Exemple #1
    def write_banner(self, fsock):
        """create the new banner with the information of the weight"""

        cid = self.get_id()
        lowest_id = cid

        in_scale = False
        in_pdf = False
        in_alps = False

        text = ''

        default = self.args[0]
        for arg in self.args[1:]:
            mur, muf, alps, dyn, pdf = arg[:5]
            if pdf == self.orig_pdf and alps == 1 and (mur != 1 or muf != 1
                                                       or dyn != -1):
                if not in_scale:
                    text += "<weightgroup name=\"Central scale variation\" combine=\"envelope\">\n"
                    in_scale = True
            elif in_scale:
                if (pdf == self.orig_pdf and alps == 1) and arg != default:
                    text += "</weightgroup> # scale\n"
                    in_scale = False

            if pdf == self.orig_pdf and mur == muf == 1 and dyn == -1 and alps != 1:
                if not in_alps:
                    text += "<weightgroup name=\"Emission scale variation\" combine=\"envelope\">\n"
                    in_alps = True
            elif in_alps:
                text += "</weightgroup> # ALPS\n"
                in_alps = False

            if mur == muf == 1 and dyn == -1 and alps == 1:
                if pdf.lhapdfID < 0:
                    for central, sets in self.pdfsets.items():
                        if pdf in sets.set():

                if pdf.lhapdfID in self.pdfsets:
                    if in_pdf:
                        text += "</weightgroup> # PDFSET -> PDFSET\n"
                    pdfset = self.pdfsets[pdf.lhapdfID]
                    descrip = pdfset.description.replace('=>', ';').replace(
                        '>', '.gt.').replace('<', '.lt.')
                    text +="<weightgroup name=\"%s\" combine=\"%s\"> # %s: %s\n" %\
                            (pdfset.name, pdfset.errorType,pdfset.lhapdfID, descrip)
                    in_pdf = pdf.lhapdfID
                elif pdf.memberID == 0 and (pdf.lhapdfID -
                                            pdf.memberID) in self.pdfsets:
                    if in_pdf:
                        text += "</weightgroup> # PDFSET -> PDFSET\n"
                    pdfset = self.pdfsets[pdf.lhapdfID - 1]
                    descrip = pdfset.description.replace('=>', ';').replace(
                        '>', '.gt.').replace('<', '.lt.')
                    text +="<weightgroup name=\"%s\" combine=\"%s\"> # %s: %s\n" %\
                            (pdfset.name, pdfset.errorType,pdfset.lhapdfID, descrip)
                    in_pdf = pdfset.lhapdfID
                elif in_pdf and pdf.lhapdfID - pdf.memberID != in_pdf:
                    text += "</weightgroup> # PDFSET -> PDF\n"
                    in_pdf = False
            elif in_pdf:
                text += "</weightgroup> PDF \n"
                in_pdf = False

            tag, info = '', ''
            if mur != 1.:
                tag += 'MUR="%s" ' % mur
                info += 'MUR=%s ' % mur
                tag += 'MUR="%s" ' % mur
            if muf != 1.:
                tag += 'MUF="%s" ' % muf
                info += 'MUF=%s ' % muf
                tag += 'MUF="%s" ' % muf

            if alps != 1.:
                tag += 'ALPSFACT="%s" ' % alps
                info += 'alpsfact=%s ' % alps
            if dyn != -1.:
                tag += 'DYN_SCALE="%s" ' % dyn
                info += 'dyn_scale_choice=%s ' % {
                    1: 'sum pt',
                    2: 'HT',
                    3: 'HT/2',
                    4: 'sqrts'

            if pdf != self.orig_pdf:
                tag += 'PDF="%s" ' % pdf.lhapdfID
                info += 'PDF=%s MemberID=%s' % (pdf.lhapdfID - pdf.memberID,
                tag += 'PDF="%s" ' % pdf.lhapdfID

            text += '<weight id="%s" %s> %s </weight>\n' % (cid, tag, info)
            cid += 1

        if in_scale or in_alps or in_pdf:
            text += "</weightgroup>\n"

        if 'initrwgt' in self.banner:
            if not self.remove_wgts:
                self.banner['initrwgt'] += text
                # remove the line which correspond to removed weight
                # removed empty group.
                wgt_in_group = 0
                tmp_group_txt = []
                out = []
                keep_last = False
                for line in self.banner['initrwgt'].split('\n'):
                    sline = line.strip()
                    if sline.startswith('</weightgroup'):
                        if wgt_in_group:
                            out += tmp_group_txt
                        if '<weightgroup' in line:
                            wgt_in_group = 0
                            tmp_group_txt = [line[line.index('<weightgroup'):]]
                    elif sline.startswith('<weightgroup'):
                        wgt_in_group = 0
                        tmp_group_txt = [line]
                    elif sline.startswith('<weight'):
                        name = re.findall(r'\bid=[\'\"]([^\'\"]*)[\'\"]',
                        if self.is_wgt_kept(name[0]):
                            keep_last = True
                            wgt_in_group += 1
                            keep_last = False
                    elif keep_last:
                self.banner['initrwgt'] = '\n'.join(out)
            self.banner['initrwgt'] = text

        self.banner.write(self.output, close_tag=False)

        return lowest_id
Exemple #2
    def get_nlo_wgt(self, event, Dmur, Dmuf, Dalps, dyn, pdf):
        """return the new weight for NLO event --with weight information-- """

        wgt = 0
        nloinfo = event.parse_nlo_weight(real_type=(1, 11, 12, 13))
        for cevent in nloinfo.cevents:
            if dyn == 1:
                mur2 = max(1.0, cevent.get_et_scale(1.)**2)
            elif dyn == 2:
                mur2 = max(1.0, cevent.get_ht_scale(1.)**2)
            elif dyn == 3:
                mur2 = max(1.0, cevent.get_ht_scale(0.5)**2)
            elif dyn == 4:
                mur2 = cevent.get_sqrts_scale(event, 1)**2
                mur2 = 0
            muf2 = mur2

            for onewgt in cevent.wgts:
                if not __debug__ and (dyn == -1 and Dmur == 1 and Dmuf == 1
                                      and pdf == self.orig_pdf):
                    wgt += onewgt.ref_wgt

                if dyn == -1:
                    mur2 = onewgt.scales2[1]
                    muf2 = onewgt.scales2[2]
                Q2 = onewgt.scales2[0]  # Ellis-Sexton scale

                wgtpdf = self.get_pdfQ2(pdf, self.b1 * onewgt.pdgs[0],
                                        onewgt.bjks[0], Dmuf**2 * muf2)
                wgtpdf *= self.get_pdfQ2(pdf, self.b2 * onewgt.pdgs[1],
                                         onewgt.bjks[1], Dmuf**2 * muf2)

                tmp = onewgt.pwgt[0]
                tmp += onewgt.pwgt[1] * math.log(Dmur**2 * mur2 / Q2)
                tmp += onewgt.pwgt[2] * math.log(Dmuf**2 * muf2 / Q2)

                if self.b1 == 0 == self.b2:
                    alps = self.alpsrunner(Dmur * math.sqrt(mur2))
                    alps = pdf.alphasQ2(Dmur**2 * mur2)

                tmp *= math.sqrt(4 * math.pi * alps)**onewgt.qcdpower

                if wgtpdf == 0:  #happens for nn23pdf due to wrong set in lhapdf
                    key = (self.b1 * onewgt.pdgs[0], self.b2 * onewgt.pdgs[1],
                           onewgt.bjks[0], onewgt.bjks[1], muf2)
                    if dyn == -1 and Dmuf == 1 and Dmur == 1 and pdf == self.orig_pdf:
                        wgtpdf = onewgt.ref_wgt / tmp
                        self.pdfQ2[key] = wgtpdf
                    elif key in self.pdfQ2:
                        wgtpdf = self.pdfQ2[key]
                        # real zero!
                        wgtpdf = 0

                tmp *= wgtpdf
                wgt += tmp

                if __debug__ and dyn == -1 and Dmur == 1 and Dmuf == 1 and pdf == self.orig_pdf:
                    if not misc.equal(tmp, onewgt.ref_wgt, sig_fig=2):
                        misc.sprint(tmp, onewgt.ref_wgt,
                                    (tmp - onewgt.ref_wgt) / tmp)
                        misc.sprint(mur2, muf2)
                        raise Exception, 'not enough agreement between stored value and computed one'

        return wgt
Exemple #3
    def write_banner(self, fsock):
        """create the new banner with the information of the weight"""

        cid = self.get_id()
        lowest_id = cid

        in_scale = False
        in_pdf = False
        in_alps = False

        text = ''

        default = self.args[0]
        for arg in self.args[1:]:
            mur, muf, alps, dyn, pdf = arg[:5]
            if pdf == self.orig_pdf and alps == 1 and (mur != 1 or muf != 1
                                                       or dyn != -1):
                if not in_scale:
                    text += "<weightgroup name=\"Central scale variation\" combine=\"envelope\">\n"
                    in_scale = True
            elif in_scale:
                if (pdf == self.orig_pdf and alps == 1) and arg != default:
                    text += "</weightgroup> # scale\n"
                    in_scale = False

            if pdf == self.orig_pdf and mur == muf == 1 and dyn == -1 and alps != 1:
                if not in_alps:
                    text += "<weightgroup name=\"Emission scale variation\" combine=\"envelope\">\n"
                    in_alps = True
            elif in_alps:
                text += "</weightgroup> # ALPS\n"
                in_alps = False

            if mur == muf == 1 and dyn == -1 and alps == 1:
                if pdf.lhapdfID < 0:
                    for central, sets in self.pdfsets.items():
                        if pdf in sets.set():

                if pdf.lhapdfID in self.pdfsets:
                    if in_pdf:
                        text += "</weightgroup> # PDFSET -> PDFSET\n"
                    pdfset = self.pdfsets[pdf.lhapdfID]
                    descrip = pdfset.description.replace('=>', ';').replace(
                        '>', '.gt.').replace('<', '.lt.')
                    text +="<weightgroup name=\"%s\" combine=\"%s\"> # %s: %s\n" %\
                            (pdfset.name, pdfset.errorType,pdfset.lhapdfID, descrip)
                    in_pdf = pdf.lhapdfID
                elif pdf.memberID == 0 and (pdf.lhapdfID -
                                            pdf.memberID) in self.pdfsets:
                    if in_pdf:
                        text += "</weightgroup> # PDFSET -> PDFSET\n"
                    pdfset = self.pdfsets[pdf.lhapdfID - 1]
                    descrip = pdfset.description.replace('=>', ';').replace(
                        '>', '.gt.').replace('<', '.lt.')
                    text +="<weightgroup name=\"%s\" combine=\"%s\"> # %s: %s\n" %\
                            (pdfset.name, pdfset.errorType,pdfset.lhapdfID, descrip)
                    in_pdf = pdfset.lhapdfID
                elif in_pdf and pdf.lhapdfID - pdf.memberID != in_pdf:
                    text += "</weightgroup> # PDFSET -> PDF\n"
                    in_pdf = False
            elif in_pdf:
                text += "</weightgroup> PDF \n"
                in_pdf = False

            tag, info = '', ''
            if mur != 1.:
                tag += 'MUR="%s" ' % mur
                info += 'MUR=%s ' % mur
                tag += 'MUR="%s" ' % mur
            if muf != 1.:
                tag += 'MUF="%s" ' % muf
                info += 'MUF=%s ' % muf
                tag += 'MUF="%s" ' % muf

            if alps != 1.:
                tag += 'ALPSFACT="%s" ' % alps
                info += 'alpsfact=%s ' % alps
            if dyn != -1.:
                tag += 'DYN_SCALE="%s" ' % dyn
                info += 'dyn_scale_choice=%s ' % {
                    1: 'sum pt',
                    2: 'HT',
                    3: 'HT/2',
                    4: 'sqrts'

            if pdf != self.orig_pdf:
                tag += 'PDF="%s" ' % pdf.lhapdfID
                info += 'PDF=%s MemberID=%s' % (pdf.lhapdfID - pdf.memberID,
                tag += 'PDF="%s" ' % pdf.lhapdfID

            text += '<weight id="%s" %s> %s </weight>\n' % (cid, tag, info)
            cid += 1

        if in_scale or in_alps or in_pdf:
            text += "</weightgroup>\n"

        if 'initrwgt' in self.banner:
            self.banner['initrwgt'] += text
            self.banner['initrwgt'] = text

        self.banner.write(self.output, close_tag=False)

        return lowest_id