Exemple #1
    def test_get_settable_properties(self):
        class SomeClass(object):
            regular_attr = 'regular_attr'
            _foo = 'foo'
            _bar = 'bar'

            def settable_prop(self):
                return self._foo

            def settable_prop(self, new_foo):
                self._foo = new_foo

            def readonly_prop(self):
                return self._bar

            def func(self):
                """Func should not be considered as a settable prop."""

        actual = utils.get_settable_properties(SomeClass)
        self.assertEqual(actual, ['settable_prop'])
Exemple #2

  def __getattr__(self, name):
    """Tries to return a snippet client registered with `name`.

    This is for backward compatibility of direct accessing snippet clients.
    client = self.services.snippets.get_snippet_client(name)
    if client:
      return client
    return self.__getattribute__(name)

# Properties in AndroidDevice that have setters.
# This line has to live below the AndroidDevice code.
_ANDROID_DEVICE_SETTABLE_PROPS = utils.get_settable_properties(AndroidDevice)

class AndroidDeviceLoggerAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter):
  """A wrapper class that adds a prefix to each log line.


  .. code-block:: python

    my_log = AndroidDeviceLoggerAdapter(logging.getLogger(), {
      'tag': <custom tag>

  Then each log line added by my_log will have a prefix