Exemple #1
def list_fastboot_devices():
    """List all android devices connected to the computer that are in in
    fastboot mode. These are detected by fastboot.

        A list of android device serials. Empty if there's none.
    out = fastboot.FastbootProxy().devices()
    return _parse_device_list(out, 'fastboot')
Exemple #2
def list_fastboot_devices():
  """List all android devices connected to the computer that are in in
  fastboot mode. These are detected by fastboot.

  This function doesn't raise any error if `fastboot` binary doesn't exist,
  because `FastbootProxy` itself doesn't raise any error.

    A list of android device serials. Empty if there's none.
  out = fastboot.FastbootProxy().devices()
  return parse_device_list(out, 'fastboot')
Exemple #3
 def __init__(self, serial="", host_port=None, device_port=8080):
     self.serial = serial
     self.h_port = host_port
     self.d_port = device_port
     # logging.log_path only exists when this is used in an Mobly test run.
     log_path_base = getattr(logging, "log_path", "/tmp/logs")
     self.log_path = os.path.join(log_path_base, "AndroidDevice%s" % serial)
     self.log = AndroidDeviceLoggerAdapter(logging.getLogger(),
                                           {"serial": self.serial})
     self._droid_sessions = {}
     self._event_dispatchers = {}
     self.adb_logcat_process = None
     self.adb_logcat_file_path = None
     self.adb = adb.AdbProxy(serial)
     self.fastboot = fastboot.FastbootProxy(serial)
     if not self.is_bootloader:
Exemple #4
 def __init__(self, serial=''):
     self._serial = str(serial)
     # logging.log_path only exists when this is used in an Mobly test run.
     self._log_path_base = getattr(logging, 'log_path', '/tmp/logs')
     self._log_path = os.path.join(
         self._log_path_base, 'AndroidDevice%s' % self._normalized_serial)
     self._debug_tag = self._serial
     self.log = AndroidDeviceLoggerAdapter(logging.getLogger(),
                                           {'tag': self.debug_tag})
     self.adb = adb.AdbProxy(serial)
     self.fastboot = fastboot.FastbootProxy(serial)
     if not self.is_bootloader and self.is_rootable:
     self.services = service_manager.ServiceManager(self)
         'snippets', snippet_management_service.SnippetManagementService)
     # Device info cache.
     self._user_added_device_info = {}
Exemple #5
 def __init__(self, serial=''):
     self.serial = serial
     # logging.log_path only exists when this is used in an Mobly test run.
     log_path_base = getattr(logging, 'log_path', '/tmp/logs')
     self.log_path = os.path.join(log_path_base, 'AndroidDevice%s' % serial)
     self._debug_tag = self.serial
     self.log = AndroidDeviceLoggerAdapter(logging.getLogger(),
                                           {'tag': self.debug_tag})
     self.sl4a = None
     self.ed = None
     self._adb_logcat_process = None
     self.adb_logcat_file_path = None
     self.adb = adb.AdbProxy(serial)
     self.fastboot = fastboot.FastbootProxy(serial)
     if not self.is_bootloader and self.is_rootable:
     # A dict for tracking snippet clients. Keys are clients' attribute
     # names, values are the clients: {<attr name string>: <client object>}.
     self._snippet_clients = {}