def edit_comment(self, idx, email, realname, website, contents): comment_id = self.comments[idx]['comment_id'] comment = wp.WordPressEditComment() comment.status = 'approve' comment.content = unicode_to_utf8( contents ) = unicode_to_utf8( realname ) comment.author_url = unicode_to_utf8( website ) comment.author_email = unicode_to_utf8( email ) comment.date_created_gmt = DateTime(time.mktime(time.gmtime())) # gmt time required try:, comment) except: note(LABELS.loc.wp_err_cant_updt_cmt,"error") return False try: c = comment_id ) except: note(LABELS.loc.wp_err_cant_updt_cmt_list,"error") c = None if c: self.comments[idx] = c return True
def human_msg_age(self,ts): """ Human message reporting message age. ts is the time stamp provided by twitter (string). See function GetRelativeCreatedAt() """ fudge = 1.25 ma = time.mktime(self._strptime(ts)) delta = int(time.mktime(time.gmtime())) - int(ma) if delta < (1 * fudge): return u'~1s ago' elif delta < (60 * (1/fudge)): return u'~%ds ago' % (delta) elif delta < (60 * fudge): return u'~1m ago' elif delta < (60 * 60 * (1/fudge)): return u'~%dm ago' % (delta / 60) elif delta < (60 * 60 * fudge): return u'~1h ago' elif delta < (60 * 60 * 24 * (1/fudge)): return u'~%dh ago' % (delta / (60 * 60)) elif delta < (60 * 60 * 24 * fudge): return u'~1d ago' else: return u'~%dd ago' % (delta / (60 * 60 * 24))
def delete_only_remote_post(self,idx): """ Delete remote post, keeping local changes """ if self.post_is_remote(idx): try:[idx]['postid']) except: return False del self.posts[idx]['postid'] self.posts[idx]['dateCreated'] = DateTime(time.mktime(time.gmtime())) self.posts[idx]['wordmobi'] = True return True return False
def save_new_post(self, title, contents, categories, tags, publish): """ Instead posting, save the post locally. We need to create a post like that one provided by xmlrpclib (utf8). Otherwise, WM will fail when decoding this post. Just a new dict is added (wordmobi), for controlling. See parameters in new_post. """ if publish: pub = 'publish' else: pub = 'draft' dt = time.gmtime() pst = { 'title': unicode_to_utf8(title), 'description': unicode_to_utf8(contents), 'categories':[ unicode_to_utf8(c) for c in categories ], 'mt_keywords':",".join([ unicode_to_utf8(t) for t in tags ]), 'post_status':pub, 'dateCreated':DateTime(time.mktime(dt)), 'mt_text_more':'', 'wordmobi':True } self.posts.insert(0,pst)
def gm_to_localtime( tm ): diff = time.time() - time.mktime(time.gmtime()) return time.localtime(time.mktime( tm ) + diff)