def __init__(self, L0, U0=None,
                 alpha=0.005, rseed=10):

        self.hdim = L0.shape[1] # word vector dimensions
        self.vdim = L0.shape[0] # vocab size
        param_dims = dict(LH = (self.hdim, self.hdim),
                          RH = (self.hdim, self.hdim),
                          U = (self.vdim, self.hdim * 2))
        # note that only L gets sparse updates
        param_dims_sparse = dict(LL = L0.shape, RL = L0.shape)
        NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims, param_dims_sparse)

        #### YOUR CODE HERE ####
        np.random.seed(rseed) # be sure to seed this for repeatability!
        self.alpha = alpha

        # Initialize word vectors
        # either copy the passed L0 and U0 (and initialize in your notebook)
        # or initialize with gaussian noise here
        #self.sparams.LL = np.random.randn(*L0.shape) * np.sqrt(0.1)
        #self.sparams.RL = np.random.randn(*L0.shape) * np.sqrt(0.1)
        self.sparams.LL = L0
        self.sparams.RL = L0
        self.params.U = np.random.randn(self.vdim, self.hdim*2) * np.sqrt(0.1)

        # Initialize H matrix, as with W and U in part 1
        self.params.LH = random_weight_matrix(self.hdim, self.hdim)
        self.params.RH = random_weight_matrix(self.hdim, self.hdim)
    def __init__(self, vdim, hdim, wdim, alpha=0.005, rho=0.0001, rseed=10):

        # Dimensions
        self.vdim = vdim
        self.hdim = hdim
        self.vdim = vdim
        self.wdim = wdim

        # Parameters
        sigma = .1

        self.params = {}
        self.params['L'] = np.random.normal(0, sigma,
                                            (wdim, vdim))  # "wide" array
        self.params['Wh'] = random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim)
        self.params['Wx'] = random_weight_matrix(hdim, wdim)
        self.params['b1'] = np.zeros(hdim)
        # self.params['U'] = random_weight_matrix(vdim, hdim)
        # self.params['b2'] = np.zeros(vdim)

        # Learning rate
        self.alpha = alpha

        # Regularization
        self.rho = rho

        # Store hs and yhats
        self.hs = None
        self.yhats = None

        # grads
        self.grads = {}
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, vdim, hdim, wdim, outdim=2, alpha=.005, rho=.0001, mu=0.75, rseed=10):
        # Dimensions
        self.vdim = vdim
        self.hdim = hdim
        self.wdim = wdim
        self.outdim = outdim

        # Parameters

        # Learning rate
        self.alpha = alpha = mu
        self.rho = rho
        self.rseed = rseed

        ## Theano stuff

        # Params as theano.shared matrices
        self.L = shared(random_weight_matrix(wdim, vdim), name='L')
        # W: times character-vector, U: times previous-hidden-vector
        self.Wx = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, wdim), name='Wx')
        self.Wh = shared(random_weight_matrix(wdim, wdim), name='Wh')
        self.U = shared(random_weight_matrix(outdim, hdim), name='U')
        self.b  = shared(np.zeros([outdim, 1]), name='b', broadcastable=(False, True))

        self.params = [self.L, self.Wx, self.Wh, self.U, self.b]
        self.vparams = [0.0*param.get_value() for param in self.params]

        self.prop_compiled = self.compile_self()
        self.generate_compiled = self.compile_generate()
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, hdim, outdim,
                 alpha=0.005, rho = 0.0001, rseed=10):

        # Dimensions
        self.hdim = hdim
        self.outdim = outdim

        # Parameters
        sigma = .1

        self.params = {}
        #self.params['L'] = np.random.normal(0, sigma, (wdim, vdim)) # "wide" array
        self.params['Wh'] = random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim)
        #self.params['Wx'] = random_weight_matrix(hdim, wdim)
        # for now, not using xs
        self.params['b1'] = np.zeros(hdim)
        self.params['U'] = random_weight_matrix(outdim, hdim)
        self.params['b2'] = np.zeros(outdim)

        # Learning rate
        self.alpha = alpha

        # Regularization
        self.rho = rho

        # Store hs and yhats
        self.hs = None
        self.yhats = None

        # grads
        self.grads = {}
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, L0, Dy=N_ASPECTS*SENT_DIM, U0=None,
                 alpha=0.005, rseed=10, bptt=5):

        self.hdim = L0.shape[1] # word vector dimensions
        self.vdim = L0.shape[0] # vocab size
        self.ydim = Dy
        param_dims = dict(H = (self.hdim, self.hdim),
                          U = (self.ydim, self.hdim),
                          b1 = (self.hdim,),
                          b2 =(self.ydim,))
        # note that only L gets sparse updates
        param_dims_sparse = dict(L = L0.shape)
        NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims, param_dims_sparse)

        #### YOUR CODE HERE ####
        var = .1
        sigma = sqrt(var)
        from misc import random_weight_matrix
        # Initialize word vectors
        self.bptt = bptt
        self.alpha = alpha
        if U0 is not None:
            self.params.U= U0.copy()
            self.params.U= random_weight_matrix(*self.params.U.shape)
        self.sparams.L = L0.copy()
        self.params.b1 = zeros((self.hdim,))
        self.params.b2 = zeros((self.ydim,))
    def __init__(self, vdim, hdim, wdim, alpha=.005, rho=.0001, rseed=10):

        # Dimensions
        self.vdim = vdim
        self.hdim = hdim
        self.wdim = wdim

        # Parameters

        # Learning rate
        self.alpha = alpha

        # Regularization
        self.rho = rho

        ## Theano stuff

        # Params as theano.shared matrices
        self.L = shared(random_weight_matrix(wdim, vdim), name='L')
        self.Wx = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, wdim), name='Wx')
        self.Wh = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim), name='Wh')

        self.params = [self.L, self.Wx, self.Wh]
        self.vparams = [0.0 * param.get_value() for param in self.params]
    def __init__(self, L0, U0=None,alpha=0.005, lreg = 0.00001, rseed=10, bptt=1):

        self.hdim = L0.shape[1] # word vector dimensions
        self.vdim = L0.shape[0] # vocab size
        param_dims = dict(H = (self.hdim, self.hdim), W = (self.hdim,self.hdim))
                          #,U = L0.shape)
        # note that only L gets sparse updates
        param_dims_sparse = dict(L = L0.shape)
        NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims, param_dims_sparse)

        self.alpha = alpha
        self.lreg = lreg
        #### YOUR CODE HERE ####
        # Initialize word vectors
        # either copy the passed L0 and U0 (and initialize in your notebook)
        # or initialize with gaussian noise here

        # Initialize H matrix, as with W and U in part 1
        self.bptt = bptt
        self.params.H = random_weight_matrix(*self.params.H.shape)
        self.params.W = random_weight_matrix(*self.params.W.shape)
        #self.params.U = 0.1*np.random.randn(*L0.shape)
        self.sparams.L = L0.copy()
    def __init__(self, hdim, outdim, alpha=.005, rho=.0001, rseed=10):

        # Dimensions
        self.hdim = hdim
        self.outdim = outdim
        self.out_end = outdim  # the end token

        # Parameters

        # Learning rate
        self.alpha = alpha

        # Regularization
        self.rho = rho

        ## Theano stuff

        # Params as theano.shared matrices
        # W: times character-vector, U: times previous-hidden-vector
        # i: input, f: forget, o: output, c: new-cell
        self.Ui = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim), name='Ui')
        self.Uf = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim), name='Uf')
        self.Uo = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim), name='Uo')
        self.Uc = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim), name='Uc')
        self.U = shared(random_weight_matrix(outdim, hdim), name='U')
        self.b = shared(np.zeros([outdim, 1]),
                        broadcastable=(False, True))

        self.params = [self.Ui, self.Uf, self.Uo, self.Uc, self.U, self.b]
        self.vparams = [0.0 * param.get_value() for param in self.params]
Exemple #9
    def __init__(self, vdim, hdim, wdim, alpha=.005, rho=.0001, rseed=10):
        # Dimensions
        self.vdim = vdim
        self.hdim = hdim
        self.wdim = wdim

        # Parameters

        # Learning rate
        self.alpha = alpha

        # Regularization
        self.rho = rho

        ## Theano stuff

        # Params as theano.shared matrices
        self.L = shared(random_weight_matrix(wdim, vdim), name='L')
        self.Wx = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, wdim), name='Wx')
        self.Wh = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim), name='Wh')

        self.params = [self.L, self.Wx, self.Wh]
        self.vparams = [0.0*param.get_value() for param in self.params]
Exemple #10
    def __init__(self, dims=[100, 20, 20, 5], reg=0.1, alpha=0.001, rseed=10):
        Set up classifier: parameters, hyperparameters
        # Store hyperparameters
        self.lreg = reg  # regularization
        self.alpha = alpha  # default learning rate
        self.nclass = dims[1]  # number of output classes
        self.dims = dims  # todo move to superclass

        param_dims = dict(
            W=(dims[1], dims[0]),
            b1=(dims[1], ),
            U=(dims[2], dims[1]),
            b2=(dims[2], ),
            G=(dims[3], dims[2]),
            b3=(dims[3], ),
        NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims)

        #self.sparams.L = wv.copy() # store own representations
        self.params.W = random_weight_matrix(*self.params.W.shape)
        self.params.U = random_weight_matrix(*self.params.U.shape)
        self.params.G = random_weight_matrix(*self.params.G.shape)
        self.outputsize = dims[3]
    def __init__(self, dims=[100, 5, 100],
                 reg=0.1, alpha=0.001, ro = 0.05,
                 rseed=10, beta=0.2):
        Set up autoencoder: parameters, hyperparameters
        # Store hyperparameters
        self.lreg = reg # regularization
        self.alpha = alpha # default learning rate
        self.dims = dims # todo move to superclass = ro # ro sparsity parameter
        self.beta = beta  # sparsity penalty 

        param_dims = dict(W=(dims[1], dims[0]),
                          U=(dims[2], dims[1]),
        NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims)

        #self.sparams.L = wv.copy() # store own representations
        self.params.W = random_weight_matrix(*self.params.W.shape)
        self.params.U = random_weight_matrix(*self.params.U.shape)
        self.outputsize = dims[2]
    def __init__(self,
                 Dy=N_ASPECTS * SENT_DIM,

        self.hdim = L0.shape[1]  # word vector dimensions
        self.vdim = L0.shape[0]  # vocab size
        self.ydim = Dy
        param_dims = dict(H=(self.hdim, self.hdim),
                          U=(self.ydim, self.hdim),
                          b1=(self.hdim, ),
                          b2=(self.ydim, ))
        # note that only L gets sparse updates
        param_dims_sparse = dict(L=L0.shape)
        NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims, param_dims_sparse)

        #### YOUR CODE HERE ####
        var = .1
        sigma = sqrt(var)
        from misc import random_weight_matrix
        # Initialize word vectors
        self.bptt = bptt
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.params.H = random_weight_matrix(*self.params.H.shape)
        if U0 is not None:
            self.params.U = U0.copy()
            self.params.U = random_weight_matrix(*self.params.U.shape)
        self.sparams.L = L0.copy()
        self.params.b1 = zeros((self.hdim, ))
        self.params.b2 = zeros((self.ydim, ))
Exemple #13
    def __init__(self, L0, D0, U0=None,
                 alpha=0.005, rseed=10, bptt=1):

        self.hdim = L0.shape[1] # word vector dimensions
        self.vdim = L0.shape[0] # vocab size
        self.ddim = D0.shape[0] # doc size
        param_dims = dict(H = (self.hdim, self.hdim),
                          U = L0.shape, G = L0.shape)
        # note that only L gets sparse updates
        param_dims_sparse = dict(L = L0.shape, D = D0.shape)
        NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims, param_dims_sparse)

        #### YOUR CODE HERE ####

        self.bptt = bptt
        self.alpha = alpha

        # Initialize word vectors
        self.sparams.L = L0.copy()
        self.sparams.D = D0.copy()

        self.params.U = random.randn(self.vdim, self.hdim)*0.1

        # Initialize H matrix, as with W and U in part 1
        self.params.H = random_weight_matrix(self.hdim, self.hdim)
        self.params.G = random_weight_matrix(self.vdim, self.hdim)
Exemple #14
    def __init__(self, hdim, outdim, alpha=.005, rho=.0001, rseed=10):
        # Dimensions
        self.hdim = hdim
        self.outdim = outdim
        self.out_end = outdim # the end token

        # Parameters

        # Learning rate
        self.alpha = alpha

        # Regularization
        self.rho = rho

        ## Theano stuff

        # Params as theano.shared matrices
        # W: times character-vector, U: times previous-hidden-vector
        # i: input, f: forget, o: output, c: new-cell
        self.Uz = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim), name='Uz')
        self.Ur = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim), name='Ur')
        self.Uh = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim), name='Uh')
        self.U  = shared(random_weight_matrix(outdim, hdim), name='U')
        self.b  = shared(np.zeros([outdim, 1]), name='b', broadcastable=(False, True))

        self.params = [self.Uz, self.Ur, self.Uh, self.U, self.b]
        self.vparams = [0.0*param.get_value() for param in self.params]
Exemple #15
    def __init__(self, hdim, outdim, alpha=.005, rho=.0001, rseed=10):
        # Dimensions
        self.hdim = hdim
        self.outdim = outdim
        self.out_end = outdim # the end token

        # Parameters

        # Learning rate
        self.alpha = alpha

        # Regularization
        self.rho = rho

        ## Theano stuff

        # Params as theano.shared matrices
        self.Wh = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim), name='Wh')
        self.U  = shared(random_weight_matrix(outdim, hdim), name='U')
        self.b  = shared(np.zeros([outdim, 1]), name='b', broadcastable=(False, True))

        self.params = [self.Wh, self.U, self.b]
        self.vparams = [0.0*param.get_value() for param in self.params]
Exemple #16
    def __init__(self, hdim, outdim, alpha=.005, rho=.0001, rseed=10):

        # Dimensions
        self.hdim = hdim
        self.outdim = outdim
        self.out_end = outdim  # the end token

        # Parameters

        # Learning rate
        self.alpha = alpha

        # Regularization
        self.rho = rho

        ## Theano stuff

        # Params as theano.shared matrices
        self.Wh = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim), name='Wh')
        self.U = shared(random_weight_matrix(outdim, hdim), name='U')
        self.b = shared(np.zeros([outdim, 1]),
                        broadcastable=(False, True))

        self.params = [self.Wh, self.U, self.b]
        self.vparams = [0.0 * param.get_value() for param in self.params]
Exemple #17
    def __init__(self,
                 dims=[None, 100, 5],
        Initialize classifier model.

        wv : initial word vectors (array |V| x n)
            note that this is the transpose of the n x |V| matrix L
            described in the handout; you'll want to keep it in
            this |V| x n form for efficiency reasons, since numpy
            stores matrix rows continguously.
        windowsize : int, size of context window
        dims : dimensions of [input, hidden, output]
            input dimension can be computed from wv.shape
        reg : regularization strength (lambda)
        alpha : default learning rate
        rseed : random initialization seed

        |V| = Size of vocabulary
        n   = length of our word vectors

        # Set regularization
        self.lreg = float(reg)
        self.alpha = alpha  # default training rate

        dims[0] = windowsize * wv.shape[1]  # input dimension

        print "input size:  %d" % dims[0]
        print "hidden size: %d" % dims[1]
        print "output size: %d" % dims[2]

        param_dims = dict(
            W=(dims[1], dims[0]),
            b1=(dims[1], ),
            U=(dims[2], dims[1]),
            b2=(dims[2], ),
        param_dims_sparse = dict(L=wv.shape)

        # initialize parameters: don't change this line
        NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims, param_dims_sparse)

        random.seed(rseed)  # be sure to seed this for repeatability!
        #### YOUR CODE HERE ####

        # any other initialization you need

        self.sparams.wv = wv.copy()
        self.params.W = random_weight_matrix(param_dims["W"][0],
        self.params.U = random_weight_matrix(param_dims["U"][0],
Exemple #18
    def __init__(self,
        self.rseed = rseed

        self.wdim = wdim
        #self.wdim = L.shape[1] # word vector dimensions
        #self.vdim = L.shape[0] # vocab size
        if hdim is None: hdim = self.wdim
        self.hdim = hdim
        self.odim = odim
        self.context = context

        param_dims = dict(W11=(self.hdim, self.wdim * (1 + self.context * 2)),
                          b11=(self.hdim, ),
                          W12=(self.hdim, self.hdim),
                          b12=(self.hdim, ),
                          W21=(self.hdim, self.hdim),
                          b21=(self.hdim, ),
                          Ws=(self.odim, self.hdim),
                          bs=(self.odim, ))

        # word embeddings are not updated
        # no longer needed because passing word vectors X
        #self.L = L

        # no sparse updates in this model
        #param_dims_sparse = dict(L = L0.shape)
        #NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims, param_dims_sparse)
        NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims)

        #### YOUR CODE HERE ####
        # not recursive yet, but leaving bptt anyway
        self.bptt = bptt
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.rho = rho
        self.drop_p = drop_p  # probability of dropping word embedding element from training

        # Initialize weight matrices
        self.params.W11 = random_weight_matrix(*self.params.W11.shape)
        self.params.W12 = random_weight_matrix(*self.params.W12.shape)
        self.params.W21 = random_weight_matrix(*self.params.W21.shape)
        self.params.Ws = random_weight_matrix(*self.params.Ws.shape)

        # initialize bias vectors
        self.params.b11 = zeros((self.hdim))
        self.params.b12 = zeros((self.hdim))
        self.params.b21 = zeros((self.hdim)) = zeros((self.odim))
Exemple #19
    def __init__(self, vdim, hdim, wdim, alpha=.005, rho=.0001, rseed=10):
        # Dimensions
        self.vdim = vdim
        self.hdim = hdim
        self.wdim = wdim

        # Parameters

        # Learning rate
        self.alpha = alpha

        # Regularization
        self.rho = rho

        ## Theano stuff

        # Params as theano.shared matrices
        self.L = shared(random_weight_matrix(wdim, vdim), name='L')
        # W: times character-vector, U: times previous-hidden-vector
        # i: input, f: forget, o: output, c: new-cell
        self.Wi = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, wdim), name='Wi')
        self.Ui = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim), name='Ui')
        self.Wf = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, wdim), name='Wf')
        self.Uf = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim), name='Uf')
        self.Wo = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, wdim), name='Wo')
        self.Uo = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim), name='Uo')
        self.Wc = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, wdim), name='Wc')
        self.Uc = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim), name='Uc')

        self.params = [self.L, self.Wi, self.Ui, self.Wf, self.Uf, self.Wo, self.Uo, self.Wc, self.Uc]
        self.vparams = [0.0*param.get_value() for param in self.params]
    def __init__(self, wv, windowsize=3,
                 dims=[None, 100, 5],
                 reg=0.001, alpha=0.01, rseed=10):
        Initialize classifier model.

        wv : initial word vectors (array |V| x n)
            note that this is the transpose of the n x |V| matrix L
            described in the handout; you'll want to keep it in
            this |V| x n form for efficiency reasons, since numpy
            stores matrix rows continguously.
        windowsize : int, size of context window
        dims : dimensions of [input, hidden, output]
            input dimension can be computed from wv.shape
        reg : regularization strength (lambda)
        alpha : default learning rate
        rseed : random initialization seed

        # Set regularization
        self.lreg = float(reg)
        self.alpha = alpha # default training rate

        dims[0] = windowsize * wv.shape[1] # input dimension
        param_dims = dict(W=(dims[1], dims[0]),
                          U=(dims[2], dims[1]),
        param_dims_sparse = dict(L=wv.shape)

        # initialize parameters: don't change this line
        NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims, param_dims_sparse)

        random.seed(rseed) # be sure to seed this for repeatability!
        #### YOUR CODE HERE ####

        # any other initialization you need
        #self.sparams, self.grads, self.param, self.sgrads
        #where are they defined?
        self.sparams.L = wv.copy()
        #self.sparam.L = wv.copy()
        self.params.U = random_weight_matrix(*param_dims["U"])
        #self.param.U = random_weight_matrix(param_dims["U"])
        self.params.W = random_weight_matrix(*param_dims["W"])
        #self.param.b1 = zeros(param_dims["b1"])
        #self.param.b2 = zeros(param_dims["b2"])
        self.windowSize = windowsize
        self.wordVecLen = wv.shape[1]
        self.wordVecNum = wv.shape[0]
Exemple #21
    def __init__(self, wv, windowsize=3,
                 dims=[None, 100, 5],
                 reg=0.001, alpha=0.01, rseed=10):
        Initialize classifier model.

        wv : initial word vectors (array |V| x n)
            note that this is the transpose of the n x |V| matrix L
            described in the handout; you'll want to keep it in
            this |V| x n form for efficiency reasons, since numpy
            stores matrix rows continguously.
        windowsize : int, size of context window
        dims : dimensions of [input, hidden, output]
            input dimension can be computed from wv.shape
        reg : regularization strength (lambda)
        alpha : default learning rate
        rseed : random initialization seed

        # Set regularization
        self.lreg = float(reg)
        self.alpha = alpha # default training rate

        dims[0] = windowsize * wv.shape[1]         # input dimension
        param_dims = dict(W1=(dims[1], dims[0]),   # 100 x 150
                          b2=(dims[1],),           # 100 x 1
                          W2=(dims[2], dims[1]),   # 5 X 100
                          b3=(dims[2],),           # 5 x 1

        param_dims_sparse = dict(L=wv.shape)       # |V| x 50

        # initialize parameters: don't change this line
        NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims, param_dims_sparse)

        random.seed(rseed) # be sure to seed this for repeatability!
        #### YOUR CODE HERE ####
        self.sparams.L = wv.copy();

        self.params.W1 = random_weight_matrix(param_dims['W1'][0], param_dims['W1'][1])

        self.params.b2 = append([], random_weight_matrix(param_dims['b2'][0], 1))
        self.params.b3 = append([], random_weight_matrix(param_dims['b3'][0], 1))
        self.params.W2 = random_weight_matrix(param_dims['W2'][0], param_dims['W2'][1])
        self.n = wv.shape[1]

        # informational
        self.windowsize = windowsize
        self.hidden_units = dims[1]
Exemple #22
    def __init__(self,
                 dims=[None, 100, 5],
        Initialize classifier model.

        wv : initial word vectors (array |V| x n) n=50
            note that this is the transpose of the n x |V| matrix L
            described in the handout; you'll want to keep it in
            this |V| x n form for efficiency reasons, since numpy
            stores matrix rows continguously.
        windowsize : int, size of context window
        dims : dimensions of [input, hidden, output]
            input dimension can be computed from wv.shape
        reg : regularization strength (lambda)
        alpha : default learning rate
        rseed : random initialization seed

        # Set regularization
        self.lreg = float(reg)
        self.alpha = alpha  # default training rate
        self.nclass = dims[2]

        # input dimension, wv.shape is the dimension of each word vector representation
        dims[0] = windowsize * wv.shape[1]  # 50*3
        param_dims = dict(
            W=(dims[1], dims[0]),  # 100*150
            U=(dims[2], dims[1]),
        param_dims_sparse = dict(L=wv.shape)  # L.shape = (|V|*50)

        # initialize parameters: don't change this line
        NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims, param_dims_sparse)

        random.seed(rseed)  # be sure to seed this for repeatability!

        self.params.W = random_weight_matrix(*self.params.W.shape)  # 100*150
        self.params.U = random_weight_matrix(*self.params.U.shape)  # 5*100
        #self.params.b1 = zeros((dims[1],))  # 100*1
        #self.params.b2 = zeros((self.nclass,)) # 5*1

        self.sparams.L = wv.copy()
Exemple #23
    def __init__(self, wv, windowsize=3,
                 dims=[None, 100, 5],
                 reg=0.001, alpha=0.01, rseed=10):
        Initialize classifier model.

        wv : initial word vectors (array |V| x n)
            note that this is the transpose of the n x |V| matrix L
            described in the handout; you'll want to keep it in
            this |V| x n form for efficiency reasons, since numpy
            stores matrix rows continguously.
        windowsize : int, size of context window
        dims : dimensions of [input, hidden, output]
            input dimension can be computed from wv.shape
        reg : regularization strength (lambda)
        alpha : default learning rate
        rseed : random initialization seed

        # Set regularization
        self.lreg = float(reg)
        self.alpha = alpha # default training rate
        self.nclass = dims[2] # number of output classes

        self.D = wv.shape[1]
        self.windowsize = windowsize

        dims[0] = windowsize * wv.shape[1] # input dimension
        param_dims = dict(W=(dims[1], dims[0]),
                          U=(dims[2], dims[1]),
        param_dims_sparse = dict(L=wv.shape)

        # initialize parameters: don't change this line
        NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims, param_dims_sparse)

        random.seed(rseed) # be sure to seed this for repeatability!

        # Now we can access the parameters using
        # self.params.<name> for normal parameters
        # self.sparams.<name> for params with sparse gradients
        # and get access to normal NumPy arrays
        self.sparams.L = wv.copy() # store own representations
        self.params.W  = random_weight_matrix(*self.params.W.shape)
        # self.params.b1 = zeros(*self.params.b1.shape) # done automatically!
        self.params.U  = random_weight_matrix(*self.params.U.shape)
Exemple #24
    def __init__(self,

        self.hdim = L0.shape[1]  # word vector dimensions
        self.vdim = L0.shape[0]  # vocab size
        param_dims = dict(H=(self.hdim, self.hdim),
                          W=(self.hdim, self.hdim),
        # note that only L gets sparse updates
        param_dims_sparse = dict(L=L0.shape)
        NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims, param_dims_sparse)

        self.alpha = alpha
        self.lreg = lreg
        #### YOUR CODE HERE ####

        # Initialize word vectors
        # either copy the passed L0 and U0 (and initialize in your notebook)
        # or initialize with gaussian noise here

        # Initialize H matrix, as with W and U in part 1
        self.bptt = bptt
        if loadData == True:
            with open("rnnlmWithW_hdim_150_bptt_4.H.npy") as fid:
                H = pickle.load(fid)
                self.params.H = H
            with open("rnnlmWithW_hdim_150_bptt_4.W.npy") as fid:
                W = pickle.load(fid)
                self.params.W = W
            with open("rnnlmWithW_hdim_150_bptt_4.U.npy") as fid:
                U = pickle.load(fid)
                self.params.U = U
            with open("rnnlmWithW_hdim_150_bptt_4.L.npy") as fid:
                L = pickle.load(fid)
                self.sparams.L = L

        self.params.H = random_weight_matrix(*self.params.H.shape)
        self.params.W = random_weight_matrix(*self.params.W.shape)
        self.params.U = 0.1 * np.random.randn(*L0.shape)
        self.sparams.L = L0.copy()
    def __init__(self,

        # Dimensions
        self.vdim = vdim
        assert (wdim == hdim)  # so it follows the forn of everything else
        #self.hdim = hdim
        self.wdim = wdim
        self.outdim = outdim

        # Parameters

        # Learning rate
        self.alpha = alpha = mu
        self.rho = rho
        self.rseed = rseed

        ## Theano stuff

        # Params as theano.shared matrices
        self.L = shared(random_weight_matrix(wdim, vdim), name='L')
        # W: times character-vector, U: times previous-hidden-vector
        #self.Wx = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, wdim), name='Wx')
        #self.Wh = shared(random_weight_matrix(wdim, wdim), name='Wh')
        self.U = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, wdim), name='U')
        self.b = shared(np.zeros([hdim, 1]),
                        broadcastable=(False, True))
        self.U2 = shared(random_weight_matrix(outdim, hdim),
                         name='U2')  # for the second layer
        self.b2 = shared(np.zeros([outdim, 1]),
                         broadcastable=(False, True))

        self.params = [self.L, self.U, self.b, self.U2, self.b2]
        self.vparams = [0.0 * param.get_value() for param in self.params]

        self.prop_compiled = self.compile_self()
        self.generate_compiled = self.compile_generate()
Exemple #26
    def __init__(self, L0, U0=None,
                 alpha=0.005, rseed=10, bptt=1):

        self.hdim = L0.shape[1] # word vector dimensions      |D|
        self.vdim = L0.shape[0] # vocab size                  |V|
        param_dims = dict(H = (self.hdim, self.hdim),
                          U = L0.shape)
        # note that only L gets sparse updates
        param_dims_sparse = dict(L = L0.shape)
        NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims, param_dims_sparse)

        #### YOUR CODE HERE ####

        # Initialize word vectors
        # either copy the passed L0 and U0 (and initialize in your notebook)
        # or initialize with gaussian noise here
        self.sparams.L = 0.1 * random.standard_normal(self.sparams.L.shape)
        # self.params.U
        self.params.U = 0.1 * random.standard_normal(self.params.U.shape)
        # Initialize H matrix, as with W and U in part 1
        # self.params.H = random_weight_matrix(*self.params.H.shape)
        self.params.H = random_weight_matrix(*self.params.H.shape)

        self.bptt = bptt
        self.alpha = alpha
Exemple #27
    def __init__(self, L0, U0=None,
                 alpha=0.005, rseed=10, bptt=1):
        self.hdim = L0.shape[1] # word vector dimensions
        self.vdim = L0.shape[0] # vocab size
        param_dims = dict(H = (self.hdim, self.hdim),
                          U = L0.shape)
        # note that only L gets sparse updates
        param_dims_sparse = dict(L = L0.shape)
        NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims, param_dims_sparse)

        #### YOUR CODE HERE ####
        self.sparams.L = L0.copy()
        self.params.H = random_weight_matrix(self.hdim, self.hdim)
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.bptt = bptt

        # Initialize word vectors
        # either copy the passed L0 and U0 (and initialize in your notebook)
        # or initialize with gaussian noise here
        if U0 is not None:
            self.params.U = U0.copy()
            sigma = 0.1
            mu = 0
            #self.params.U = random.normal(mu, sigma, (self.vdim, self.hdim))
            self.params.U = sigma*random.randn(self.vdim, self.hdim) + mu
Exemple #28
    def __init__(self, L0, U0=None,
                 alpha=0.005, rseed=10, bptt=1):

        self.hdim = L0.shape[1] # word vector dimensions
        self.vdim = L0.shape[0] # vocab size
        param_dims = dict(H = (self.hdim, self.hdim),
                          U = L0.shape)
        # note that only L gets sparse updates
        param_dims_sparse = dict(L = L0.shape)
        NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims, param_dims_sparse)

        #### YOUR CODE HERE ####

        # Initialize word vectors
        # either copy the passed L0 and U0 (and initialize in your notebook)
        # or initialize with gaussian noise here
        # Initialize H matrix, as with W and U in part 1
        self.sparams.L = L0.copy()
        if U0 is None:
            self.params.U = random.normal(0, 0.1, param_dims['U'])
            self.params.U = U0.copy()
        self.params.H = random_weight_matrix(*param_dims['H'])
        self.alpha = alpha
#        self.rseed = rseed
        self.bptt = bptt
Exemple #29
    def __init__(self, L0, U0=None,
                 alpha=0.005, rseed=10, bptt=1):

        self.hdim = L0.shape[1] # word vector dimensions
        self.vdim = L0.shape[0] # vocab size
        param_dims = dict(H = (self.hdim, self.hdim),
                          U = (L0.shape if U0 is None else U0.shape))
        # note that only L gets sparse updates
        param_dims_sparse = dict(L = L0.shape)
        NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims, param_dims_sparse)

        #### YOUR CODE HERE ####
        self.alpha = alpha

        self.bptt = bptt

        # Initialize word vectors
        # either copy the passed L0 and U0 (and initialize in your notebook)
        # or initialize with gaussian noise here
        sigma = sqrt(0.1)
        self.sparams.L = random.normal(0, sigma, L0.shape)
        self.params.U = random.normal(0, sigma, param_dims['U'])
        # Initialize H matrix, as with W and U in part 1
        self.params.H = random_weight_matrix(*param_dims['H'])

        self.lamb = .0001 # regularization
Exemple #30
    def __init__(self, L0, U0=None, alpha=0.005, rseed=10, bptt=1):

        self.hdim = L0.shape[1]  # word vector dimensions
        self.vdim = L0.shape[0]  # vocab size
        param_dims = dict(H=(self.hdim, self.hdim), U=L0.shape)
        # note that only L gets sparse updates
        param_dims_sparse = dict(L=L0.shape)
        NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims, param_dims_sparse)

        #### YOUR CODE HERE ####

        # Initialize word vectors
        # either copy the passed L0 and U0 (and initialize in your notebook)
        # or initialize with gaussian noise here

        if U0 is None:
            self.params.U = random.normal(0, 0.1, *param_dims["U"])
            self.params.U = U0.copy()

        if L0 is None:
            self.sparams.L = random.normal(0, 0.1, *param_dims["L"])
            self.sparams.L = L0.copy()

        # Initialize H matrix, as with W and U in part 1

        self.params.H = random_weight_matrix(*param_dims["H"])

        self.rseed = rseed
        self.bptt = bptt
        self.alpha = alpha
Exemple #31
    def __init__(self, wv, dims=[100, 5], reg=0.1, alpha=0.001, rseed=10):
        Set up classifier: parameters, hyperparameters
        # Store hyperparameters
        self.lreg = reg # regularization
        self.alpha = alpha # default learning rate
        self.nclass = dims[1] # number of output classes

        # NNBase stores parameters in a special format
        # for efficiency reasons, and to allow the code
        # to automatically implement gradient checks
        # and training algorithms, independent of the
        # specific model architecture
        # To initialize, give shapes as if to np.array((m,n))
        param_dims = dict(W = (dims[1], dims[0]), # 5x100 matrix
                          b = (dims[1])) # column vector
        # These parameters have sparse gradients,
        # which is *much* more efficient if only a row
        # at a time gets updated (e.g. word representations)
        param_dims_sparse = dict(L=wv.shape)
        NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims, param_dims_sparse)

        # Now we can access the parameters using
        # self.params.<name> for normal parameters
        # self.sparams.<name> for params with sparse gradients
        # and get access to normal NumPy arrays
        self.sparams.L = wv.copy() # store own representations
        self.params.W = random_weight_matrix(*self.params.W.shape)
Exemple #32
    def __init__(self, wv, dims=[100, 5],
                 reg=0.1, alpha=0.001,
        Set up classifier: parameters, hyperparameters
        # Store hyperparameters
        self.lreg = reg # regularization
        self.alpha = alpha # default learning rate
        self.nclass = dims[1] # number of output classes

        # NNBase stores parameters in a special format
        # for efficiency reasons, and to allow the code
        # to automatically implement gradient checks
        # and training algorithms, independent of the
        # specific model architecture
        # To initialize, give shapes as if to np.array((m,n))
        param_dims = dict(W = (dims[1], dims[0]), # 5x100 matrix
                          b = (dims[1])) # column vector
        # These parameters have sparse gradients,
        # which is *much* more efficient if only a row
        # at a time gets updated (e.g. word representations)
        param_dims_sparse = dict(L=wv.shape)
        NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims, param_dims_sparse)

        # Now we can access the parameters using
        # self.params.<name> for normal parameters
        # self.sparams.<name> for params with sparse gradients
        # and get access to normal NumPy arrays
        self.sparams.L = wv.copy() # store own representations
        self.params.W = random_weight_matrix(*self.params.W.shape)
Exemple #33
    def __init__(self, wv, windowsize=3,
                 dims=[None, 100, 5],
                 reg=0.001, alpha=0.01, rseed=10):
        Initialize classifier model.

        wv : initial word vectors (array |V| x n)
            note that this is the transpose of the n x |V| matrix L
            described in the handout; you'll want to keep it in
            this |V| x n form for efficiency reasons, since numpy
            stores matrix rows continguously.
        windowsize : int, size of context window
        dims : dimensions of [input, hidden, output]
            input dimension can be computed from wv.shape
        reg : regularization strength (lambda)
        alpha : default learning rate
        rseed : random initialization seed

        # Set regularization
        self.lreg = float(reg)
        self.alpha = alpha # default training rate

        #wv.shape: (100232,50)
        dims[0] = windowsize * wv.shape[1] # input dimension 3*50=150
        param_dims = dict(W=(dims[1], dims[0]),# W(100,150)
                          U=(dims[2], dims[1]),#U(5,100)
        param_dims_sparse = dict(L=wv.shape) #L(100232,50)

        # initialize parameters: don't change this line
        NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims, param_dims_sparse)

        random.seed(rseed) # be sure to seed this for repeatability!
        #### YOUR CODE HERE ####

        # any other initialization you need
        self.sparams.L = wv.copy() # store own representations,100232,50 matrix
        self.params.W = random_weight_matrix(*self.params.W.shape)
        self.params.U = random_weight_matrix(*self.params.U.shape)

        self.window_size = windowsize#3
        self.word_vec_size = wv.shape[1]#50
    def __init__(self, vdim, hdim, wdim, alpha=.005, rho=.0001, rseed=10):

        # Dimensions
        self.vdim = vdim
        self.hdim = hdim
        self.wdim = wdim

        # Parameters

        # Learning rate
        self.alpha = alpha

        # Regularization
        self.rho = rho

        ## Theano stuff

        # Params as theano.shared matrices
        self.L = shared(random_weight_matrix(wdim, vdim), name='L')
        # W: times character-vector, U: times previous-hidden-vector
        # z: update, r: reset, h: new memory content (my notation)
        self.Wz = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, wdim), name='Wz')
        self.Uz = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim), name='Uz')
        self.Wr = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, wdim), name='Wr')
        self.Ur = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim), name='Ur')
        self.Wh = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, wdim), name='Wh')
        self.Uh = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim), name='Uh')

        self.params = [
            self.L, self.Wz, self.Uz, self.Wr, self.Ur, self.Wh, self.Uh
        self.vparams = [0.0 * param.get_value() for param in self.params]
Exemple #35
    def __init__(self, vdim, hdim, wdim, alpha=.005, rho=.0001, rseed=10):
        # Dimensions
        self.vdim = vdim
        self.hdim = hdim
        self.wdim = wdim

        # Parameters

        # Learning rate
        self.alpha = alpha

        # Regularization
        self.rho = rho

        ## Theano stuff

        # Params as theano.shared matrices
        self.L = shared(random_weight_matrix(wdim, vdim), name='L')
        # W: times character-vector, U: times previous-hidden-vector
        # z: update, r: reset, h: new memory content (my notation)
        self.Wz = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, wdim), name='Wz')
        self.Uz = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim), name='Uz')
        self.Wr = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, wdim), name='Wr')
        self.Ur = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim), name='Ur')
        self.Wh = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, wdim), name='Wh')
        self.Uh = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim), name='Uh')

        self.params = [self.L, self.Wz, self.Uz, self.Wr, self.Ur, self.Wh, self.Uh]
        self.vparams = [0.0*param.get_value() for param in self.params]
Exemple #36
    def __init__(self, L0, U0=None,
                 alpha=0.005, rseed=10, bptt=1):

        self.hdim = L0.shape[1] # word vector dimensions
        self.vdim = L0.shape[0] # vocab size
        param_dims = dict(H = (self.hdim, self.hdim),
                          U = L0.shape)
        # note that only L gets sparse updates
        param_dims_sparse = dict(L = L0.shape)
        NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims, param_dims_sparse)

        self.sparams.L = random_weight_matrix(*self.sparams.L.shape)
        self.sparams.U = random_weight_matrix(*self.params.U.shape)
        self.params.H = random_weight_matrix(*self.params.H.shape)

        self.bptt = bptt
        self.alpha = alpha
Exemple #37
    def __init__(self, wv, windowsize=3,
                 dims=[None, 100, 5],
                 reg=0.001, alpha=0.01, rseed=10):
        Initialize classifier model.

        wv : initial word vectors (array |V| x n) n=50
            note that this is the transpose of the n x |V| matrix L
            described in the handout; you'll want to keep it in
            this |V| x n form for efficiency reasons, since numpy
            stores matrix rows continguously.
        windowsize : int, size of context window
        dims : dimensions of [input, hidden, output]
            input dimension can be computed from wv.shape
        reg : regularization strength (lambda)
        alpha : default learning rate
        rseed : random initialization seed

        # Set regularization
        self.lreg = float(reg)
        self.alpha = alpha # default training rate
        self.nclass = dims[2]
        # input dimension, wv.shape is the dimension of each word vector representation
        dims[0] = windowsize * wv.shape[1] # 50*3
        param_dims = dict(W=(dims[1], dims[0]), # 100*150
                          U=(dims[2], dims[1]),
        param_dims_sparse = dict(L=wv.shape) # L.shape = (|V|*50)

        # initialize parameters: don't change this line
        NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims, param_dims_sparse)

        random.seed(rseed) # be sure to seed this for repeatability!

        self.params.W = random_weight_matrix(*self.params.W.shape) # 100*150
        self.params.U = random_weight_matrix(*self.params.U.shape) # 5*100
        #self.params.b1 = zeros((dims[1],))  # 100*1
        #self.params.b2 = zeros((self.nclass,)) # 5*1
        self.sparams.L = wv.copy()        
Exemple #38
    def __init__(self, L0, U0=None,
                 alpha=0.005, lreg = 0.00001, rseed=10, bptt=1,loadData=False):
        self.hdim = L0.shape[1] # word vector dimensions
        self.vdim = L0.shape[0] # vocab size
        param_dims = dict(H = (self.hdim, self.hdim), W = (self.hdim,self.hdim),
                          U = L0.shape)
        # note that only L gets sparse updates
        param_dims_sparse = dict(L = L0.shape)
        NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims, param_dims_sparse)

        self.alpha = alpha
        self.lreg = lreg
        #### YOUR CODE HERE ####
        # Initialize word vectors
        # either copy the passed L0 and U0 (and initialize in your notebook)
        # or initialize with gaussian noise here

        # Initialize H matrix, as with W and U in part 1
        self.bptt = bptt
        if loadData == True:
            with open("rnnlmWithW_hdim_150_bptt_4.H.npy") as fid:
                H = pickle.load(fid)
                self.params.H = H
            with open("rnnlmWithW_hdim_150_bptt_4.W.npy") as fid:
                W = pickle.load(fid)
                self.params.W = W
            with open("rnnlmWithW_hdim_150_bptt_4.U.npy") as fid:
                U = pickle.load(fid)
                self.params.U = U
            with open("rnnlmWithW_hdim_150_bptt_4.L.npy") as fid:
                L = pickle.load(fid)
                self.sparams.L = L

        self.params.H = random_weight_matrix(*self.params.H.shape)
        self.params.W = random_weight_matrix(*self.params.W.shape)
        self.params.U = 0.1*np.random.randn(*L0.shape)
        self.sparams.L = L0.copy()
    def __init__(self, vdim, hdim, wdim, alpha=.005, rho=.0001, rseed=10):
        # Dimensions
        self.vdim = vdim
        self.hdim = hdim
        self.vdim = vdim
        self.wdim = wdim

        # Parameters

        # Learning rate
        self.alpha = alpha

        # Regularization
        self.rho = rho

        ## Theano stuff

        # Params as theano.shared matrices
        # W for x, V for Lxm, U for h (small), S for h (big), R for hm, 
        self.L = shared(random_weight_matrix(wdim, vdim), name='L')
        self.W = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, wdim), name='W')
        self.V = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, wdim), name='V')
        self.U = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim), name='U')
        self.S = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim), name='S')
        self.R = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim), name='R')

        self.params = [self.L, self.W, self.V, self.U, self.S, self.R]
        self.vparams = [0.0*param.get_value() for param in self.params]
Exemple #40
    def __init__(self,
                 dims=[100, 30, 20, 5],
        Set up classifier: parameters, hyperparameters
        # Store hyperparameters
        self.lreg = reg  # regularization
        self.alpha = alpha  # default learning rate
        self.nclass = dims[-1]  # number of output classes
        self.dims = dims  # todo move to superclass
        self.outputsize = dims[-1]

        ## We name the parameters as following
        # W1, b1, W2, b2, W3, b3 ...
        param_dims = {}
        for i in range(1, len(dims)):
            w_param = 'W' + str(i)
            b_param = 'b' + str(i)
            param_dims[w_param] = (dims[i], dims[i - 1])
            param_dims[b_param] = (dims[i], )

        NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims)

        # set activation function
        if activation == 'tanh':
            self.act = tanh
            self.act_grad = tanhd
        elif activation == 'sigmoid':
            self.act = sigmoid
            self.act_grad = sigmoid_grad
            raise 'Uknown activation function'

        #self.sparams.L = wv.copy() # store own representations
        # init weights

        # layers for which init_weights aren't passed are initialized randomly
        for i in range(1, len(self.dims)):
            if i - 1 < len(init_weights):
                # we have the corresponding weights passed for this layer
                cur_weight = init_weights[i - 1]
                assert cur_weight.shape == (dims[i], dims[i - 1]), (
                    "passed initial weight dimensions don't match")
                cur_weight = random_weight_matrix(dims[i], dims[i - 1])
            self._set_param('W', i, cur_weight)
Exemple #41
    def __init__(self, L0, U0=None,
                 alpha=0.005, rseed=10, bptt=1):

        self.hdim = L0.shape[1] # word vector dimensions
        self.vdim = L0.shape[0] # vocab size
        param_dims = dict(H = (self.hdim, self.hdim),
                          U = L0.shape)
        # note that only L gets sparse updates
        param_dims_sparse = dict(L = L0.shape)
        NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims, param_dims_sparse)

        #### YOUR CODE HERE ####
Exemple #42
    def __init__(self, L0, U0=None, alpha=0.005, rseed=10, bptt=1):

        self.hdim = L0.shape[1]  # word vector dimensions
        self.vdim = L0.shape[0]  # vocab size
        param_dims = dict(H=(self.hdim, self.hdim), U=L0.shape)
        # note that only L gets sparse updates
        param_dims_sparse = dict(L=L0.shape)
        NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims, param_dims_sparse)

        #### YOUR CODE HERE ####

        # Initialize word vectors
        # either copy the passed L0 and U0 (and initialize in your notebook)
        # or initialize with gaussian noise here
        self.sparams.L = 0.1 * random.standard_normal(self.sparams.L.shape)
        self.sparams.U = 0.1 * random.standard_normal(self.params.U.shape)
        self.params.H = random_weight_matrix(*self.params.H.shape)
        self.bptt = bptt
    def __init__(self, vdim, hdim, wdim, alpha=.005, rho=.0001, rseed=10):

        # Dimensions
        self.vdim = vdim
        self.hdim = hdim
        self.wdim = wdim

        # Parameters

        # Learning rate
        self.alpha = alpha

        # Regularization
        self.rho = rho

        ## Theano stuff

        # Params as theano.shared matrices
        self.L = shared(random_weight_matrix(wdim, vdim), name='L')
        # W: times character-vector, U: times previous-hidden-vector
        # i: input, f: forget, o: output, c: new-cell
        self.Wi = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, wdim), name='Wi')
        self.Ui = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim), name='Ui')
        self.Wf = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, wdim), name='Wf')
        self.Uf = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim), name='Uf')
        self.Wo = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, wdim), name='Wo')
        self.Uo = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim), name='Uo')
        self.Wc = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, wdim), name='Wc')
        self.Uc = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim), name='Uc')

        self.params = [
            self.L, self.Wi, self.Ui, self.Wf, self.Uf, self.Wo, self.Uo,
            self.Wc, self.Uc
        self.vparams = [0.0 * param.get_value() for param in self.params]
Exemple #44
    def __init__(self, L0, U0=None, alpha=0.005, rseed=10, bptt=1):

        self.hdim = L0.shape[1]  # word vector dimensions
        self.vdim = L0.shape[0]  # vocab size
        param_dims = dict(H=(self.hdim, self.hdim), U=L0.shape)
        # note that only L gets sparse updates
        param_dims_sparse = dict(L=L0.shape)
        NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims, param_dims_sparse)

        #### YOUR CODE HERE ####


        self.bptt = bptt
        self.alpha = alpha

        self.params.H = random_weight_matrix(self.hdim, self.hdim)
        self.params.U = sqrt(0.1) * random.randn(self.vdim, self.hdim)

        # Initialize word vectors
        self.sparams.L = sqrt(0.1) * random.randn(self.vdim, self.hdim)
Exemple #45
    def __init__(self, L0, U0=None,
                 alpha=0.005, rseed=10, bptt=1):

        self.vdim = L0.shape[0] # vocab size
        self.hdim = L0.shape[1] # word vector dimensions
        param_dims = dict(H = (self.hdim, self.hdim),
                          U = L0.shape)
        # note that only L gets sparse updates
        param_dims_sparse = dict(L = L0.shape)
        NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims, param_dims_sparse)

        #### YOUR CODE HERE ####

        # hyperparameters
        self.bptt = bptt
        self.alpha = alpha

        # weights
        self.sparams.L = random.normal(scale=sqrt(0.1), size=(self.vdim, self.hdim))
        self.sparams.U = random.normal(scale=sqrt(0.1), size=(self.vdim, self.hdim))
        self.params.H = random_weight_matrix(self.hdim, self.hdim)
Exemple #46
    def __init__(self, vdim, hdim, wdim, outdim=2, alpha=.005, rho=.0001, mu=0.75, rseed=10):
        # Dimensions
        self.vdim = vdim
        self.hdim = hdim
        self.wdim = wdim
        self.outdim = outdim

        # Parameters

        # Learning rate
        self.alpha = alpha = mu
        self.rho = rho
        self.rseed = rseed

        ## Theano stuff

        self.L = shared(random_weight_matrix(wdim, vdim), name='L')
        # W: times character-vector, U: times previous-hidden-vector
        # z: update, r: reset, h: new memory content (my notation)
        self.Wz = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, wdim), name='Wz')
        self.Uz = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim), name='Uz')
        self.Wr = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, wdim), name='Wr')
        self.Ur = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim), name='Ur')
        self.Wh = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, wdim), name='Wh')
        self.Uh = shared(random_weight_matrix(hdim, hdim), name='Uh')
        self.U  = shared(random_weight_matrix(outdim, hdim), name='U')
        self.b  = shared(np.zeros([outdim, 1]), name='b', broadcastable=(False, True))

        self.params = [self.L, self.Wz, self.Uz, self.Wr, self.Ur, self.Wh, self.Uh, self.U, self.b]
        self.vparams = [0.0*param.get_value() for param in self.params]

        self.prop_compiled = self.compile_self()
        self.generate_compiled = self.compile_generate()
def test_random_weight_matrix():
    from misc import random_weight_matrix
    A = random_weight_matrix(100,100)
    assert(A.shape == (100,100))
Exemple #48
Fichier : Projet : framr/ml
import sys, os
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
matplotlib.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 100

from misc import random_weight_matrix
import data_utils.utils as du
import data_utils.ner as ner
from softmax_example import SoftmaxRegression
from nerwindow import WindowMLP

if __name__ == '__main__':

    print random_weight_matrix(3,5)

    # Load the starter word vectors
    wv, word_to_num, num_to_word = ner.load_wv('data/ner/vocab.txt',
    # wv - matrix with word vectors N x D
    tagnames = ["O", "LOC", "MISC", "ORG", "PER"]
    num_to_tag = dict(enumerate(tagnames))
    tag_to_num = du.invert_dict(num_to_tag)

    windowsize = 3

    # Load the training set
    docs = du.load_dataset('data/ner/train') # [[sentence1 = [w1, tag1], [w2, tag2]...], [sentence2], ...]
    X_train, y_train = du.docs_to_windows(docs, word_to_num, tag_to_num, wsize=windowsize)
    def _acc_grads(self, window, label):
        Accumulate gradients, given a training point
        (window, label) of the format

        window = [x_{i-1} x_{i} x_{i+1}] # three ints
        label = {0,1,2,3,4} # single int, gives class

        Your code should update self.grads and self.sgrads,
        in order for gradient_check and training to work.

        So, for example:
        self.grads.U += (your gradient dJ/dU)
        self.sgrads.L[i] = (gradient dJ/dL[i]) # this adds an update for that index

        print self.sgrads
        #### YOUR CODE HERE ####
        for i in self.param_dims.keys():
            dim = matrix(self.grads[i]).shape
            self.grads[i] = random_weight_matrix(dim[0],dim[1])
        x = []
        #print self.wv[0]
        #print self.grads

        for i in window:
        x = matrix(x)

        # Forward propagation
        #print self.grads.W.shape
        print 'x_shape',x.shape
        #print self.grads.b1.shape

        z1 = dot(self.grads.W,x.transpose())
        #print z1.shape
        z1 = (z1.transpose() + matrix(self.grads.b1)).transpose()
        h = 2*self.sigmoid(2*z1) - 1
        h = matrix(h)
        print"u_Shape", self.grads.W.shape
        #print h.shape

        z2 = dot(self.grads.U,h)
        z2 = (z2.transpose() + matrix(self.grads.b2)).transpose()
        y = softmax(z2)

        # Backpropagation
        #print label,y
        new_label = [0,0,0,0,0]
        new_label[label] = 1

        delta2 = y.transpose() - new_label
        temp = dot(h,delta2)
        #print temp.shape,self.grads.U.shape
        #print 'del2',delta2.shape
        self.grads.U +=  temp.transpose()
        self.grads.b2 = matrix(self.grads.b2)+delta2

        temp = dot(delta2,self.grads.U)
        #print 'temp,h',temp.shape,h.shape
        temp = multiply(self.tan_grad(h),temp.transpose())
        print 'temp,b1',temp.shape,matrix(self.grads.b1).shape
        self.grads.b1 = matrix(self.grads.b1)+temp.transpose()
        temp2 = dot(temp.transpose(),self.grads.W)
        temp = dot(temp,x)
        self.grads.W += temp

        print self.sgrads.L
Exemple #50
if __name__ == '__main__' and __package__ is None:
    from os import sys, path

sys.dont_write_bytecode = True

import sys, os
from numpy import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import *

matplotlib.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 100

from misc import random_weight_matrix
print random_weight_matrix(3, 5)

import data_utils.utils as du
import data_utils.ner as ner

# Load the starter word vectors
wv, word_to_num, num_to_word = ner.load_wv('data/ner/vocab.txt',
tagnames = ["O", "LOC", "MISC", "ORG", "PER"]
num_to_tag = dict(enumerate(tagnames))
tag_to_num = du.invert_dict(num_to_tag)

# Set window size
windowsize = 3

# Load the training set
docs = du.load_dataset('data/ner/train')
Exemple #51
    def __init__(self, L0, **kwargs):
        #### YOUR CODE HERE ####
        isCompression = False
        isME = False
        compression_size = 0
        alpha = 0.1
        bptt = 1
        class_size = 2
        U0 = zeros((10, 10))
        Lcluster = zeros(10)
        cwords = zeros((10, 10))
        cfreq = zeros(10)
        ngram_feat = 0
        hash_size = 10000
        gradient_cutoff = 15
        rseed = 0
        #regularization param
        rho = 1e-4
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            if key == "U0":
                U0 = value.copy()
            if key == "isCompression":
                isCompression = value
            if key == "compression_size":
                compression_size = value
            if key == "isME":
                isME = value
            if key == "bptt":
                bptt = value
            if key == "alpha":
                alpha = value
            if key == "Lcluster":
                Lcluster = value
            if key == "cwords":
                cwords = value
            if key == "cfreq":
                cfreq = value
            if key == "ngram":
                ngram_feat = value
            if key == "hash_size":
                hash_size = value
            if key == "cutoff":
                gradient_cutoff = value
            if key == "rseed":
                rseed = value
            if key == "class_size":
                class_size = value
            if key == "regular":
                rho = value
        self.primes = array([])
        #print L0
        self.hdim = L0.shape[1] # word vector dimensions
        self.vdim = L0.shape[0] # vocab size
        #print self.hdim
        self.cdim = compression_size # compression layer size
        self.isCompression = isCompression # True for self.cdim > 0
        #print self.isCompression
        self.class_size = class_size # making word clusters
        self.Udim = self.vdim + self.class_size
        self.cutoff = gradient_cutoff
        self.isME =  isME #max entropy optimization
        self.ngram = ngram_feat
        self.hsize = self.vdim
        #print self.hsize
        param_dims = {}
        if self.isCompression is True:
            if self.isME is True:
                param_dims = dict(H = (self.hdim, self.hdim),
                                  C = (self.cdim, self.hdim),
                                  U = (self.Udim, self.cdim),
                                  word_direct = (self.hsize,self.hsize),
                                  cluster_direct = (self.vdim, self.class_size))
                param_dims = dict(H = (self.hdim, self.hdim),
                              C = (self.cdim, self.hdim),    
                              U = (self.Udim, self.cdim))
            if self.isME is True:
                param_dims = dict(H = (self.hdim, self.hdim),
                                 U = (self.Udim, self.hdim),
                                 word_direct = (self.hsize, self.hsize),
                                 cluster_direct=(self.vdim, self.class_size))
                param_dims = dict(H = (self.hdim, self.hdim),    
                          U = (self.Udim, self.hdim))
        # note that only L gets sparse updates
        param_dims_sparse = dict(L = L0.shape) 
        NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims, param_dims_sparse)
        #NNBase.__init__(self, param_dims, param_dims_sparse)

        #### YOUR CODE HERE ####
        self.sparams.L = L0.copy()
        self.params.word_direct = zeros((self.hsize,self.hsize))
        self.params.cluster_direct = zeros((self.vdim,self.class_size))
        #word cluster informations
        self.Lcluster = Lcluster.copy() #cluster for every word
        self.cfreq = cfreq.copy() #every cluster containing word numbers
        self.cwords = cwords.copy() #every cluster containing word indexs
        self.htable = zeros(self.hsize)
        #print "CWORD SIZE ",cwords.shape
        self.params.H = random_weight_matrix(self.hdim, self.hdim)
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.bptt = bptt
        self.rho = rho
        if isCompression is True:
            self.params.C = random_weight_matrix(self.cdim, self.hdim)
            #sigma = 0.1
            #self.params.C = sigma*random.uniform(low=-sigma,high=sigma, size=(self.cdim, self.hdim))
        if U0 is not None:
            self.params.U = U0.copy()
            sigma = 0.1
            mu = 0
            if self.isCompression:
                self.params.U = sigma*random.randn(self.Udim, self.cdim) + mu
                self.params.U = sigma*random.randn(self.Udim, self.hdim) + mu
def test_random_weight_matrix():
    from misc import random_weight_matrix
    A = random_weight_matrix(100, 100)
    assert (A.shape == (100, 100))