def dump_cfg(self) -> None: i3_cfg, test_cfg = 'config', '.config' generated_cfg = '\n'.join(self.generate()) with open(Misc.i3path() + test_cfg, 'w', encoding='utf8') as fp: fp.write(generated_cfg) if checker.check_i3_config(verbose=False, cfg=test_cfg): with open(Misc.i3path() + i3_cfg, 'w', encoding='utf8') as fp: fp.write(generated_cfg) os.remove(Misc.i3path() + test_cfg)
def __init__(self, i3ipc) -> None: # Initialize cfg. cfg.__init__(self, i3ipc) # i3ipc connection, bypassed by negi3wm runner self.i3ipc = i3ipc # i3 path used to get "send" binary path self.i3_path = Misc.i3path() # i3-msg application name self.i3cmd = self.conf("i3cmd") # Window properties shown by xprop menu. self.xprops_list = self.conf("xprops_list") # cache screen width if not self.conf("use_default_width"): from display import Display self.screen_width = Display.get_screen_resolution()["width"] else: self.screen_width = int(self.conf('use_default_width')) for mod in self.cfg['modules']: module = importlib.import_module('menu_mods.' + mod) setattr(self, mod, getattr(module, mod)(self)) self.bindings = { "cmd_menu": self.i3menu.cmd_menu, "xprop": self.xprop.xprop, "autoprop": self.props.autoprop, "show_props": self.props.show_props, "pulse_output": self.pulse_menu.pulseaudio_output, "pulse_input": self.pulse_menu.pulseaudio_input, "pulse_mute": self.pulse_menu.pulseaudio_mute, "ws": self.winact.goto_ws, "goto_win": self.winact.goto_win, "attach": self.winact.attach_win, "movews": self.winact.move_to_ws, "gtk_theme": self.gnome.change_gtk_theme, "icon_theme": self.gnome.change_icon_theme, "xrandr_resolution": self.xrandr.change_resolution_xrandr, "reload": self.reload_config, }
def __init__(self, i3) -> None: # detect current extension self.mod = self.__class__.__name__ # extension config path self.i3_cfg_mod_path = Misc.i3path() + '/cfg/' + self.mod + '.cfg' # load current config self.load_config() # used for props add / del hacks self.win_attrs = {} # bind numbers to cfg names self.conv_props = { 'class': 'class', 'instance': 'instance', 'window_role': 'window_role', 'title': 'name', } self.i3ipc = i3
def __init__(self, menu): = menu self.gtk_config = configparser.ConfigParser() self.gsettings_script = os.path.expanduser( Misc.i3path() + 'bin/gnome_settings' )
def __init__(self, name: str, config) -> None: = name cache_dir = Misc.i3path() + '/cache' Misc.create_dir(cache_dir) tmux_socket_dir = expanduser(f'{cache_dir}/tmux_sockets') dtach_session_dir = expanduser(f'{cache_dir}/dtach_sessions') self.alacritty_cfg_dir = expanduser(f'{cache_dir}/alacritty_cfg') self.alacritty_cfg = expanduser(os.environ.get("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") + \ "/alacritty/alacritty.yml") Misc.create_dir(tmux_socket_dir) Misc.create_dir(self.alacritty_cfg_dir) Misc.create_dir(dtach_session_dir) self.sockpath = expanduser(f'{tmux_socket_dir}/{name}.socket') for sh in ['dash', 'zsh', 'bash', 'sh']: if shutil.which(sh): self.default_shell = sh break cfg_block = config.get(name, {}) if not cfg_block: return # get terminal from config, use Alacritty by default self.term = cfg_block.get("term", "alacritty").lower() if os.path.exists(self.alacritty_cfg): if os.stat(self.alacritty_cfg).st_size == 0: print('Alacritty cfg {self.alacritty_cfg} is empty') self.term = env.terminal_fallback_detect() else: print('Alacritty cfg {self.alacritty_cfg} not exists, put it here') self.term = env.terminal_fallback_detect() self.wclass = cfg_block.get("class", self.term) self.title = cfg_block.get("title", self.wclass) self.font = config.get("default_font", "") if not self.font: self.font = cfg_block.get("font", "Iosevka Term") self.font_size = config.get("default_font_size", "") if not self.font_size: self.font_size = cfg_block.get("font_size", "14") use_one_fontstyle = config.get("use_one_fontstyle", False) self.font_style = config.get("default_font_style", "") if not self.font_style: self.font_style = cfg_block.get("font_style", "Regular") if use_one_fontstyle: self.font_normal = cfg_block.get("font_normal", self.font_style) self.font_bold = cfg_block.get("font_bold", self.font_style) self.font_italic = cfg_block.get("font_italic", self.font_style) else: self.font_normal = cfg_block.get("font_normal", 'Regular') self.font_bold = cfg_block.get("font_bold", 'Bold') self.font_italic = cfg_block.get("font_italic", 'Italic') self.tmux_session_attach = f"tmux -S {self.sockpath} a -t {name}" self.tmux_new_session = f"tmux -S {self.sockpath} new-session -s {name}" self.exec = cfg_block.get("exec", '') env_list = cfg_block.get("env", '') self.env_dict = {**os.environ} for env_str in env_list: env_data = env_str.split('=') if len(env_data) > 1: self.env_dict.update({env_data[0]: ' '.join(env_data[1:])}) self.exec_tmux = cfg_block.get("exec_tmux", []) self.with_tmux = bool(self.exec_tmux) if not self.with_tmux: exec_dtach = cfg_block.get('exec_dtach', '') if not exec_dtach: self.prog = cfg_block.get('exec', 'true') else: self.prog = f'dtach -A {dtach_session_dir}' \ f'/{name}.session {exec_dtach}' self.padding = cfg_block.get('padding', [2, 2]) self.opacity = cfg_block.get('opacity', 0.88) self.statusline = cfg_block.get('statusline', 1) self.create_term_params(config, name) def join_processes(): for prc in multiprocessing.active_children(): prc.join() threading.Thread(target=join_processes, args=(), daemon=True).start()