def run_frank_mocap_cpu(args, bbox_detector, body_mocap, hand_mocap,visualizer): #Setup input data to handle different types of inputs input_type, input_data = demo_utils.setup_input(args) cur_frame = args.start_frame video_frame = 0 #Nossa estrutura de saida while True: # load data load_bbox = False if input_type =='image_dir': if cur_frame < len(input_data): image_path = input_data[cur_frame] img_original_bgr = cv2.imread(image_path) else: img_original_bgr = None elif input_type == 'bbox_dir': if cur_frame < len(input_data): image_path = input_data[cur_frame]['image_path'] hand_bbox_list = input_data[cur_frame]['hand_bbox_list'] body_bbox_list = input_data[cur_frame]['body_bbox_list'] img_original_bgr = cv2.imread(image_path) load_bbox = True else: img_original_bgr = None elif input_type == 'video': _, img_original_bgr = if video_frame < cur_frame: video_frame += 1 continue # save the obtained video frames image_path = osp.join(args.out_dir, "frames", f"{cur_frame:05d}.jpg") if img_original_bgr is not None: video_frame += 1 if args.save_frame: gnu.make_subdir(image_path) cv2.imwrite(image_path, img_original_bgr) elif input_type == 'webcam': _, img_original_bgr = if video_frame < cur_frame: video_frame += 1 continue # save the obtained video frames image_path = osp.join(args.out_dir, "frames", f"scene_{cur_frame:05d}.jpg") if img_original_bgr is not None: video_frame += 1 if args.save_frame: gnu.make_subdir(image_path) cv2.imwrite(image_path, img_original_bgr) else: assert False, "Unknown input_type" cur_frame +=1 if img_original_bgr is None or cur_frame > args.end_frame: break print("--------------------------------------") # bbox detection if not load_bbox: body_bbox_list, hand_bbox_list = list(), list() # regression (includes integration) body_bbox_list, hand_bbox_list, pred_output_list = run_regress_cpu( args, img_original_bgr, body_bbox_list, hand_bbox_list, bbox_detector, body_mocap, hand_mocap) # save the obtained body & hand bbox to json file if args.save_bbox_output: demo_utils.save_info_to_json(args, image_path, body_bbox_list, hand_bbox_list) if len(body_bbox_list) < 1: print(f"No body deteced: {image_path}") continue pred_mesh_list = demo_utils.extract_mesh_from_output(pred_output_list) # visualization res_img = visualizer.visualize( img_original_bgr, pred_mesh_list = pred_mesh_list, body_bbox_list = body_bbox_list, hand_bbox_list = hand_bbox_list) # show result in the screen if not args.no_display: res_img = res_img.astype(np.uint8) ImShow(res_img) # save result image if args.out_dir is not None: demo_utils.save_res_img(args.out_dir, image_path, res_img) # save predictions to pkl if args.save_pred_pkl: demo_type = 'frank' demo_utils.save_pred_to_pkl( args, demo_type, image_path, body_bbox_list, hand_bbox_list, pred_output_list) print(f"Processed : {image_path}") if not args.no_video_out and input_type in ['video', 'webcam']: demo_utils.gen_video_out(args.out_dir, args.seq_name) if input_type =='webcam' and input_data is not None: input_data.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def run_body_mocap(args, body_bbox_detector, body_mocap, visualizer): #Setup input data to handle different types of inputs input_type, input_data = demo_utils.setup_input(args) cur_frame = args.start_frame video_frame = 0 timer = Timer() while True: timer.tic() # load data load_bbox = False if input_type == 'image_dir': if cur_frame < len(input_data): image_path = input_data[cur_frame] img_original_bgr = cv2.imread(image_path) else: img_original_bgr = None elif input_type == 'bbox_dir': if cur_frame < len(input_data): print("Use pre-computed bounding boxes") image_path = input_data[cur_frame]['image_path'] hand_bbox_list = input_data[cur_frame]['hand_bbox_list'] body_bbox_list = input_data[cur_frame]['body_bbox_list'] img_original_bgr = cv2.imread(image_path) load_bbox = True else: img_original_bgr = None elif input_type == 'video': _, img_original_bgr = if video_frame < cur_frame: video_frame += 1 continue # save the obtained video frames image_path = osp.join(args.out_dir, "frames", f"{cur_frame:05d}.jpg") if img_original_bgr is not None: video_frame += 1 if args.save_frame: gnu.make_subdir(image_path) cv2.imwrite(image_path, img_original_bgr) elif input_type == 'webcam': _, img_original_bgr = if video_frame < cur_frame: video_frame += 1 continue # save the obtained video frames image_path = osp.join(args.out_dir, "frames", f"scene_{cur_frame:05d}.jpg") if img_original_bgr is not None: video_frame += 1 if args.save_frame: gnu.make_subdir(image_path) cv2.imwrite(image_path, img_original_bgr) else: assert False, "Unknown input_type" cur_frame += 1 if img_original_bgr is None or cur_frame > args.end_frame: break print("--------------------------------------") if load_bbox: body_pose_list = None else: body_pose_list, body_bbox_list = body_bbox_detector.detect_body_pose( img_original_bgr) hand_bbox_list = [ None, ] * len(body_bbox_list) # save the obtained body & hand bbox to json file if args.save_bbox_output: demo_utils.save_info_to_json(args, image_path, body_bbox_list, hand_bbox_list) if len(body_bbox_list) < 1: print(f"No body deteced: {image_path}") continue #Sort the bbox using bbox size # (to make the order as consistent as possible without tracking) bbox_size = [(x[2] * x[3]) for x in body_bbox_list] idx_big2small = np.argsort(bbox_size)[::-1] body_bbox_list = [body_bbox_list[i] for i in idx_big2small] if args.single_person and len(body_bbox_list) > 0: body_bbox_list = [ body_bbox_list[0], ] # Body Pose Regression pred_output_list = body_mocap.regress(img_original_bgr, body_bbox_list) assert len(body_bbox_list) == len(pred_output_list) # # extract mesh for rendering (vertices in image space and faces) from pred_output_list # pred_mesh_list = demo_utils.extract_mesh_from_output(pred_output_list) # # visualization # res_img = visualizer.visualize( # img_original_bgr, # pred_mesh_list = pred_mesh_list, # body_bbox_list = body_bbox_list) # # show result in the screen # if not args.no_display: # res_img = res_img.astype(np.uint8) # ImShow(res_img) # # save result image # if args.out_dir is not None: # demo_utils.save_res_img(args.out_dir, image_path, res_img) # save predictions to pkl if args.save_pred_pkl: demo_type = 'body' demo_utils.save_pred_to_pkl(args, demo_type, image_path, body_bbox_list, hand_bbox_list, pred_output_list) for pidx, pred_output in enumerate(pred_output_list): # 描画設定 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15), dpi=100) # 3DAxesを追加 ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') joints = pred_output['pred_joints_img'] min_joint = np.min(joints, axis=0) max_joint = np.max(joints, axis=0) # ジョイント出力 ax.set_xlim3d(int(min_joint[0]), int(max_joint[0])) ax.set_ylim3d(int(min_joint[2]), int(max_joint[2])) ax.set_zlim3d(int(-max_joint[1]), int(-min_joint[1])) ax.set(xlabel='x', ylabel='y', zlabel='z') for jidx, (jsname, jename) in enumerate([('OP Nose', 'OP Neck'), ('OP Neck', 'OP RShoulder'), ('OP RShoulder', 'OP RElbow'), ('OP RElbow', 'OP RWrist'), \ ('OP Neck', 'OP LShoulder'), ('OP LShoulder', 'OP LElbow'), ('OP LElbow', 'OP LWrist'), \ ('OP MidHip', 'OP RHip'), ('OP RHip', 'OP RKnee'), ('OP RKnee', 'OP RAnkle'), ('OP RAnkle', 'OP RHeel'), ('OP RHeel', 'OP RSmallToe'), ('OP RHeel', 'OP RBigToe'), \ ('OP MidHip', 'OP LHip'), ('OP LHip', 'OP LKnee'), ('OP LKnee', 'OP LAnkle'), ('OP LAnkle', 'OP LHeel'), ('OP LHeel', 'OP LSmallToe'), ('OP LHeel', 'OP LBigToe'), \ ('OP Nose', 'OP REye'), ('OP REye', 'OP REar'), ('OP Nose', 'OP LEye'), ('OP LEye', 'OP LEar'), ('OP Neck', 'OP MidHip')]): xs = [ joints[J49_FLIP_PERM[JOINT_NAMES.index(jsname)]][0], joints[J49_FLIP_PERM[JOINT_NAMES.index(jename)]][0] ] ys = [ joints[J49_FLIP_PERM[JOINT_NAMES.index(jsname)]][2], joints[J49_FLIP_PERM[JOINT_NAMES.index(jename)]][2] ] zs = [ -joints[J49_FLIP_PERM[JOINT_NAMES.index(jsname)]][1], -joints[J49_FLIP_PERM[JOINT_NAMES.index(jename)]][1] ] ax.plot3D(xs, ys, zs, marker="o", ms=2, c="#0000FF") for jidx, (jsname, jename) in enumerate([('Nose', 'Neck (LSP)'), ('Neck (LSP)', 'Right Shoulder'), ('Right Shoulder', 'Right Elbow'), ('Right Elbow', 'Right Wrist'), \ ('Neck (LSP)', 'Left Shoulder'), ('Left Shoulder', 'Left Elbow'), ('Left Elbow', 'Left Wrist'), \ ('Pelvis (MPII)', 'Right Hip'), ('Right Hip', 'Right Knee'), ('Right Knee', 'Right Ankle'), \ ('Pelvis (MPII)', 'Left Hip'), ('Left Hip', 'Left Knee'), ('Left Knee', 'Left Ankle'), \ ('Nose', 'Right Eye'), ('Right Eye', 'Right Ear'), ('Nose', 'Left Eye'), ('Left Eye', 'Left Ear'), \ ('Pelvis (MPII)', 'Thorax (MPII)'), ('Thorax (MPII)', 'Spine (H36M)'), ('Spine (H36M)', 'Jaw (H36M)'), ('Jaw (H36M)', 'Nose')]): xs = [ joints[J49_FLIP_PERM[JOINT_NAMES.index(jsname)]][0], joints[J49_FLIP_PERM[JOINT_NAMES.index(jename)]][0] ] ys = [ joints[J49_FLIP_PERM[JOINT_NAMES.index(jsname)]][2], joints[J49_FLIP_PERM[JOINT_NAMES.index(jename)]][2] ] zs = [ -joints[J49_FLIP_PERM[JOINT_NAMES.index(jsname)]][1], -joints[J49_FLIP_PERM[JOINT_NAMES.index(jename)]][1] ] ax.plot3D(xs, ys, zs, marker="o", ms=2, c="#FF0000") plt.savefig( osp.join(args.out_dir, "frames", f"joints_{pidx:02d}_{cur_frame:05d}.jpg")) plt.close() timer.toc(bPrint=True, title="Time") print(f"Processed : {image_path}") #save images as a video if not args.no_video_out and input_type in ['video', 'webcam']: demo_utils.gen_video_out(args.out_dir, args.seq_name) if input_type == 'webcam' and input_data is not None: input_data.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def run_frank_mocap(args, bbox_detector, body_mocap, hand_mocap, visualizer): #Setup input data to handle different types of inputs input_type, input_data = demo_utils.setup_input(args) cur_frame = args.start_frame video_frame = 0 while True: # load data load_bbox = False if input_type == 'image_dir': if cur_frame < len(input_data): image_path = input_data[cur_frame] img_original_bgr = cv2.imread(image_path) else: img_original_bgr = None elif input_type == 'bbox_dir': if cur_frame < len(input_data): image_path = input_data[cur_frame]['image_path'] hand_bbox_list = input_data[cur_frame]['hand_bbox_list'] body_bbox_list = input_data[cur_frame]['body_bbox_list'] img_original_bgr = cv2.imread(image_path) load_bbox = True else: img_original_bgr = None elif input_type == 'video': _, img_original_bgr = if video_frame < cur_frame: video_frame += 1 continue # save the obtained video frames image_path = osp.join(args.out_dir, "frames", f"{cur_frame:05d}.jpg") if img_original_bgr is not None: video_frame += 1 if args.save_frame: gnu.make_subdir(image_path) cv2.imwrite(image_path, img_original_bgr) elif input_type == 'webcam': _, img_original_bgr = if video_frame < cur_frame: video_frame += 1 continue # save the obtained video frames image_path = osp.join(args.out_dir, "frames", f"scene_{cur_frame:05d}.jpg") if img_original_bgr is not None: video_frame += 1 if args.save_frame: gnu.make_subdir(image_path) cv2.imwrite(image_path, img_original_bgr) else: assert False, "Unknown input_type" cur_frame += 1 if img_original_bgr is None or cur_frame > args.end_frame: break print("--------------------------------------") # bbox detection if not load_bbox: body_bbox_list, hand_bbox_list = list(), list() # regression (includes integration) body_bbox_list, hand_bbox_list, pred_output_list = run_regress( args, img_original_bgr, body_bbox_list, hand_bbox_list, bbox_detector, body_mocap, hand_mocap) # save the obtained body & hand bbox to json file if args.save_bbox_output: demo_utils.save_info_to_json(args, image_path, body_bbox_list, hand_bbox_list) if len(body_bbox_list) < 1: print(f"No body deteced: {image_path}") continue pred_mesh_list = demo_utils.extract_mesh_from_output(pred_output_list) # # visualization # res_img = visualizer.visualize( # img_original_bgr, # pred_mesh_list = pred_mesh_list, # body_bbox_list = body_bbox_list, # hand_bbox_list = hand_bbox_list) # # show result in the screen # if not args.no_display: # res_img = res_img.astype(np.uint8) # ImShow(res_img) # # save result image # if args.out_dir is not None: # demo_utils.save_res_img(args.out_dir, image_path, res_img) demo_type = 'frank' demo_utils.save_pred_to_pkl(args, demo_type, image_path, body_bbox_list, hand_bbox_list, pred_output_list) for pidx, pred_output in enumerate(pred_output_list): # 描画設定 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15), dpi=100) # 3DAxesを追加 ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') joints = pred_output['pred_joints_img'] left_hand_joints = pred_output['pred_left_hand_joints_img'] right_hand_joints = pred_output['pred_right_hand_joints_img'] min_joint = np.min(joints, axis=0) max_joint = np.max(joints, axis=0) # ジョイント出力 ax.set_xlim3d(int(min_joint[0]), int(max_joint[0])) ax.set_ylim3d(int(min_joint[2]), int(max_joint[2])) ax.set_zlim3d(int(-max_joint[1]), int(-min_joint[1])) ax.set(xlabel='x', ylabel='y', zlabel='z') for jidx, (jsname, jename) in enumerate([('OP Nose', 'OP Neck'), ('OP Neck', 'OP RShoulder'), ('OP RShoulder', 'OP RElbow'), ('OP RElbow', 'OP RWrist'), \ ('OP Neck', 'OP LShoulder'), ('OP LShoulder', 'OP LElbow'), ('OP LElbow', 'OP LWrist'), \ ('OP MidHip', 'OP RHip'), ('OP RHip', 'OP RKnee'), ('OP RKnee', 'OP RAnkle'), ('OP RAnkle', 'OP RHeel'), ('OP RHeel', 'OP RSmallToe'), ('OP RHeel', 'OP RBigToe'), \ ('OP MidHip', 'OP LHip'), ('OP LHip', 'OP LKnee'), ('OP LKnee', 'OP LAnkle'), ('OP LAnkle', 'OP LHeel'), ('OP LHeel', 'OP LSmallToe'), ('OP LHeel', 'OP LBigToe'), \ ('OP Nose', 'OP REye'), ('OP REye', 'OP REar'), ('OP Nose', 'OP LEye'), ('OP LEye', 'OP LEar'), ('OP Neck', 'OP MidHip')]): xs = [ joints[J49_FLIP_PERM[JOINT_NAMES.index(jsname)]][0], joints[J49_FLIP_PERM[JOINT_NAMES.index(jename)]][0] ] ys = [ joints[J49_FLIP_PERM[JOINT_NAMES.index(jsname)]][2], joints[J49_FLIP_PERM[JOINT_NAMES.index(jename)]][2] ] zs = [ -joints[J49_FLIP_PERM[JOINT_NAMES.index(jsname)]][1], -joints[J49_FLIP_PERM[JOINT_NAMES.index(jename)]][1] ] ax.plot3D(xs, ys, zs, marker="o", ms=2, c="#0000FF") for jidx, (jsname, jename) in enumerate([('Nose', 'Neck (LSP)'), ('Neck (LSP)', 'Right Shoulder'), ('Right Shoulder', 'Right Elbow'), ('Right Elbow', 'Right Wrist'), \ ('Neck (LSP)', 'Left Shoulder'), ('Left Shoulder', 'Left Elbow'), ('Left Elbow', 'Left Wrist'), \ ('Pelvis (MPII)', 'Right Hip'), ('Right Hip', 'Right Knee'), ('Right Knee', 'Right Ankle'), \ ('Pelvis (MPII)', 'Left Hip'), ('Left Hip', 'Left Knee'), ('Left Knee', 'Left Ankle'), \ ('Nose', 'Right Eye'), ('Right Eye', 'Right Ear'), ('Nose', 'Left Eye'), ('Left Eye', 'Left Ear'), \ ('Pelvis (MPII)', 'Thorax (MPII)'), ('Thorax (MPII)', 'Spine (H36M)'), ('Spine (H36M)', 'Jaw (H36M)'), ('Jaw (H36M)', 'Nose')]): xs = [ joints[J49_FLIP_PERM[JOINT_NAMES.index(jsname)]][0], joints[J49_FLIP_PERM[JOINT_NAMES.index(jename)]][0] ] ys = [ joints[J49_FLIP_PERM[JOINT_NAMES.index(jsname)]][2], joints[J49_FLIP_PERM[JOINT_NAMES.index(jename)]][2] ] zs = [ -joints[J49_FLIP_PERM[JOINT_NAMES.index(jsname)]][1], -joints[J49_FLIP_PERM[JOINT_NAMES.index(jename)]][1] ] ax.plot3D(xs, ys, zs, marker="o", ms=2, c="#FF0000") plt.savefig( osp.join(args.out_dir, "frames", f"3d_{pidx:02d}_{cur_frame:05d}.jpg")) plt.close() img = Vis_Skeleton_2D_SPIN49(joints, image=img_original_bgr) cv2.imwrite( osp.join(args.out_dir, "frames", f"2d_{pidx:02d}_{cur_frame:05d}.png"), img) # json出力 joint_dict = {} joint_dict["image"] = { "width": img_original_bgr.shape[1], "height": img_original_bgr.shape[0] } joint_dict["bbox"] = {"x": float(body_bbox_list[pidx][0]), "y": float(body_bbox_list[pidx][1]), \ "width": float(body_bbox_list[pidx][2]), "height": float(body_bbox_list[pidx][3])} joint_dict["joints"] = {} for jidx, jname in enumerate(JOINT_NAMES): joint_dict["joints"][jname] = { 'x': float(joints[J49_FLIP_PERM[jidx]][0]), 'y': float(joints[J49_FLIP_PERM[jidx]][1]), 'z': float(joints[J49_FLIP_PERM[jidx]][2]) } for jidx, jname in enumerate(RIGHT_HAND_NAMES): joint_dict["joints"][jname] = { 'x': float(right_hand_joints[jidx][0]), 'y': float(right_hand_joints[jidx][1]), 'z': float(right_hand_joints[jidx][2]) } for jidx, jname in enumerate(LEFT_HAND_NAMES): joint_dict["joints"][jname] = { 'x': float(left_hand_joints[jidx][0]), 'y': float(left_hand_joints[jidx][1]), 'z': float(left_hand_joints[jidx][2]) } params_json_path = osp.join( args.out_dir, "frames", f"joints_{pidx:02d}_{cur_frame:05d}.json") with open(params_json_path, 'w') as f: json.dump(joint_dict, f, indent=4) print(f"Processed : {image_path}") # save images as a video if not args.no_video_out and input_type in ['video', 'webcam']: demo_utils.gen_video_out(args.out_dir, args.seq_name) if input_type == 'webcam' and input_data is not None: input_data.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def run_hand_mocap(args, bbox_detector, hand_mocap, visualizer): #Set up input data (images or webcam) input_type, input_data = demo_utils.setup_input(args) assert args.out_dir is not None, "Please specify output dir to store the results" cur_frame = args.start_frame video_frame = 0 while True: # load data load_bbox = False if input_type =='image_dir': if cur_frame < len(input_data): image_path = input_data[cur_frame] img_original_bgr = cv2.imread(image_path) else: img_original_bgr = None elif input_type == 'bbox_dir': if cur_frame < len(input_data): print("Use pre-computed bounding boxes") image_path = input_data[cur_frame]['image_path'] hand_bbox_list = input_data[cur_frame]['hand_bbox_list'] body_bbox_list = input_data[cur_frame]['body_bbox_list'] img_original_bgr = cv2.imread(image_path) load_bbox = True else: img_original_bgr = None elif input_type == 'video': _, img_original_bgr = if video_frame < cur_frame: video_frame += 1 continue # save the obtained video frames image_path = osp.join(args.out_dir, "frames", f"{cur_frame:05d}.jpg") if img_original_bgr is not None: video_frame += 1 if args.save_frame: gnu.make_subdir(image_path) cv2.imwrite(image_path, img_original_bgr) elif input_type == 'webcam': _, img_original_bgr = if video_frame < cur_frame: video_frame += 1 continue # save the obtained video frames image_path = osp.join(args.out_dir, "frames", f"scene_{cur_frame:05d}.jpg") if img_original_bgr is not None: video_frame += 1 if args.save_frame: gnu.make_subdir(image_path) cv2.imwrite(image_path, img_original_bgr) else: assert False, "Unknown input_type" cur_frame +=1 if img_original_bgr is None or cur_frame > args.end_frame: break print("--------------------------------------") # bbox detection if args.load_bboxes: json_name = f"{cur_frame:05d}_bbox.json" json_path = osp.join(args.out_dir, 'bbox', json_name) _, body_bbox_list, hand_bbox_list = demo_utils.load_info_from_json(json_path) else: raise Exception("Should have computed already the bboxes, yeah?") # Input images has other body part or hand not cropped. # Use hand detection model & body detector for hand detection assert args.crop_type == 'no_crop' detect_output = bbox_detector.detect_hand_bbox(img_original_bgr.copy()) body_pose_list, body_bbox_list, hand_bbox_list, raw_hand_bboxes = detect_output # save the obtained body & hand bbox to json file if args.save_bbox_output: demo_utils.save_info_to_json(args, image_path, body_bbox_list, hand_bbox_list) if len(hand_bbox_list) < 1: print(f"No hand deteced: {image_path}") continue # Hand Pose Regression pred_output_list = hand_mocap.regress( img_original_bgr, hand_bbox_list, add_margin=True) assert len(hand_bbox_list) == len(body_bbox_list) assert len(body_bbox_list) == len(pred_output_list) # extract mesh for rendering (vertices in image space and faces) from pred_output_list pred_mesh_list = demo_utils.extract_mesh_from_output(pred_output_list) # visualize res_img = visualizer.visualize( img_original_bgr, pred_mesh_list = pred_mesh_list, hand_bbox_list = hand_bbox_list) # show result in the screen if not args.no_display: res_img = res_img.astype(np.uint8) ImShow(res_img) # save the image (we can make an option here) if args.out_dir is not None: demo_utils.save_res_img(args.out_dir, image_path, res_img) # save predictions to pkl if args.save_pred_pkl: demo_type = 'hand' demo_utils.save_pred_to_pkl( args, demo_type, image_path, body_bbox_list, hand_bbox_list, pred_output_list) print(f"Processed : {image_path}") #save images as a video if not args.no_video_out and input_type in ['video', 'webcam']: demo_utils.gen_video_out(args.out_dir, args.seq_name) # When everything done, release the capture if input_type =='webcam' and input_data is not None: input_data.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def run_body_mocap(args, body_bbox_detector, body_mocap, visualizer): #Setup input data to handle different types of inputs input_type, input_data = demo_utils.setup_input(args) cur_frame = args.start_frame video_frame = 0 timer = Timer() while True: timer.tic() # load data load_bbox = False if input_type == 'image_dir': if cur_frame < len(input_data): image_path = input_data[cur_frame] img_original_bgr = cv2.imread(image_path) else: img_original_bgr = None elif input_type == 'bbox_dir': if cur_frame < len(input_data): print("Use pre-computed bounding boxes") image_path = input_data[cur_frame]['image_path'] hand_bbox_list = input_data[cur_frame]['hand_bbox_list'] body_bbox_list = input_data[cur_frame]['body_bbox_list'] img_original_bgr = cv2.imread(image_path) load_bbox = True else: img_original_bgr = None elif input_type == 'video': _, img_original_bgr = if video_frame < cur_frame: video_frame += 1 continue # save the obtained video frames image_path = osp.join(args.out_dir, "frames", f"{cur_frame:05d}.jpg") if img_original_bgr is not None: video_frame += 1 if args.save_frame: gnu.make_subdir(image_path) cv2.imwrite(image_path, img_original_bgr) elif input_type == 'webcam': _, img_original_bgr = if video_frame < cur_frame: video_frame += 1 continue # save the obtained video frames image_path = osp.join(args.out_dir, "frames", f"scene_{cur_frame:05d}.jpg") if img_original_bgr is not None: video_frame += 1 if args.save_frame: gnu.make_subdir(image_path) cv2.imwrite(image_path, img_original_bgr) else: assert False, "Unknown input_type" cur_frame += 1 if img_original_bgr is None or cur_frame > args.end_frame: break print("--------------------------------------") if load_bbox: body_pose_list = None else: body_pose_list, body_bbox_list = body_bbox_detector.detect_body_pose( img_original_bgr) hand_bbox_list = [ None, ] * len(body_bbox_list) # save the obtained body & hand bbox to json file if args.save_bbox_output: demo_utils.save_info_to_json(args, image_path, body_bbox_list, hand_bbox_list) if len(body_bbox_list) < 1: print(f"No body deteced: {image_path}") continue #Sort the bbox using bbox size # (to make the order as consistent as possible without tracking) bbox_size = [(x[2] * x[3]) for x in body_bbox_list] idx_big2small = np.argsort(bbox_size)[::-1] body_bbox_list = [body_bbox_list[i] for i in idx_big2small] if args.single_person and len(body_bbox_list) > 0: body_bbox_list = [ body_bbox_list[0], ] # Body Pose Regression pred_output_list = body_mocap.regress(img_original_bgr, body_bbox_list) assert len(body_bbox_list) == len(pred_output_list) # extract mesh for rendering (vertices in image space and faces) from pred_output_list pred_mesh_list = demo_utils.extract_mesh_from_output(pred_output_list) # visualization res_img = visualizer.visualize(img_original_bgr, pred_mesh_list=pred_mesh_list, body_bbox_list=body_bbox_list) # show result in the screen if not args.no_display: res_img = res_img.astype(np.uint8) ImShow(res_img) # save result image if args.out_dir is not None: demo_utils.save_res_img(args.out_dir, image_path, res_img) # save predictions to pkl if args.save_pred_pkl: demo_type = 'body' demo_utils.save_pred_to_pkl(args, demo_type, image_path, body_bbox_list, hand_bbox_list, pred_output_list) timer.toc(bPrint=True, title="Time") print(f"Processed : {image_path}") #save images as a video if not args.no_video_out and input_type in ['video', 'webcam']: demo_utils.gen_video_out(args.out_dir, args.seq_name) if input_type == 'webcam' and input_data is not None: input_data.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()