def test_add_bem_n_jobs(n_jobs, monkeypatch): """Test add_bem with n_jobs.""" if n_jobs == 1: # in one case, do at init -- in the other, pass in use_subjects_dir = None else: use_subjects_dir = subjects_dir report = Report(subjects_dir=use_subjects_dir) # implicitly test that subjects_dir is correctly preserved here monkeypatch.setattr(report_mod, '_BEM_VIEWS', ('axial', )) if use_subjects_dir is not None: use_subjects_dir = None report.add_bem(subject='sample', title='sample', tags=('sample', ), decim=15, n_jobs=n_jobs, subjects_dir=subjects_dir) assert len(report.html) == 1 imgs = np.array([ plt.imread(BytesIO(base64.b64decode(b)), 'png') for b in re.findall(r'data:image/png;base64,(\S*)">', report.html[0]) ]) assert imgs.ndim == 4 # images, h, w, rgba assert len(imgs) == 6 imgs.shape = (len(imgs), -1) norms = np.linalg.norm(imgs, axis=-1) # should have down-up-down shape corr = np.corrcoef(norms, np.hanning(len(imgs)))[0, 1] assert 0.778 < corr < 0.80
def test_render_mri(renderer, tmpdir): """Test rendering MRI for mne report.""" tempdir = str(tmpdir) trans_fname_new = op.join(tempdir, 'temp-trans.fif') for a, b in [[trans_fname, trans_fname_new]]: shutil.copyfile(a, b) report = Report(info_fname=raw_fname, subject='sample', subjects_dir=subjects_dir) report.parse_folder(data_path=tempdir, mri_decim=30, pattern='*') fname = op.join(tempdir, 'report.html'), open_browser=False) html = Path(fname).read_text(encoding='utf-8') assert 'data-mne-tags=" bem "' in html assert repr(report) report.add_bem(subject='sample', title='extra', tags=('foo',), subjects_dir=subjects_dir, decim=30), open_browser=False, overwrite=True) html = Path(fname).read_text(encoding='utf-8') assert 'data-mne-tags=" bem "' in html assert 'data-mne-tags=" foo "' in html