Exemple #1
def test_fit_matched_points():
    """Test fit_matched_points: fitting two matching sets of points."""
    tgt_pts = np.random.RandomState(42).uniform(size=(6, 3))

    # rotation only
    trans = rotation(2, 6, 3)
    src_pts = apply_trans(trans, tgt_pts)
    trans_est = fit_matched_points(src_pts, tgt_pts, translate=False,
    est_pts = apply_trans(trans_est, src_pts)
    assert_array_almost_equal(tgt_pts, est_pts, 2, "fit_matched_points with "

    # rotation & translation
    trans = np.dot(translation(2, -6, 3), rotation(2, 6, 3))
    src_pts = apply_trans(trans, tgt_pts)
    trans_est = fit_matched_points(src_pts, tgt_pts, out='trans')
    est_pts = apply_trans(trans_est, src_pts)
    assert_array_almost_equal(tgt_pts, est_pts, 2, "fit_matched_points with "
                              "rotation and translation.")

    # rotation & translation & scaling
    trans = reduce(np.dot, (translation(2, -6, 3), rotation(1.5, .3, 1.4),
                            scaling(.5, .5, .5)))
    src_pts = apply_trans(trans, tgt_pts)
    trans_est = fit_matched_points(src_pts, tgt_pts, scale=1, out='trans')
    est_pts = apply_trans(trans_est, src_pts)
    assert_array_almost_equal(tgt_pts, est_pts, 2, "fit_matched_points with "
                              "rotation, translation and scaling.")

    # test exceeding tolerance
    tgt_pts[0, :] += 20
    pytest.raises(RuntimeError, fit_matched_points, tgt_pts, src_pts, tol=10)
def test_fit_matched_points():
    """Test fit_matched_points: fitting two matching sets of points"""
    tgt_pts = np.random.RandomState(42).uniform(size=(6, 3))

    # rotation only
    trans = rotation(2, 6, 3)
    src_pts = apply_trans(trans, tgt_pts)
    trans_est = fit_matched_points(src_pts, tgt_pts, translate=False,
    est_pts = apply_trans(trans_est, src_pts)
    assert_array_almost_equal(tgt_pts, est_pts, 2, "fit_matched_points with "

    # rotation & translation
    trans = np.dot(translation(2, -6, 3), rotation(2, 6, 3))
    src_pts = apply_trans(trans, tgt_pts)
    trans_est = fit_matched_points(src_pts, tgt_pts, out='trans')
    est_pts = apply_trans(trans_est, src_pts)
    assert_array_almost_equal(tgt_pts, est_pts, 2, "fit_matched_points with "
                              "rotation and translation.")

    # rotation & translation & scaling
    trans = reduce(np.dot, (translation(2, -6, 3), rotation(1.5, .3, 1.4),
                            scaling(.5, .5, .5)))
    src_pts = apply_trans(trans, tgt_pts)
    trans_est = fit_matched_points(src_pts, tgt_pts, scale=1, out='trans')
    est_pts = apply_trans(trans_est, src_pts)
    assert_array_almost_equal(tgt_pts, est_pts, 2, "fit_matched_points with "
                              "rotation, translation and scaling.")

    # test exceeding tolerance
    tgt_pts[0, :] += 20
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, fit_matched_points, tgt_pts, src_pts, tol=10)
Exemple #3
def test_fit_point_cloud():
    """Test fit_point_cloud: fitting a set of points to a point cloud"""
    # evenly spaced target points on a sphere
    u = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 150)
    v = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 150)

    x = np.outer(np.cos(u), np.sin(v)).reshape((-1, 1))
    y = np.outer(np.sin(u), np.sin(v)).reshape((-1, 1))
    z = np.outer(np.ones(np.size(u)), np.cos(v)).reshape((-1, 1)) * 3

    tgt_pts = np.hstack((x, y, z))
    tgt_pts = _decimate_points(tgt_pts, .05)

    # pick some points to fit
    some_tgt_pts = tgt_pts[::362]

    # rotation only
    trans = rotation(1.5, .3, -0.4)
    src_pts = apply_trans(trans, some_tgt_pts)
    trans_est = fit_point_cloud(src_pts, tgt_pts, rotate=True, translate=False,
                                scale=0, out='trans')
    est_pts = apply_trans(trans_est, src_pts)
    err = _point_cloud_error(est_pts, tgt_pts)
    assert_array_less(err, .1, "fit_point_cloud with rotation.")

    # rotation and translation
    trans = np.dot(rotation(0.5, .3, -0.4), translation(.3, .2, -.2))
    src_pts = apply_trans(trans, some_tgt_pts)
    trans_est = fit_point_cloud(src_pts, tgt_pts, rotate=True, translate=True,
                                scale=0, out='trans')
    est_pts = apply_trans(trans_est, src_pts)
    err = _point_cloud_error(est_pts, tgt_pts)
    assert_array_less(err, .1, "fit_point_cloud with rotation and "

    # rotation and 1 scale parameter
    trans = np.dot(rotation(0.5, .3, -0.4), scaling(1.5, 1.5, 1.5))
    src_pts = apply_trans(trans, some_tgt_pts)
    trans_est = fit_point_cloud(src_pts, tgt_pts, rotate=True, translate=False,
                                scale=1, out='trans')
    est_pts = apply_trans(trans_est, src_pts)
    err = _point_cloud_error(est_pts, tgt_pts)
    assert_array_less(err, .1, "fit_point_cloud with rotation and 1 scaling "

    # rotation and 3 scale parameter
    trans = np.dot(rotation(0.5, .3, -0.4), scaling(1.5, 1.7, 1.1))
    src_pts = apply_trans(trans, some_tgt_pts)
    trans_est = fit_point_cloud(src_pts, tgt_pts, rotate=True, translate=False,
                                scale=3, out='trans')
    est_pts = apply_trans(trans_est, src_pts)
    err = _point_cloud_error(est_pts, tgt_pts)
    assert_array_less(err, .1, "fit_point_cloud with rotation and 3 scaling "
def test_fit_point_cloud():
    """Test fit_point_cloud: fitting a set of points to a point cloud"""
    # evenly spaced target points on a sphere
    u = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 150)
    v = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 150)

    x = np.outer(np.cos(u), np.sin(v)).reshape((-1, 1))
    y = np.outer(np.sin(u), np.sin(v)).reshape((-1, 1))
    z = np.outer(np.ones(np.size(u)), np.cos(v)).reshape((-1, 1)) * 3

    tgt_pts = np.hstack((x, y, z))
    tgt_pts = _decimate_points(tgt_pts, .05)

    # pick some points to fit
    some_tgt_pts = tgt_pts[::362]

    # rotation only
    trans = rotation(1.5, .3, -0.4)
    src_pts = apply_trans(trans, some_tgt_pts)
    trans_est = fit_point_cloud(src_pts, tgt_pts, rotate=True, translate=False,
                                scale=0, out='trans')
    est_pts = apply_trans(trans_est, src_pts)
    err = _point_cloud_error(est_pts, tgt_pts)
    assert_array_less(err, .1, "fit_point_cloud with rotation.")

    # rotation and translation
    trans = np.dot(rotation(0.5, .3, -0.4), translation(.3, .2, -.2))
    src_pts = apply_trans(trans, some_tgt_pts)
    trans_est = fit_point_cloud(src_pts, tgt_pts, rotate=True, translate=True,
                                scale=0, out='trans')
    est_pts = apply_trans(trans_est, src_pts)
    err = _point_cloud_error(est_pts, tgt_pts)
    assert_array_less(err, .1, "fit_point_cloud with rotation and "

    # rotation and 1 scale parameter
    trans = np.dot(rotation(0.5, .3, -0.4), scaling(1.5, 1.5, 1.5))
    src_pts = apply_trans(trans, some_tgt_pts)
    trans_est = fit_point_cloud(src_pts, tgt_pts, rotate=True, translate=False,
                                scale=1, out='trans')
    est_pts = apply_trans(trans_est, src_pts)
    err = _point_cloud_error(est_pts, tgt_pts)
    assert_array_less(err, .1, "fit_point_cloud with rotation and 1 scaling "

    # rotation and 3 scale parameter
    trans = np.dot(rotation(0.5, .3, -0.4), scaling(1.5, 1.7, 1.1))
    src_pts = apply_trans(trans, some_tgt_pts)
    trans_est = fit_point_cloud(src_pts, tgt_pts, rotate=True, translate=False,
                                scale=3, out='trans')
    est_pts = apply_trans(trans_est, src_pts)
    err = _point_cloud_error(est_pts, tgt_pts)
    assert_array_less(err, .1, "fit_point_cloud with rotation and 3 scaling "
Exemple #5
def _deface(t1w, mri_landmarks, deface, trans, raw):
    if not has_nibabel():  # pragma: no cover
        raise ImportError('This function requires nibabel.')
    import nibabel as nib

    inset, theta = (20, 35.)
    if isinstance(deface, dict):
        if 'inset' in deface:
            inset = deface['inset']
        if 'theta' in deface:
            theta = deface['theta']

    if not _is_numeric(inset):
        raise ValueError('inset must be numeric (float, int). '
                         'Got %s' % type(inset))

    if not _is_numeric(theta):
        raise ValueError('theta must be numeric (float, int). '
                         'Got %s' % type(theta))

    if inset < 0:
        raise ValueError('inset should be positive, ' 'Got %s' % inset)

    if not 0 < theta < 90:
        raise ValueError('theta should be between 0 and 90 '
                         'degrees. Got %s' % theta)

    # x: L/R L+, y: S/I I+, z: A/P A+
    t1w_data = t1w.get_data().copy()
    idxs_vox = np.meshgrid(np.arange(t1w_data.shape[0]),
    idxs_vox = np.array(idxs_vox)  # (3, *t1w_data.shape)
    idxs_vox = np.transpose(idxs_vox, [1, 2, 3, 0])  # (*t1w_data.shape, 3)
    idxs_vox = idxs_vox.reshape(-1, 3)  # (n_voxels, 3)

    mri_landmarks_ras = apply_trans(t1w.affine, mri_landmarks)
    ras_meg_t = \
        get_ras_to_neuromag_trans(*mri_landmarks_ras[[1, 0, 2]])

    idxs_ras = apply_trans(t1w.affine, idxs_vox)
    idxs_meg = apply_trans(ras_meg_t, idxs_ras)

    # now comes the actual defacing
    # 1. move center of voxels to (nasion - inset)
    # 2. rotate the head by theta from the normal to the plane passing
    # through anatomical coordinates
    trans_y = -mri_landmarks_ras[1, 1] + inset
    idxs_meg = apply_trans(translation(y=trans_y), idxs_meg)
    idxs_meg = apply_trans(rotation(x=-np.deg2rad(theta)), idxs_meg)
    coords = idxs_meg.reshape(t1w.shape + (3, ))  # (*t1w_data.shape, 3)
    mask = (coords[..., 2] < 0)  # z < 0

    t1w_data[mask] = 0.
    # smooth decided against for potential lack of anonymizaton
    # https://gist.github.com/alexrockhill/15043928b716a432db3a84a050b241ae

    t1w = nib.Nifti1Image(t1w_data, t1w.affine, t1w.header)
    return t1w
def test_euler(quats):
    """Test euler transformations."""
    euler = _quat_to_euler(quats)
    quats_2 = _euler_to_quat(euler)
    assert_allclose(quats, quats_2, atol=1e-14)
    quat_rot = quat_to_rot(quats)
    euler_rot = np.array([rotation(*e)[:3, :3] for e in euler])
    assert_allclose(quat_rot, euler_rot, atol=1e-14)
def test_rotation():
    """Test conversion between rotation angles and transformation matrix."""
    tests = [(0, 0, 1), (.5, .5, .5), (np.pi, 0, -1.5)]
    for rot in tests:
        x, y, z = rot
        m = rotation3d(x, y, z)
        m4 = rotation(x, y, z)
        assert_array_equal(m, m4[:3, :3])
        back = rotation_angles(m)
        assert_equal(back, rot)
        back4 = rotation_angles(m4)
        assert_equal(back4, rot)
def test_rotation():
    """Test conversion between rotation angles and transformation matrix."""
    tests = [(0, 0, 1), (.5, .5, .5), (np.pi, 0, -1.5)]
    for rot in tests:
        x, y, z = rot
        m = rotation3d(x, y, z)
        m4 = rotation(x, y, z)
        assert_array_equal(m, m4[:3, :3])
        back = rotation_angles(m)
        assert_equal(back, rot)
        back4 = rotation_angles(m4)
        assert_equal(back4, rot)
def test_get_ras_to_neuromag_trans():
    """Test the coordinate transformation from ras to neuromag"""
    # create model points in neuromag-like space
    anterior = [0, 1, 0]
    left = [-1, 0, 0]
    right = [0.8, 0, 0]
    up = [0, 0, 1]
    rand_pts = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (3, 3))
    pts = np.vstack((anterior, left, right, up, rand_pts))

    # change coord system
    rx, ry, rz, tx, ty, tz = np.random.uniform(-2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, 6)
    trans = np.dot(translation(tx, ty, tz), rotation(rx, ry, rz))
    pts_changed = apply_trans(trans, pts)

    # transform back into original space
    nas, lpa, rpa = pts_changed[:3]
    hsp_trans = get_ras_to_neuromag_trans(nas, lpa, rpa)
    pts_restored = apply_trans(hsp_trans, pts_changed)

    err = "Neuromag transformation failed"
    assert_array_almost_equal(pts_restored, pts, 6, err)
Exemple #10
def test_get_ras_to_neuromag_trans():
    """Test the coordinate transformation from ras to neuromag"""
    # create model points in neuromag-like space
    anterior = [0, 1, 0]
    left = [-1, 0, 0]
    right = [.8, 0, 0]
    up = [0, 0, 1]
    rand_pts = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (3, 3))
    pts = np.vstack((anterior, left, right, up, rand_pts))

    # change coord system
    rx, ry, rz, tx, ty, tz = np.random.uniform(-2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, 6)
    trans = np.dot(translation(tx, ty, tz), rotation(rx, ry, rz))
    pts_changed = apply_trans(trans, pts)

    # transform back into original space
    nas, lpa, rpa = pts_changed[:3]
    hsp_trans = get_ras_to_neuromag_trans(nas, lpa, rpa)
    pts_restored = apply_trans(hsp_trans, pts_changed)

    err = "Neuromag transformation failed"
    assert_array_almost_equal(pts_restored, pts, 6, err)
Exemple #11
def test_coregister_fiducials():
    """Test coreg.coregister_fiducials()"""
    # prepare head and MRI fiducials
    trans = Transform('head', 'mri',
                      rotation(.4, .1, 0).dot(translation(.1, -.1, .1)))
    coords_orig = np.array([[-0.08061612, -0.02908875, -0.04131077],
                            [0.00146763, 0.08506715, -0.03483611],
                            [0.08436285, -0.02850276, -0.04127743]])
    coords_trans = apply_trans(trans, coords_orig)

    def make_dig(coords, cf):
        return ({'coord_frame': cf, 'ident': 1, 'kind': 1, 'r': coords[0]},
                {'coord_frame': cf, 'ident': 2, 'kind': 1, 'r': coords[1]},
                {'coord_frame': cf, 'ident': 3, 'kind': 1, 'r': coords[2]})

    mri_fiducials = make_dig(coords_trans, FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_MRI)
    info = {'dig': make_dig(coords_orig, FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_HEAD)}

    # test coregister_fiducials()
    trans_est = coregister_fiducials(info, mri_fiducials)
    assert_equal(trans_est.from_str, trans.from_str)
    assert_equal(trans_est.to_str, trans.to_str)
    assert_array_almost_equal(trans_est['trans'], trans['trans'])
Exemple #12
def test_coregister_fiducials():
    """Test coreg.coregister_fiducials()."""
    # prepare head and MRI fiducials
    trans = Transform('head', 'mri',
                      rotation(.4, .1, 0).dot(translation(.1, -.1, .1)))
    coords_orig = np.array([[-0.08061612, -0.02908875, -0.04131077],
                            [0.00146763, 0.08506715, -0.03483611],
                            [0.08436285, -0.02850276, -0.04127743]])
    coords_trans = apply_trans(trans, coords_orig)

    def make_dig(coords, cf):
        return ({'coord_frame': cf, 'ident': 1, 'kind': 1, 'r': coords[0]},
                {'coord_frame': cf, 'ident': 2, 'kind': 1, 'r': coords[1]},
                {'coord_frame': cf, 'ident': 3, 'kind': 1, 'r': coords[2]})

    mri_fiducials = make_dig(coords_trans, FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_MRI)
    info = {'dig': make_dig(coords_orig, FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_HEAD)}

    # test coregister_fiducials()
    trans_est = coregister_fiducials(info, mri_fiducials)
    assert trans_est.from_str == trans.from_str
    assert trans_est.to_str == trans.to_str
    assert_array_almost_equal(trans_est['trans'], trans['trans'])
Exemple #13
def test_fit_sphere_to_headshape():
    """Test fitting a sphere to digitization points"""
    # Create points of various kinds
    dig = [
        # Left auricular
            'coord_frame': FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_DEVICE,
            'ident': FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_LPA,
            'kind': FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_CARDINAL,
            'r': np.array([-1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        # Nasion
            'coord_frame': FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_DEVICE,
            'ident': FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_NASION,
            'kind': FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_CARDINAL,
            'r': np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])
        # Right auricular
            'coord_frame': FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_DEVICE,
            'ident': FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_RPA,
            'kind': FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_CARDINAL,
            'r': np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        # Top of the head (extra point)
            'coord_frame': FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_DEVICE,
            'kind': FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_EXTRA,
            'r': np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])

        # EEG points
        # Fz
            'coord_frame': FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_DEVICE,
            'kind': FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_EEG,
            'r': np.array([0, .72, .69])
        # F3
            'coord_frame': FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_DEVICE,
            'kind': FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_EEG,
            'r': np.array([-.55, .67, .50])
        # F4
            'coord_frame': FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_DEVICE,
            'kind': FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_EEG,
            'r': np.array([.55, .67, .50])
        # Cz
            'coord_frame': FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_DEVICE,
            'kind': FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_EEG,
            'r': np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
        # Pz
            'coord_frame': FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_DEVICE,
            'kind': FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_EEG,
            'r': np.array([0, -.72, .69])

    # Device to head transformation (rotate .2 rad over X-axis)
    dev_head_t = {
        'from': FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_DEVICE,
        'to': FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_HEAD,
        'trans': rotation(x=0.2),

    info = {'dig': dig, 'dev_head_t': dev_head_t}

    #  # Test with 4 points that match a perfect sphere
    r, oh, od = fit_sphere_to_headshape(info, dig_kinds=dig_kinds)
    assert_almost_equal(r / 1000, 1.0, decimal=10)
    assert_almost_equal(oh / 1000, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], decimal=10)
    assert_almost_equal(od / 1000, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], decimal=10)

    # Test with all points. Digitization points are no longer perfect, so
    # allow for a wider margin of error.
    r, oh, od = fit_sphere_to_headshape(info, dig_kinds=dig_kinds)
    assert_almost_equal(r / 1000, 1.0, decimal=3)
    assert_almost_equal(oh / 1000, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], decimal=3)
    assert_almost_equal(od / 1000, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], decimal=3)

    # Test with some noisy EEG points only.
    dig_kinds = (FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_EEG, )
    r, oh, od = fit_sphere_to_headshape(info, dig_kinds=dig_kinds)
    assert_almost_equal(r / 1000, 1.0, decimal=2)
    assert_almost_equal(oh / 1000, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], decimal=2)
    assert_almost_equal(od / 1000, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], decimal=2)
Exemple #14
def test_fit_sphere_to_headshape():
    """ Test fitting a sphere to digitization points. """
    # Create points of various kinds
    dig = [
        # Left auricular
        {'coord_frame': FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_DEVICE,
         'ident': FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_LPA,
         'r': np.array([-1.0, 0.0, 0.0])},
        # Nasion
        {'coord_frame': FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_DEVICE,
         'ident': FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_NASION,
         'r': np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])},
        # Right auricular
        {'coord_frame': FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_DEVICE,
         'ident': FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_RPA,
         'r': np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])},

        # Top of the head (extra point)
        {'coord_frame': FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_DEVICE,
         'kind': FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_EXTRA,
         'r': np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])},

        # EEG points
        # Fz
        {'coord_frame': FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_DEVICE,
         'kind': FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_EEG,
         'r': np.array([0, .72, .69])},
        # F3
        {'coord_frame': FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_DEVICE,
         'kind': FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_EEG,
         'r': np.array([-.55, .67, .50])},
        # F4
        {'coord_frame': FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_DEVICE,
         'kind': FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_EEG,
         'r': np.array([.55, .67, .50])},
        # Cz
        {'coord_frame': FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_DEVICE,
         'kind': FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_EEG,
         'r': np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])},
        # Pz
        {'coord_frame': FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_DEVICE,
         'kind': FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_EEG,
         'r': np.array([0, -.72, .69])},

    # Device to head transformation (rotate .2 rad over X-axis)
    dev_head_t = {
        'from': FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_DEVICE,
        'to': FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_HEAD,
        'trans': rotation(x=0.2),

    info = {'dig': dig, 'dev_head_t': dev_head_t}

    #  # Test with 4 points that match a perfect sphere
    r, oh, od = fit_sphere_to_headshape(info, dig_kinds=dig_kinds,
    assert_almost_equal(r / 1000, 1.0, decimal=10)
    assert_almost_equal(oh / 1000, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], decimal=10)
    assert_almost_equal(od / 1000, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], decimal=10)

    # Test with all points. Digitization points are no longer perfect, so
    # allow for a wider margin of error.
    r, oh, od = fit_sphere_to_headshape(info, dig_kinds=dig_kinds,
    assert_almost_equal(r / 1000, 1.0, decimal=3)
    assert_almost_equal(oh / 1000, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], decimal=3)
    assert_almost_equal(od / 1000, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], decimal=3)

    # Test with some noisy EEG points only.
    dig_kinds = (FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_EEG,)
    r, oh, od = fit_sphere_to_headshape(info, dig_kinds=dig_kinds,
    assert_almost_equal(r / 1000, 1.0, decimal=2)
    assert_almost_equal(oh / 1000, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], decimal=2)
    assert_almost_equal(od / 1000, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], decimal=2)
Exemple #15
def test_scale_mri_xfm(tmp_path, few_surfaces, subjects_dir_tmp_few):
    """Test scale_mri transforms and MRI scaling."""
    # scale fsaverage
    tempdir = str(subjects_dir_tmp_few)
    sample_dir = subjects_dir_tmp_few / 'sample'
    subject_to = 'flachkopf'
    spacing = 'oct2'
    for subject_from in ('fsaverage', 'sample'):
        if subject_from == 'fsaverage':
            scale = 1.  # single dim
            scale = [0.9, 2, .8]  # separate
        src_from_fname = op.join(tempdir, subject_from, 'bem',
                                 '%s-%s-src.fif' % (subject_from, spacing))
        src_from = mne.setup_source_space(subject_from,
        write_source_spaces(src_from_fname, src_from)
        vertices_from = np.concatenate([s['vertno'] for s in src_from])
        assert len(vertices_from) == 36
        hemis = ([0] * len(src_from[0]['vertno']) +
                 [1] * len(src_from[0]['vertno']))
        mni_from = mne.vertex_to_mni(vertices_from,
        if subject_from == 'fsaverage':  # identity transform
            source_rr = np.concatenate(
                [s['rr'][s['vertno']] for s in src_from]) * 1e3
            assert_allclose(mni_from, source_rr)
        if subject_from == 'fsaverage':
            overwrite = skip_fiducials = False
            with pytest.raises(IOError, match='No fiducials file'):
            skip_fiducials = True
            with pytest.raises(IOError, match='already exists'):
            overwrite = True
        if subject_from == 'sample':  # support for not needing all surf files
            os.remove(op.join(sample_dir, 'surf', 'lh.curv'))
        if subject_from == 'fsaverage':
            assert _is_mri_subject(subject_to, tempdir), "Scaling failed"
        src_to_fname = op.join(tempdir, subject_to, 'bem',
                               '%s-%s-src.fif' % (subject_to, spacing))
        assert op.exists(src_to_fname), "Source space was not scaled"
        # Check MRI scaling
        fname_mri = op.join(tempdir, subject_to, 'mri', 'T1.mgz')
        assert op.exists(fname_mri), "MRI was not scaled"
        # Check MNI transform
        src = mne.read_source_spaces(src_to_fname)
        vertices = np.concatenate([s['vertno'] for s in src])
        assert_array_equal(vertices, vertices_from)
        mni = mne.vertex_to_mni(vertices,
        assert_allclose(mni, mni_from, atol=1e-3)  # 0.001 mm
        # Check head_to_mni (the `trans` here does not really matter)
        trans = rotation(0.001, 0.002, 0.003) @ translation(0.01, 0.02, 0.03)
        trans = Transform('head', 'mri', trans)
        pos_head_from = np.random.RandomState(0).randn(4, 3)
        pos_mni_from = mne.head_to_mni(pos_head_from, subject_from, trans,
        pos_mri_from = apply_trans(trans, pos_head_from)
        pos_mri = pos_mri_from * scale
        pos_head = apply_trans(invert_transform(trans), pos_mri)
        pos_mni = mne.head_to_mni(pos_head, subject_to, trans, tempdir)
        assert_allclose(pos_mni, pos_mni_from, atol=1e-3)