>0: try: self.s = RTIMU.Settings("RTIMULib") self.mpu = RTIMU.RTIMU(self.s) misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_INFO,"MPU: "+str(self.mpu.IMUName())) self.initialized = self.mpu.IMUInit() except Exception as e: self.mpu = None if (self.mpu is None) or self.initialized==False: misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,"MPU can not be initialized! ") return False else: self.mpu.setSlerpPower(0.02) self.mpu.setGyroEnable(True) self.mpu.setAccelEnable(True) self.mpu.setCompassEnable(True) self.interval2 = 0.1 self.enabled=False time.sleep(1) self.enabled=True if self.interval==0: self.timer100ms = True # enable periodic check if interval not specified self.interval2 = 0.1 elif self.interval < 2: self.interval2 = 0.5 elif self.interval < 60: self.interval2 = 1 else: self.interval2 = 5 bgt = threading.Thread(target=self.bgreader) bgt.daemon = True bgt.start()
def connect(self): if self.enabled and self.initialized: if self._connected: misc.addLog(pglobals.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Already connected force disconnect!") self.disconnect() self.connectinprogress = 1 self.lastreconnect = utime.time() try: am = self.authmode except: am = 0 cname = settings.Settings["Name"] + str(utime.time()) mna = self.controlleruser if mna.strip() == "": mna = None mpw = self.controllerpassword if mpw.strip() == "": mpw = None try: self._mqttclient = MQTTClient(cname, self.controllerip, port=int(self.controllerport), user=mna, password=mpw, keepalive=self.keepalive, ssl=(am != 0)) self._mqttclient.set_callback(self.on_message) self._mqttclient.connect() self._connected = self.isconnected() self._mqttclient.subscribe(self._outch.encode()) # self.laststatus = 1 # commands.rulesProcessing("DomoMQTT#Connected",pglobals.RULE_SYSTEM) except Exception as e: misc.addLog( pglobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "MQTT controller: " + self.controllerip + ":" + str(self.controllerport) + " connection failed " + str(e)) self._connected = False self.laststatus = 0 else: self._connected = False self.laststatus = 0 return self._connected
def initprogram(): global timer100ms, timer20ms, timer1s, timer2s, timer30s, init_ok try: os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) except: pass #print("Loading settings") Settings.loadsettings() hardwareInit() PluginInit() CPluginInit() NPluginInit() RulesInit() timer100ms = millis() timer20ms = timer100ms timer1s = timer100ms timer2s = timer100ms timer30s = timer100ms init_ok = True t = threading.Thread( target=mainloop) # starting sensors and background functions t.daemon = True t.start() ports = [80, 8080, 8008] # check for usable ports up = 0 for p in ports: up = p try: serversocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) serversocket.bind((socket.gethostname(), up)) serversocket.close() except: up = 0 if up > 0: break if up == 0: misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Webserver can not be started, no available port found!") else: misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Webserver starting at port " + str(up)) Settings.WebUIPort = up webserver.WebServer.start('', up) # starts webserver GUI
def plugin_init(self,enableplugin=None): global realanalog,rpiok plugin.PluginProto.plugin_init(self,enableplugin) self.decimals[0]=0 self.initialized=False if realanalog: try: self.adc = virtADC(int(self.taskdevicepluginconfig[1])) self.initialized = True except Exception as e: misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,"Analog init error: "+str(e)) elif rpiok: try: if str(self.taskdevicepluginconfig[1])=="" or str(self.taskdevicepluginconfig[1])=="0": self.taskdevicepluginconfig[1]=0.33 except: self.taskdevicepluginconfig[1]=0.33 try: if str(self.taskdevicepluginconfig[2])=="" or str(self.taskdevicepluginconfig[2])=="0": self.taskdevicepluginconfig[2]=10000 except: self.taskdevicepluginconfig[2]=10000 try: if str(self.taskdevicepluginconfig[3])=="" or str(self.taskdevicepluginconfig[3])=="0": self.taskdevicepluginconfig[3]=1.35 except: self.taskdevicepluginconfig[3]=1.35 try: if str(self.taskdevicepluginconfig[4])=="" or str(self.taskdevicepluginconfig[4])=="0": self.taskdevicepluginconfig[4]=1000 except: self.taskdevicepluginconfig[4]=1000 try: if str(self.taskdevicepluginconfig[5])=="" or str(self.taskdevicepluginconfig[5])=="0": self.taskdevicepluginconfig[5]=3800 except: self.taskdevicepluginconfig[5]=3800 if self.enabled and self.taskdevicepin[0]>=0 and self.taskdevicepin[1]>=0: self.readinprogress = False try: self.adc = Analog.PiAnalog(gpioinit=False,a_pin=self.taskdevicepin[0],b_pin=self.taskdevicepin[1],C=self.taskdevicepluginconfig[1],R1=self.taskdevicepluginconfig[2],Vt=self.taskdevicepluginconfig[3]) self.initialized = True except Exception as e: misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,"PiAnalog init error: "+str(e))
def plugin_init(self, enableplugin=None): plugin.PluginProto.plugin_init(self, enableplugin) self.decimals[0] = -1 self.initialized = False time.sleep(1) if self.enabled: self.i2cport = -1 try: for i in range(0, 2): if gpios.HWPorts.is_i2c_usable( i) and gpios.HWPorts.is_i2c_enabled(i): self.i2cport = i break except: self.i2cport = -1 if self.i2cport > -1: self.preset = str(self.taskdevicepin[0]).strip() if self.preset == "" or self.preset == "-1": self.preset = None else: try: self.preset = int(reset) except: self.preset = None self.ver = "" try: = pn532.PN532_I2C(reset=self.preset, i2c_c=self.i2cport) ic, ver, rev, supp = ) # get fw version self.ver = str(ver) + "." + str(rev) # set mifare type misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "PN532 v" + str(self.ver) + " initialized") self.initialized = True except Exception as e: self.initialized = False misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "PN532 init error:" + str(e)) self.processing = False if self.initialized: bgt = threading.Thread(target=self.bgreader) bgt.daemon = True bgt.start()
def sync(self): if self.enabled: if self.taskdevicepin[0] >= 0: v1 = 0 cs = gpios.GPIO_get_statusid(self.taskdevicepin[0]) try: if cs > -1: if gpios.GPIOStatus[cs]["mode"] == "pwm": v1 = int(gpios.GPIOStatus[cs]["state"]) except: pass if self.taskdevicepluginconfig[0] == True: ot = False for p in range(len(Settings.Pinout)): if str(Settings.Pinout[p]["BCM"]) == str( self.taskdevicepin[0]): if Settings.Pinout[p]["startupstate"] in [ 4, 5, 6, 7 ]: ot = True break if ot == False: misc.addLog( rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Pin is not an Output, State preserving disabled") self.taskdevicepluginconfig[0] = False if v1 != self.uservar[0]: if self.taskdevicepluginconfig[0] == True: self.set_value( 1, int(self.uservar[0]), True) # restore previous state from uservar misc.addLog( rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, self.taskname + ": Restoring previous PWM value " + str(self.uservar[0])) else: self.uservar[ 0] = v1 # store actual pin state into uservar if self.taskdevicepluginconfig[1]: self.plugin_senddata() misc.addLog( rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, self.taskname + ": Syncing actual PWM value " + str(v1)) elif self.taskdevicepluginconfig[1]: self.plugin_senddata() self.initialized = True if self.initialized: if self.taskdevicepluginconfig[0] == True: sps = "en" else: sps = "dis" misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "State preserving is " + sps + "abled")
def webform_save(self,params): # process settings post reply paddr = self.taskdevicepluginconfig[1] ninit = False par = webserver.arg("p206_saddr",params) try: self.taskdevicepluginconfig[1] = int(par) except: self.taskdevicepluginconfig[1] = 1 try: if int(paddr) != int(self.taskdevicepluginconfig[1]): ninit = True except: ninit = True try: self.taskdevicepluginconfig[6] = int(webserver.arg("plugin_206_slow",params)) except: self.taskdevicepluginconfig[6] = 0 try: self.taskdevicepluginconfig[0] = self.stripstring(webserver.arg("p206_addr",params)) for v in range(0,4): par = webserver.arg("plugin_206_ind"+str(v),params) if par == "": par = -1 else: par=int(par) if str(self.taskdevicepluginconfig[v+2])!=str(par): self.uservar[v] = 0 self.taskdevicepluginconfig[v+2] = par if int(par)>0 and self.valuecount!=v+1: self.valuecount = (v+1) if self.valuecount == 1: self.vtype = rpieGlobals.SENSOR_TYPE_SINGLE elif self.valuecount == 2: self.vtype = rpieGlobals.SENSOR_TYPE_DUAL elif self.valuecount == 3: self.vtype = rpieGlobals.SENSOR_TYPE_TRIPLE elif self.valuecount == 4: self.vtype = rpieGlobals.SENSOR_TYPE_QUAD except Exception as e: misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,+str(e)) if ninit: self.plugin_init() return True
def lorasend(self, payload): if self.tx_active: return False self.tx_start = millis() if self.tx_start < self.nexttransmit: misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Next possible transmit " + str(self.nexttransmit)) return False self.tx_active = True try: self.write_payload(list(payload)) self.set_dio_mapping([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) except: self.tx_active = False return False self.tx_start = millis() self.set_mode(MODE.TX) # print("Sending ",payload) #DEBUG return True
def parseruleline(linestr,rulenum=-1): global GlobalRules cline = linestr.strip() state = "CMD" if "[" in linestr: m = re.findall(r"\[([A-Za-z0-9_#]+)\]", linestr) if len(m)>0: # replace with values for r in range(len(m)): tval = str(gettaskvaluefromname(m[r])) if tval=="None": state = "INV" cline = cline.replace("["+m[r]+"]",tval) if ("%eventvalue%" in linestr) and (rulenum!=-1): cline = cline.replace("%eventvalue%",GlobalRules[rulenum]["evalue"]) if "%" in cline: m = re.findall(r"\%([A-Za-z0-9_#]+)\%", cline) if len(m)>0: # replace with values for r in range(len(m)): if m[r] in SysVars: cline = cline.replace("%"+m[r]+"%",str(getglobalvar(m[r]))) cline = parseconversions(cline) equ = getfirstequpos(cline) if equ!=-1: if cline[:3].lower() == "if ": if "=" in getequchars(cline,True): cline = cline.replace("=","==") # prep for python interpreter cline = cline.replace("!==","!=") # revert invalid operators cline = cline.replace(">==",">=") cline = cline.replace("<==","<=") tline = cline state = "IFST" try: cline = eval(cline[3:]) except: cline = False # error checking? misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,"Parsed condition: "+str(tline)+" "+str(cline)) elif "endif" in cline: cline = True state = "IFEN" elif "else" in cline: cline = False state = "IFEL" return cline,state
def plugin_read( self): # deal with data processing at specified time interval result = False if self.enabled and self.initialized and self.readinprogress == 0: self.readinprogress = 1 try: val1, val2, val3 = self.p049_read() except Exception as e: val1 = None misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "MH-Z19: " + str(e)) if val1 is not None: self.set_value(1, val1, False) self.set_value(2, val2, False) self.set_value(3, val3, False) self.plugin_senddata() self._lastdataservetime = rpieTime.millis() result = True self.readinprogress = 0 return result
def CPluginInit(): tarr = [] filenames = glob.glob('_C*.py') filenames.sort() for fname in filenames: tarr = [0,0,0] tarr[0] = fname with open(fname,"r",encoding="utf8") as fcont: for line in fcont: if "CONTROLLER_ID" in line: tarr[1] = line[line.find("=")+1:].strip().replace('"',"") if "CONTROLLER_NAME" in line: tarr[2] = line[line.find("=")+1:].strip().replace('"',"") break tarr[0] = tarr[0].replace(".py","") rpieGlobals.controllerselector.append(tarr) # create list for form select print("Load controllers from file") Settings.loadcontrollers() for x in range(0,len(Settings.Tasks)): try: if (Settings.Tasks[x]) and type(Settings.Tasks[x]) is not bool: # device exists if (Settings.Tasks[x].enabled): # device enabled Settings.Tasks[x].plugin_init(None) # init plugin at startup for y in range(len(Settings.Tasks[x].senddataenabled)): if (Settings.Tasks[x].senddataenabled[y]): if (Settings.Controllers[y]): if (Settings.Controllers[y].enabled): Settings.Tasks[x].controllercb[y] = Settings.Controllers[y].senddata # assign controller callback to plugins that sends data except Exception as e: Settings.Tasks[x].enabled = False misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,"Task " +str(x+1)+ " disabled! "+str(e)) for y in range(0,len(Settings.Controllers)): if (Settings.Controllers[y]): try: if (Settings.Controllers[y].enabled): Settings.Controllers[y].controller_init(None) # init controller at startup Settings.Controllers[y].setonmsgcallback(Settings.callback_from_controllers) # set global msg callback for 2way comm except Exception as e: Settings.Controllers[y].enabled = False misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,"Controller " +str(y+1)+ " disabled! "+str(e)) return 0
def plugin_read( self): # deal with data processing at specified time interval result = False if self.initialized and self.readinprogress == 0 and self.enabled: self.readinprogress = 1 try: temp = self.htu.read_temperature() hum = self.htu.read_humidity() self.set_value(1, temp, False) self.set_value(2, hum, False) except Exception as e: misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "HTU21 read error! " + str(e)) self.enabled = False self.plugin_senddata() self._lastdataservetime = rpieTime.millis() result = True self.readinprogress = 0 return result
def plugin_read( self): # deal with data processing at specified time interval result = False if self.enabled and self.initialized and self.readinprogress == 0: self.readinprogress = 1 try: temp, hum = self.read_sht30() except Exception as e: temp = None hum = None misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "SHT30: " + str(e)) if temp is not None: self.set_value(1, temp, False) self.set_value(2, hum, False) self.plugin_senddata() self._lastdataservetime = rpieTime.millis() result = True self.readinprogress = 0 return result
def plugin_read( self): # deal with data processing at specified time interval result = False if self.initialized and self.readinprogress == 0 and self.enabled: self.readinprogress = 1 try: succ, temp = self.read_temperature() if succ: self.set_value(1, temp, True) else: misc.addLog(pglobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Dallas read error!") except Exception as e: misc.addLog(pglobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Dallas read error! " + str(e)) self.enabled = False self._lastdataservetime = utime.ticks_ms() result = True self.readinprogress = 0 return result
def connect(self): self.connected = False self.sysinfosent = 0 try: if self.lora is not None: self.lora.set_mode(MODE.STDBY) self.lora.set_pa_config(pa_select=1, max_power=21, output_power=15) self.lora.set_spreading_factor(self.sf) self.lora.set_bw( self.lora.set_coding_rate(self.coding) self.lora.set_rx_crc(True) self.lora.set_freq(self.freq) self.lora.set_sync_word(self.sync) # default setting of 0x12 and a LoRaWAN setting of 0x34 assert(self.lora.get_agc_auto_on() == 1) self.lora.loraduty = self.duty self.lora.start() self.connected = True except Exception as e: misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,"LORA Direct connect error: "+str(e))
def rfconnect(self): if int(self.taskdevicepin[0]) >= 0 and self.enabled: try: self.rfdevice = getRFDev(True) pval = self.rfdevice.initpin() if self.rfdevice and int(pval) > 0: self.initialized = True self.rfdevice.setReceiveTolerance( int(self.taskdevicepluginconfig[0])) self.rfdevice.enableReceive(int(self.taskdevicepin[0])) self.timer100ms = True except Exception as e: misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "RF433: " + str(e)) self.initialized = False self.timer100ms = False else: # print("Not yet initialized") self.initialized = False self.timer100ms = False
def plugin_init(self,enableplugin=None): plugin.PluginProto.plugin_init(self,enableplugin) self.uservar[0] = 0 if self.enabled: try: i2cok = gpios.HWPorts.i2c_init() if i2cok: if self.interval>2: nextr = self.interval-2 else: nextr = self.interval self._lastdataservetime = rpieTime.millis()-(nextr*1000) self.lastread = 0 else: misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,"I2C can not be initialized!") self.enabled = False except Exception as e: misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,str(e)) self.enabled = False
def plugin_init(self, enableplugin=None): plugin.PluginProto.plugin_init(self, enableplugin) self.decimals[0] = 0 self.initialized = False self.timer100ms = False if int(self.taskdevicepin[0]) >= 0 and self.enabled: try: self._pin = TouchPad(Pin(int(self.taskdevicepin[0]))) self.refvalue = int( / 2 ) # get value at startup, hope that it is in non-touched state, for reference self._pin.config(200) self.timer100ms = True self.initialized = True misc.addLog(pglobals.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Touch init, ref: " + str(self.refvalue)) except Exception as e: misc.addLog(pglobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Touch config failed " + str(e))
def plugin_init(self, enableplugin=None): plugin.PluginProto.plugin_init(self, enableplugin) self.initialized = False if self.enabled: try: i2cl = self.i2c except: i2cl = -1 try: i2cport = gpios.HWPorts.geti2clist() if i2cl == -1: i2cl = int(i2cport[0]) except: i2cport = [] if len(i2cport) > 0 and i2cl > -1: if self.interval > 2: nextr = self.interval - 2 else: nextr = self.interval self._lastdataservetime = rpieTime.millis() - (nextr * 1000) self.lastread = 0 try: shunt = 0.1 amps = int(self.taskdevicepluginconfig[1]) if amps < 1: amps = None vrange = int(self.taskdevicepluginconfig[2]) if vrange not in [0, 1]: vrange = 1 if int(self.taskdevicepluginconfig[0]) > 0x39: self.ina = INA219(shunt, busnum=i2cl, address=int( self.taskdevicepluginconfig[0]), max_expected_amps=amps) self.ina.configure(voltage_range=vrange) self.initialized = True except Exception as e: misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "INA219 can not be initialized: " + str(e)) self.ina = None self.initialized = False
def senddata(self, idx, taskobj, changedvalue=-1): if self.enabled: if int(idx) != 0: if int(taskobj.vtype) == pglobals.SENSOR_TYPE_SWITCH: url = "/json.htm?type=command¶m=switchlight&idx=" url += str(idx) url += "&switchcmd=" if round(float(taskobj.uservar[0])) == 0: url += "Off" else: url += "On" elif int(taskobj.vtype) == pglobals.SENSOR_TYPE_DIMMER: url = "/json.htm?type=command¶m=switchlight&idx=" url += str(idx) url += "&switchcmd=" if float(taskobj.uservar[0]) == 0: url += "Off" else: url += "Set%20Level&level=" url += str(taskobj.uservar[0]) else: url = "/json.htm?type=command¶m=udevice&idx=" url += str(idx) url += "&nvalue=0&svalue=" url += formatDomoticzSensorType(taskobj.vtype, taskobj.uservar) url += "&rssi=" url += mapRSSItoDomoticz(taskobj.rssi) if taskobj.battery != -1 and taskobj.battery != 255: # battery input 0..100%, 255 means not supported url += "&battery=" url += str(int(taskobj.battery)) else: bval = misc.get_battery_value() url += "&battery=" url += str(int(bval)) urlstr = self.controllerip + ":" + self.controllerport + url + self.getaccountstr( ) misc.addLog(pglobals.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, urlstr) # sendviahttp self.urlget(urlstr) else: misc.addLog(pglobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "MQTT : IDX cannot be zero!")
def doCleanup(): rulesProcessing("System#Shutdown",rpieGlobals.RULE_SYSTEM) try: if (len(Settings.Tasks)>1) or ( (len(Settings.Tasks)==1) and (Settings.Tasks[0] != False) ): Settings.savetasks() except Exception as e: misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,"Shutdown error: "+str(e)) procarr = [] for x in range(0,len(Settings.Tasks)): if (Settings.Tasks[x]) and type(Settings.Tasks[x]) is not bool: # device exists try: if (Settings.Tasks[x].enabled): # device enabled t = threading.Thread(target=Settings.Tasks[x].plugin_exit) t.daemon = True procarr.append(t) t.start() except: pass if len(procarr)>0: for process in procarr: process.join(1) try: for t in range(0,rpieGlobals.RULES_TIMER_MAX): rpieTime.Timers[t].pause() for t in range(0,rpieGlobals.SYSTEM_TIMER_MAX): rpieTime.SysTimers[t].pause() except: pass procarr = [] for y in range(0,len(Settings.Controllers)): if (Settings.Controllers[y]): if (Settings.Controllers[y].enabled): t = threading.Thread(target=Settings.Controllers[y].controller_exit) t.daemon = True procarr.append(t) t.start() if int(Settings.NetMan.WifiDevNum)>=0 and int(Settings.NetMan.APMode>-1): apdev = int(Settings.NetMan.WifiDevNum) Network.AP_stop(apdev) # try to stop AP mode if needed if len(procarr)>0: for process in procarr: process.join()
def formatDomoticzSensorType(sensortype, valuearr): valuestr = "" if (sensortype == pglobals.SENSOR_TYPE_SINGLE) or (sensortype == pglobals.SENSOR_TYPE_TEXT): valuestr += str(valuearr[0]).strip() elif (sensortype == pglobals.SENSOR_TYPE_LONG): valuearr[0] = float(valuearr[0]) valuearr[1] = float(valuearr[1]) valuestr += str(valuearr[0] + (valuearr[1] << 16)).strip() elif (sensortype == pglobals.SENSOR_TYPE_DUAL): valuestr += str(valuearr[0]).strip() + ";" + str(valuearr[1]).strip() elif (sensortype == pglobals.SENSOR_TYPE_TEMP_HUM): valuestr += str(valuearr[0]).strip() + ";" + str( valuearr[1]).strip() + ";" + humStatDomoticz(valuearr[1]) elif (sensortype == pglobals.SENSOR_TYPE_TEMP_HUM_BARO): valuestr += str(valuearr[0]).strip() + ";" + str( valuearr[1]).strip() + ";" + humStatDomoticz(valuearr[1]) valuestr += ";" + str(valuearr[2]).strip() + ";0" elif (sensortype == pglobals.SENSOR_TYPE_TEMP_BARO): valuestr += str(valuearr[0]).strip() + ";" + str(valuearr[1]).strip() valuestr += ";0;0" elif (sensortype == pglobals.SENSOR_TYPE_TEMP_EMPTY_BARO): valuestr += str(valuearr[0]).strip() + ";" + str(valuearr[2]).strip() valuestr += ";0;0" elif (sensortype == pglobals.SENSOR_TYPE_TRIPLE): valuestr += str(valuearr[0]).strip() + ";" + str(valuearr[1]).strip() valuestr += ";" + str(valuearr[2]).strip() elif (sensortype == pglobals.SENSOR_TYPE_QUAD): valuestr += str(valuearr[0]).strip() + ";" + str(valuearr[1]).strip() valuestr += ";" + str(valuearr[2]).strip() + ";" + str( valuearr[3]).strip() elif (sensortype == pglobals.SENSOR_TYPE_SWITCH) or (sensortype == pglobals.SENSOR_TYPE_DIMMER): pass # Too specific for HTTP/MQTT else: misc.addLog( pglobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Domoticz Controller: Not yet implemented sensor type: " + sensortype) return valuestr
def plugin_init(self, enableplugin=None): initok = False self.readinprogress = False if self.enabled: if self.taskdevicepin[0] >= 0: try: gpios.HWPorts.add_event_detect(self.taskdevicepin[0], gpios.FALLING, self.p064_handler, 200) self.timer100ms = False except Exception as e: if str(self.taskdevicepluginconfig[0]) == "0": self.timer100ms = True misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Interrupt error " + str(e)) else: if str(self.taskdevicepluginconfig[0]) == "0": self.timer100ms = True try: i2cok = gpios.HWPorts.i2c_init() if i2cok: if self.interval > 2: nextr = self.interval - 2 else: nextr = self.interval self.apds = APDS9960(gpios.HWPorts.i2cbus) self._lastdataservetime = rpieTime.millis() - (nextr * 1000) self.lastread = 0 initok = True else: self.enabled = False misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "I2C can not be initialized!") except Exception as e: self.enabled = False misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "APDS init error " + str(e)) if initok: try: self.apds.setProximityIntLowThreshold(50) if str(self.taskdevicepluginconfig[0]) == "1": self.apds.enableProximitySensor() self.apds.enableLightSensor() else: self.apds.enableGestureSensor() except Exception as e: misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "APDS setup error " + str(e)) plugin.PluginProto.plugin_init(self, enableplugin) self.initialized = initok
def senddata(self, idx, sensortype, value, userssi=-1, usebattery=-1, tasknum=-1, changedvalue=-1): # called by plugin if tasknum != -1 and self.enabled: if tasknum < len(Settings.Tasks): if Settings.Tasks[tasknum] != False: hn = str( urllib.parse.quote( str(Settings.Tasks[tasknum].gettaskname()))) templatestra = self.templatestr.replace('%tskname%', hn) templatestra = templatestra.replace( '%id%', str(tasknum + 1)) procarr = [] for u in range(Settings.Tasks[tasknum].valuecount): vn = str(Settings.Tasks[tasknum].valuenames[u]).strip() if vn != "": vn = str(urllib.parse.quote(vn)) templatestr = templatestra.replace('%valname%', vn) val = str( urllib.parse.quote( str(Settings.Tasks[tasknum].uservar[u]))) templatestr = templatestr.replace('%value%', val) urlstr = "http://" + str( self.controllerip) + ":" + str( self.controllerport) + "/" + templatestr misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, urlstr) # sendviahttp t = threading.Thread( target=self.urlget, args=(urlstr, )) # use threading to avoid blocking t.daemon = True procarr.append(t) t.start() if len(procarr) > 0: for process in procarr: process.join()
def notify(self,pmsg=""): if self.initialized==False or self.enabled==False: return False if pmsg=="": message = self.msgparse(self.body) else: message = self.msgparse(pmsg) if self.server=="" or self.server=="": return False jdata = {} jdata['chat_id'] = self.chatid jdata['parse_mode'] = 'HTML' jdata['text'] = message jdata = urllib.parse.urlencode(jdata).encode("utf-8") urlstr = "https://"+str(self.server)+":"+str(self.port)+"/bot"+str(self.passw)+"/sendMessage" misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_INFO,"Sending telegram notification") httpproc = threading.Thread(target=self.urlpost, args=(urlstr,jdata,)) # use threading to avoid blocking httpproc.daemon = True httpproc.start() return True
def plugin_read( self): # deal with data processing at specified time interval result = False if self.enabled and self.initialized and self.readinprogress == 0: self.readinprogress = 1 try: raw = self.VEML6070_readraw() except Exception as e: raw = None misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "VEML6070: " + str(e)) if raw is not None: self.set_value(1, raw, False) risk = self.VEML6070_uvrisklevel(raw) self.set_value(2, risk, False) self.set_value(3, self.VEML6070_uvpower(risk), False) self.plugin_senddata() self._lastdataservetime = rpieTime.millis() result = True self.readinprogress = 0 return result
def plugin_init(self, enableplugin=None): self.decimals[0] = 0 try: if (enableplugin == True and self.enabled == False) or (len( vusb.usbrelay.getcompatibledevlist()) < 1): vusb.vusb_force_refresh() except: pass plugin.PluginProto.plugin_init(self, enableplugin) success = False try: success = self.plugin_read() except Exception as e: success = False if success == False: self.initialized = False misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Unable to init USB relay!") # self.enabled = False self.set_value(1, 0, True)
def plugin_init(self, enableplugin=None): plugin.PluginProto.plugin_init(self, enableplugin) if self.enabled: try: try: i2cl = self.i2c except: i2cl = -1 self.bus = gpios.HWPorts.i2c_init(i2cl) if i2cl == -1: self.bus = gpios.HWPorts.i2cbus if self.bus is not None: self.initialized = True else: misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "I2C can not be initialized!") self.initialized = False except Exception as e: misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, str(e)) self.initialized = False
def p515_get_value(self, ptype): value = 0 try: if ptype == 1: value = self.flora.get_temperature() elif ptype == 2: value = self.flora.get_light() elif ptype == 3: value = self.flora.get_moisture() elif ptype == 4: value = self.flora.get_conductivity() elif ptype == 5: value = self.flora.battery_level() except Exception as e: self.failures += 1 misc.addLog(rpieGlobals.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "MiFlora error: " + str(e)) if self.failures > 5: self.enabled = False return value
def setstate(self, devid, state): for name, stype in self.devices.items(): if "_" + str(devid) + "." in name: i = self.zeroconf.get_service_info(stype, name) data = {} url = "http://" + parseAddress(i.address) + ":" + str( i.port) + "/zeroconf/switch" # create url for switching data["sequence"] = str(int(time.time())) data["deviceid"] = str(devid) if int(state) == 1: # construct json dataset data["data"] = {"switch": "on"} else: data["data"] = {"switch": "off"} if self.sendwithecho == False: self.status[name] = int(state) misc.addLog( 1, "Sending POST command " + str(state) + " to " + str(devid)) self.send_data(send_url=url, send_data=data) break