Exemple #1
def acceptedTerms(webin):
    pcn = json.loads(webin.content())
    vprint("acceptedTerms", pcn)
    utopic = pcn["user"]
    email = pcn["email"]
    user = models.loadUserD(utopic, webin.pageStore)
    if user == None:
        return failResponse("noSuchUser")
    rss = None
    if email:
        vcode = models.genId("register")
        user.validation_code = vcode
        user.validated = 0
        user.email = email
        vprint("sending validating email to ", email)
        rss = ses.sendValidationEmail(user, True)
    user.accepted_terms = 1
    s = user.newSession()
    stp = s.topic
    sid = misc.pathLast(stp)
    rs = {"sessionId": sid}
    if not rss:
        rs["emailFailed"] = 1
    return okResponse(rs)
Exemple #2
def sendForgotPasswordEmail(user):
    tp = user.topic
    uid = misc.pathLast(tp)
    code = user.validation_code
    msg = """<p>To reset your password at ImageDiver, please click on the link below, or paste it into your browser's address bar:</p>
        uid, code)
    subject = "Reset Password"
    return sendEmail(user, subject, msg)
Exemple #3
 def externalize(self):
   snap = self.__dict__.copy()
   snap["type"] = "/type/Snap"
   ord = snap["ordinal"]
   snap["coverage"] = misc.reduceRectDigits(snap["coverage"])
   if ord < 0:
     id = int(misc.pathLast(snap["topic"]))
     snap["ordinal"] = id
   return snap
Exemple #4
def sendValidationEmail(user, forTumblrOrTwitter=False):
    tp = user.topic
    uid = misc.pathLast(tp)
    code = user.validation_code
    if forTumblrOrTwitter:
        msg = """<p>To verify this email address for ImageDiver, please click on the link below, or paste it into your browser's address bar:</p>"""
        msg = """<p>To complete your registration at ImageDiver, please click on the link below, or paste it into your browser's address bar:</p>"""
    url = "http://imagediver.org/verify_email?user={0}&code={1}".format(
        uid, code)
    msg += """<p><a href="{0}">{0}</a>""".format(url)
    subject = "Email Verification for ImageDiver"
    return sendEmail(user, subject, msg)
def authorizeTumblr(user,topic):
  tk = oauth_tumblr.requestToken()
  if topic:
    tk["topic"] = topic
  tkj = json.dumps(tk)
  #print "TKJ",tkj
  " the token needs to be saved for a few minutes: until the user authorizes or declines the app "
  dir = "/mnt/ebs1/imagediver/tokens/"
  uname = misc.pathLast(user)
  fln = dir+uname
  f = open(fln,'w')
  return tk
  #localStorage.tumblrToken = tkj
  tktk = tk["oauth_token"]
  url = 'http://tumblr.com/oauth/authorize?oauth_token='+str(tktk)
  return url
Exemple #6
 def drawRect(self):
   area = 250000
   cv = self.coverage
   cvr = image.dictToRect(cv)
   alb = self.album
   tpo = misc.topicOb(alb)
   imt = tpo.imageTopic()
   im = image.loadImageD(imt)
   dm = im.dimensions
   # determine scaling to the 250000 area
   ua = dm["x"] * dm["y"]
   ssq = ua/float(area)
   sc = math.sqrt(ssq)
   isc = 1/sc
   wx = isc * dm["x"] # width of the 250000 area
   rect = cvr.scale(wx)
   tp = self.topic
   snapnum = int(misc.pathLast(tp))
   return im
Exemple #7
def updateUser(webin):
             "TEST CONSTANT " + str(getattr(constants, "testvar", None)))
    pcn = json.loads(webin.content())
    uname = pcn["userId"]
    vprint("uname", uname)
    cks = webin.checkSessionResponse()
    if cks: return cks
    session = webin.session
    suserId = misc.pathLast(session.user)
    if suserId != uname:
        return failResponse("wrongUser")
    pw = pcn.get("password", None)
    name = pcn["name"]
    email = pcn["email"].strip()
    u = models.loadUserD("/user/" + uname, webin.pageStore)

    if u == None:
        return failResponse()
    oldemail = getattr(u, "email", "")
    if email and (oldemail != email):
        eu = dynamo.emailToUser(pcn["email"])
        if eu != None:
            return failResponse("emailInUse")
    nu = models.UserD(None)
    nu.topic = '/user/' + uname
    nu.name = name
    if pw: nu.setPassword(pw)
    nu.email = email
    vprint("old email", oldemail, "new ", email)
    if (oldemail != email):
        rs = ses.sendEmailChangedEmail(nu)
        if rs:
            if oldemail:
            return okResponse()
            return failResponse("Unable to send email to " + email)
    return okResponse()
Exemple #8
def setTumblrToken(webin):

    cn = webin.content()
    #print "CONTENT",cn
    cob = json.loads(cn)
    token = cob["oauth_token"]
    token_secret = cob["oauth_token_secret"]
    verifier = cob["verifier"]
    signingIn = cob.get("signingIn", False)
    if not signingIn:
        cks = webin.checkSessionResponse()
        if cks: return cks
    access_token = oauth_tumblr.getAccessToken(verifier, token, token_secret)
    #print "ACCESS TOKEN ",access_token
    atkj = json.dumps(access_token)
    if signingIn:
        uinfj = oauth_tumblr.getUserInfo(access_token["oauth_token"],
        #print "UINFJ",uinfj
        uinf = json.loads(uinfj)
        tuname = uinf["response"]['user']['name']
        vprint("TUNAME", tuname)
        exu = models.loadUserDbyTumblr(tuname)
        rs = {"tumblr_name": tuname}
        if exu:
            vprint("Existing tumblr user")
            exu.tumblr_token = atkj
            tac = getattr(exu, "accepted_terms", 0)
            #tac = 1
            rs["accepted_terms"] = tac
            utp = exu.topic
            uid = misc.pathLast(utp)
            rs["userId"] = uid
            if tac:
                # go ahead and generate a new session for this fellow
                s = exu.newSession()
                stp = s.topic
                sid = misc.pathLast(stp)
                rs["sessionId"] = sid
            return okResponse(rs)
            vprint("NEW TUMBLR USER")
            ucnt = dynamo.getCount("/user/count")
            if ucnt >= constants.maxUsers:
                rs["hit_limit"] = 1
                return okResponse(rs)
            uid = dynamo.genNewUserId()
            nu = models.UserD(None)
            nu.topic = '/user/' + uid
            nu.name = tuname
            nu.tumblr_name = tuname
            nu.storage_allocation = constants.initial_storage_allocation
            nu.bandwidth_allocation = constants.initial_bandwidth_allocation
            nu.accepted_terms = 0
            nu.tumblr_token = atkj
            vprint("NEW TUMBLR USER SAVED")
            rs["accepted_terms"] = 0
            rs["userId"] = uid

            return okResponse(rs)
    """ getting a access token in the course of a post to tumblr """
    sess = webin.session
    user = sess.user
    userD = models.loadUserD(user)
    atkj = json.dumps(access_token)
    userD.tumblr_token = atkj
    return okResponse()
Exemple #9
def tumblrPost1(user, params):
    cob = params
    userD = models.loadUserD(user)
    uid = misc.pathLast(user)
    ttk = getattr(userD, 'tumblr_token', None)
    if not ttk:
        return failResponse("noToken")
    tko = json.loads(ttk)
    token = tko["oauth_token"]
    token_secret = tko["oauth_token_secret"]
    vprint("Token", token)
    vprint("Token_secret", token_secret)
    topic = cob["topic"]
    blog = cob["blog"]
    imageSource = cob["imageSource"]
    linkTo = cob["linkTo"]
    tags = cob["tags"]
    caption = cob["caption"].encode("utf_8", "ignore")
  topicsp = topic.split("/")
  kind = topicsp[1] # snap or album
  ownr = topicsp[2]
  ownerName = None
  if ownr != uid:
    ownru = models.loadUserD("/user/"+ownr)
    ownerName = ownru.name
  imname = topicsp[3]
  albumNum = topicsp[4]
  imageTitle = cob["imageTitle"]
  imageAuthor = cob["imageAuthor"]
  imageSource = cob["imageSource"]
  linkTo = cob["linkTo"]
  if kind=="snap":
    snap = cob["snap"]
    #print "snap",snap
    #cropId = snap["cropid"]
    #snapId = misc.pathLast(topic)
  scaption = snap.get("caption",None)
  sdes = snap.get("description",None)
  caption = "Click on the image to see the detail in a zoomable context\n\nDetail"
  tags = []
  if imageTitle:
    caption += " from *"+imageTitle+"*"
    if imageTitle.find(",") < 0:
  if imageAuthor:
    caption += ", "+imageAuthor
    if imageAuthor.find(",") < 0:
  caption += "\n\n"
  if scaption:
    caption += scaption
  if sdes:
    if scaption:
      caption +=  "\n\n"
    caption += sdes.decode("utf8","ignore")
  if ownerName:
    caption += "\n\n From  "+ownerName+" at [Imagediver](http://imagediver.org)"
  cropUrl = "http://static.imagediver.org/images/"+ownr+"/"+imname+"/snap/"+str(cropId)+".jpg"
  clickThru = "http://s3.imagediver.org/topic/album/"+ownr+"/"+imname+"/"+albumNum+"/index.html#snap="+str(snapId)
    params = {
        "type": "photo",
        "format": "markdown",
        "state": "draft",
        "link": linkTo,
        "source": imageSource
    if caption:
        params["caption"] = caption
    if len(tags) > 0:
        params["tags"] = ",".join(tags)
    #params = {"type":"text","state":"draft","body":"Second TEST post"}
    #print "DESC",sdes
    #print "params",params

        oauth_tumblr.post(token, token_secret, blog, params)
    except Exception as ex:
        vprint("FAILED TO POST", ex)
        return False
    vprint("post complete")
    return True