Exemple #1
def mul_Zp(tag, d, i, g):
    eps, pi, rep = g.cocode, g.perm, g.rep
    d1 = m24.op_ploop_autpl(d, rep)
    i1 = pi[i]
    s = d1 >> 12
    if eps & 0x800:  # if eps is odd:
        tag = Y
        s ^= d1 >> 11
    return s, tag, d1 & 0x7ff, i1
Exemple #2
def mul_Xp(tag, d, i, g):
    eps, pi, rep = g.cocode, g.perm, g.rep
    d1 = m24.op_ploop_autpl(d, rep)
    i1 = pi[i]
    s = d1 >> 12
    if eps & 0x800:  # if eps is odd:
        s ^= m24.scalar_prod(d, m24.vect_to_cocode(1 << i))
        s ^= m24.pow_ploop(d, 2) >> 12
    return s, tag, d1 & 0x7ff, i1
Exemple #3
def rule_yp(group, word):
    global n_rules
    n_rules += 1
    y, p = word[0], word[1]
    pl = mat24.op_ploop_autpl(y.pl, p.rep)
    if p.cocode & 0x800:
        pl = mat24.pow_ploop(pl, 3)
        return [p, xy_Atom('y', pl), xy_Atom('x', pl)]
        return [p, xy_Atom('y', pl)]
Exemple #4
def test_group_ploop(n_cases):
    for i, (p, g) in enumerate(
            zip(ploop_testvectors(n_cases), autpl_testwords(n_cases))):
        pg = p * g
        if i < 1:
            print(p, "*", g, "=", pg)
        pg_ref = PLoop(mat24.op_ploop_autpl(p.ord, g.rep))
        assert pg == pg_ref
        assert p / 4 == pg / 4 == parity(len(p) / 4)
Exemple #5
def mul_Tp(tag, octad, sub, g):
    d = m24.octad_to_gcode(octad)
    c = m24.suboctad_to_cocode(sub, d)
    eps, pi, rep = g.cocode, g.perm, g.rep
    d1 = m24.op_ploop_autpl(d, rep)
    c1 = m24.op_cocode_perm(c, pi)
    s = d1 >> 12
    s ^= (eps >> 11) & 1 & m24.suboctad_weight(sub)
    octad1 = m24.gcode_to_octad(d1)
    sub1 = m24.cocode_to_suboctad(c1, d1)
    return s, tag, octad1, sub1
Exemple #6
 def __mul__(self, other):
     if isinstance(other, PLoop):
         return PLoop(mat24.mul_ploop(self.value, other.value))
     elif isinstance(other, Integral):
         if abs(other) == 1:
             return PLoop(self.value ^ ((other & 2) << 11))
         return GCode(self.value & -(other & 1))
     elif isinstance(other, AutPL):
         return PLoop(mat24.op_ploop_autpl(self.value, other.rep))
         return NotImplemented
def map_octad(oct, delta, pi):
    """Map octad through a Parker loop automorphsim to octad.

    Here 'oct' is an octad given in ocatad representation,
    interpreted as a (positive) element of the Parker loop.
    The pair (delta, pi), with delte a cocode element and pi
    the number of a permutation in Mat24, is an automorphism
    of the Parker loop. 

    The function returns a pair (sign, img_octad) representing
    an element of the Parker loop with a given sign. img_octad 
    is the number of the correspondig octad in octad 

    The return value is the image of the octad under the
    Parker loop automorphism (delta, pi).
    gcode = mat24.octad_to_gcode(oct)
    perm = mat24.m24num_to_perm(pi)
    m = mat24.perm_to_autpl(delta, perm)
    image = mat24.op_ploop_autpl(gcode, m)
    image_oct = mat24.gcode_to_octad(image)
    sign = (image >> 12) & 1
    return sign, image_oct
Exemple #8
def rule_xp(group, word):
    global n_rules
    n_rules += 1
    x, p = word[0], word[1]
    pl = mat24.op_ploop_autpl(x.pl, p.rep)
    return [p, xy_Atom('x', pl)]