def get_mnist(): """ Load the MNIST data """ mnist.init() x_train, t_train, x_test, t_test = mnist.load() print("Loaded MNIST data") return x_train, t_train, x_test, t_test
def init(digit1, digit2, num_train, num_test): # Download dataset if not os.path.isfile("mnist.pkl"): mnist.init() # Load whole dataset into memory x_train, t_train, x_test, t_test = mnist.load() # Subset training data if num_train > 0: indices1 = [ i for i, j in enumerate(t_train) if ((j == digit1) or (j == digit2)) ] x = x_train[indices1, :] y = t_train[indices1] y = np.cast[int](y) y[y == digit1] = -1 y[y == digit2] = 1 ind1 = np.random.choice(np.arange(y.size), num_train) x = x[ind1, :] y = y[ind1] else: x = None y = None # Subset test data if num_test > 0: indices2 = [ i for i, j in enumerate(t_test) if ((j == digit1) or (j == digit2)) ] xtest = x_test[indices2, :] ytest = t_test[indices2] ytest = np.cast[int](ytest) ytest[ytest == digit1] = -1 ytest[ytest == digit2] = 1 ind2 = np.random.choice(np.arange(ytest.size), num_test) xtest = xtest[ind2, :] ytest = ytest[ind2] else: xtest = None ytest = None # Return return (x, y, xtest, ytest)
def runner(params): backend = params.backend output = params.output print("Info: Initializing model") benchmark = mnist.init(backend) if backend == 'gpu': print("Info: Warming up GPU") benchmark.train() print("Info: Starting training benchmark") start = time.time() benchmark.train() end = time.time() print("Info: Finished training benchmark") train_time = (end - start) / EPOCHS print("Training time average: %s" % train_time) print("Info: Starting testing benchmark") start = time.time() benchmark.predict() end = time.time() print("Info: Finished testing benchmark") test_time = end - start print("Test time: %s" % str(test_time)) data = {'benchmark': 'MNIST', 'backend': backend, 'implementation': 'Python', 'train': train_time, 'test': test_time, 'train_size': TRAIN_SIZE, 'training_steps': EPOCHS, 'test_size': TEST_SIZE} print(json.dumps(data, separators=(',', ':'))) file = open(output, "a+") file.write(json.dumps(data, separators=(',', ':'))) file.write("\n")
dataset, from a fake one, generated by a normal distribution. 2) The generator creates digits from a normal distribution. Its output is given to the discriminator. """ import numpy as np from sklearn import preprocessing from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from discriminator import Discriminator from generator import Generator from gan import Gan import mnist import params if params.DOWNLOAD_MNIST: X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = mnist.init() else: X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = mnist.load() def get_normal_shaped_array(shape): """Returns a normal shaped array. The elements of the array follow a normal distribution and are between (0,1). Args: shape (tuple): The shape of the returned array. Returns: normal_shaped (np.array): Array with elements that are normal shaped. """
GRID_Y = 28 # size of the writing pad: WIDTH = 280 HEIGHT = 280 # create the empty writing pad array to store the features (28x28 - 784) of one sample: writing_pad = np.zeros((GRID_X, GRID_Y)) # flag to draw in the trackpad window: drawing_active = False # download (if not already) the MNIST samples and turn them into the numpy arrays according to this: # if not os.path.exists("mnist.pkl"): mnist.init() # x_train : 60,000x784 numpy array that each row contains flattened version of training images. # t_train : 1x60,000 numpy array that each component is true label of the corresponding training images. # x_test : 10,000x784 numpy array that each row contains flattened version of test images. # t_test : 1x10,000 numpy array that each component is true label of the corresponding test images. x_train, t_train, x_test, t_test = mnist.load() # print a complete numpy array: np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.inf) # the x_test and x_train are grayscale images, not binary. I transform to binary: threshold = 200 bin_x_test = 1.0 * (x_test > threshold) bin_x_train = 1.0 * (x_train > threshold)
import mnist # Mnist data set loader by Hyeonseok Jung (hsjeong5) import ANN import numpy as np mnist.init() # download data set and store as .pkl file x_train, l_train, x_test, l_test = mnist.load() n_train = 60000 # number of training examples (max: 60,000) n_test = 10000 # number of testing examples (max: 10,000) # Refine the data set x_train = ( x_train[:n_train] / (np.max(x_train) - np.min(x_train))).T # Truncate to size and normalise l_train = (l_train[:n_train]).T x_test = (x_test[:n_test] / (np.max(x_test) - np.min(x_test))).T layer_struct = [len(x_train), 30, 10] # [input_size,..hidden_layers..., output_size] net = ANN.create(layer_struct) # net ANN.train(net, x_train, l_train, epochs=30, learning_rate=3, batchsize=10) # returns output_nodes x n_test size array with all predicted examples guess = ANN.test(net, x_test)
import numpy as np # convert labels to one-hot encoding def batch_make_onehot(batch_labels, nclasses): rslts = np.zeros(shape=[batch_labels.shape[0], nclasses]) for i in range(batch_labels.shape[0]): rslts[i, :] = make_onehot(batch_labels[i], nclasses) return rslts def make_onehot(label, nclasses): return np.eye(nclasses)[label] dataset.init() x_train, t_train, x_test, t_test = dataset.load() t_train = batch_make_onehot(t_train, 10) t_test = batch_make_onehot(t_test, 10)"data/dataset/mnist_train_data_60000x784.npy", x_train)"data/dataset/mnist_train_label_60000x10.npy", t_train)"data/dataset/mnist_test_data_10000x10.npy", x_test)"data/dataset/mnist_test_label_10000x10.npy", t_test) # Parameters learning_rate = 0.001 training_epochs = 5 batch_size = 100 display_step = 1