def exercise():
    mon_lib_srv = monomer_library.server.server()
    ener_lib = monomer_library.server.ener_lib()
    processed_pdb_file = monomer_library.pdb_interpretation.process(
    pdb_hierarchy = processed_pdb_file.all_chain_proxies.pdb_hierarchy
    geometry_restraints = processed_pdb_file.geometry_restraints_manager(

    # necessary for comparison
    xray_structure = processed_pdb_file.xray_structure()
    restraints_manager = mmtbx.restraints.manager(geometry=geometry_restraints,
    angle_proxies = restraints_manager.geometry.get_all_angle_proxies()

    riding_h_manager = riding.manager(pdb_hierarchy=pdb_hierarchy,
    h_connectivity = riding_h_manager.h_connectivity

    # get bonds stored in connectivity
    bond_list = {}
    angle_list = {}
    for neighbors in h_connectivity:
        if (neighbors is None): continue
        ih = neighbors.ih
        a0 = neighbors.a0
        i_a0 = a0['iseq']
        a1 = neighbors.a1
        i_a1 = a1['iseq']
        bond_list[ih] = [i_a0, a0['dist_ideal']]
        selected_atoms = tuple(sorted([ih, i_a0, i_a1]))
        angle_list[selected_atoms] = a1['angle_ideal']
        if neighbors.a2:
            a2 = neighbors.a2
            selected_atoms2 = tuple(sorted([ih, i_a0, a2['iseq']]))
            angle_list[selected_atoms2] = a2['angle_ideal']
        if neighbors.a3:
            a3 = neighbors.a3
            selected_atoms3 = tuple(sorted([ih, i_a0, a3['iseq']]))
            angle_list[selected_atoms3] = a3['angle_ideal']
        if neighbors.h1:
            h1 = neighbors.h1
            selected_atoms4 = tuple(sorted([ih, i_a0, h1['iseq']]))
            angle_list[selected_atoms4] = h1['angle_ideal']
        if neighbors.b1:
            i_b1 = neighbors.b1['iseq']
            third_nb_dict = {ih: i_b1}

# determine bonds from pdb_str
    model = mmtbx.model.manager(restraints_manager=restraints_manager,
    bond_ctrl = {}
    for i in model.xh_connectivity_table():
        bond_ctrl[i[1]] = [i[0], i[3]]

# List of angle restraints
    angles = [(4, 1, 12), (0, 1, 12), (2, 1, 12), (13, 4, 14), (5, 4, 14),
              (5, 4, 13), (1, 4, 13), (1, 4, 14), (8, 6, 15), (5, 6, 15),
              (9, 7, 16), (5, 7, 16), (10, 8, 17), (6, 8, 17), (10, 11, 19),
              (7, 9, 18), (10, 9, 18)]

    angle_ctrl = {}
    for ap in angle_proxies:
        if (ap.i_seqs in angles):
            angle_ctrl[tuple(sorted(list(ap.i_seqs)))] = ap.angle_ideal

# HH needs also third neighbors:
    third_nb_ctrl = {19: 8}

    assert (
        bond_list == bond_ctrl), '1-2 neighbors and distance_ideal are wrong'
    assert (
        angle_list == angle_ctrl), '1-3 neighbors and angle_ideal are wrong'
    assert (third_nb_dict == third_nb_ctrl), '1-4 neighbors are wrong'
def exercise():
    pdb_inp = iotbx.pdb.input(lines=pdb_str.split("\n"), source_info=None)
    model = mmtbx.model.manager(model_input=pdb_inp,

    restraints_manager = model.get_restraints_manager()
    angle_proxies = restraints_manager.geometry.get_all_angle_proxies()

    connectivity_manager = connectivity.determine_connectivity(
    h_connectivity = connectivity_manager.h_connectivity

    # get bonds stored in connectivity
    bond_list = {}
    angle_list = {}
    for neighbors in h_connectivity:
        if (neighbors is None): continue
        ih = neighbors.ih
        a0 = neighbors.a0
        i_a0 = a0['iseq']
        a1 = neighbors.a1
        i_a1 = a1['iseq']
        bond_list[ih] = [i_a0, a0['dist_ideal']]
        selected_atoms = tuple(sorted([ih, i_a0, i_a1]))
        angle_list[selected_atoms] = a1['angle_ideal']
        if neighbors.a2:
            a2 = neighbors.a2
            selected_atoms2 = tuple(sorted([ih, i_a0, a2['iseq']]))
            angle_list[selected_atoms2] = a2['angle_ideal']
        if neighbors.a3:
            a3 = neighbors.a3
            selected_atoms3 = tuple(sorted([ih, i_a0, a3['iseq']]))
            angle_list[selected_atoms3] = a3['angle_ideal']
        if neighbors.h1:
            h1 = neighbors.h1
            selected_atoms4 = tuple(sorted([ih, i_a0, h1['iseq']]))
            angle_list[selected_atoms4] = h1['angle_ideal']
        if neighbors.b1:
            i_b1 = neighbors.b1['iseq']
            third_nb_dict = {ih: i_b1}

    bond_ctrl = {}
    for i in model.xh_connectivity_table():
        bond_ctrl[i[1]] = [i[0], i[3]]

# List of angle restraints
    angles = [(4, 1, 12), (0, 1, 12), (2, 1, 12), (13, 4, 14), (5, 4, 14),
              (5, 4, 13), (1, 4, 13), (1, 4, 14), (8, 6, 15), (5, 6, 15),
              (9, 7, 16), (5, 7, 16), (10, 8, 17), (6, 8, 17), (10, 11, 19),
              (7, 9, 18), (10, 9, 18)]

    angle_ctrl = {}
    for ap in angle_proxies:
        if (ap.i_seqs in angles):
            angle_ctrl[tuple(sorted(list(ap.i_seqs)))] = ap.angle_ideal

# HH needs also third neighbors:
    third_nb_ctrl = {19: 8}

    assert (
        bond_list == bond_ctrl), '1-2 neighbors and distance_ideal are wrong'
    assert (
        angle_list == angle_ctrl), '1-3 neighbors and angle_ideal are wrong'
    assert (third_nb_dict == third_nb_ctrl), '1-4 neighbors are wrong'
def exercise():
  mon_lib_srv = monomer_library.server.server()
  ener_lib = monomer_library.server.ener_lib()
  processed_pdb_file = monomer_library.pdb_interpretation.process(
    mon_lib_srv    = mon_lib_srv,
    ener_lib       = ener_lib,
    file_name      = None,
    raw_records    = pdb_str,
    force_symmetry = True)
  pdb_hierarchy = processed_pdb_file.all_chain_proxies.pdb_hierarchy
  xray_structure = processed_pdb_file.xray_structure()

  geometry_restraints = processed_pdb_file.geometry_restraints_manager(
    show_energies = False)
  restraints_manager = mmtbx.restraints.manager(
    geometry      = geometry_restraints,
    normalization = False)

  sites_cart = xray_structure.sites_cart()

  bond_proxies_simple, asu = restraints_manager.geometry.get_all_bond_proxies(
      sites_cart = sites_cart)
  angle_proxies = restraints_manager.geometry.get_all_angle_proxies()
  hd_selection = xray_structure.hd_selection()

  # determine values with code to be tested
  connectivity = hydrogen_connectivity.determine_H_neighbors(
    geometry_restraints   = geometry_restraints,
    bond_proxies          = bond_proxies_simple,
    angle_proxies         = angle_proxies,
    hd_selection          = hd_selection,
    sites_cart            = sites_cart)

  bond_list = {}
  angle_list = {}
  third_nb_list = {}
  for ih in connectivity.keys():
    a0 = (connectivity[ih][0])
    bond_list[ih]=[a0.iseq, a0.dist_ideal]
    for atom in connectivity[ih][1]:
      helper = tuple(sorted([ih, a0.iseq, atom.iseq]))
      for atom in connectivity[ih][2]:
#      print third_nb_list[ih]

# This is useful to keep for debugging: human readable output of connectivity
#  for ih in connectivity.keys():
#    if(len(connectivity[ih])==3):
#      string = (" ".join([names[p.iseq] for p in connectivity[ih][2]]))
#    else:
#      string = 'n/a'
#    print  names[ih],': ', names[(connectivity[ih][0][0]).iseq], \
#      ',', (" ".join([names[p.iseq] for p in connectivity[ih][1]])), \
#      ',', string

# determine values directly from pdb_str
  model = mmtbx.model.manager(
    restraints_manager = restraints_manager,
    xray_structure     = xray_structure,
    pdb_hierarchy      = pdb_hierarchy)
  bond_ctrl = {}
  for i in model.xh_connectivity_table():

# We know the angles beforehand
  angles = [
    (4, 1, 12),
    (2, 1, 12),
    (0, 1, 12),
    (13, 4, 14),
    (5, 4, 14),
    (5, 4, 13),
    (1, 4, 13),
    (1, 4, 14),
    (8, 6, 15),
    (5, 6, 15),
    (9, 7, 16),
    (5, 7, 16),
    (10, 8, 17),
    (6, 8, 17),
    (10, 11, 19),
    (7, 9, 18),
    (10, 9, 18)]

  angle_ctrl = {}
  for ap in angle_proxies:
    if(ap.i_seqs in angles):

# HH needs also third neighbors:
  third_nb_ctrl = {19: [8, 9]}

  assert (bond_list == bond_ctrl), '1-2 neighbors and distance_ideal are wrong'
  assert (angle_list == angle_ctrl), '1-3 neighbors and angle_ideal are wrong'
  assert (third_nb_list == third_nb_ctrl), '1-4 neighbors are wrong'
Exemple #4
def exercise():
    mon_lib_srv = monomer_library.server.server()
    ener_lib = monomer_library.server.ener_lib()
    processed_pdb_file = monomer_library.pdb_interpretation.process(
    pdb_hierarchy = processed_pdb_file.all_chain_proxies.pdb_hierarchy
    geometry_restraints = processed_pdb_file.geometry_restraints_manager(

    # necessary for comparison
    xray_structure = processed_pdb_file.xray_structure()
    restraints_manager = mmtbx.restraints.manager(geometry=geometry_restraints,
    angle_proxies = restraints_manager.geometry.get_all_angle_proxies()

    riding_h_manager = riding.manager(pdb_hierarchy=pdb_hierarchy,
    h_connectivity = riding_h_manager.h_connectivity

    bond_list = {}
    angle_list = {}
    third_nb_list = {}
    for ih in h_connectivity.keys():
        a0 = (h_connectivity[ih][0])
        bond_list[ih] = [a0.iseq, a0.dist_ideal]
        for atom in h_connectivity[ih][1] + h_connectivity[ih][2]:
            helper = tuple(sorted([ih, a0.iseq, atom.iseq]))
            angle_list[helper] = atom.angle_ideal
        if (len(h_connectivity[ih]) == 4):
            third_nb_list[ih] = []
            for third in h_connectivity[ih][3]:

# This is useful to keep for debugging: human readable output of connectivity
#  for ih in connectivity.keys():
#    if(len(connectivity[ih])==3):
#      string = (" ".join([names[p.iseq] for p in connectivity[ih][2]]))
#    else:
#      string = 'n/a'
#    print  names[ih],': ', names[(connectivity[ih][0][0]).iseq], \
#      ',', (" ".join([names[p.iseq] for p in connectivity[ih][1]])), \
#      ',', string

# determine bonds from pdb_str
    model = mmtbx.model.manager(restraints_manager=restraints_manager,
    bond_ctrl = {}
    for i in model.xh_connectivity_table():
        bond_ctrl[i[1]] = [i[0], i[3]]

# List of angle restraints
    angles = [(4, 1, 12), (2, 1, 12), (0, 1, 12), (13, 4, 14), (5, 4, 14),
              (5, 4, 13), (1, 4, 13), (1, 4, 14), (8, 6, 15), (5, 6, 15),
              (9, 7, 16), (5, 7, 16), (10, 8, 17), (6, 8, 17), (10, 11, 19),
              (7, 9, 18), (10, 9, 18)]

    angle_ctrl = {}
    for ap in angle_proxies:
        if (ap.i_seqs in angles):
            angle_ctrl[tuple(sorted(list(ap.i_seqs)))] = ap.angle_ideal

# HH needs also third neighbors:
    third_nb_ctrl = {19: [8, 9]}

    assert (
        bond_list == bond_ctrl), '1-2 neighbors and distance_ideal are wrong'
    assert (
        angle_list == angle_ctrl), '1-3 neighbors and angle_ideal are wrong'
    assert (third_nb_list == third_nb_ctrl), '1-4 neighbors are wrong'