Exemple #1
def test_label_addition():
    """Test label addition
    pos = np.random.rand(10, 3)
    values = np.arange(10.) / 10
    idx0 = list(range(7))
    idx1 = list(range(7, 10))  # non-overlapping
    idx2 = list(range(5, 10))  # overlapping
    l0 = Label(idx0, pos[idx0], values[idx0], 'lh', color='red')
    l1 = Label(idx1, pos[idx1], values[idx1], 'lh')
    l2 = Label(idx2, pos[idx2], values[idx2], 'lh', color=(0, 1, 0, .5))

    assert_equal(len(l0), len(idx0))

    # adding non-overlapping labels
    l01 = l0 + l1
    assert_equal(len(l01), len(l0) + len(l1))
    assert_array_equal(l01.values[:len(l0)], l0.values)
    assert_equal(l01.color, l0.color)
    # subtraction
    assert_labels_equal(l01 - l0, l1, comment=False, color=False)
    assert_labels_equal(l01 - l1, l0, comment=False, color=False)

    # adding overlappig labels
    l = l0 + l2
    i0 = np.where(l0.vertices == 6)[0][0]
    i2 = np.where(l2.vertices == 6)[0][0]
    i = np.where(l.vertices == 6)[0][0]
    assert_equal(l.values[i], l0.values[i0] + l2.values[i2])
    assert_equal(l.values[0], l0.values[0])
    assert_array_equal(np.unique(l.vertices), np.unique(idx0 + idx2))
    assert_equal(l.color, _blend_colors(l0.color, l2.color))

    # adding lh and rh
    l2.hemi = 'rh'
    # this now has deprecated behavior
    bhl = l0 + l2
    assert_equal(bhl.hemi, 'both')
    assert_equal(len(bhl), len(l0) + len(l2))
    assert_equal(bhl.color, l.color)
    # subtraction
    assert_labels_equal(bhl - l0, l2)
    assert_labels_equal(bhl - l2, l0)

    bhl2 = l1 + bhl
    assert_labels_equal(bhl2.lh, l01)
    assert_equal(bhl2.color, _blend_colors(l1.color, bhl.color))
    # subtraction
    bhl_ = bhl2 - l1
    assert_labels_equal(bhl_.lh, bhl.lh, comment=False, color=False)
    assert_labels_equal(bhl_.rh, bhl.rh)
    assert_labels_equal(bhl2 - l2, l0 + l1)
    assert_labels_equal(bhl2 - l1 - l0, l2)
Exemple #2
def test_label_addition():
    """Test label addition
    pos = np.random.rand(10, 3)
    values = np.arange(10.) / 10
    idx0 = list(range(7))
    idx1 = list(range(7, 10))  # non-overlapping
    idx2 = list(range(5, 10))  # overlapping
    l0 = Label(idx0, pos[idx0], values[idx0], 'lh', color='red')
    l1 = Label(idx1, pos[idx1], values[idx1], 'lh')
    l2 = Label(idx2, pos[idx2], values[idx2], 'lh', color=(0, 1, 0, .5))

    assert_equal(len(l0), len(idx0))

    # adding non-overlapping labels
    l01 = l0 + l1
    assert_equal(len(l01), len(l0) + len(l1))
    assert_array_equal(l01.values[:len(l0)], l0.values)
    assert_equal(l01.color, l0.color)
    # subtraction
    assert_labels_equal(l01 - l0, l1, comment=False, color=False)
    assert_labels_equal(l01 - l1, l0, comment=False, color=False)

    # adding overlappig labels
    l = l0 + l2
    i0 = np.where(l0.vertices == 6)[0][0]
    i2 = np.where(l2.vertices == 6)[0][0]
    i = np.where(l.vertices == 6)[0][0]
    assert_equal(l.values[i], l0.values[i0] + l2.values[i2])
    assert_equal(l.values[0], l0.values[0])
    assert_array_equal(np.unique(l.vertices), np.unique(idx0 + idx2))
    assert_equal(l.color, _blend_colors(l0.color, l2.color))

    # adding lh and rh
    l2.hemi = 'rh'
    # this now has deprecated behavior
    bhl = l0 + l2
    assert_equal(bhl.hemi, 'both')
    assert_equal(len(bhl), len(l0) + len(l2))
    assert_equal(bhl.color, l.color)
    # subtraction
    assert_labels_equal(bhl - l0, l2)
    assert_labels_equal(bhl - l2, l0)

    bhl2 = l1 + bhl
    assert_labels_equal(bhl2.lh, l01)
    assert_equal(bhl2.color, _blend_colors(l1.color, bhl.color))
    # subtraction
    bhl_ = bhl2 - l1
    assert_labels_equal(bhl_.lh, bhl.lh, comment=False, color=False)
    assert_labels_equal(bhl_.rh, bhl.rh)
    assert_labels_equal(bhl2 - l2, l0 + l1)
    assert_labels_equal(bhl2 - l1 - l0, l2)
def test_label_addition():
    """Test label addition."""
    pos = np.random.RandomState(0).rand(10, 3)
    values = np.arange(10.) / 10
    idx0 = list(range(7))
    idx1 = list(range(7, 10))  # non-overlapping
    idx2 = list(range(5, 10))  # overlapping
    l0 = Label(idx0, pos[idx0], values[idx0], 'lh', color='red')
    l1 = Label(idx1, pos[idx1], values[idx1], 'lh')
    l2 = Label(idx2, pos[idx2], values[idx2], 'lh', color=(0, 1, 0, .5))

    assert_equal(len(l0), len(idx0))

    l_good = l0.copy()
    l_good.subject = 'sample'
    l_bad = l1.copy()
    l_bad.subject = 'foo'
    assert_raises(ValueError, l_good.__add__, l_bad)
    assert_raises(TypeError, l_good.__add__, 'foo')
    assert_raises(ValueError, l_good.__sub__, l_bad)
    assert_raises(TypeError, l_good.__sub__, 'foo')

    # adding non-overlapping labels
    l01 = l0 + l1
    assert_equal(len(l01), len(l0) + len(l1))
    assert_array_equal(l01.values[:len(l0)], l0.values)
    assert_equal(l01.color, l0.color)
    # subtraction
    assert_labels_equal(l01 - l0, l1, comment=False, color=False)
    assert_labels_equal(l01 - l1, l0, comment=False, color=False)

    # adding overlappig labels
    l = l0 + l2
    i0 = np.where(l0.vertices == 6)[0][0]
    i2 = np.where(l2.vertices == 6)[0][0]
    i = np.where(l.vertices == 6)[0][0]
    assert_equal(l.values[i], l0.values[i0] + l2.values[i2])
    assert_equal(l.values[0], l0.values[0])
    assert_array_equal(np.unique(l.vertices), np.unique(idx0 + idx2))
    assert_equal(l.color, _blend_colors(l0.color, l2.color))

    # adding lh and rh
    l2.hemi = 'rh'
    bhl = l0 + l2
    assert_equal(bhl.hemi, 'both')
    assert_equal(len(bhl), len(l0) + len(l2))
    assert_equal(bhl.color, l.color)
    assert_true('BiHemiLabel' in repr(bhl))
    # subtraction
    assert_labels_equal(bhl - l0, l2)
    assert_labels_equal(bhl - l2, l0)

    bhl2 = l1 + bhl
    assert_labels_equal(bhl2.lh, l01)
    assert_equal(bhl2.color, _blend_colors(l1.color, bhl.color))
    assert_array_equal((l2 + bhl).rh.vertices, bhl.rh.vertices)  # rh label
    assert_array_equal((bhl + bhl).lh.vertices, bhl.lh.vertices)
    assert_raises(TypeError, bhl.__add__, 5)

    # subtraction
    bhl_ = bhl2 - l1
    assert_labels_equal(bhl_.lh, bhl.lh, comment=False, color=False)
    assert_labels_equal(bhl_.rh, bhl.rh)
    assert_labels_equal(bhl2 - l2, l0 + l1)
    assert_labels_equal(bhl2 - l1 - l0, l2)
    bhl_ = bhl2 - bhl2
    assert_array_equal(bhl_.vertices, [])
def test_label_addition():
    """Test label addition
    pos = np.random.RandomState(0).rand(10, 3)
    values = np.arange(10.) / 10
    idx0 = list(range(7))
    idx1 = list(range(7, 10))  # non-overlapping
    idx2 = list(range(5, 10))  # overlapping
    l0 = Label(idx0, pos[idx0], values[idx0], 'lh', color='red')
    l1 = Label(idx1, pos[idx1], values[idx1], 'lh')
    l2 = Label(idx2, pos[idx2], values[idx2], 'lh', color=(0, 1, 0, .5))

    assert_equal(len(l0), len(idx0))

    l_good = l0.copy()
    l_good.subject = 'sample'
    l_bad = l1.copy()
    l_bad.subject = 'foo'
    assert_raises(ValueError, l_good.__add__, l_bad)
    assert_raises(TypeError, l_good.__add__, 'foo')
    assert_raises(ValueError, l_good.__sub__, l_bad)
    assert_raises(TypeError, l_good.__sub__, 'foo')

    # adding non-overlapping labels
    l01 = l0 + l1
    assert_equal(len(l01), len(l0) + len(l1))
    assert_array_equal(l01.values[:len(l0)], l0.values)
    assert_equal(l01.color, l0.color)
    # subtraction
    assert_labels_equal(l01 - l0, l1, comment=False, color=False)
    assert_labels_equal(l01 - l1, l0, comment=False, color=False)

    # adding overlappig labels
    l = l0 + l2
    i0 = np.where(l0.vertices == 6)[0][0]
    i2 = np.where(l2.vertices == 6)[0][0]
    i = np.where(l.vertices == 6)[0][0]
    assert_equal(l.values[i], l0.values[i0] + l2.values[i2])
    assert_equal(l.values[0], l0.values[0])
    assert_array_equal(np.unique(l.vertices), np.unique(idx0 + idx2))
    assert_equal(l.color, _blend_colors(l0.color, l2.color))

    # adding lh and rh
    l2.hemi = 'rh'
    # this now has deprecated behavior
    bhl = l0 + l2
    assert_equal(bhl.hemi, 'both')
    assert_equal(len(bhl), len(l0) + len(l2))
    assert_equal(bhl.color, l.color)
    assert_true('BiHemiLabel' in repr(bhl))
    # subtraction
    assert_labels_equal(bhl - l0, l2)
    assert_labels_equal(bhl - l2, l0)

    bhl2 = l1 + bhl
    assert_labels_equal(bhl2.lh, l01)
    assert_equal(bhl2.color, _blend_colors(l1.color, bhl.color))
    assert_array_equal((l2 + bhl).rh.vertices, bhl.rh.vertices)  # rh label
    assert_array_equal((bhl + bhl).lh.vertices, bhl.lh.vertices)
    assert_raises(TypeError, bhl.__add__, 5)

    # subtraction
    bhl_ = bhl2 - l1
    assert_labels_equal(bhl_.lh, bhl.lh, comment=False, color=False)
    assert_labels_equal(bhl_.rh, bhl.rh)
    assert_labels_equal(bhl2 - l2, l0 + l1)
    assert_labels_equal(bhl2 - l1 - l0, l2)
    bhl_ = bhl2 - bhl2
    assert_array_equal(bhl_.vertices, [])