Exemple #1
def _handle_channels_reading(channels_fname, raw):
    """Read associated channels.tsv and populate raw.

    Updates status (bad) and types of channels.
    logger.info('Reading channel info from {}.'.format(channels_fname))
    channels_dict = _from_tsv(channels_fname)
    ch_names_tsv = channels_dict['name']

    # Now we can do some work.
    # The "type" column is mandatory in BIDS. We can use it to set channel
    # types in the raw data using a mapping between channel types
    channel_type_dict = dict()

    # Get the best mapping we currently have from BIDS to MNE nomenclature
    bids_to_mne_ch_types = _get_ch_type_mapping(fro='bids', to='mne')
    ch_types_json = channels_dict['type']
    for ch_name, ch_type in zip(ch_names_tsv, ch_types_json):

        # Try to map from BIDS nomenclature to MNE, leave channel type
        # untouched if we are uncertain
        updated_ch_type = bids_to_mne_ch_types.get(ch_type, None)

        if updated_ch_type is None:
            # XXX Try again with uppercase spelling – this should be removed
            # XXX once https://github.com/bids-standard/bids-validator/issues/1018  # noqa:E501
            # XXX has been resolved.
            # XXX x-ref https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-bids/issues/481
            updated_ch_type = bids_to_mne_ch_types.get(ch_type.upper(), None)
            if updated_ch_type is not None:
                msg = ('The BIDS dataset contains channel types in lowercase '
                       'spelling. This violates the BIDS specification and '
                       'will raise an error in the future.')

        if updated_ch_type is not None:
            channel_type_dict[ch_name] = updated_ch_type

    # Rename channels in loaded Raw to match those read from the BIDS sidecar
    for bids_ch_name, raw_ch_name in zip(ch_names_tsv, raw.ch_names.copy()):
        if bids_ch_name != raw_ch_name:
            raw.rename_channels({raw_ch_name: bids_ch_name})

    # Set the channel types in the raw data according to channels.tsv

    # Set bad channels based on _channels.tsv sidecar
    if 'status' in channels_dict:
        bads = _get_bads_from_tsv_data(channels_dict)
        raw.info['bads'] = bads

    return raw
Exemple #2
def _handle_channels_reading(channels_fname, bids_fname, raw):
    """Read associated channels.tsv and populate raw.

    Updates status (bad) and types of channels.
    logger.info('Reading channel info from {}.'.format(channels_fname))
    channels_dict = _from_tsv(channels_fname)

    # First, make sure that ordering of names in channels.tsv matches the
    # ordering of names in the raw data. The "name" column is mandatory in BIDS
    ch_names_raw = list(raw.ch_names)
    ch_names_tsv = channels_dict['name']
    if ch_names_raw != ch_names_tsv:

        msg = ('Channels do not correspond between raw data and the '
               'channels.tsv file. For MNE-BIDS, the channel names in the '
               'tsv MUST be equal and in the same order as the channels in '
               'the raw data.\n\n'
               '{} channels in tsv file: "{}"\n\n --> {}\n\n'
               '{} channels in raw file: "{}"\n\n --> {}\n\n'.format(
                   len(ch_names_tsv), channels_fname, ch_names_tsv,
                   len(ch_names_raw), bids_fname, ch_names_raw))

        # XXX: this could be due to MNE inserting a 'STI 014' channel as the
        # last channel: In that case, we can work. --> Can be removed soon,
        # because MNE will stop the synthesis of stim channels in the near
        # future
        if not (ch_names_raw[-1] == 'STI 014'
                and ch_names_raw[:-1] == ch_names_tsv):
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

    # Now we can do some work.
    # The "type" column is mandatory in BIDS. We can use it to set channel
    # types in the raw data using a mapping between channel types
    channel_type_dict = dict()

    # Get the best mapping we currently have from BIDS to MNE nomenclature
    bids_to_mne_ch_types = _get_ch_type_mapping(fro='bids', to='mne')
    ch_types_json = channels_dict['type']
    for ch_name, ch_type in zip(ch_names_tsv, ch_types_json):

        # Try to map from BIDS nomenclature to MNE, leave channel type
        # untouched if we are uncertain
        updated_ch_type = bids_to_mne_ch_types.get(ch_type, None)

        if updated_ch_type is None:
            # XXX Try again with uppercase spelling – this should be removed
            # XXX once https://github.com/bids-standard/bids-validator/issues/1018  # noqa:E501
            # XXX has been resolved.
            # XXX x-ref https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-bids/issues/481
            updated_ch_type = bids_to_mne_ch_types.get(ch_type.upper(), None)
            if updated_ch_type is not None:
                msg = ('The BIDS dataset contains channel types in lowercase '
                       'spelling. This violates the BIDS specification and '
                       'will raise an error in the future.')

        if updated_ch_type is not None:
            channel_type_dict[ch_name] = updated_ch_type

    # Set the channel types in the raw data according to channels.tsv

    # Check whether there is the optional "status" column from which to infer
    # good and bad channels
    if 'status' in channels_dict:
        # find bads from channels.tsv
        bads_from_tsv = _get_bads_from_tsv_data(channels_dict)

        if raw.info['bads'] and set(bads_from_tsv) != set(raw.info['bads']):
            warn(f'Encountered conflicting information on channel status '
                 f'between {op.basename(channels_fname)} and the associated '
                 f'raw data file.\n'
                 f'Channels marked as bad in '
                 f'{op.basename(channels_fname)}: {bads_from_tsv}\n'
                 f'Channels marked as bad in '
                 f'raw.info["bads"]: {raw.info["bads"]}\n'
                 f'Setting list of bad channels to: {bads_from_tsv}')

        raw.info['bads'] = bads_from_tsv
    elif raw.info['bads']:
        # We do have info['bads'], but no `status` in channels.tsv
        logger.info(f'No "status" column found in '
                    f'{op.basename(channels_fname)}; using list of bad '
                    f'channels found in raw.info["bads"]: {raw.info["bads"]}')

    return raw
Exemple #3
def test_get_ch_type_mapping():
    """Test getting a correct channel mapping."""
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='specified from "bogus" to "mne"'):
        _get_ch_type_mapping(fro='bogus', to='mne')
Exemple #4
def _handle_channels_reading(channels_fname, bids_fname, raw):
    """Read associated channels.tsv and populate raw.

    Updates status (bad) and types of channels.
    logger.info('Reading channel info from {}.'.format(channels_fname))
    channels_dict = _from_tsv(channels_fname)

    # First, make sure that ordering of names in channels.tsv matches the
    # ordering of names in the raw data. The "name" column is mandatory in BIDS
    ch_names_raw = list(raw.ch_names)
    ch_names_tsv = channels_dict['name']
    if ch_names_raw != ch_names_tsv:

        msg = ('Channels do not correspond between raw data and the '
               'channels.tsv file. For MNE-BIDS, the channel names in the '
               'tsv MUST be equal and in the same order as the channels in '
               'the raw data.\n\n'
               '{} channels in tsv file: "{}"\n\n --> {}\n\n'
               '{} channels in raw file: "{}"\n\n --> {}\n\n'.format(
                   len(ch_names_tsv), channels_fname, ch_names_tsv,
                   len(ch_names_raw), bids_fname, ch_names_raw))

        # XXX: this could be due to MNE inserting a 'STI 014' channel as the
        # last channel: In that case, we can work. --> Can be removed soon,
        # because MNE will stop the synthesis of stim channels in the near
        # future
        if not (ch_names_raw[-1] == 'STI 014'
                and ch_names_raw[:-1] == ch_names_tsv):
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

    # Now we can do some work.
    # The "type" column is mandatory in BIDS. We can use it to set channel
    # types in the raw data using a mapping between channel types
    channel_type_dict = dict()

    # Get the best mapping we currently have from BIDS to MNE nomenclature
    bids_to_mne_ch_types = _get_ch_type_mapping(fro='bids', to='mne')
    ch_types_json = channels_dict['type']
    for ch_name, ch_type in zip(ch_names_tsv, ch_types_json):

        # Try to map from BIDS nomenclature to MNE, leave channel type
        # untouched if we are uncertain
        updated_ch_type = bids_to_mne_ch_types.get(ch_type, None)
        if updated_ch_type is not None:
            channel_type_dict[ch_name] = updated_ch_type

    # Set the channel types in the raw data according to channels.tsv

    # Check whether there is the optional "status" column from which to infer
    # good and bad channels
    if 'status' in channels_dict:
        # find bads from channels.tsv
        bad_bool = [
            True if chn.lower() == 'bad' else False
            for chn in channels_dict['status']
        bads = np.asarray(channels_dict['name'])[bad_bool]

        # merge with bads already present in raw data file (if there are any)
        unique_bads = set(raw.info['bads']).union(set(bads))
        raw.info['bads'] = list(unique_bads)

    return raw
Exemple #5
def _channels_tsv(raw, fname, overwrite=False, verbose=True):
    """Create a channels.tsv file and save it.

    raw : instance of Raw
        The data as MNE-Python Raw object.
    fname : str
        Filename to save the channels.tsv to.
    overwrite : bool
        Whether to overwrite the existing file.
        Defaults to False.
    verbose : bool
        Set verbose output to true or false.

    # Get channel type mappings between BIDS and MNE nomenclatures
    map_chs = _get_ch_type_mapping(fro='mne', to='bids')

    # Prepare the descriptions for each channel type
    map_desc = defaultdict(lambda: 'Other type of channel')
    map_desc.update(meggradaxial='Axial Gradiometer',
                    megrefgradaxial='Axial Gradiometer Reference',
                    meggradplanar='Planar Gradiometer',
                    megrefmag='Magnetometer Reference',
    get_specific = ('mag', 'ref_meg', 'grad')

    # get the manufacturer from the file in the Raw object
    manufacturer = None

    _, ext = _parse_ext(raw.filenames[0], verbose=verbose)
    manufacturer = MANUFACTURERS[ext]

    ignored_channels = IGNORED_CHANNELS.get(manufacturer, list())

    status, ch_type, description = list(), list(), list()
    for idx, ch in enumerate(raw.info['ch_names']):
        status.append('bad' if ch in raw.info['bads'] else 'good')
        _channel_type = channel_type(raw.info, idx)
        if _channel_type in get_specific:
            _channel_type = coil_type(raw.info, idx, _channel_type)
    low_cutoff, high_cutoff = (raw.info['highpass'], raw.info['lowpass'])
    if raw._orig_units:
        units = [raw._orig_units.get(ch, 'n/a') for ch in raw.ch_names]
        units = [_unit2human.get(ch_i['unit'], 'n/a')
                 for ch_i in raw.info['chs']]
        units = [u if u not in ['NA'] else 'n/a' for u in units]
    n_channels = raw.info['nchan']
    sfreq = raw.info['sfreq']

    ch_data = OrderedDict([
        ('name', raw.info['ch_names']),
        ('type', ch_type),
        ('units', units),
        ('low_cutoff', np.full((n_channels), low_cutoff)),
        ('high_cutoff', np.full((n_channels), high_cutoff)),
        ('description', description),
        ('sampling_frequency', np.full((n_channels), sfreq)),
        ('status', status)])
    ch_data = _drop(ch_data, ignored_channels, 'name')

    _write_tsv(fname, ch_data, overwrite, verbose)

    return fname
Exemple #6
def _handle_channels_reading(channels_fname, raw):
    """Read associated channels.tsv and populate raw.

    Updates status (bad) and types of channels.
    logger.info('Reading channel info from {}.'.format(channels_fname))
    channels_dict = _from_tsv(channels_fname)
    ch_names_tsv = channels_dict['name']

    # Now we can do some work.
    # The "type" column is mandatory in BIDS. We can use it to set channel
    # types in the raw data using a mapping between channel types
    channel_type_dict = dict()

    # Get the best mapping we currently have from BIDS to MNE nomenclature
    bids_to_mne_ch_types = _get_ch_type_mapping(fro='bids', to='mne')
    ch_types_json = channels_dict['type']
    for ch_name, ch_type in zip(ch_names_tsv, ch_types_json):

        # Try to map from BIDS nomenclature to MNE, leave channel type
        # untouched if we are uncertain
        updated_ch_type = bids_to_mne_ch_types.get(ch_type, None)

        if updated_ch_type is None:
            # XXX Try again with uppercase spelling – this should be removed
            # XXX once https://github.com/bids-standard/bids-validator/issues/1018  # noqa:E501
            # XXX has been resolved.
            # XXX x-ref https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-bids/issues/481
            updated_ch_type = bids_to_mne_ch_types.get(ch_type.upper(), None)
            if updated_ch_type is not None:
                msg = ('The BIDS dataset contains channel types in lowercase '
                       'spelling. This violates the BIDS specification and '
                       'will raise an error in the future.')

        if updated_ch_type is not None:
            channel_type_dict[ch_name] = updated_ch_type

    # Special handling for (synthesized) stimulus channel
    synthesized_stim_ch_name = 'STI 014'
    if (synthesized_stim_ch_name in raw.ch_names
            and synthesized_stim_ch_name not in ch_names_tsv):
            f'The stimulus channel "{synthesized_stim_ch_name}" is present in '
            f'the raw data, but not included in channels.tsv. Removing the '

    # Rename channels in loaded Raw to match those read from the BIDS sidecar
    if len(ch_names_tsv) != len(raw.ch_names):
        warn(f'The number of channels in the channels.tsv sidecar file '
             f'({len(ch_names_tsv)}) does not match the number of channels '
             f'in the raw data file ({len(raw.ch_names)}). Will not try to '
             f'set channel names.')
        for bids_ch_name, raw_ch_name in zip(ch_names_tsv,
            if bids_ch_name != raw_ch_name:
                raw.rename_channels({raw_ch_name: bids_ch_name})

    # Set the channel types in the raw data according to channels.tsv
    ch_type_map_avail = {
        ch_name: ch_type
        for ch_name, ch_type in channel_type_dict.items()
        if ch_name in raw.ch_names
    ch_diff = set(channel_type_dict.keys()) - set(ch_type_map_avail.keys())
    if ch_diff:
        warn(f'Cannot set channel type for the following channels, as they '
             f'are missing in the raw data: {", ".join(sorted(ch_diff))}')

    # Set bad channels based on _channels.tsv sidecar
    if 'status' in channels_dict:
        bads_tsv = _get_bads_from_tsv_data(channels_dict)
        bads_avail = [
            ch_name for ch_name in bads_tsv if ch_name in raw.ch_names

        ch_diff = set(bads_tsv) - set(bads_avail)
        if ch_diff:
            warn(f'Cannot set "bad" status for the following channels, as '
                 f'they are missing in the raw data: '
                 f'{", ".join(sorted(ch_diff))}')

        raw.info['bads'] = bads_avail

    return raw