Exemple #1
def mog(X, C, maxiters, M=None, Cov=None, pi=None, eps=1e-2):
    """Fit a MoG.

    _X_ is dataset in _rows_. _C_ is the number
    of clusters.
    N, d = X.shape
    ll_const = -d / 2. * np.log(2 * np.pi)

    if M is None:
        tmp = np.random.permutation(N)
        M = X[tmp[:C]].copy()

    if Cov is None:
        diag = np.mean(np.diag(np.cov(
            X, rowvar=0))) * (np.abs(np.random.randn()) + 1)
        Cov = (diag * np.eye(d)).reshape(1, d, d).repeat(C, axis=0)

    if pi is None:
        pi = np.ones(C) / C

    ll = np.zeros((C, N))
    last_ll = -np.inf
    loglike = []

    for i in xrange(maxiters):
        for c in xrange(C):
            cov_c = Cov[c]
            chol = la.cholesky(cov_c)
            # not exactly log det, factor 2 missing
            # but ok here, because no 0.5 factor below
            logdet = np.sum(np.log(np.diag(chol)))

            mu_c = M[c]

            # mahalanobis distance
            mhlb = (la.solve_triangular(chol, (X - mu_c).T,
            # note missing 0.5 before logdet
            ll[c, :] = np.log(pi[c]) + ll_const - logdet - 0.5 * mhlb
        # posterior class distribution given data
        posteriors = norm_logprob(ll, axis=0)
        # loglikelihood over all datapoints
        ll_sum = np.sum(logsumexp(ll, axis=0))

        if ll_sum - last_ll < eps:
        last_ll = ll_sum

        for c in xrange(C):
            N_c = posteriors[c].sum()
            M[c, :] = np.sum(posteriors[c][:, np.newaxis] * X, axis=0) / N_c
            tmp = X - M[c]
            _cov = np.dot(posteriors[c] * tmp.T, tmp) / N_c
            # check if on trip to singularity
            # probably could be done a bit more clever,
            # in combination with E-step above (cholesky already
            # here and cache)
            _, _det = np.linalg.slogdet(_cov)
            if _det > LOGSMALL:
                Cov[c, :, :] = _cov
            pi[c] = N_c / N
    return M, Cov, pi, loglike
Exemple #2
def mog(X, C, maxiters, M=None, Cov=None, pi=None, eps=1e-2):
    """Fit a MoG.

    _X_ is dataset in _rows_. _C_ is the number
    of clusters.
    N, d = X.shape
    ll_const = -d/2. * np.log(2*np.pi)

    if M is None:
        tmp = np.random.permutation(N)
        M = X[tmp[:C]].copy()

    if Cov is None:
        diag = np.mean(np.diag(np.cov(X, rowvar=0)))*(np.abs(np.random.randn())+1)
        Cov = (diag * np.eye(d)).reshape(1, d, d).repeat(C, axis=0)

    if pi is None:
        pi = np.ones(C)/C

    ll = np.zeros((C, N))
    last_ll = -np.inf
    loglike = []
    for i in xrange(maxiters):
        for c in xrange(C):
            cov_c = Cov[c]
            chol = la.cholesky(cov_c)
            # not exactly log det, factor 2 missing
            # but ok here, because no 0.5 factor below
            logdet = np.sum(np.log(np.diag(chol)))

            mu_c = M[c]

            # mahalanobis distance 
            mhlb = (la.solve_triangular(chol, (X - mu_c).T, trans=1).T**2).sum(axis=1)
            # note missing 0.5 before logdet
            ll[c, :] = np.log(pi[c]) + ll_const - logdet - 0.5 * mhlb
        # posterior class distribution given data
        posteriors = norm_logprob(ll, axis=0)
        # loglikelihood over all datapoints
        ll_sum = np.sum(logsumexp(ll, axis=0))

        if ll_sum - last_ll < eps:
        last_ll = ll_sum

        for c in xrange(C):
            N_c = posteriors[c].sum()
            M[c, :] = np.sum(posteriors[c][:, np.newaxis] * X, axis=0)/N_c
            tmp = X - M[c]
            _cov = np.dot(posteriors[c]*tmp.T, tmp)/N_c
            # check if on trip to singularity
            # probably could be done a bit more clever,
            # in combination with E-step above (cholesky already
            # here and cache)
            _, _det = np.linalg.slogdet(_cov)
            if _det > LOGSMALL:
                Cov[c, :, :] = _cov
            pi[c] = N_c/N
    return M, Cov, pi, loglike
Exemple #3
def mfa(X, hdim, C, maxiters, W=None, M=None, psi=None, pi=None, eps=1e-2):
    """Fit a Mixture of FA.

    _X_ is dataset in _rows_. _hdim_ is the
    latent dimension, the same for all _C_
    # pre calculation of some 'constants'.
    N, d = X.shape
    Ih = np.eye(hdim)
    ll_const = -d / 2. * np.log(2 * np.pi)
    X_sq = X**2

    if W is None:
        W = np.random.randn(C, hdim, d)
    if M is None:
        tmp = np.random.permutation(N)
        M = X[tmp[:C]].copy()
    if psi is None:
        psi = 100 * np.var(X) * np.ones((C, d))
    if pi is None:
        pi = np.ones(C) / C

    # pre allocating some helper memory
    E_z = np.zeros((C, N, hdim))
    Cov_z = np.zeros((C, hdim, hdim))
    # store loglikelihood
    ll = np.zeros((C, N))

    last_ll = -np.inf
    loglike = []
    for i in xrange(maxiters):
        for c in xrange(C):
            # W_c is hdim x d
            W_c = W[c]
            mu_c = M[c]
            # psi_c is D
            psi_c = psi[c]
            fac = W_c / psi_c
            # see Bishop, p. 93, eq. 2.117
            cov_z = la.inv(Ih + np.dot(fac, W_c.T))
            tmp = np.dot(X - mu_c, fac.T)
            # latent expectations
            E_z[c, :, :] = np.dot(tmp, cov_z)
            # latent _covariance_
            Cov_z[c, :, :] = cov_z
            # loglikelihood
            # woodbury identity
            inv_cov_x = np.diag(1. / psi_c) - np.dot(fac.T, np.dot(cov_z, fac))
            _, _det = np.linalg.slogdet(inv_cov_x)
            tmp = np.dot(X - mu_c, inv_cov_x)
            # integrating out latent z's -> again, Bishop, p. 93, eq. 2.115
            ll[c, :] = np.log(pi[c]) + ll_const + 0.5 * _det - 0.5 * np.sum(
                tmp * (X - mu_c), axis=1)
        # posterior class distribution given data
        posteriors = norm_logprob(ll, axis=0)
        # loglikelihood over all datapoints
        ll_sum = np.sum(logsumexp(ll, axis=0))

        if ll_sum - last_ll < eps:
        last_ll = ll_sum

        for c in xrange(C):
            z = np.append(E_z[c, :, :], np.ones((N, 1)), axis=1)
            wz = posteriors[c][:, np.newaxis] * z
            wzX = np.dot(wz.T, X)
            wzz = np.dot(wz.T, z)
            N_c = posteriors[c].sum()
            wzz[:hdim, :hdim] += N_c * Cov_z[c, :, :]

            sol = la.lstsq(wzz, wzX)[0]

            M[c, :] = sol[hdim, :]
            W[c, :, :] = sol[:hdim, :]
            psi[c, :] = (np.dot(posteriors[c], X_sq) -
                         np.sum(sol * wzX, axis=0)) / N_c
            psi[c, :] = np.maximum(psi[c, :], SMALL)
            pi[c] = N_c / N
    return W, M, psi, pi, loglike
Exemple #4
def mfa(X, hdim, C, maxiters, W=None, M=None, psi=None, pi=None, eps=1e-2):
    """Fit a Mixture of FA.

    _X_ is dataset in _rows_. _hdim_ is the
    latent dimension, the same for all _C_
    # pre calculation of some 'constants'.
    N, d = X.shape
    Ih = np.eye(hdim)
    ll_const = -d/2. * np.log(2*np.pi)
    X_sq = X**2

    if W is None:
        W = np.random.randn(C, hdim, d)
    if M is None:
        tmp = np.random.permutation(N)
        M = X[tmp[:C]].copy()
    if psi is None:
        psi = 100*np.var(X)*np.ones((C, d))
    if pi is None:
        pi = np.ones(C)/C

    # pre allocating some helper memory
    E_z = np.zeros((C, N, hdim))
    Cov_z = np.zeros((C, hdim, hdim))
    # store loglikelihood
    ll = np.zeros((C, N))

    last_ll = -np.inf
    loglike = []
    for i in xrange(maxiters):
        for c in xrange(C):
            # W_c is hdim x d 
            W_c = W[c]
            mu_c = M[c]
            # psi_c is D
            psi_c = psi[c]
            fac = W_c/psi_c
            # see Bishop, p. 93, eq. 2.117 
            cov_z = la.inv(Ih + np.dot(fac, W_c.T))
            tmp = np.dot(X - mu_c, fac.T)
            # latent expectations
            E_z[c, :, :] = np.dot(tmp, cov_z)
            # latent _covariance_
            Cov_z[c, :, :] = cov_z
            # loglikelihood
            # woodbury identity
            inv_cov_x = np.diag(1./psi_c) - np.dot(fac.T, np.dot(cov_z, fac))
            _, _det = np.linalg.slogdet(inv_cov_x)
            tmp = np.dot(X-mu_c, inv_cov_x)
            # integrating out latent z's -> again, Bishop, p. 93, eq. 2.115 
            ll[c, :] = np.log(pi[c]) + ll_const + 0.5 * _det - 0.5 * np.sum(tmp*(X-mu_c), axis=1)
        # posterior class distribution given data
        posteriors = norm_logprob(ll, axis=0)
        # loglikelihood over all datapoints
        ll_sum = np.sum(logsumexp(ll, axis=0))

        if ll_sum - last_ll < eps:
        last_ll = ll_sum

        for c in xrange(C):
            z = np.append(E_z[c, :, :], np.ones((N, 1)), axis=1)
            wz = posteriors[c][:, np.newaxis] * z
            wzX = np.dot(wz.T, X)
            wzz = np.dot(wz.T, z)
            N_c = posteriors[c].sum()
            wzz[:hdim, :hdim] += N_c * Cov_z[c, :, :]

            sol = la.lstsq(wzz, wzX)[0]

            M[c, :] = sol[hdim, :]
            W[c, :, :] = sol[:hdim, :]
            psi[c, :] = (np.dot(posteriors[c], X_sq) - np.sum(sol*wzX, axis=0))/N_c
            psi[c, :] = np.maximum(psi[c, :], SMALL)
            pi[c] = N_c/N
    return W, M, psi, pi, loglike