Exemple #1
    def test_extract_all(self, mock_geocode):
        mock_geocode.return_value = mocks.geocoder_multiple()

        e = ExtractAll(self._read_data())
        for key in ('contacts', 'links', 'keywords', 'locations', 'map', 'rating', 'role'):
            nt.ok_(key in e, "No key %s in dictionary" % key)
        nt.eq_(e['role'], None, "Role should be none")
Exemple #2
    def test_extract_location(self, mock_geocode):
        mock_geocode.return_value = mocks.geocoder_multiple()
        l = Location(self._read_data())

        cities = ('Dallas', 'New York', 'Paris')
        for location in l._locations:
            nt.ok_(location['location']['city'] in cities, "City doesn't exist in test set")
Exemple #3
    def test_geocode_location_with_no_cache(self, mock_geocode):
        mock_geocode.return_value = mocks.geocoder_multiple()
        l = Location(self._read_data())

        loc = l._geocode(self.city)

        nt.ok_('as_string' in loc and 'location' in  loc and 'options' in loc, 'Wrong keys')
        nt.ok_(len(loc['options']) == 2, 'Coordinate list not available')
Exemple #4
    def test_to_map(self, mock_geocode):
        mock_geocode.return_value = mocks.geocoder_multiple()
        l = Location(self._read_data())

        map = l._to_map_all(l._locations[0])

        # should be 4 for Dallas, Paris, New York
        # 6 for test geolocation, returns 2 locations for 3 cities
        nt.ok_(len(map) == 2, "Wrong length of the map")
Exemple #5
    def test_geocode_location_with_cache(self, mock_geocode):
        mock_geocode.return_value = mocks.geocoder_multiple()

        with patch('hniextract.cache.Cache') as MockCache:
            instance = MockCache.return_value
            instance.put.return_value = mocks.cache_put()
            instance.get.return_value = mocks.cache_get()
            with instance:
                l = Location(self._read_data(), instance)
                loc = l._geocode(self.city)

            nt.ok_(len(loc['location']) == 3, "Location doesn't have necesary components")
            nt.ok_(len(loc['options']) == 2, "Length of coordinate list not correct")
Exemple #6
    def test_geocode_all_cache(self, mock_geocode):
        mock_geocode.return_value = mocks.geocoder_multiple()

        with patch('hniextract.cache.Cache') as MockCache:
            instance = MockCache.return_value
            instance.put.return_value = mocks.cache_put()
            instance.get.return_value = mocks.cache_get()
            with instance:
                l = Location(self._read_data(), instance)
                locs = l._geocode_all(['Dallas', 'Paris', 'Las Vegas'])

            nt.ok_(len(locs) == 3, "Not enough locations found")
            nt.ok_(len(locs[1]['location']) == 3, "Location doesn't have necessary componenets")
            nt.ok_(len(locs[2]['options']) == 2, "Not enough guessed locations")
Exemple #7
 def test_extract_links(self, mock_geocode):
     mock_geocode.return_value = mocks.geocoder_multiple()
     l = Links(self._read_data())
     nt.ok_(len(l) > 0, "No links found in text")
Exemple #8
    def test_rate_post(self, mock_geocode):
        mock_geocode.return_value = mocks.geocoder_multiple()

        e = ExtractAll(self._read_data())
        nt.ok_(e['rating'] > 6, "Rating should be more than 6")
Exemple #9
    def test_generate_final_location(self, mock_geocode):
        mock_geocode.return_value = mocks.geocoder_multiple()

        l = Location(self._read_data())
        nt.ok_(len(l['locations']) == 3, "Not a correct number of locations")
        nt.ok_(len(l['map']) == 6, "Not a correct number of locations in map")
Exemple #10
    def test_location_extract_empty(self, mock_geocode):
        mock_geocode.return_value = mocks.geocoder_multiple()

        l = Location("no location here")
        nt.ok_(len(l._locations) == 0, "Something found when shouldn't have been")
        nt.ok_(l._locations == [], "Locations list should be an empty list")
Exemple #11
 def test_indexing(self, mock_geocode):
     mock_geocode.return_value = mocks.geocoder_multiple()
     l = Location(self._read_data())
     nt.ok_(isinstance(l._locations[0], dict), 'Not an instance of dict or other error, no indexing')