def multiplot_pumpper(pumpfname, perfname, keyfile, errors, savefig, figname, ylim, ylabel, ylabelper, figw, figh, figdpi, yaxisticks, ymin, barwidth, lw, fontsz, lpx, lpy): matplotlib.rc('axes', linewidth=lw) matplotlib.rc('axes.formatter', limits = [-6, 6]) # Sets font properties. fontv = mpl.font_manager.FontProperties() # Uncomment line below to set the font to verdana; the default matplotlib font is very #similar (just slightly narrower). fontv = mpl.font_manager.FontProperties(fname='/usr/share/matplotlib/mpl-data/fonts/ttf/arial.ttf') fontv.set_size(fontsz) #Creates a figure of the indicated size and dpi. fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(figw, figh), dpi=figdpi, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') origconds = [] conds = [] means = [] stdevs = [] stderrs = [] ns = [] # With this data, all the condition names are different. # Loads keys in order of plotting from keyfile. keylist = cmn.load_keys(keyfile) ### PLOTS PUMP FREQUENCY DATA ### # Loads data from pumpfname into a dictionary and generates lists from that data. dictmeans = mp.loadmeans(pumpfname) for condition in keylist: mean, stdev, sterr, n = dictmeans[condition] means.append(mean) stdevs.append(stdev) stderrs.append(sterr) conds.append(condition) origconds.append(condition) if keyfile == 'keyfile_s': conds = [cond.replace('/100 mM sucrose', '') for cond in conds] if keyfile == 'keyfile_c': conds = [cond.replace('24 hours/', '') for cond in conds] conds = [cond.replace(' sucrose', '') for cond in conds] # Defines coordinates and colors for each bar. barnum = len(keylist) lastbar = (3*barnum*barwidth)-2*barwidth # X-coordinate of last bar x_gen1 = np.linspace(0.5*barwidth, lastbar, barnum).tolist() x_list = x_gen1 colors = np.tile('k', barnum).tolist() #Coordinates where the xlabels will be listed. truebarw = barwidth-(0.05*barwidth) xlabel_list = [x + truebarw for x in x_list] #Plots the bar plot., means, width=truebarw, color=colors, ecolor='k', linewidth=lw) # Plots error bars. zeros = np.tile(0, len(x_list)).tolist() x_errbar = [x - 0.5*barwidth for x in xlabel_list] if errors == 'stderr': plt.errorbar(x_errbar, means, yerr=[zeros,stderrs], fmt=None, ecolor='k', lw=lw, capsize=2) if errors == 'stdev': plt.errorbar(x_errbar, means, yerr=[zeros,stdevs], fmt=None, ecolor='k', lw=lw, capsize=2) # Defines the axes. ax1 = plt.gca() # Formats the yticks. plt.yticks(fontproperties=fontv) # Formats the xticks. plt.xticks(multialignment = 'center') #Uncomment lines below to display without top and right borders. for loc, spine in ax1.spines.iteritems(): if loc in ['left','bottom', 'right']: pass elif loc in ['top']: spine.set_color('none') # don't draw spine else: raise ValueError('unknown spine location: %s'%loc) #Uncomment lines below to display ticks only where there are borders. ax1.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax1.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') # Uncomment the line below to remove all of the plot axis lines. #plt.setp(ax, frame_on=False) #Uncomment the line below to remove all tick marks/labels. #ax1.axes.xaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.NullLocator()) # Specifies the number of tickmarks/labels on the yaxis. ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator(yaxisticks)) #Removes the tickmarks on the x-axis but leaves the labels and the spline. for line in ax1.get_xticklines(): line.set_visible(False) plt.ylim(ymax=YLIM) # Labels the yaxis; labelpad is the space between the ticklabels and y-axis label. plt.ylabel(ylabel, labelpad=lpy, fontproperties=fontv, multialignment='center') # Labels the xaxis. if keyfile == 'keyfile_c': plt.xlabel('[Sucrose]', labelpad=lpx, fontproperties=fontv, multialignment='center') if keyfile == 'keyfile_s': plt.xlabel('Starvation time', labelpad=lpx, fontproperties=fontv, multialignment='center') ### PLOTS PER DATA ### ax2 = ax1.twinx() props = [] lcis = [] ucis = [] nsuccesses = [] ntotals = [] perdictprop = mp.loadpropci(perfname) for condition in keylist: cind = CONDPUMP.index(condition) condition = CONDPER[cind] prop, lci, uci, nsuccess, ntotal = perdictprop[condition] props.append(prop*100) lcis.append((prop-lci)*100) ucis.append((uci-prop)*100) nsuccesses.append(nsuccess) ntotals.append(ntotal) lastbarper = (3*barnum*barwidth-barwidth) # X-coordinate of last bar x_gen1per = np.linspace(1.5*barwidth, lastbarper, barnum).tolist() x_listper = x_gen1per print(x_listper) print(x_list) colors = np.tile(PERCOLOR, barnum).tolist() #Plots the bar plot and error bars. x_errbar_per = [x + 0.5*barwidth for x in x_listper], props, width=truebarw, color=colors, linewidth=lw) plt.errorbar(x_errbar_per, props, yerr=[lcis,ucis], fmt=None, ecolor='k', lw=lw, capsize=2) for loc, spine in ax2.spines.iteritems(): if loc in ['right']: pass elif loc in ['left', 'top', 'bottom']: spine.set_color('none') # don't draw spine else: raise ValueError('unknown spine location: %s'%loc) # Plots the yticks and ylabel for the PER scale. plt.yticks(fontproperties=fontv, color=PERTEXTCOLOR) plt.ylim(ymax=100) plt.ylabel(ylabelper, labelpad=lpy, fontproperties=fontv, multialignment='center', rotation=-90, color=PERTEXTCOLOR) ### ADJUSTS FIGURE PROPERTIES #### # Plots the xticks and labels for both scales. ax1.xaxis.set_ticks(xlabel_list) ax1.xaxis.set_ticklabels(conds, fontproperties=fontv) xlim = x_list[-1]+2.5*barwidth # Sets the x limits. plt.xlim( [0, xlim] ) print(xlim) #Adjusts the space between the plot and the edges of the figure; (0,0) is the lower lefthand #corner of the figure. fig1.subplots_adjust(bottom=ADJBOTTOM) fig1.subplots_adjust(right=ADJRIGHT) fig1.subplots_adjust(left=ADJLEFT) # Saves the figure with the name 'figname'. if savefig == 'yes': plt.savefig('pump_per_'+keyfile+'.png', dpi=300) plt.savefig('pump_per_'+keyfile+'.svg', dpi=300)
def multiplot_visc(pumpfname, keyfile, errors, savefig, figname, ylim, ylabel, figw, figh, figdpi, yaxisticks, ymin, barwidth, lw, fontsz, lpx, lpy): matplotlib.rc('axes', linewidth=lw) matplotlib.rc('axes.formatter', limits = [-6, 6]) # Sets font properties. fontv = mpl.font_manager.FontProperties() # Uncomment line below to set the font to verdana; the default matplotlib font is very #similar (just slightly narrower). fontv = mpl.font_manager.FontProperties(fname='/usr/share/matplotlib/mpl-data/fonts/ttf/arial.ttf') fontv.set_size(fontsz) #Creates a figure of the indicated size and dpi. figw = 1.1*figw fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(figw, figh), dpi=figdpi, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') origconds = [] conds = [] means = [] stdevs = [] stderrs = [] ns = [] # With this data, all the condition names are different. # Loads keys in order of plotting from keyfile. keylist = cmn.load_keys(keyfile) ### PLOTS PUMP FREQUENCY DATA ### # Loads data from pumpfname into a dictionary and generates lists from that data. dictmeans = mp.loadmeans(pumpfname) for condition in keylist: mean, stdev, sterr, n = dictmeans[condition] means.append(mean) stdevs.append(stdev) stderrs.append(sterr) conds.append(condition) origconds.append(condition) if keyfile == 'keyfile_v': conds = [cond.replace('MC', '\nMC') for cond in conds] barnum = len(keylist) # Defines coordinates for each bar. lastbar = (2*barnum*barwidth)-barwidth # X-coordinate of last bar x_gen1 = np.linspace(0.5*barwidth, lastbar, barnum).tolist() x_list = x_gen1 colors = np.tile('k', barnum).tolist() #Coordinates where the xlabels will be listed. truebarw = barwidth-(0.05*barwidth) xlabel_list = [x + 0.5*truebarw for x in x_list] # Defines limit of x axis. xlim = x_list[-1]+1.5*barwidth print(xlim) #Plots the bar plot., means, width=truebarw, color=colors, ecolor='k') # Plots error bars. zeros = np.tile(0, len(x_list)).tolist() x_errbar = xlabel_list if errors == 'stderr': plt.errorbar(x_errbar, means, yerr=[zeros,stderrs], fmt=None, ecolor='k', lw=lw, capsize=2) if errors == 'stdev': plt.errorbar(x_errbar, means, yerr=[zeros,stdevs], fmt=None, ecolor='k', lw=lw, capsize=2) # Defines the axes. ax1 = plt.gca() # Writes the label for 500 mM sucrose. line = mpl.lines.Line2D([x_list[0],x_list[2]+barwidth], [-3.65, -3.65], lw=lw, color='k') line.set_clip_on(False) l = ax1.add_line(line) plt.text(xlabel_list[1], -4.05, '500 mM sucrose', fontproperties=fontv, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='top',multialignment='center', rotation=0) # Writes the label for sucrose. plt.text(xlabel_list[3]+barwidth, -2.15, 'sucrose', fontproperties=fontv, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='top',multialignment='center', rotation=0) # Formats the yticks. plt.yticks(fontproperties=fontv) # Plots the xticks. plt.xticks(xlabel_list, conds, multialignment = 'center', fontproperties=fontv) #Uncomment lines below to display without top and right borders. for loc, spine in ax1.spines.iteritems(): if loc in ['left','bottom']: pass elif loc in ['top', 'right']: spine.set_color('none') # don't draw spine else: raise ValueError('unknown spine location: %s'%loc) #Uncomment lines below to display ticks only where there are borders. ax1.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax1.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') # Uncomment the line below to remove all of the plot axis lines. #plt.setp(ax, frame_on=False) #Uncomment the line below to remove all tick marks/labels. #ax1.axes.xaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.NullLocator()) # Specifies the number of tickmarks/labels on the yaxis. ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator(yaxisticks)) #Removes the tickmarks on the x-axis but leaves the labels and the spline. for line in ax1.get_xticklines(): line.set_visible(False) plt.ylim(ymax = YLIM) plt.xlim(xmax = xlim) # Labels the yaxis; labelpad is the space between the ticklabels and y-axis label. plt.ylabel(ylabel, labelpad=lpy, fontproperties=fontv, multialignment='center') #plt.text(xlabel_list[1], -2, '[Sucrose]', fontproperties=fontv, #horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='top',multialignment='center',rotation=0) #Adjusts the space between the plot and the edges of the figure; (0,0) is the lower lefthand #corner of the figure. fig1.subplots_adjust(bottom=ADJBOTTOM) fig1.subplots_adjust(right=ADJRIGHT) fig1.subplots_adjust(left=ADJLEFT) # Saves the figure with the name 'figname'. if savefig == 'yes': plt.savefig('pump_per_'+keyfile+'.png', dpi=300) plt.savefig('pump_per_'+keyfile+'.svg', dpi=300)
def multiplot_deltatime(fname1max1min, fname1min1max, keyfile, errors, savefig, figname, ylim, ylabel, figw, figh, figdpi, yaxisticks, ymin, barwidth, barnum, othercolor, fontsz, lp, lw): matplotlib.rc('axes', linewidth=lw) matplotlib.rc('axes.formatter', limits = [-6, 6]) # Sets font properties. fontv = mpl.font_manager.FontProperties() # Uncomment line below to set the font to verdana; the default matplotlib font is very #similar (just slightly narrower). fontv = mpl.font_manager.FontProperties(fname='/usr/share/matplotlib/mpl-data/fonts/ttf/arial.ttf') fontv.set_size(fontsz) #Creates a figure of the indicated size and dpi. figw = 1.1*figw fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(figw, figh), dpi=figdpi, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') conds_1max1min = [] means_1max1min = [] stdevs_1max1min = [] stderrs_1max1min = [] ns_1max1min = [] conds_1min1max = [] means_1min1max = [] stdevs_1min1max = [] stderrs_1min1max = [] ns_1min1max = [] # Some of the condition names are the same; load conditions from the summary file. keylist = cmn.load_keys(keyfile) # Loads data from fname into a dictionary and generates lists from that data. dictmeans_1max1min = mp.loadmeans(fname1max1min) for condition in keylist: mean, stdev, stderr, n = dictmeans_1max1min[condition] conds_1max1min.append(condition) means_1max1min.append(float(mean)) stdevs_1max1min.append(float(stdev)) stderrs_1max1min.append(float(stderr)) ns_1max1min.append(float(n)) dictmeans_1min1max = mp.loadmeans(fname1min1max) for condition in keylist: mean, stdev, stderr, n = dictmeans_1min1max[condition] conds_1min1max.append(condition) means_1min1max.append(float(mean)) stdevs_1min1max.append(float(stdev)) stderrs_1min1max.append(float(stderr)) ns_1min1max.append(float(n)) assert conds_1max1min == conds_1min1max, (conds1max1min, conds_1min1max) conds_1max1min = [cond.replace('MC', '\nMC') for cond in conds_1max1min] conds_1min1max = [cond.replace('MC', '\nMC') for cond in conds_1min1max] barnum = len(conds_1min1max) #### Plots deltatime 1max1min ##### # Defines coordinates for each bar. lastbar_1max1min = (2*barnum*barwidth) # X-coordinate of last bar x_gen1_1max1min = np.linspace(barwidth, lastbar_1max1min, barnum).tolist() x_list_1max1min = x_gen1_1max1min colors_1max1min = np.tile('k', barnum).tolist() #Coordinates where the xlabels will be listed. truebarw = barwidth-(0.05*barwidth) xlabel_list = [x + truebarw for x in x_list_1max1min] # Defines limit of x axis. xlim = x_list_1max1min[-1]+3*barwidth #Plots the bar plot., means_1max1min, width=truebarw, color=colors_1max1min, ecolor='k', label='Filling', lw=lw) # Plots error bars. zeros = np.tile(0, len(x_list_1max1min)).tolist() x_errbar = [x + 0.5*truebarw for x in x_list_1max1min] if errors == 'stderr': plt.errorbar(x_errbar, means_1max1min, yerr=[zeros,stderrs_1max1min], fmt=None, ecolor='k', lw=lw, capsize=2) if errors == 'stdev': plt.errorbar(x_errbar, means_1max1min, yerr=[zeros,stdevs_1max1min], fmt=None, ecolor='k', lw=lw, capsize=2) #### Plots deltatime 1min1max ##### # Defines coordinates for each bar. lastbar_1min1max = lastbar_1max1min+barwidth # X-coordinate of last bar print(lastbar_1min1max) x_list_1min1max = [x + barwidth for x in x_list_1max1min] colors_1min1max = np.tile(othercolor, barnum).tolist() #Plots the bar plot., means_1min1max, width=truebarw, color=colors_1min1max, ecolor='k', label='Emptying', lw=lw) # Plots error bars. zeros = np.tile(0, len(x_list_1min1max)).tolist() x_errbar_1min1max = [x + 0.5*truebarw for x in x_list_1min1max] if errors == 'stderr': plt.errorbar(x_errbar_1min1max, means_1min1max, yerr=[zeros,stderrs_1min1max], fmt=None, ecolor='k', lw=lw, capsize=2) if errors == 'stdev': plt.errorbar(x_errbar_1min1max, means_1min1max, yerr=[zeros,stdevs_1min1max], fmt=None, ecolor='k', lw=lw, capsize=2) # Defines the axes. ax1 = plt.gca() # Formats the yticks. plt.yticks(fontproperties=fontv) # Plots the xticks. plt.xticks(xlabel_list, conds_1max1min, multialignment = 'center', fontproperties=fontv) #Uncomment lines below to display without top and right borders. for loc, spine in ax1.spines.iteritems(): if loc in ['left','bottom']: pass elif loc in ['top', 'right']: spine.set_color('none') # don't draw spine else: raise ValueError('unknown spine location: %s'%loc) #Uncomment lines below to display ticks only where there are borders. ax1.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax1.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') ## Uncomment the line below to remove all of the plot axis lines. ##plt.setp(ax, frame_on=False) ##Uncomment the line below to remove all tick marks/labels. ##ax1.axes.xaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.NullLocator()) # Specifies the number of tickmarks/labels on the yaxis. ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator(yaxisticks)) #Removes the tickmarks on the x-axis but leaves the labels and the spline. for line in ax1.get_xticklines(): line.set_visible(False) plt.ylim(ymax = YLIM) plt.xlim(xmax = xlim) # Labels the yaxis; labelpad is the space between the ticklabels and y-axis label. plt.ylabel(ylabel, labelpad=lp, fontproperties=fontv, multialignment='center') # Plots legend legend = plt.legend(loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor = (1.2, 1.4), markerscale=0.1, numpoints=1, labelspacing=0.2) # Changes legend font to fontsz. ltext = legend.get_texts() plt.setp(ltext, fontproperties=fontv) # Removes border around the legend. legend.draw_frame(False) # Writes the label for 500 mM sucrose. line = mpl.lines.Line2D([x_list_1max1min[0],x_list_1max1min[2]+2*barwidth], [-0.183, -0.183], lw=lw, color='k') line.set_clip_on(False) l = ax1.add_line(line) plt.text(xlabel_list[1], -0.21, '500 mM sucrose', fontproperties=fontv, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='top',multialignment='center', rotation=0) # Writes the label for sucrose. plt.text(xlabel_list[3]+barwidth, -0.11, 'sucrose', fontproperties=fontv, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='top',multialignment='center', rotation=0) #Adjusts the space between the plot and the edges of the figure; (0,0) is the lower lefthand #corner of the figure. fig1.subplots_adjust(bottom=ADJBOTTOM) fig1.subplots_adjust(right=ADJRIGHT) fig1.subplots_adjust(left=ADJLEFT) ## Saves the figure with the name 'figname'. if savefig == 'yes': plt.savefig('deltatime.png', dpi=FIGDPI) plt.savefig('deltatime.svg', dpi=FIGDPI)