def __init__(self, actions, player_ids=None): self.replayer = Replayer(actions) self.replayer.setup_game() = if player_ids: self.player_ids = player_ids else: self.player_ids = self.tick_summary = None cols = BOARD_COLS if len(self.player_ids) > 1 else 1 rows = BOARD_ROWS if len(self.player_ids) > 2 else 1 self.window = pyglet.window.Window( width=cols * TILE_SIZE * constants.BOARD_SIDE + (cols - 1) * PADDING, height=rows * (TILE_SIZE * constants.BOARD_SIDE + PADDING), ) self.window.set_handler('on_draw', self.draw) pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(self.update, 1.0 / TICKS_PER_SECOND) glClearColor(1, 1, 1, 1) glEnable(GL_BLEND) glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)
class Visualizer: def __init__(self, actions, player_ids=None): self.replayer = Replayer(actions) self.replayer.setup_game() = if player_ids: self.player_ids = player_ids else: self.player_ids = self.tick_summary = None cols = BOARD_COLS if len(self.player_ids) > 1 else 1 rows = BOARD_ROWS if len(self.player_ids) > 2 else 1 self.window = pyglet.window.Window( width=cols * TILE_SIZE * constants.BOARD_SIDE + (cols - 1) * PADDING, height=rows * (TILE_SIZE * constants.BOARD_SIDE + PADDING), ) self.window.set_handler('on_draw', self.draw) pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(self.update, 1.0 / TICKS_PER_SECOND) glClearColor(1, 1, 1, 1) glEnable(GL_BLEND) glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) def update(self, dt=0): # parse and perform commands from log # advance the game controller for _ in range(TICKS_PER_FRAME): self.tick_summary = self.replayer.play_tick() if self.tick_summary == None: pyglet.clock.unschedule(self.update) def draw(self): self.window.clear() width = TILE_SIZE * constants.BOARD_SIDE + PADDING height = TILE_SIZE * constants.BOARD_SIDE + PADDING pos = 0 for player_id in self.player_ids: player = if not player.isDead(): glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glLoadIdentity() x = pos % BOARD_COLS y = pos / BOARD_COLS glTranslatef(width * x, height * y, 0) self.drawPlayer(player) self.drawLabel(player) pos += 1 def drawPlayer(self, player): # Draw features of the Board board = player.board tiles = ((x, y) for x in range(board.width) for y in range(board.height)) for (x, y) in tiles: tex = tex_path if (x, y) in board.path else tex_terrain tex.blit( x=TILE_SIZE * x, y=TILE_SIZE * y, width=TILE_SIZE, height=TILE_SIZE, ) self.drawBases(board.base, self.drawTowers(board.tower) for path in board.paths.itervalues(): self.drawUnits(path) # Draw effects from the summary player_summary = None if self.tick_summary: player_summary = self.tick_summary.get( if player_summary and player_summary.get('deaths'): for death in player_summary['deaths']: self.drawExplosion(death['unit_pos']) if player_summary and player_summary.get('attacks'): for attack in player_summary['attacks']: self.drawAttack(attack) if player_summary and player_summary.get('damages'): for damage in player_summary['damages']: self.drawExplosion(damage['base_pos']) def drawBases(self, bases, health): for coords in bases: self.drawBase(coords, health) def drawBase(self, coords, health): (x, y) = coords if health <= 33: tex = tex_base_low elif health <= 66: tex = tex_base_mid else: tex = tex_base tex.blit( x=TILE_SIZE * x, y=TILE_SIZE * y, width=TILE_SIZE, height=TILE_SIZE, ) def drawTowers(self, towers): for coords in towers.iterkeys(): self.drawTower(towers[coords], coords) def drawTower(self, tower, coords): (x, y) = coords tex_tower.blit( x=TILE_SIZE * x, y=TILE_SIZE * y, width=TILE_SIZE, height=TILE_SIZE, ) def drawUnits(self, path): for unit, coords in path.entries(): if unit and > 0: self.drawUnit(unit, coords) def drawUnit(self, unit, coords): (x, y) = coords tex_unit.blit( x=TILE_SIZE * x, y=TILE_SIZE * y, width=TILE_SIZE, height=TILE_SIZE, ) def drawExplosion(self, coords): (x, y) = coords tex_explosion.blit( x=TILE_SIZE * x, y=TILE_SIZE * y, width=TILE_SIZE, height=TILE_SIZE, ) def drawAttack(self, attack): (xt, yt) = attack['tower_pos'] (xu, yu) = attack['unit_pos'] glColor3f(1, 0, 0), GL_LINES, ('v2f', ( TILE_SIZE * (xt + .5), TILE_SIZE * (yt + .5), TILE_SIZE * (xu + .5), TILE_SIZE * (yu + .5) ))) # If we don't set the color back to white, the screen turns red glColor3f(1, 1, 1) def drawLabel(self, player): text = 'Team: %s, Level: %d, Health: %.2f, Resources: %d' % (, player.allowedUpgrade,, player.resources ) margin = 6 label = pyglet.text.Label( text=text, color=(0, 0, 0, 255), x=margin, y=TILE_SIZE * constants.BOARD_SIDE + margin, width=TILE_SIZE * constants.BOARD_SIDE - margin, height=PADDING, ) label.draw() def run(self):