def gmrf_est(gmrf, process, experiment_name=None, gmrf_estimation_parameters=None):
  ''' Saves and creates a gmfr estimator from a GMRF.
  gmrf: a GMRF object
  process: the name of the process (diagonal, jl, exact)
  experiment_name -- (string), the name of the experiment
  gmrf_estimation_parameters --  (dict) the parameters, if any. depends on process
  a GMRFEstimator object
  Side effects:
  May save some information, if experiment_name is providide
  if process == 'diagonal':
    diag_variance = 1.0 / gmrf.diag_precision
    gmrf_estimator = DiagonalGMRFEstimator(gmrf.translations, gmrf.means, diag_variance)
    if experiment_name is not None:
      save_gmrf_estimator_DiagonalGMRFEstimator(gmrf_estimator, experiment_name=experiment_name)
  elif process == 'jl':
    precision = gmrf.precision
    k = gmrf_estimation_parameters['k']
    Q = random_projection_cholmod_csc(precision, k)
    print "Q shape",Q.shape
    gmrf_estimator = JLGMRFEstimator(gmrf.translations, gmrf.means, Q)
    if experiment_name is not None:
      save_gmrf_estimator_JLGMRFEstimator(gmrf_estimator, experiment_name=experiment_name)
  elif process == 'exact':
    X = gmrf.precision.todense()
    covariance = np.linalg.inv(X)
    gmrf_estimator = ExactGMRFEstimator(gmrf.translations, gmrf.means, covariance)
    if experiment_name is not None:
      save_gmrf_estimator_ExactGMRFEstimator(gmrf_estimator, experiment_name=experiment_name)
    assert False
  return gmrf_estimator
Exemple #2
  return (D,P,rows,cols)

(D,P,rows,cols) = star(5,4)
X = build_dense(D, P, rows, cols)
Xs = build_sparse(D, P, rows, cols)

l1 = logdet_dense(D, P, rows, cols)
l2 = logdet_dense_chol(D, P, rows, cols)
l3 = logdet_cholmod(D, P, rows, cols)

(M,Dn,Pn) = normalized_problem(D, P, rows, cols)

test_data(D, P, rows, cols)
W = la.inv(X)
#Q = random_projection_cholmod(D, U, rows, cols, k, factor)
Q = random_projection_cholmod_csc(Xs, k=1000)
A = Q.T
print A.shape
R = np.sum(A*A,axis=1)
U = np.sum(A[rows]*A[cols],axis=1)
R_ = W.diagonal()
U_ = W[rows,cols]

#X = build_sparse(D, P, rows, cols)
#(eis,_)=eigsh(X, k=1, sigma=-1, which='LM')
#ei = eis[0]

#is_psd_dense(R, U, rows, cols)
#is_psd_cholmod(R, U, rows, cols)

(R,U) = inv_dense(D, P, rows, cols)