def create_stairs_cs():
    ENV_NAME = "multicontact/bauzil_stairs"

    fb, v = display_tools.initScene(Robot, ENV_NAME, False)
    cs = ContactSequence(0)

    # Create an initial contact phase :
    q_ref = fb.referenceConfig[::] + [0] * 6
    q_ref[0:2] = [0.07, 1.2]
    addPhaseFromConfig(fb, cs, q_ref, [fb.rLegId, fb.lLegId])

    step_height = 0.1
    step_width = 0.3
    displacement = SE3.Identity()
    displacement.translation = array([step_width, 0, step_height])
    cs.moveEffectorOf(fb.rfoot, displacement)
    cs.moveEffectorOf(fb.lfoot, displacement)

    q_end = q_ref[::]
    q_end[0] += step_width
    q_end[2] += step_height
    com = fb.getCenterOfMass()
    setFinalState(cs, array(com), q=q_end)
    return cs
v.addLandmark(sceneName, 1)
#initialize an empty contact sequence
cs = ContactSequence(0)

# start from the reference configuration of the robot :
q_ref = fb.referenceConfig[::] + [0] * 6
#q_ref[0:2] = [ , ] # change the x,y position of the base as needed
# q_ref[2] +=  # the z position of the base already correspond to a floor at z=0, change it accordingly to the environment
# q_ref[3:7] =   # quaternion (x,y,z) of the base

# display the configuration
com = array(fb.getCenterOfMass())

# create a first contact phase corresponding to this configuration
limbsInContact = [fb.rLegId, fb.lLegId
                  ]  # define the limbs in contact for this first phase
addPhaseFromConfig(fb, cs, q_ref, limbsInContact)

transform = SE3.Identity()
cs.moveEffectorOf(fb.rfoot, transform)
cs.moveEffectorOf(fb.lfoot, transform)
cs.moveEffectorOf(fb.rfoot, transform)
cs.moveEffectorOf(fb.lfoot, transform)

setFinalState(cs, com, q_ref)

assert cs.haveConsistentContacts()

cs = ContactSequence(0)

#Create an initial contact phase :
q_ref = fb.referenceConfig[::] + [0] * 6
q_ref[0:2] = [0.07, 1.2]
addPhaseFromConfig(fb, cs, q_ref, [fb.rLegId, fb.lLegId])

num_steps = 6
step_height = 0.1
step_width = 0.3
displacement = SE3.Identity()
displacement.translation = array([step_width, 0, step_height])

for i in range(num_steps):
    cs.moveEffectorOf(fb.rfoot, displacement)
    cs.moveEffectorOf(fb.lfoot, displacement)

q_end = q_ref[::]
q_end[0] += step_width * num_steps
q_end[2] += step_height * num_steps
com = fb.getCenterOfMass()
setFinalState(cs, array(com), q=q_end)

display_tools.displaySteppingStones(cs, gui, sceneName, fb)

DEMO_NAME = "talos_stairs10"
filename = DEMO_NAME + ".cs"
print("Write contact sequence binary file : ", filename)
Exemple #4
addPhaseFromConfig(fb, cs, q_ref, [fb.rLegId, fb.lLegId, fb.rArmId, fb.lArmId])

num_steps = 1
step_height = 0.22
step_width = 0.207

displacement = SE3.Identity()
displacement.translation = array([step_width, 0, step_height])

gait = [fb.rhand, fb.lhand, fb.rfoot, fb.lfoot]
for i in range(num_steps):
    for eeName in gait:
        cs.moveEffectorOf(eeName, displacement)


q_end = q_ref[::]
q_end[0] += 0.15 + num_steps * step_width
q_end[2] += num_steps * step_height
com = fb.getCenterOfMass()
setFinalState(cs, com, q=q_end)

display_tools.displaySteppingStones(cs, gui, sceneName, fb)

DEMO_NAME = "talos_stairsAirbus"
filename = DEMO_NAME + ".cs"
print("Write contact sequence binary file : ", filename)
def build_cs_from_sl1m_l1(fb, q_ref, root_end, pb, RF, allfeetpos, use_orientation, use_interpolated_orientation,
                       q_init = None, first_phase = None):
    Build a multicontact_api.ContactSequence from the SL1M outputs, when not using the MIP formulation
    :param fb: an instance of rbprm.Fullbody
    :param q_ref: the reference wholebody configuration of the robot
    :param root_end: the final base position
    :param pb: the SL1M problem dictionary, containing all the contact surfaces and data
    :param RF: the Id of the right feet in the SL1M formulation
    :param allfeetpos: the list of all foot position for each phase, computed by SL1M
    :param use_orientation: if True, change the contact yaw rotation to match the orientation of the base in the guide
    :param use_interpolated_orientation: if True, the feet yaw orientation will 'anticipate' the base orientation
    of the next phase
    :param q_init: the initial wholebody configuration (either this or first_phase should be provided)
    :param first_phase: the first multicontact_api.ContactPhase object (either this or q_init should be provided)
    :return: the multicontact_api.ContactSequence, with all ContactPhase created at the correct placement
    # init contact sequence with first phase : q_ref move at the right root pose and with both feet in contact
    # FIXME : allow to customize that first phase
    cs = ContactSequence(0)
    if q_init:
        addPhaseFromConfig(fb, cs, q_init, [fb.rLegId, fb.lLegId])
    elif first_phase:
        raise ValueError("build_cs_from_sl1m should have either q_init or first_phase argument defined")

    # loop over all phases of pb and add them to the cs :
    for pId in range(2, len(pb["phaseData"])):  # start at 2 because the first two ones are already done in the q_init
        prev_contactPhase = cs.contactPhases[-1]
        #n = normal(pb["phaseData"][pId])
        phase = pb["phaseData"][pId]
        moving = phase["moving"]
        movingID = fb.lfoot
        if moving == RF:
            movingID = fb.rfoot
        pos = allfeetpos[pId]  # array, desired position for the feet movingID
        pos[2] += EPS_Z  # FIXME it shouldn't be required !!
        # compute desired foot rotation :
        if use_orientation:
            rot = compute_orientation_for_feet_placement(fb, pb, pId, moving, RF, prev_contactPhase, use_interpolated_orientation)
            rot = Quaternion.Identity()
        placement = SE3()
        placement.translation = np.array(pos).T
        placement.rotation = rot.matrix()
        cs.moveEffectorToPlacement(movingID, placement)

    # final phase :
    # fixme : assume root is in the middle of the last 2 feet pos ...
    q_end = q_ref.tolist() + [0] * 6
    #p_end = (allfeetpos[-1] + allfeetpos[-2]) / 2.
    #for i in range(3):
    #    q_end[i] += p_end[i]
    q_end[0:7] = root_end
    feet_height_end = allfeetpos[-1][2]"feet height final = %s", feet_height_end)
    q_end[2] = feet_height_end + q_ref[2]
    q_end[2] += EPS_Z
    com = fb.getCenterOfMass()
    setFinalState(cs, com, q=q_end)

    return cs
def generateContactSequence():
    #RF,root_init,pb, coms, footpos, allfeetpos, res = runLPScript()
    RF, root_init, root_end, pb, coms, footpos, allfeetpos, res = runLPFromGuideScript(
    # load scene and robot
    fb, v = initScene(cfg.Robot, cfg.ENV_NAME, True)
    q_init = cfg.IK_REFERENCE_CONFIG.tolist() + [0] * 6
    q_init[0:7] = root_init
    feet_height_init = allfeetpos[0][2]
    print("feet height initial = ", feet_height_init)
    q_init[2] = feet_height_init + cfg.IK_REFERENCE_CONFIG[2]
    q_init[2] += EPS_Z
    #q_init[2] = fb.referenceConfig[2] # 0.98 is in the _path script
    if v:

    # init contact sequence with first phase : q_ref move at the right root pose and with both feet in contact
    # FIXME : allow to customize that first phase
    cs = ContactSequence(0)
    addPhaseFromConfig(fb, cs, q_init, [fb.rLegId, fb.lLegId])

    # loop over all phases of pb and add them to the cs :
    for pId in range(
            2, len(pb["phaseData"])
    ):  # start at 2 because the first two ones are already done in the q_init
        prev_contactPhase = cs.contactPhases[-1]
        #n = normal(pb["phaseData"][pId])
        phase = pb["phaseData"][pId]
        moving = phase["moving"]
        movingID = fb.lfoot
        if moving == RF:
            movingID = fb.rfoot
        pos = allfeetpos[pId]  # array, desired position for the feet movingID
        pos[2] += EPS_Z  # FIXME it shouldn't be required !!
        # compute desired foot rotation :
        if cfg.SL1M_USE_ORIENTATION:
            quat0 = Quaternion(pb["phaseData"][pId]["rootOrientation"])
            if pId < len(pb["phaseData"]) - 1:
                quat1 = Quaternion(pb["phaseData"][pId + 1]["rootOrientation"])
                quat1 = Quaternion(pb["phaseData"][pId]["rootOrientation"])
                rot = quat0.slerp(0.5, quat1)
                # check if feets do not cross :
                if moving == RF:
                    qr = rot
                    ql = Quaternion(
                    ql = rot
                    qr = Quaternion(
                rpy = matrixToRpy((qr * (ql.inverse())).matrix(
                ))  # rotation from the left foot pose to the right one
                if rpy[2, 0] > 0:  # yaw positive, feet are crossing
                    rot = quat0  # rotation of the root, from the guide
                rot = quat0  # rotation of the root, from the guide
            rot = Quaternion.Identity()
        placement = SE3()
        placement.translation = np.array(pos).T
        placement.rotation = rot.matrix()
        cs.moveEffectorToPlacement(movingID, placement)

    # final phase :
    # fixme : assume root is in the middle of the last 2 feet pos ...
    q_end = cfg.IK_REFERENCE_CONFIG.tolist() + [0] * 6
    #p_end = (allfeetpos[-1] + allfeetpos[-2]) / 2.
    #for i in range(3):
    #    q_end[i] += p_end[i]
    q_end[0:7] = root_end
    feet_height_end = allfeetpos[-1][2]
    print("feet height final = ", feet_height_end)
    q_end[2] = feet_height_end + cfg.IK_REFERENCE_CONFIG[2]
    q_end[2] += EPS_Z
    com = fb.getCenterOfMass()
    setFinalState(cs, com, q=q_end)
        displaySteppingStones(cs, v.client.gui, v.sceneName, fb)

    return cs, fb, v