Exemple #1
def dispatch_command(memory, page_tables):
    cmd = raw_input('> ')
    if cmd[0] == 'h':
        print 'h(elp)             -- print this text'
        print 'a(llocate)         -- request for space allocation', 'type `a\' or `a proc_name size\''
        print 'r(elease)          -- release space', 'type `r\' or `r proc_name block0 block1 block2 ...\''
        print 'd(isplay)          -- display the content of the page table'
        print 'display (b)it map  -- display the content of the bit map'
    elif cmd[0] == 'd':
        args = get_cmd(cmd, '%c &s')
        if not args:

        (proc_names,) = args
        if not proc_names:
            proc_names = sorted(page_tables.keys())

        for name in proc_names:
            if name not in page_tables:
                print '%s is not a process' % name
                print '--', name, '--', ' page | block'
    elif cmd[0] == 'a':
        args = get_cmd(cmd, '%c %s %i', hint='proc_name size')
        if not args:
        proc_name, size = args

        blocks = memory.allocate(size)
        print '%s allocated' % blocks
        if blocks:
    elif cmd[0] == 'r':
        args = get_cmd(cmd, '%c %s &i', hint='proc_name pages')
        if not args:
        proc_name, pages = args
        if not pages:
            pages = page_tables[proc_name].table.keys()

    elif cmd[0] == 'b':
        print 'available blocks: %s' % memory.available_block_amount
        for line in take(memory.bit_map, by=8):
            print line
        print 'unrecognized command, type `h\' for help'
Exemple #2
def dispatch_command(hard_drive):
    cmd = raw_input('> ')
    if cmd[0] == 'h':
        print 'h(elp)                -- print this text'
        print 'a(llocate)            -- request for file allocation', 'type `a\' or `a filename blocks\''
        print 'r(ecycle)             -- recycle file', 'type `r\' or `r filename'
        print 'd(isplay)             -- display the content of the free space table'
        print 'display (f)ile table  -- display the content of the file table'
    elif cmd[0] == 'a':
        args = get_cmd(cmd, '%c %s %i', hint='filename blocks')
        if not args:

        ret, _ = hard_drive.allocate(*args)
        if ret:
            print 'allocated (track: %(track)s, cylinder: %(cylinder)s, sector: %(sector)s)' % _
            if _ == 0:
                print 'allocation failed: not enough space'
            elif _ == -1:
                print 'allocation failed: file already exists'
    elif cmd[0] == 'r':
        args = get_cmd(cmd, '%c %s', hint='filename')
        if not args:

        (filename,) = args
        ret = hard_drive.recycle(filename)
        if ret:
            print 'file recycle succeeded'
            print 'file not found'
    elif cmd[0] == 'd':
        print '% 10s | % 10s' % ('start', 'blocks')
        for item in hard_drive._allocation_table:
            print item
    elif cmd[0] == 'f':
        print '% 10s | % 10s | % 10s' % ('filename', 'start', 'blocks')
        for filename, item in sorted(hard_drive._file_table.iteritems(), key=lambda (k, _): k):
            print '% 10s | %s' % (filename, item)
Exemple #3
def dispatch_command():
    while True:
        cmd = raw_input('> ')
        if not len(cmd):
            return None, 0

        if cmd[0] == 'h':
            print 'h(elp)      -- print this text'
            print 'c(ontinue)  -- continue simulation', 'type `c\' or `c times\''
            print 'n(ew pcb)   -- make new PCB and push it into queue',\
                                    'type `n\' or `n name time priority\''
            print 'd(isplay)   -- display the content of queue'
            return 'h', 0
        elif cmd[0] == 'c':
            args = get_cmd(cmd, '%c &i')
            if not args:
                return 'c', -1

            (times,) = args
            if times:
                return 'c', times[0]
                return 'c', 0
        elif cmd[0] == 'n':
            args = get_cmd(cmd, '%c %s %i %i', hint='proc_n t prior')
            if not args:
                return 'n', -1

            pcb = ProcessControlBlock(*args)
            queue.put((pcb.priority, pcb)) # 优先队列的使用方法是放入队伍时,
                                           # 放入(p, i),
                                           # 其中p表示优先级,i表示放入的元素
            return 'n', 0
        elif cmd in commands:
            return cmd, commands[cmd]()
            print 'unrecognized command, type `h\' for help'
            return 'u', -1