Exemple #1
def ludcmp_crout(matrix):
    Decomposes/factorizes square input matrix into a lower and an 
    upper matrix using Crout's algorithm WITHOUT pivoting. 
    NB. It only works for square matrices!!! 

    ndim = squaredim(matrix, 'ludcmp_crout')

    # Copy object instance to new matrix in order for the original instance 
    # not to be destroyed.
    # Create two new square matrices of the same sized as the input matrix:
    # one unity matrix (to be the lower matrix), one zero matrix (to be 
    # the upper matrix)
    copymx   = deepcopy(matrix)
    lower    = Matrix()
    upper    = Matrix()
    upper.zero(ndim, ndim)
    permlist = list(range(0, ndim))

    # Perform the necessary manipulations:
    for j in range(0, ndim):
        iu = 0
        while iu <= j:
            k    = 0
            summ = 0.0
            while k < iu:
                summ += lower[iu][k]*upper[k][j]
                k   = k + 1
            upper[iu][j] = copymx[iu][j] - summ
            iu = iu + 1
        il = j + 1
        while il < ndim:
            k    = 0
            summ = 0.0
            while k < j:
                summ += lower[il][k]*upper[k][j]
                k = k + 1
            divisor = float(upper[j][j])
            if abs(divisor) < TINY: divisor = fsign(divisor)*TINY
            lower[il][j] = (copymx[il][j]-summ) / divisor
            il = il + 1

    parity = 1.0

    return lower, upper, permlist, parity
Exemple #2
def ludcmp_crout(matrix):
    Decomposes/factorizes square input matrix into a lower and an 
    upper matrix using Crout's algorithm WITHOUT pivoting. 
    NB. It only works for square matrices!!! 

    ndim = squaredim(matrix, 'ludcmp_crout')

    # Copy object instance to new matrix in order for the original instance
    # not to be destroyed.
    # Create two new square matrices of the same sized as the input matrix:
    # one unity matrix (to be the lower matrix), one zero matrix (to be
    # the upper matrix)
    copymx = deepcopy(matrix)
    lower = Matrix()
    upper = Matrix()
    upper.zero(ndim, ndim)
    permlist = list(range(0, ndim))

    # Perform the necessary manipulations:
    for j in range(0, ndim):
        iu = 0
        while iu <= j:
            k = 0
            summ = 0.0
            while k < iu:
                summ += lower[iu][k] * upper[k][j]
                k = k + 1
            upper[iu][j] = copymx[iu][j] - summ
            iu = iu + 1
        il = j + 1
        while il < ndim:
            k = 0
            summ = 0.0
            while k < j:
                summ += lower[il][k] * upper[k][j]
                k = k + 1
            divisor = float(upper[j][j])
            if abs(divisor) < TINY: divisor = fsign(divisor) * TINY
            lower[il][j] = (copymx[il][j] - summ) / divisor
            il = il + 1

    parity = 1.0

    return lower, upper, permlist, parity
Exemple #3
def inverted(matrix, pivoting=True):
    Only square matrices can be inverted! 

    ndim = squaredim(matrix, 'inverted')

    # First: LU-decompose matrix to be inverted
    if pivoting:
        lower, upper, permlist, parity = ludcmp_crout_piv(matrix)
        lower, upper, permlist, parity = ludcmp_crout(matrix)

    # Create unity matrix
    unitymatrix = Matrix()

    # Loop over the columns in unity matrix and substitute
    # (uses the fact that rows and columns are the same in a unity matrix)
    columns = Matrix()
    columns.zero(ndim, ndim)
    for k in range(0, ndim):
        columns[k] = lusubs(lower, upper, unitymatrix[k], permlist)
        # preparations below for changing lusubs to handling column vector
        # instead of list
        #row = Matrix([unitymatrix[k]])
        #column = transpose(row)
        #columns[k] = lusubs(lower, upper, column, permlist)
        #del column

    # Transpose matrix to get inverse
    newmatrix = ndim * [float('nan')]
    for k in range(0,
                   ndim):  # List comprehension is used for the innermost loop
        newmatrix[k] = array('d', [row[k] for row in columns])
    imatrix = Matrix(newmatrix)
    del newmatrix

    return imatrix
Exemple #4
def inverted(matrix, pivoting=True):
    Only square matrices can be inverted! 

    ndim = squaredim(matrix, 'inverted')

    # First: LU-decompose matrix to be inverted
    if pivoting:
        lower, upper, permlist, parity = ludcmp_crout_piv(matrix)
        lower, upper, permlist, parity = ludcmp_crout(matrix)

    # Create unity matrix
    unitymatrix = Matrix()

    # Loop over the columns in unity matrix and substitute
    # (uses the fact that rows and columns are the same in a unity matrix)
    columns = Matrix()
    columns.zero(ndim, ndim)
    for k in range(0, ndim):
        columns[k] = lusubs(lower, upper, unitymatrix[k], permlist)
        # preparations below for changing lusubs to handling column vector 
        # instead of list
        #row = Matrix([unitymatrix[k]])
        #column = transpose(row)
        #columns[k] = lusubs(lower, upper, column, permlist)
        #del column

    # Transpose matrix to get inverse
    newmatrix = ndim*[float('nan')]
    for k in range(0, ndim): # List comprehension is used for the innermost loop
        newmatrix[k] = array('d', [row[k] for row in columns])
    imatrix = Matrix(newmatrix)
    del newmatrix

    return imatrix
Exemple #5
def corrmatrix(inputmatrix):
    Computes the correlation matrix of the input matrix. Each row is assumed 
    to contain the vector for one parameter. 

    ndim = len(inputmatrix)  # = the number of rows/parameters
    # First create unity output matrix
    corrmatrix = Matrix()

    # Then fill it with correlation coefficients
    for k in range(0, ndim):
        kp1 = k + 1
        for j in range(0, kp1):
            if j != k:
                #amk,amj,vk,vj,covkj, rhokj  = covar(inputmatrix[k], \
                #                                    inputmatrix[j])
                #corrmatrix[k][j] = corrmatrix[j][k] = rhokj
                corrmatrix[k][j] = corrmatrix[j][k] = \
                           covar(inputmatrix[k], inputmatrix[j])[5]  # = rhokj

    return corrmatrix
Exemple #6
def corrmatrix(inputmatrix):
    Computes the correlation matrix of the input matrix. Each row is assumed 
    to contain the vector for one parameter. 

    ndim = len(inputmatrix)  # = the number of rows/parameters

    # First create unity output matrix
    corrmatrix = Matrix()

    # Then fill it with correlation coefficients
    for k in range(0, ndim):
        kp1 = k + 1
        for j in range(0, kp1):
            if j != k:
                #amk,amj,vk,vj,covkj, rhokj  = covar(inputmatrix[k], \
                #                                    inputmatrix[j])
                #corrmatrix[k][j] = corrmatrix[j][k] = rhokj
                corrmatrix[k][j] = corrmatrix[j][k] = \
                           covar(inputmatrix[k], inputmatrix[j])[5]  # = rhokj

    return corrmatrix