Exemple #1
def test_stft():
    """Test stft and istft tight frame property."""
    sfreq = 1000.  # Hz
    f = 7.  # Hz
    for T in [127, 128]:  # try with even and odd numbers
        # Test with low frequency signal
        t = np.arange(T).astype(np.float64)
        x = np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * t / sfreq)
        x = np.array([x, x + 1.])
        wsize = 128
        tstep = 4
        X = stft(x, wsize, tstep)
        xp = istft(X, tstep, Tx=T)

        freqs = stftfreq(wsize, sfreq=1000)

        max_freq = freqs[np.argmax(np.sum(np.abs(X[0])**2, axis=1))]

        assert X.shape[1] == len(freqs)
        assert np.all(freqs >= 0.)
        assert np.abs(max_freq - f) < 1.
        assert_array_almost_equal(x, xp, decimal=6)

        # norm conservation thanks to tight frame property
                            [linalg.norm(xx) for xx in x],

        # Test with random signal
        x = np.random.randn(2, T)
        wsize = 16
        tstep = 8
        X = stft(x, wsize, tstep)
        xp = istft(X, tstep, Tx=T)

        freqs = stftfreq(wsize, sfreq=1000)

        max_freq = freqs[np.argmax(np.sum(np.abs(X[0])**2, axis=1))]

        assert X.shape[1] == len(freqs)
        assert np.all(freqs >= 0.)
        assert_array_almost_equal(x, xp, decimal=6)

        # norm conservation thanks to tight frame property
                            [linalg.norm(xx) for xx in x],

        # Try with empty array
        x = np.zeros((0, T))
        X = stft(x, wsize, tstep)
        xp = istft(X, tstep, T)
        assert xp.shape == x.shape
Exemple #2
def get_logpsd(ica, rawdata):    
    """Given MNE ICA object already fit to data, and MNE RawArray, return numpy array
    of the log power spectral density of the data in the RawArray."""
    sources = ica.get_sources(rawdata).to_data_frame().values
    nsamples = 512 # number of samples in FT window
    FTtstep = int(nsamples/2)
    fourtrans = stft(sources.T, nsamples, tstep = FTtstep, verbose=False)
    return np.log(np.abs(fourtrans)**2), FTtstep
def mne_stft(grid,ws,delta,sigs=None,fs=None,events=None):
    #Performs a stft transform across the events????????????
    if events is None:
        events = grid.event_matrix()
    if fs is None:
        fs = grid.fs()
    if sigs is None:
        sigs = grid.wd()    
    maxtimediff = (events['pulse.off']-events['pulse.on']).max()
    maxtimepoints =  round(maxtimediff*fs/delta) - np.floor(ws/delta)
    powMap = np.zeros([len(events),len(grid.wc()),ws])
    data = np.zeros([len(events),len(grid.wc()),maxtimepoints])
    for j,(on,off) in enumerate(events.values):
        for k,chan in enumerate(grid.wc()):
            d=grid.splice(sigs[chan], times=[on,off])
            data[j,k,:len(d)] = mtf.stft(x=d,wsize=ws,tstep=delta)

    return powMap.mean(axis=2)
def mne_stft_regression(evoked_list, inverse_operator, X,
                        labels = None, pick_ori=None, pick_normal=None,
                        snr=1, wsize = 64, tstep = 4, Flag_reg_stats = False,
                        method = "MNE"):
    ''' Get the MNE solution for a given snr(lambda value)
        evoked_list, a list of evoked instances
        inverse_operator, the inverse operator for MNE
        X, [n_trials, p]  array
        labels, ROI labels list, if None, use the whole brain
        snr, controls lambda
        wsize, window size of the stft transform
        tstep, time step of the stft transform
        method, "MNE", "dSPM", "sLORETA", 
              Note that dSPM and sLORETA can not be used for prediction,
              and the coefficients are normalized too. 
        result_dict = dict(coef = coef, F = F, sel = sel,roi_data = roi_data)
        ['coef']: Regression coefficients, complex arrays [n_dipoles,n_coefs,n_steps,p]
        ['F'],F-statistics, complex arrays
        ['sel'], selction of the source points, columns of G
        ['roi_data'] the source data in the ROI
    n_trials = len(evoked_list)
    sel = []
    # The following line is wrong
    n_dipoles = inverse_operator['nsource']
    # if label is specified, only do the regression on the labels
    # otherwise, select the data for the whole brain. 
    if labels is not None:
        for i in range(len(labels)):
            _, sel_tmp = mne.source_space.label_src_vertno_sel(labels[i],inverse_operator['src'])
            sel = np.hstack([sel, sel_tmp])
            sel = sel.astype(np.int)
        sel = np.arange(0,n_dipoles,1)
    # tested, the result is the same as running apply_inverse()
    roi_data = _apply_inverse_evoked_list(evoked_list, inverse_operator, 
                                          lambda2= 1.0/snr**2, method=method,
                              labels=labels, nave=1, pick_ori=pick_ori,
                              verbose=None, pick_normal=None)
    n_dipoles, n_times = roi_data[0].shape
    n_trials = len(evoked_list)
    # stft transform, F means the coefficients
    F_roi_data = list()
    for i in range(n_trials):
        F_roi_data.append(stft(roi_data[:,:,i], wsize= wsize, tstep = tstep))
    # put the stft transform into a matrix
    dim0,dim1,dim2 = F_roi_data[0].shape
    F_roi_data_3d = np.zeros([dim0,dim1,dim2,n_trials],dtype = np.complex)
    for i in range(n_trials):
        F_roi_data_3d[:,:,:,i] = F_roi_data[i]
    # regression, return coefficients and F-values 
    p = X.shape[1] 
    coef = np.zeros([dim0,dim1,dim2,p], dtype = np.complex)
    F = np.zeros([dim0,dim1,dim2], dtype = np.complex) if Flag_reg_stats else None
    linreg_op = np.dot(la.inv(X.T.dot(X)),X.T)
    for i in range(dim0):
        for j in range(dim1):
            for k in range(dim2):
                tmpY = np.real(F_roi_data_3d[i,j,k,:])
                tmp_coef = linreg_op.dot(tmpY)
                # debug
                #tmp_coef2 = np.linalg.lstsq(X,tmpY)[0]
                #print np.linalg.norm(tmp_coef-tmp_coef2)
                coef[i,j,k,:] += tmp_coef
                if Flag_reg_stats:
                    tmpY_hat = np.dot(X,tmp_coef)
                    tmp_res = tmpY_hat-tmpY
                    SSE = np.dot(tmp_res,tmp_res)
                    SST =  np.sum((tmpY-np.mean(tmpY))**2)
                    if SSE== 0:
                        F[i,j,k] += 0
                        F[i,j,k] += (SST-SSE)/(p-1)/(SSE/(n_trials-p))
                # imaginary
                tmpY = np.imag(F_roi_data_3d[i,j,k,:])
                tmp_coef = linreg_op.dot(tmpY)
                coef[i,j,k,:] += tmp_coef*1j
                if Flag_reg_stats:
                    tmpY_hat = np.dot(X,tmp_coef)
                    tmp_res = tmpY_hat-tmpY
                    SSE = np.dot(tmp_res,tmp_res)
                    SST =  np.sum((tmpY-np.mean(tmpY))**2)
                    if SSE== 0:
                        F[i,j,k] += 0
                        F[i,j,k] += (SST-SSE)/(p-1)/(SSE/(n_trials-p))*1j 
    result_dict = dict(coef = coef, F = F, sel = sel,roi_data_3D = roi_data)
    return result_dict