def lgd(numfolds=5, threshold=0.5, featsfile='featsGBM.txt'): """""" # open up file containing the columns we wish to use f = fio.fileio(usePCA=False) st = time.time() # Found these with magic numcols = pd.read_csv(featsfile).feature.values[:150].tolist() X = f.loadNumericTrain(usecols=numcols) y = f.loadLabels().loss.values print "Training data took %f seconds to load" % (time.time() - st) rgr = GradientBoostingRegressor( **ml.INIT_PARAMS['GradientBoostingRegressor']) # Load the test data Xtest = f.loadNumericTest(usecols=numcols) # Open up the train/test files bTrain = pd.read_csv('../data/subs/train/gbm.csv') bTest = pd.read_csv('../data/subs/test/gbm.csv') zp = bTrain.loss.values yp = bTest.loss.values if True: y_ = np.zeros(zp.size) Z, p = X[zp > threshold, :], y[zp > threshold] y_[zp > threshold] = ml.stratKFold(Z, p, rgr, nFolds=2, classify=False) print "CV Error: %f" % mean_absolute_error(y, y_) # Train on all, transform to log space yy = y[zp > threshold] yy = np.log10(yy + 1.)[zp > threshold, :], yy) # predict and transform yr = rgr.predict(Xtest) yr = 10.**(yr) - 1. yr[yr < 0] = 0 yr[yr > 100] = 100. print "Training took %f seconds" % (time.time() - st) sub_ = pd.read_csv('../data/sampleSubmission.csv') sub_.loss = yr * (yp > threshold) sub_.loss[sub_.loss < 0] = 0. # Write to file sub_.to_csv('../data/subs/testSubmission.csv', index=False)
def lgd(numfolds=5,threshold=0.5,featsfile='featsGBM.txt'): """""" # open up file containing the columns we wish to use f = fio.fileio(usePCA=False) st = time.time() # Found these with magic numcols = pd.read_csv(featsfile).feature.values[:150].tolist() X = f.loadNumericTrain(usecols=numcols) y = f.loadLabels().loss.values print "Training data took %f seconds to load" %(time.time() - st) rgr = GradientBoostingRegressor(**ml.INIT_PARAMS['GradientBoostingRegressor']) # Load the test data Xtest = f.loadNumericTest(usecols=numcols) # Open up the train/test files bTrain = pd.read_csv('../data/subs/train/gbm.csv') bTest = pd.read_csv('../data/subs/test/gbm.csv') zp = bTrain.loss.values yp = bTest.loss.values if True: y_ = np.zeros(zp.size) Z, p = X[zp > threshold,:], y[zp > threshold] y_[zp > threshold] = ml.stratKFold(Z, p, rgr, nFolds=2, classify=False) print "CV Error: %f"%mean_absolute_error(y, y_) # Train on all, transform to log space yy = y[zp > threshold] yy = np.log10(yy + 1.)[zp > threshold,:],yy) # predict and transform yr = rgr.predict(Xtest) yr = 10.**(yr) - 1. yr[yr < 0] = 0 yr[yr > 100] = 100. print "Training took %f seconds"%(time.time() - st) sub_ = pd.read_csv('../data/sampleSubmission.csv') sub_.loss = yr*(yp > threshold) sub_.loss[sub_.loss < 0] = 0. # Write to file sub_.to_csv('../data/subs/testSubmission.csv',index=False)
def classifier(filename='', calctest=True, traindir='', testdir='', numfolds=5): """""" outfile = filename + '.csv' # open up file containing the columns we wish to use st = time.time() f = fio.fileio(usePCA=True) cols = ['f274', 'f727', 'f2', 'f271', 'f527', 'f528'] X = f.loadNumericTrain(usecols=cols) yf = f.loadLabels() y = yf.loss.values print "Training data took %f seconds to load" % (time.time() - st) # Train the gradient boosting classifier clf = GradientBoostingClassifier( **ml.INIT_PARAMS['GradientBoostingClassifier']) st = time.time() y_ = ml.stratKFold(X, y, clf, nFolds=numfolds) fpr, tpr, thresh = roc_curve(y > 0, y_) # Print the scores print "AUC: %f" % auc(fpr, tpr) print "F1 Score: %f" % ml.maxF1(y > 0, y_) print "%d-Fold CV took %f seconds" % (numfolds, time.time() - st) yf['loss'] = y_ yf.to_csv(traindir + outfile, index=False) if calctest: st = time.time() # Load the test data Xtest = f.loadNumericTest(usecols=cols) # Fit the data, y > 0) sub_ = pd.read_csv('../data/sampleSubmission.csv') sub_.loss = clf.predict_proba(Xtest)[:, 1] # Write to file sub_.to_csv(testdir + outfile, index=False) print "Test submission took %s seconds" % (time.time() - st)
def classifier(filename='', calctest=True, traindir='', testdir='', numfolds=5): """""" outfile = filename+'.csv' # open up file containing the columns we wish to use st = time.time() f = fio.fileio(usePCA=True) cols = ['f274','f727', 'f2', 'f271', 'f527', 'f528'] X = f.loadNumericTrain(usecols=cols) yf = f.loadLabels() y = yf.loss.values print "Training data took %f seconds to load" %(time.time() - st) # Train the gradient boosting classifier clf = GradientBoostingClassifier(**ml.INIT_PARAMS['GradientBoostingClassifier']) st = time.time() y_ = ml.stratKFold(X,y,clf,nFolds=numfolds) fpr, tpr, thresh = roc_curve(y > 0,y_) # Print the scores print "AUC: %f"%auc(fpr,tpr) print "F1 Score: %f"%ml.maxF1(y > 0,y_) print "%d-Fold CV took %f seconds"%(numfolds,time.time() - st) yf['loss'] = y_ yf.to_csv(traindir+outfile,index=False) if calctest: st = time.time() # Load the test data Xtest = f.loadNumericTest(usecols=cols) # Fit the data,y > 0) sub_ = pd.read_csv('../data/sampleSubmission.csv') sub_.loss = clf.predict_proba(Xtest)[:,1] # Write to file sub_.to_csv(testdir+outfile,index=False) print "Test submission took %s seconds" %(time.time() - st)