Exemple #1
def build_deploy_webpage(fips_dir, proj_dir, rebuild):
    # if webpage dir exists, clear it first
    ws_dir = util.get_workspace_dir(fips_dir)
    webpage_dir = '{}/fips-deploy/oryol-webpage'.format(ws_dir)
    if rebuild:
        if os.path.isdir(webpage_dir):
    if not os.path.isdir(webpage_dir):

    # compile samples
    if BuildEmscripten and emscripten.check_exists(fips_dir):
        project.gen(fips_dir, proj_dir, EmscConfig)
        project.build(fips_dir, proj_dir, EmscConfig)
    if BuildWasm and emscripten.check_exists(fips_dir):
        project.gen(fips_dir, proj_dir, WasmConfig)
        project.build(fips_dir, proj_dir, WasmConfig)

    # export sample assets
    if ExportAssets:
        export_assets(fips_dir, proj_dir, webpage_dir)

    # deploy the webpage
    deploy_webpage(fips_dir, proj_dir, webpage_dir)

                'Generated Samples web page under {}.'.format(webpage_dir))
Exemple #2
def configure(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg_name) :
    """run ccmake or cmake-gui on the provided project and config

    :param fips_dir:    absolute fips path
    :param proj_dir:    absolute project dir
    :cfg_name:          build config name

    dep.fetch_imports(fips_dir, proj_dir)
    proj_name = util.get_project_name_from_dir(proj_dir)
    dep.gather_and_write_imports(fips_dir, proj_dir)

    # load configs, if more then one, only use first one
    configs = config.load(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg_name)
    if configs :
        cfg = configs[0]
        log.colored(log.YELLOW, '=== configuring: {}'.format(cfg['name']))

        # generate build files
        if not gen_project(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg, True) :
            log.error("Failed to generate '{}' of project '{}'".format(cfg['name'], proj_name))

        # run ccmake or cmake-gui
        build_dir = util.get_build_dir(fips_dir, proj_name, cfg)
        if ccmake.check_exists(fips_dir) :
        elif cmake_gui.check_exists(fips_dir) :
        else :
            log.error("Neither 'ccmake' nor 'cmake-gui' found (run 'fips diag')")
    else :
        log.error("No configs found for '{}'".format(cfg_name))
Exemple #3
def gdb(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg_name, target=None, target_args=None) :
    """debug a single target with gdb"""

    # prepare
    proj_name = util.get_project_name_from_dir(proj_dir)

    # load the config(s)
    configs = config.load(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg_name)
    if configs :
        for cfg in configs :
            # check if config is valid
            config_valid, _ = config.check_config_valid(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg, print_errors = True)
            if config_valid :
                deploy_dir = util.get_deploy_dir(fips_dir, proj_name, cfg['name'])
                log.colored(log.YELLOW, "=== gdb: {}".format(cfg['name']))
                cmdLine = ['gdb', "-ex", "run", "--args", target]
                if target_args :
                    subprocess.call(args = cmdLine, cwd = deploy_dir)
                except OSError :
                    log.error("Failed to execute gdb (not installed?)")
            else :
                log.error("Config '{}' not valid in this environment".format(cfg['name']))
    else :
        log.error("No valid configs found for '{}'".format(cfg_name))

    return True
Exemple #4
def build_deploy_webpage(fips_dir, proj_dir) :
    # if webpage dir exists, clear it first
    ws_dir = util.get_workspace_dir(fips_dir)
    webpage_dir = '{}/fips-deploy/oryol-webpage'.format(ws_dir)
    if os.path.isdir(webpage_dir) :

    # compile emscripten, pnacl and android samples
    if BuildEmscripten and emscripten.check_exists(fips_dir) :
        project.gen(fips_dir, proj_dir, 'emsc-ninja-release')
        project.build(fips_dir, proj_dir, 'emsc-ninja-release')
    if BuildWasm and emscripten.check_exists(fips_dir) :
        project.gen(fips_dir, proj_dir, 'wasm-ninja-release')
        project.build(fips_dir, proj_dir, 'wasm-ninja-release')
    if BuildPNaCl and nacl.check_exists(fips_dir) :
        project.gen(fips_dir, proj_dir, 'pnacl-ninja-release')
        project.build(fips_dir, proj_dir, 'pnacl-ninja-release')
    # export sample assets
    export_assets(fips_dir, proj_dir, webpage_dir)

    # deploy the webpage
    deploy_webpage(fips_dir, proj_dir, webpage_dir)

    log.colored(log.GREEN, 'Generated Samples web page under {}.'.format(webpage_dir))
Exemple #5
def check_imports(fips_dir, proj_dir) :
    """recursively check imports"""
    log.colored(log.YELLOW, '=== imports:')
    if util.is_valid_project_dir(proj_dir) :
        dep.check_imports(fips_dir, proj_dir)
    else :
        log.warn('currently not in a project directory')
Exemple #6
def check_fips(fips_dir) :
    """check whether fips is uptodate"""
    log.colored(log.YELLOW, '=== fips:')
    if git.check_branch_out_of_sync(fips_dir, 'master') :
        log.warn("'fips' is not update, please run 'git pull' in fips directory!")
    else :
        log.colored(log.GREEN, '  uptodate')
Exemple #7
def check_imports(fips_dir, proj_dir) :
    """do various checks on the imports of a project

    :param fips_dir: absolute fips directory
    :param proj_dir: absolute project directory
    :returns:   True if checks were valid

    # check whether any imported projects are in sync with the remote git repo
    success, imported_projects = get_all_imports_exports(fips_dir, proj_dir)
    num_imports = 0
    for imp_proj_name in imported_projects :
        imp_proj_dir = imported_projects[imp_proj_name]['proj_dir']

        # don't git-check the top-level project directory
        if imp_proj_dir != proj_dir :
            num_imports += 1
            log.info("git status of '{}':".format(imp_proj_name))
            if os.path.isdir(imp_proj_dir) :
                if os.path.isdir("{}/.git".format(imp_proj_dir)) :
                    if git.check_out_of_sync(imp_proj_dir) :
                        log.warn("  '{}' is out of sync with remote git repo".format(imp_proj_dir))
                    else :
                        log.colored(log.GREEN, '  uptodate')
                else :
                    log.colored(log.GREEN, "  '{}' is not a git repository".format(imp_proj_dir))
            else :
                log.warn("  '{}' does not exist, please run 'fips fetch'".format(imp_proj_dir))
    if success and num_imports == 0 :
        log.info('  none')

    # gather imports, this will dump warnings
    gather_imports(fips_dir, proj_dir)
Exemple #8
def gen_project(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg, force) :
    """private: generate build files for one config"""

    proj_name = util.get_project_name_from_dir(proj_dir)
    build_dir = util.get_build_dir(fips_dir, proj_name, cfg)
    defines = {}
    defines['FIPS_USE_CCACHE'] = 'ON' if settings.get(proj_dir, 'ccache') else 'OFF'
    defines['FIPS_AUTO_IMPORT'] = 'OFF' if dep.get_policy(proj_dir, 'no_auto_import') else 'ON'
    if cfg['platform'] == 'ios':
        ios_team_id = settings.get(proj_dir, 'iosteam')
        if ios_team_id:
            defines['FIPS_IOS_TEAMID'] = ios_team_id
    do_it = force
    if not os.path.isdir(build_dir) :
        do_it = True
    if do_it :
        # if Ninja build tool and on Windows, need to copy 
        # the precompiled ninja.exe to the build dir
        log.colored(log.YELLOW, "=== generating: {}".format(cfg['name']))
        log.info("config file: {}".format(cfg['path']))
        toolchain_path = config.get_toolchain(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg)
        if toolchain_path :
            log.info("Using Toolchain File: {}".format(toolchain_path))
        if cfg['build_tool'] == 'ninja' :
            ninja.prepare_ninja_tool(fips_dir, build_dir)
        cmake_result = cmake.run_gen(cfg, fips_dir, proj_dir, build_dir, toolchain_path, defines)
        if cfg['build_tool'] == 'vscode_cmake':
            vscode.write_workspace_settings(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg)
        return cmake_result
    else :
        return True
Exemple #9
def check_local_changes(fips_dir, proj_dir) :
    """this is a variation of check_imports which just checks for local
    (uncommitted or unpushed) changes.

    :param fips_dir: absolute fips directory
    :param proj_dir: absolute project directory
    :returns:   True if checks were valid
    success, imported_projects = get_all_imports_exports(fips_dir, proj_dir)
    num_imports = 0
    for imp_proj_name in imported_projects :
        imp_proj_dir = imported_projects[imp_proj_name]['proj_dir']

        # don't git-check the top-level project directory
        if imp_proj_dir != proj_dir :
            num_imports += 1
            log.info("checking '{}':".format(imp_proj_name))
            if os.path.isdir(imp_proj_dir) :
                if git.has_local_changes(imp_proj_dir) :
                    log.warn("  '{}' has local changes (uncommitted and/or unpushed)".format(imp_proj_dir))
                else :
                    log.colored(log.GREEN, '  no local changes')
            else :
                log.warn("  '{}' does not exist, please run 'fips fetch'".format(imp_proj_dir))
    if success and num_imports == 0 :
        log.info('  none')
Exemple #10
def check_local_changes(fips_dir, proj_dir) :
    """this is a variation of check_imports which just checks for local
    (uncommitted or unpushed) changes.

    :param fips_dir: absolute fips directory
    :param proj_dir: absolute project directory
    :returns:   True if checks were valid
    success, imported_projects = get_all_imports_exports(fips_dir, proj_dir)
    num_imports = 0
    for imp_proj_name in imported_projects :
        imp_proj_dir = imported_projects[imp_proj_name]['proj_dir']

        # don't git-check the top-level project directory
        if imp_proj_dir != proj_dir :
            num_imports += 1
            log.info("checking '{}':".format(imp_proj_name))
            if os.path.isdir(imp_proj_dir) :
                if git.has_local_changes(imp_proj_dir) :
                    log.warn("  '{}' has local changes (uncommitted and/or unpushed)".format(imp_proj_dir))
                else :
                    log.colored(log.GREEN, '  no local changes')
            else :
                log.warn("  '{}' does not exist, please run 'fips fetch'".format(imp_proj_dir))
    if success and num_imports == 0 :
        log.info('  none')
Exemple #11
 def run(fips_dir, proj_dir, args):
     """run the 'nebula' verb"""
         cfg_file = expanduser("~") + "/.config/nebula/gscept.cfg"
         if len(args) > 0:
             noun = args[0]
             if noun == 'set':
                 if len(args) == 3:
                     key = argToKey(args[1])
                     setKey(cfg_file, key, args[2])
                     log.error("Expected setting and value")
             elif noun == 'get':
                 if len(args) == 2:
                     key = argToKey(args[1])
                     value = getKey(cfg_file, key)
             workval = getKey(cfg_file, "workdir")
             rootval = getKey(cfg_file, "path")
             log.colored(log.YELLOW, "Current settings")
             log.optional("Project directory", workval)
             log.optional("Nebula root director", rootval)
     except (RuntimeError, KeyError):
         log.error("failed manipulating settings")
Exemple #12
def configure(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg_name):
    """run ccmake or cmake-gui on the provided project and config

    :param fips_dir:    absolute fips path
    :param proj_dir:    absolute project dir
    :cfg_name:          build config name

    dep.fetch_imports(fips_dir, proj_dir)
    proj_name = util.get_project_name_from_dir(proj_dir)
    dep.gather_and_write_imports(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg_name)

    # load configs, if more then one, only use first one
    configs = config.load(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg_name)
    if configs:
        cfg = configs[0]
        log.colored(log.YELLOW, '=== configuring: {}'.format(cfg['name']))

        # generate build files
        if not gen_project(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg, True):
            log.error("Failed to generate '{}' of project '{}'".format(
                cfg['name'], proj_name))

        # run ccmake or cmake-gui
        build_dir = util.get_build_dir(fips_dir, proj_name, cfg['name'])
        if ccmake.check_exists(fips_dir):
        elif cmake_gui.check_exists(fips_dir):
                "Neither 'ccmake' nor 'cmake-gui' found (run 'fips diag')")
        log.error("No configs found for '{}'".format(cfg_name))
Exemple #13
def build_deploy_webpage(fips_dir, proj_dir):
    # if webpage dir exists, clear it first
    ws_dir = util.get_workspace_dir(fips_dir)
    webpage_dir = '{}/fips-deploy/oryol-webpage'.format(ws_dir)
    if os.path.isdir(webpage_dir):

    # compile emscripten, pnacl and android samples
    if BuildEmscripten and emscripten.check_exists(fips_dir):
        project.gen(fips_dir, proj_dir, 'emsc-make-release')
        project.build(fips_dir, proj_dir, 'emsc-make-release')
    if BuildPNaCl and nacl.check_exists(fips_dir):
        project.gen(fips_dir, proj_dir, 'pnacl-make-release')
        project.build(fips_dir, proj_dir, 'pnacl-make-release')
    if BuildAndroid and android.check_exists(fips_dir):
        project.gen(fips_dir, proj_dir, 'android-make-release')
        project.build(fips_dir, proj_dir, 'android-make-release')

    # export sample assets
    export_assets(fips_dir, proj_dir, webpage_dir)

    # deploy the webpage
    deploy_webpage(fips_dir, proj_dir, webpage_dir)

                'Generated Samples web page under {}.'.format(webpage_dir))
Exemple #14
def gen_project(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg, force):
    """private: generate build files for one config"""

    proj_name = util.get_project_name_from_dir(proj_dir)
    build_dir = util.get_build_dir(fips_dir, proj_name, cfg)
    defines = {}
    defines['FIPS_USE_CCACHE'] = 'ON' if settings.get(proj_dir,
                                                      'ccache') else 'OFF'
    do_it = force
    if not os.path.isdir(build_dir):
        do_it = True
    if do_it:
        # if Ninja build tool and on Windows, need to copy
        # the precompiled ninja.exe to the build dir
        if cfg['build_tool'] == 'ninja':
            ninja.prepare_ninja_tool(fips_dir, build_dir)
        log.colored(log.YELLOW, "=== generating: {}".format(cfg['name']))
        toolchain_path = config.get_toolchain(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg)
        if toolchain_path:
            log.info("Using Toolchain File: {}".format(toolchain_path))
        return cmake.run_gen(cfg, fips_dir, proj_dir, build_dir,
                             toolchain_path, defines)
        return True
Exemple #15
def check_imports(fips_dir, proj_dir) :
    """do various checks on the imports of a project

    :param fips_dir: absolute fips directory
    :param proj_dir: absolute project directory
    :returns:   True if checks were valid

    # check whether any imported projects are in sync with the remote git repo
    success, imported_projects = get_all_imports_exports(fips_dir, proj_dir)
    num_imports = 0
    for imp_proj_name in imported_projects :
        imp_proj_dir = util.get_project_dir(fips_dir, imp_proj_name)

        # don't git-check the top-level project directory
        if imp_proj_dir != proj_dir :
            num_imports += 1
            log.info("git status of '{}':".format(imp_proj_name))
            if os.path.isdir(imp_proj_dir) :
                if git.check_out_of_sync(imp_proj_dir) :
                    log.warn("  '{}' is out of sync with remote git repo".format(imp_proj_dir))
                else :
                    log.colored(log.GREEN, '  uptodate')
            else :
                log.warn("  '{}' does not exist, please run 'fips fetch'".format(imp_proj_dir))
    if success and num_imports == 0 :
        log.info('  none')

    # gather imports, this will dump warnings
    gather_imports(fips_dir, proj_dir)
Exemple #16
def activate(fips_dir, emsdk_version):
    if emsdk_version is None:
        emsdk_version = EMSDK_DEFAULT_VERSION
        "=== activating emscripten SDK version '{}'".format(emsdk_version))
    run(fips_dir, "activate --embedded {}".format(emsdk_version))
Exemple #17
def setup(fips_dir) :
    """setup the Android SDK and NDK"""
    log.colored(log.YELLOW, '=== setup Android SDK/NDK :')

    # first make sure that java is present, otherwise the Android
    # SDK setup will finish without errors, but is not actually usable
    if not java.check_exists(fips_dir) or not javac.check_exists(fips_dir) :
        log.error("please install Java JDK 8 (see './fips diag tools')")

    # download the command line tools archive
    tools_archive_path = get_tools_archive_path(fips_dir)
    tools_url = get_tools_url()
    log.info("downloading '{}'...".format(tools_url))
    urlretrieve(tools_url, tools_archive_path, util.url_download_hook)
    log.info("\nunpacking '{}'...".format(tools_archive_path))
    uncompress(fips_dir, tools_archive_path)

    # install the required SDK components through sdkmanager
    install_package(fips_dir, '"platforms;android-28"')
    install_package(fips_dir, '"build-tools;29.0.3"')
    install_package(fips_dir, 'platform-tools')
    install_package(fips_dir, 'ndk-bundle')

    # check for potentially breaking changes in build setup
    fips_cmake = fips_dir + '/cmake-toolchains/android.toolchain.orig'
    ndk_cmake = get_sdk_dir(fips_dir) + '/ndk-bundle/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake'
    if compute_sha256(ndk_cmake, strip_whitespace) != compute_sha256(fips_cmake, strip_whitespace) :
        log.warn('android.toolchain.cmake in fips might be outdated...')

    log.colored(log.GREEN, "done.")
Exemple #18
def check_fips(fips_dir):
    """check whether fips is uptodate"""
    log.colored(log.YELLOW, '=== fips:')
    if git.check_branch_out_of_sync(fips_dir, 'master'):
        log.warn("'fips' is not update, please run 'fips update fips'!")
        log.colored(log.GREEN, '  uptodate')
Exemple #19
def clean(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg_name):
    """clean build files

    :param fips_dir:    absolute path of fips
    :param proj_dir:    absolute project path
    :param cfg_name:    config name (or pattern)
    proj_name = util.get_project_name_from_dir(proj_dir)
    configs = config.load(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg_name)
    if configs:
        num_cleaned_configs = 0
        for cfg in configs:
            build_dir = util.get_build_dir(fips_dir, proj_name, cfg['name'])
            build_dir_exists = os.path.isdir(build_dir)
            deploy_dir = util.get_deploy_dir(fips_dir, proj_name, cfg['name'])
            deploy_dir_exists = os.path.isdir(deploy_dir)

            if build_dir_exists or deploy_dir_exists:
                log.colored(log.YELLOW, "=== clean: {}".format(cfg['name']))
                num_cleaned_configs += 1

            if build_dir_exists:
                log.info("  deleted '{}'".format(build_dir))

            if deploy_dir_exists:
                log.info("  deleted '{}'".format(deploy_dir))
        if num_cleaned_configs == 0:
                        "=== clean: nothing to clean for {}".format(cfg_name))
        log.error("No valid configs found for '{}'".format(cfg_name))
Exemple #20
def gdb(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg_name, target=None, target_args=None):
    """debug a single target with gdb"""

    # prepare
    proj_name = util.get_project_name_from_dir(proj_dir)

    # load the config(s)
    configs = config.load(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg_name)
    if configs:
        for cfg in configs:
            # check if config is valid
            config_valid, _ = config.check_config_valid(fips_dir,
            if config_valid:
                deploy_dir = util.get_deploy_dir(fips_dir, proj_name,
                log.colored(log.YELLOW, "=== gdb: {}".format(cfg['name']))
                cmdLine = ['gdb', "-ex", "run", "--args", target]
                if target_args:
                    subprocess.call(args=cmdLine, cwd=deploy_dir)
                except OSError:
                    log.error("Failed to execute gdb (not installed?)")
                log.error("Config '{}' not valid in this environment".format(
        log.error("No valid configs found for '{}'".format(cfg_name))

    return True
Exemple #21
def check_local_changes(fips_dir, proj_dir):
    """check if any imports have local, uncommitted changes"""
    log.colored(log.YELLOW, '=== local changes:')
    if util.is_valid_project_dir(proj_dir):
        dep.check_local_changes(fips_dir, proj_dir)
        log.warn('currently not in a project directory')
Exemple #22
def check_imports(fips_dir, proj_dir):
    """recursively check imports"""
    log.colored(log.YELLOW, '=== imports:')
    if util.is_valid_project_dir(proj_dir):
        dep.check_imports(fips_dir, proj_dir)
        log.warn('currently not in a project directory')
Exemple #23
def list_registry(fips_dir):
    """list registry entries"""
    log.colored(log.YELLOW, '=== registry:')
    for key in registry.registry:
        log.info('{}{}{} => {}'.format(log.BLUE, key, log.DEF,
Exemple #24
def list_targets(fips_dir, proj_dir, args):
    log.colored(log.YELLOW, "=== targets:")
    if util.is_valid_project_dir(proj_dir):
        # get config name
        if len(args) == 0:
            cfg_name = settings.get(proj_dir, 'config')
            cfg_name = args[0]
        log.info('{}  config:{} {}'.format(log.BLUE, log.DEF, cfg_name))

        # get the target list
        success, targets = project.get_target_list(fips_dir, proj_dir,
        if success:
            # split targets by type
            for type in ['lib', 'module', 'sharedlib', 'app']:
                type_targets = [tgt for tgt in targets if targets[tgt] == type]
                if len(type_targets) > 0:
                    log.colored(log.BLUE, '  {}:'.format(type))
                    for tgt in type_targets:
                        log.info('    ' + tgt)
                "  can't fetch project target list, please run 'fips gen' first!"
        log.info('  currently not in a valid project directory')
Exemple #25
def setup(fips_dir, proj_dir):
    """setup the Android SDK and NDK"""
    log.colored(log.YELLOW, '=== setup Android SDK/NDK :')

    # first make sure that java is present, otherwise the Android
    # SDK setup will finish without errors, but is not actually usable
    if not javac.check_exists(fips_dir):
        log.error("please install Java JDK (see './fips diag tools')")

    # download the command line tools archive
    tools_archive_path = get_tools_archive_path(fips_dir)
    tools_url = get_tools_url()
    log.info("downloading '{}'...".format(tools_url))
    urllib.urlretrieve(tools_url, tools_archive_path, util.url_download_hook)
    log.info("\nunpacking '{}'...".format(tools_archive_path))
    uncompress(fips_dir, tools_archive_path)

    # install the required SDK components through sdkmanager
    install_package(fips_dir, '"platforms;android-21"')
    install_package(fips_dir, '"build-tools;27.0.3"')
    install_package(fips_dir, 'platform-tools')
    install_package(fips_dir, 'ndk-bundle')

    log.colored(log.GREEN, "done.")
Exemple #26
def bootstrap(fips_dir):
                "=== bootstrapping build...".format(get_sdk_dir(fips_dir)))
    dawn_dir = get_dawn_dir(fips_dir)
    gclient_src = dawn_dir + '/scripts/standalone.gclient'
    gclient_dst = dawn_dir + '/.gclient'
    if not os.path.isfile(gclient_dst):
        shutil.copy(gclient_src, gclient_dst)
    gclient(fips_dir, ['sync'])
    log.info('>> generating debug build files')
    cmake(fips_dir, 'Debug',
          ['-G', 'Ninja', '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug', '../..'])
    log.info('>> generating release build files')
    cmake(fips_dir, 'Release',
          ['-G', 'Ninja', '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release', '../..'])
    log.info('>> building debug version...')
    cmake(fips_dir, 'Debug', ['--build', '.'])
    log.info('>> building release version...')
    cmake(fips_dir, 'Release', ['--build', '.'])
    # create dummy link directories so that Xcode doesn't complain
    log.info('>> creating dummy link dirs...')
    for mode in ['Debug', 'Release']:
        for dir in [
                '/src/dawn', '/src/common', '/src/dawn_native',
                '/src/dawn_platform', '/src/dawn_wire', '/src/utils',
                '/third_party/shaderc/libshaderc_spvc', '/third_party/glfw/src'
            dummy_dir = get_build_dir(fips_dir, mode) + dir + '/' + mode
            log.info('    {}'.format(dummy_dir))
Exemple #27
def build(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg_name, target=None, build_tool_args=None):
    """perform a build of config(s) in project

    :param fips_dir:        absolute path of fips
    :param proj_dir:        absolute path of project dir
    :param cfg_name:        config name or pattern
    :param target:          optional target name (build all if None)
    :param build_tool_args: optional string array of cmdline args forwarded to the build tool
    :returns:               True if build was successful

    # prepare
    dep.fetch_imports(fips_dir, proj_dir)
    proj_name = util.get_project_name_from_dir(proj_dir)
    dep.gather_and_write_imports(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg_name)

    # load the config(s)
    configs = config.load(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg_name)
    num_valid_configs = 0
    if configs:
        for cfg in configs:
            # check if config is valid
            config_valid, _ = config.check_config_valid(fips_dir,
            if config_valid:
                log.colored(log.YELLOW, "=== building: {}".format(cfg['name']))

                if not gen_project(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg, False):
                    log.error("Failed to generate '{}' of project '{}'".format(
                        cfg['name'], proj_name))

                # select and run build tool
                build_dir = util.get_build_dir(fips_dir, proj_name,
                num_jobs = settings.get(proj_dir, 'jobs')
                result = cmake.run_build(fips_dir, target, cfg['build_type'],
                                         build_dir, num_jobs, build_tool_args)
                if result:
                    num_valid_configs += 1
                        "Failed to build config '{}' of project '{}'".format(
                            cfg['name'], proj_name))
                log.error("Config '{}' not valid in this environment".format(
        log.error("No valid configs found for '{}'".format(cfg_name))

    if num_valid_configs != len(configs):
        log.error('{} out of {} configs failed!'.format(
            len(configs) - num_valid_configs, len(configs)))
        return False
        log.colored(log.GREEN, '{} configs built'.format(num_valid_configs))
        return True
Exemple #28
def install(fips_dir, emsdk_version):
    if not clone_or_update_emsdk(fips_dir):
        log.error('Failed to install or update emscripten SDK')
    if emsdk_version is None:
        emsdk_version = EMSDK_DEFAULT_VERSION
    log.colored(log.YELLOW, "=== installing emscripten tools for '{}'".format(emsdk_version))
    run(fips_dir, "install --shallow --disable-assertions {}".format(emsdk_version))
    activate(fips_dir, emsdk_version)
Exemple #29
def list_configs(fips_dir, proj_dir):
    """list available configs"""
    log.colored(log.YELLOW, '=== configs:')
    configs = config.list(fips_dir, proj_dir, '*')
    for folder in configs:
        log.colored(log.BLUE, 'from {}:'.format(folder))
        for cfg in configs[folder]:
            log.info('  {}'.format(cfg))
Exemple #30
def install(fips_dir):
                "=== installing Dawn SDK".format(get_sdk_dir(fips_dir)))
    if not ninja.check_exists(fips_dir):
        log.error('ninja build tool is needed to build Dawn')
Exemple #31
def list_configs(fips_dir, proj_dir) :
    """list available configs"""
    log.colored(log.YELLOW, '=== configs:')
    configs = config.list(fips_dir, proj_dir, '*')
    for folder in configs :
        log.colored(log.BLUE, 'from {}:'.format(folder))
        for cfg in configs[folder] :
            log.info('  {}'.format(cfg))
Exemple #32
def build(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg_name, target=None) :
    """perform a build of config(s) in project

    :param fips_dir:    absolute path of fips
    :param proj_dir:    absolute path of project dir
    :param cfg_name:    config name or pattern
    :param target:      optional target name (build all if None)
    :returns:           True if build was successful

    # prepare
    dep.fetch_imports(fips_dir, proj_dir)
    proj_name = util.get_project_name_from_dir(proj_dir)
    dep.gather_and_write_imports(fips_dir, proj_dir)

    # load the config(s)
    configs = config.load(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg_name)
    num_valid_configs = 0
    if configs :
        for cfg in configs :
            # check if config is valid
            config_valid, _ = config.check_config_valid(fips_dir, cfg, print_errors=True)
            if config_valid :
                log.colored(log.YELLOW, "=== building: {}".format(cfg['name']))

                if not gen_project(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg, False) :
                    log.error("Failed to generate '{}' of project '{}'".format(cfg['name'], proj_name))

                # select and run build tool
                build_dir = util.get_build_dir(fips_dir, proj_name, cfg)
                num_jobs = settings.get(proj_dir, 'jobs')
                result = False
                if cfg['build_tool'] == make.name :
                    result = make.run_build(fips_dir, target, build_dir, num_jobs)
                elif cfg['build_tool'] == ninja.name :
                    result = ninja.run_build(fips_dir, target, build_dir, num_jobs)
                elif cfg['build_tool'] == xcodebuild.name :
                    result = xcodebuild.run_build(fips_dir, target, cfg['build_type'], build_dir, num_jobs)
                else :
                    result = cmake.run_build(fips_dir, target, cfg['build_type'], build_dir)
                if result :
                    num_valid_configs += 1
                else :
                    log.error("Failed to build config '{}' of project '{}'".format(cfg['name'], proj_name))
            else :
                log.error("Config '{}' not valid in this environment".format(cfg['name']))
    else :
        log.error("No valid configs found for '{}'".format(cfg_name))

    if num_valid_configs != len(configs) :
        log.error('{} out of {} configs failed!'.format(len(configs) - num_valid_configs, len(configs)))
        return False      
    else :
        log.colored(log.GREEN, '{} configs built'.format(num_valid_configs))
        return True
Exemple #33
def install(fips_dir):
    log.colored(log.YELLOW, '=== installing WASI SDK:')
    sdk_url = get_url()
    archive_path = get_archive_path(fips_dir)
    log.info("downloading '{}'...".format(sdk_url))
    urlretrieve(sdk_url, archive_path, util.url_download_hook)
    log.info("\nunpacking '{}'...".format(archive_path))
    with tarfile.open(archive_path, "r:gz") as tar:
Exemple #34
def clone_or_update_emsdk(fips_dir):
    # returns True on success
    emsdk_dir = get_emsdk_dir(fips_dir)
    if emsdk_dir_exists(fips_dir):
        log.colored(log.YELLOW, "=== updating emscripten SDK at '{}'".format(emsdk_dir))
        return git.update_force_and_ignore_local_changes(emsdk_dir)
        log.colored(log.YELLOW, "=== cloning emscripten SDK to '{}'".format(emsdk_dir))
        sdkroot_dir = get_sdkroot_dir(fips_dir)
        return git.clone(EMSDK_URL, None, 1, "emsdk", sdkroot_dir)
Exemple #35
def run(fips_dir, proj_dir, args):
    if len(args) > 0 and args[0] == 'fips':
        if git.has_local_changes(fips_dir):
            log.warn("  '{}' has local changes, skipping...".format(fips_dir))
            log.colored(log.BLUE, "  updating '{}'...".format(fips_dir))
        if len(args) > 0:
            proj_name = args[0]
            proj_dir = util.get_project_dir(fips_dir, proj_name)
        dep.update_imports(fips_dir, proj_dir)
Exemple #36
def uninstall(fips_dir):
    log.colored(log.YELLOW, "=== uninstalling WASI SDK")
    if sdk_dir_exists(fips_dir):
        sdk_dir = get_sdk_dir(fips_dir)
        if util.confirm(log.RED + "Delete directory '{}?".format(sdk_dir) +
            log.info("Deleting '{}'...".format(sdk_dir))
            log.info("'No' selected, nothing deleted")
        log.warn("WASI SDK is not installed, nothing to do")
Exemple #37
def list_settings(proj_dir) :
    """list settings file content"""
    log.colored(log.YELLOW, '=== settings:')
    if util.is_valid_project_dir(proj_dir) :
        all_settings = settings.get_all_settings(proj_dir)
        for key, value in all_settings.items():
            is_default = ' (default value)' if value == settings.get_default(key) else ''
            if type(value) is bool:
                value = 'on' if value else 'off'
            log.info('  {}{}:{} {}{}'.format(log.BLUE, key, log.DEF, value, is_default))
    else :
        log.info('  currently not in a valid project directory')
Exemple #38
def list_settings(proj_dir) :
    """list settings file content"""
    log.colored(log.YELLOW, '=== settings:')
    if util.is_valid_project_dir(proj_dir) :
        for key in ['config', 'target', 'jobs', 'ccache'] :
            value = settings.get(proj_dir, key)
            if type(value) is bool :
                value = 'on' if value else 'off'
            default = ' (default value)' if value == settings.get_default(key) else ''
            log.info('  {}{}:{} {}{}'.format(log.BLUE, key, log.DEF, value, default))
    else :
        log.info('  currently not in a valid project directory')
Exemple #39
def uninstall(fips_dir):
    emsdk_dir = get_emsdk_dir(fips_dir)
    log.colored(log.YELLOW, "=== uninstalling emscripten SDK".format(emsdk_dir))
    # check for any "old" SDK installation
    if emsdk_dir_exists(fips_dir):
        if util.confirm(log.RED + "Delete emsdk directory at '{}'?".format(emsdk_dir) + log.DEF):
            log.info("Deleting '{}'...".format(emsdk_dir))
            shutil.rmtree(emsdk_dir, onerror=remove_readonly)
            log.info("'No' selected, nothing deleted")
        log.warn('emscripten SDK is not installed, nothing to do')
Exemple #40
def make_clean(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg_name):
    """perform a 'make clean' on the project

    :param fips_dir:    absolute path of fips
    :param proj_dir:    absolute path of project dir
    :param cfg_name:    config name or pattern

    proj_name = util.get_project_name_from_dir(proj_dir)
    configs = config.load(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg_name)
    num_valid_configs = 0
    if configs:
        for cfg in configs:
            config_valid, _ = config.check_config_valid(fips_dir,
            if config_valid:
                log.colored(log.YELLOW, "=== cleaning: {}".format(cfg['name']))

                build_dir = util.get_build_dir(fips_dir, proj_name,
                result = False
                if cfg['build_tool'] == make.name:
                    result = make.run_clean(fips_dir, build_dir)
                elif cfg['build_tool'] == ninja.name:
                    result = ninja.run_clean(fips_dir, build_dir)
                elif cfg['build_tool'] == xcodebuild.name:
                    result = xcodebuild.run_clean(fips_dir, build_dir)
                    result = cmake.run_clean(fips_dir, build_dir)

                if result:
                    num_valid_configs += 1
                        "Failed to clean config '{}' of project '{}'".format(
                            cfg['name'], proj_name))
                log.error("Config '{}' not valid in this environment".format(
        log.error("No valid configs found for '{}'".format(cfg_name))

    if num_valid_configs != len(configs):
        log.error('{} out of {} configs failed!'.format(
            len(configs) - num_valid_configs, len(configs)))
        return False
        log.colored(log.GREEN, '{} configs cleaned'.format(num_valid_configs))
        return True
Exemple #41
def check_tools(fips_dir) :
    """check whether required command line tools can be found"""
    log.colored(log.YELLOW, '=== tools:')
    tools = [ git, cmake, ccmake, cmake_gui, make, ninja, xcodebuild, java, ant, node, python2, ccache ]
    platform = util.get_host_platform()
    for tool in tools:
        if platform in tool.platforms :
            if tool.check_exists(fips_dir) :
                log.ok(tool.name, 'found')
            else :
                if tool.optional :
                    log.optional(tool.name, 'OPTIONAL, NOT FOUND ({})'.format(tool.not_found))
                else :
                    log.failed(tool.name, 'NOT FOUND ({})'.format(tool.not_found))
Exemple #42
def build_deploy_webpage(fips_dir, proj_dir) :
    # if webpage dir exists, clear it first
    ws_dir = util.get_workspace_dir(fips_dir)
    webpage_dir = '{}/fips-deploy/oryol-wasm-buildsuite'.format(ws_dir)
    if not os.path.exists(webpage_dir) :
    config = 'wasmasmjs-make-release'
    project.clean(fips_dir, proj_dir, config) 
    project.gen(fips_dir, proj_dir, config)
    for target in Samples :
        project.build(fips_dir, proj_dir, config, target)
    copy_build_files(fips_dir, proj_dir, webpage_dir)
    if ExportAssets :
        export_assets(fips_dir, proj_dir, webpage_dir)

    log.colored(log.GREEN, 'Done. ({})'.format(webpage_dir))
Exemple #43
def make_clean(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg_name) :
    """perform a 'make clean' on the project

    :param fips_dir:    absolute path of fips
    :param proj_dir:    absolute path of project dir
    :param cfg_name:    config name or pattern

    proj_name = util.get_project_name_from_dir(proj_dir)
    configs = config.load(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg_name)
    num_valid_configs = 0
    if configs :
        for cfg in configs :
            config_valid, _ = config.check_config_valid(fips_dir, cfg, print_errors=True)
            if config_valid :
                log.colored(log.YELLOW, "=== cleaning: {}".format(cfg['name']))

                build_dir = util.get_build_dir(fips_dir, proj_name, cfg)
                result = False
                if cfg['build_tool'] == make.name :
                    result = make.run_clean(fips_dir, build_dir)
                elif cfg['build_tool'] == ninja.name :
                    result = ninja.run_clean(fips_dir, build_dir)
                elif cfg['build_tool'] == xcodebuild.name :
                    result = xcodebuild.run_clean(fips_dir, build_dir)
                else :
                    result = cmake.run_clean(fips_dir, build_dir)
                if result :
                    num_valid_configs += 1
                else :
                    log.error("Failed to clean config '{}' of project '{}'".format(cfg['name'], proj_name))
            else :
                log.error("Config '{}' not valid in this environment".format(cfg['name']))
    else :
        log.error("No valid configs found for '{}'".format(cfg_name))

    if num_valid_configs != len(configs) :
        log.error('{} out of {} configs failed!'.format(len(configs) - num_valid_configs, len(configs)))
        return False      
    else :
        log.colored(log.GREEN, '{} configs cleaned'.format(num_valid_configs))
        return True
Exemple #44
def build_deploy_webpage(fips_dir, proj_dir) :
    # if webpage dir exists, clear it first
    ws_dir = util.get_workspace_dir(fips_dir)
    webpage_dir = '{}/fips-deploy/yakc-webpage/virtualkc'.format(ws_dir)
    if os.path.isdir(webpage_dir) :

    # compile emscripten, pnacl and android samples
    if emscripten.check_exists(fips_dir) :
        project.gen(fips_dir, proj_dir, 'yakc-emsc-make-release')
        project.build(fips_dir, proj_dir, 'yakc-emsc-make-release')
    # build the webpage via jekyll
    subprocess.call('jekyll build', cwd=proj_dir+'/web', shell=True)

    # deploy the webpage
    deploy_webpage(fips_dir, proj_dir, webpage_dir)

    log.colored(log.GREEN, 'Generated web page under {}.'.format(webpage_dir))
Exemple #45
def show_help(args) :
    """show help text"""
    if len(args) > 0 :
        # show help for one verb
        verb_name = args[0]
        if verb_name in verb.verbs :
        else :
            log.error("unknown verb '{}'".format(verb))
    else :
        # show generic help
        log.info("fips: the high-level, multi-platform build system wrapper\n"
        for proj_name in verb.proj_verbs :
            if proj_name != 'fips' :
                log.colored(log.BLUE, "=== imported from '{}':".format(proj_name))
            for verb_name in verb.proj_verbs[proj_name] :
                log.info(' ')
Exemple #46
def build_deploy_webpage(fips_dir, proj_dir) :
    # if webpage dir exists, clear it first
    ws_dir = util.get_workspace_dir(fips_dir)
    webpage_dir = '{}/fips-deploy/oryol-samples-webpage'.format(ws_dir)
    if os.path.isdir(webpage_dir) :

    if emscripten.check_exists(fips_dir) :
        project.gen(fips_dir, proj_dir, BuildConfig)
        project.build(fips_dir, proj_dir, BuildConfig)
    # export sample assets
    if ExportAssets :
        export_assets(fips_dir, proj_dir, webpage_dir)

    # deploy the webpage
    deploy_webpage(fips_dir, proj_dir, webpage_dir)

    log.colored(log.GREEN, 'Generated Samples web page under {}.'.format(webpage_dir))
Exemple #47
def list_imports(fips_dir, proj_dir) :
    """list project imports"""
    log.colored(log.YELLOW, '=== imports:')
    if util.is_valid_project_dir(proj_dir) :
        success, result = dep.get_all_imports_exports(fips_dir, proj_dir)
        if not success :
            log.warn("missing import project directories, please run 'fips fetch'")
        for dep_proj_name in result :
            # top level project is in result, but has no URL set, filter
            # this from the output
            log.colored(log.BLUE, "project '{}' imports:".format(dep_proj_name))
            cur_dep = result[dep_proj_name]
            if cur_dep['imports'] :
                for imp_proj in cur_dep['imports'] :
                    git_url = cur_dep['imports'][imp_proj]['git']
                    git_branch = cur_dep['imports'][imp_proj]['branch']
                    log.info("  '{}' from '{}' at branch '{}'".format(imp_proj, git_url, git_branch))
            else :
                log.info("    nothing")
    else :
        log.info('  currently not in a valid project directory')
Exemple #48
def gen_project(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg, force) :
    """private: generate build files for one config"""

    proj_name = util.get_project_name_from_dir(proj_dir)
    build_dir = util.get_build_dir(fips_dir, proj_name, cfg)
    defines = {}
    defines['FIPS_USE_CCACHE'] = 'ON' if settings.get(proj_dir, 'ccache') else 'OFF'
    do_it = force
    if not os.path.isdir(build_dir) :
        do_it = True
    if do_it :
        # if Ninja build tool and on Windows, need to copy 
        # the precompiled ninja.exe to the build dir
        if cfg['build_tool'] == 'ninja' :
            ninja.prepare_ninja_tool(fips_dir, build_dir)
        log.colored(log.YELLOW, "=== generating: {}".format(cfg['name']))
        toolchain_path = config.get_toolchain_for_platform(fips_dir, cfg['platform'])
        return cmake.run_gen(cfg, proj_dir, build_dir, toolchain_path, defines)
    else :
        return True
Exemple #49
def _rec_update_imports(fips_dir, proj_dir, handled) :
    """same as _rec_fetch_imports() but for updating the imported projects
    ws_dir = util.get_workspace_dir(fips_dir)
    proj_name = util.get_project_name_from_dir(proj_dir)
    if proj_name not in handled :
        imports = get_imports(fips_dir, proj_dir)
        for dep in imports:
            dep_proj_name = dep
            if dep not in handled:
                dep_proj_dir = util.get_project_dir(fips_dir, dep_proj_name)
                log.colored(log.YELLOW, "=== dependency: '{}':".format(dep_proj_name))
                dep_ok = False
                if os.path.isdir(dep_proj_dir) :
                    # directory did not exist, do a fresh git clone
                    dep = imports[dep_proj_name]
                    git_commit = None if 'rev' not in dep else dep['rev']
                    if git.has_local_changes(dep_proj_dir) :
                        log.warn("  '{}' has local changes, skipping...".format(dep_proj_dir))
                    else :
                        log.colored(log.BLUE, "  updating '{}'...".format(dep_proj_dir))
                        if git_commit:
                            log.colored(log.YELLOW, "=== revision: '{}':".format(git_commit))
                            dep_ok = git.checkout(dep_proj_dir, git_commit)
                            dep_ok = True
                else :
                    log.warn("  '{}' does not exist, please run 'fips fetch'".format(dep_proj_dir))
                # recuse
                if dep_ok :
                    handled = _rec_update_imports(fips_dir, dep_proj_dir, handled)
    # done, return the new handled array
    return handled
Exemple #50
def list_exports(fips_dir, proj_dir) :
    """list project exports"""
    log.colored(log.YELLOW, '=== exports:')
    if util.is_valid_project_dir(proj_dir) :
        success, result = dep.get_all_imports_exports(fips_dir, proj_dir)
        if not success :
            log.warn("missing import project directories, please un 'fips fetch'")
        for dep_proj_name in result :
            cur_dep = result[dep_proj_name]
            log.colored(log.BLUE, "project '{}' exports:".format(dep_proj_name))
            cur_modules = cur_dep['exports']['modules']
            cur_hdrs = cur_dep['exports']['header-dirs']
            cur_libs = cur_dep['exports']['lib-dirs']
            cur_defs = cur_dep['exports']['defines']

            if not (cur_modules or cur_hdrs or cur_libs or cur_defs) :
                log.info("    nothing")

            if cur_modules :
                log.info("  modules:")
                for mod in cur_modules :
                    log.info("    {} => {}".format(mod, cur_modules[mod]))

            if cur_hdrs :
                log.info("  header search dirs:")
                for hdr in cur_hdrs :
                    log.info("    {}".format(hdr))

            if cur_libs :
                log.info("  lib search dirs:")
                for lib in cur_libs :
                    log.info("    {}".format(lib))

            if cur_defs :
                log.info("  defines:")
                for define in cur_defs :
                    log.info("    {} => {}".format(define, cur_defs[define]))
    else :
        log.info('  currently not in a valid project directory')
Exemple #51
def _rec_fetch_imports(fips_dir, proj_dir, handled) :
    """internal recursive function to fetch project imports,
    keeps an array of already handled dirs to break cyclic dependencies

    :param proj_dir:    current project directory
    :param handled:     array of already handled dirs
    :returns:           updated array of handled dirs
    ws_dir = util.get_workspace_dir(fips_dir)
    proj_name = util.get_project_name_from_dir(proj_dir)
    if proj_name not in handled :

        imports = get_imports(fips_dir, proj_dir)
        for dep in imports:
            dep_proj_name = dep
            if dep not in handled:
                dep_proj_dir = util.get_project_dir(fips_dir, dep_proj_name)
                log.colored(log.YELLOW, "=== dependency: '{}':".format(dep_proj_name))
                dep_ok = False
                if not os.path.isdir(dep_proj_dir) :
                    # directory did not exist, do a fresh git clone
                    git_url = imports[dep_proj_name]['git']
                    git_branch = imports[dep_proj_name]['branch']
                    if git.clone(git_url, git_branch, dep_proj_name, ws_dir) :
                        dep_ok = True
                    else :
                        log.error('failed to git clone {} into {}'.format(git_url, dep_proj_dir))
                else :
                    # directory already exists
                    log.info("dir '{}' exists".format(dep_proj_dir))
                    dep_ok = True

                # recuse
                if dep_ok :
                    handled = _rec_fetch_imports(fips_dir, dep_proj_dir, handled)

    # done, return the new handled array
    return handled
Exemple #52
def setup(fips_dir, proj_dir) :
    """main setup function"""
    log.colored(log.YELLOW, '=== setup NaCl SDK:')


    # download SDK archive
    if not os.path.isfile(get_archive_path(fips_dir)) :
        urllib.urlretrieve(get_sdk_url(), get_archive_path(fips_dir), util.url_download_hook)
    else :
        log.info("'nacl_sdk.zip' already exists")
    # uncompress SDK archive
    uncompress(fips_dir, get_archive_path(fips_dir))

    # setup SDK
    log.info("setup NaCl SDK...")

    log.colored(log.GREEN, "done.")
Exemple #53
def setup(fips_dir, proj_dir) :
    """setup the emscripten SDK from scratch"""
    log.colored(log.YELLOW, '=== setup emscripten SDK:')


    # download SDK archive
    if not os.path.isfile(get_archive_path(fips_dir)) :
        log.info("downloading '{}'...".format(get_archive_name()))
        urllib.request.urlretrieve(get_sdk_url(), get_archive_path(fips_dir), util.url_download_hook)
    else :
        log.info("'{}' already exists".format(get_archive_name()))

    # uncompress SDK archive
    log.info("uncompressing '{}'...".format(get_archive_name()))
    uncompress(get_archive_path(fips_dir), get_sdk_dir(fips_dir), 'emsdk_portable')

    # setup SDK
    log.info("setup emscripten SDK...")

    log.colored(log.GREEN, "done.")
Exemple #54
def gen(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg_name) :
    """generate build files with cmake

    :param fips_dir:    absolute path to fips
    :param proj_dir:    absolute path to project
    :param cfg_name:    config name or pattern (e.g. osx-make-debug)
    :returns:           True if successful

    # prepare
    dep.fetch_imports(fips_dir, proj_dir)
    proj_name = util.get_project_name_from_dir(proj_dir)
    dep.gather_and_write_imports(fips_dir, proj_dir)

    # load the config(s)
    configs = config.load(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg_name)
    num_valid_configs = 0
    if configs :
        for cfg in configs :
            # check if config is valid
            config_valid, _ = config.check_config_valid(fips_dir, cfg, print_errors = True)
            if config_valid :
                if gen_project(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg, True) :
                    num_valid_configs += 1
                else :
                    log.error("failed to generate build files for config '{}'".format(cfg['name']), False)
            else :
                log.error("'{}' is not a valid config".format(cfg['name']), False)
    else :
        log.error("No configs found for '{}'".format(cfg_name))

    if num_valid_configs != len(configs) :
        log.error('{} out of {} configs failed!'.format(len(configs) - num_valid_configs, len(configs)))
        return False      
    else :
        log.colored(log.GREEN, '{} configs generated'.format(num_valid_configs))
        return True
Exemple #55
def valgrind(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg_name, target, target_args) :
    """debug a single target with valgrind"""

    # prepare
    proj_name = util.get_project_name_from_dir(proj_dir)

    # load the config(s)
    configs = config.load(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg_name)
    if configs :
        for cfg in configs :
            # check if config is valid
            config_valid, _ = config.check_config_valid(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg, print_errors = True)
            if config_valid :
                deploy_dir = util.get_deploy_dir(fips_dir, proj_name, cfg['name'])
                valgrind_bin = settings.get(proj_dir, 'valgrind')
                if not valgrind_bin :
                    valgrind_bin = 'valgrind'
                log.colored(log.YELLOW, "=== valgrind: {} ({})".format(cfg['name'], valgrind_bin))
                cmd_line = valgrind_bin
                if target_args :
                    cmd_line += ' ' + ' '.join(target_args)
                else :
                    cmd_line += ' ' + '--leak-check=no'
                    cmd_line += ' ' + '--show-reachable=yes'
                    cmd_line += ' ' + '--track-fds=yes'
                    cmd_line += ' ' + '--run-libc-freeres=no'
                    cmd_line += ' ' + "--log-file={}/valgrind-{}.log".format(proj_dir, target)
                cmd_line += ' ' + "./{}".format(target)
                #log.colored(log.GREEN, "cmdline: {}".format(cmd_line))
                subprocess.call(args = cmd_line, cwd = deploy_dir, shell = True)
            else :
                log.error("Config '{}' not valid in this environment".format(cfg['name']))
    else :
        log.error("No valid configs found for '{}'".format(cfg_name))

    return True
Exemple #56
def list_targets(fips_dir, proj_dir, args) :
    log.colored(log.YELLOW, "=== targets:")
    if util.is_valid_project_dir(proj_dir) :
        # get config name
        if len(args) == 0 :
            cfg_name = settings.get(proj_dir, 'config')
        else :
            cfg_name = args[0]
        log.info('{}  config:{} {}'.format(log.BLUE, log.DEF, cfg_name))

        # get the target list
        success, targets = project.get_target_list(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg_name)
        if success :
            # split targets by type
            for type in ['lib', 'module', 'sharedlib', 'app'] :
                type_targets = [tgt for tgt in targets if targets[tgt] == type]
                if len(type_targets) > 0 :
                    log.colored(log.BLUE, '  {}:'.format(type))
                    for tgt in type_targets :
                        log.info('    ' + tgt)
        else :
            log.info("  can't fetch project target list, please run 'fips gen' first!")  
    else :
        log.info('  currently not in a valid project directory')
Exemple #57
def setup(fips_dir, proj_dir) :
    """setup the Android SDK and NDK"""
    log.colored(log.YELLOW, '=== setup Android SDK/NDK :')

    # first make sure that java is present, otherwise the Android
    # SDK setup will finish without errors, but is not actually usable
    if not java.check_exists(fips_dir) :
        log.error("please install java first (see './fips diag tools')")


    # download and setup the Android SDK
    sdk_archive_path = get_androidsdk_archive_path(fips_dir)
    if not os.path.isfile(sdk_archive_path) :        
        sdk_url = get_sdk_url()
        log.info("downloading '{}'...".format(sdk_url))
        urllib.urlretrieve(sdk_url, sdk_archive_path, util.url_download_hook)
    else :
        log.info("'{}' already exists".format(sdk_archive_path))
    log.info("\nunpacking '{}'...".format(sdk_archive_path))
    uncompress(fips_dir, sdk_archive_path)
    log.info("downloading additional SDK files...")
    update_android_sdk(fips_dir, proj_dir)

    # download the Android NDK
    ndk_archive_path = get_androidndk_archive_path(fips_dir)
    if not os.path.isfile(ndk_archive_path) :
        ndk_url = get_ndk_url()
        log.info("downloading '{}'...".format(ndk_url))
        urllib.urlretrieve(ndk_url, ndk_archive_path, util.url_download_hook)
    else :
        log.info("'{}' already exists".format(ndk_archive_path))
    log.info("\nunpacking '{}'...".format(ndk_archive_path))
    uncompress(fips_dir, ndk_archive_path)

    log.colored(log.GREEN, "done.")
Exemple #58
def clean(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg_name) :
    """clean build files

    :param fips_dir:    absolute path of fips
    :param proj_dir:    absolute project path
    :param cfg_name:    config name (or pattern)
    proj_name = util.get_project_name_from_dir(proj_dir)
    configs = config.load(fips_dir, proj_dir, cfg_name)
    if configs :
        for cfg in configs :
            log.colored(log.YELLOW, "=== clean: {}".format(cfg['name']))

            build_dir = util.get_build_dir(fips_dir, proj_name, cfg)
            if os.path.isdir(build_dir) :
                log.info("  deleted '{}'".format(build_dir))

            deploy_dir = util.get_deploy_dir(fips_dir, proj_name, cfg)
            if os.path.isdir(deploy_dir) :
                log.info("  deleted '{}'".format(deploy_dir))
    else :
        log.error("No valid configs found for '{}'".format(cfg_name))
Exemple #59
def check_configs(fips_dir, proj_dir) :
    """find configs and check if they are valid"""
    log.colored(log.YELLOW, '=== configs:')
    dirs = [ fips_dir ]
    configs = config.load(fips_dir, proj_dir, '*')
    for cfg in configs :
        log.colored(log.BLUE, cfg['name'])
        valid, errors = config.check_config_valid(fips_dir, cfg)
        if valid :
            log.colored(log.GREEN, '  ok')
        else :
            for error in errors :
                log.info('  {}'.format(error))
Exemple #60
def _rec_fetch_imports(fips_dir, proj_dir, handled) :
    """internal recursive function to fetch project imports,
    keeps an array of already handled dirs to break cyclic dependencies

    :param proj_dir:    current project directory
    :param handled:     array of already handled dirs
    :returns:           updated array of handled dirs
    ws_dir = util.get_workspace_dir(fips_dir)
    proj_name = util.get_project_name_from_dir(proj_dir)
    if proj_name not in handled :

        imports = get_imports(fips_dir, proj_dir)
        for dep in imports:
            dep_proj_name = dep
            if dep not in handled:
                dep_proj_dir = util.get_project_dir(fips_dir, dep_proj_name)
                log.colored(log.YELLOW, "=== dependency: '{}':".format(dep_proj_name))
                dep_ok = False
                if not os.path.isdir(dep_proj_dir) :
                    # directory did not exist, do a fresh git clone
                    dep = imports[dep_proj_name]
                    git_commit = None if 'rev' not in dep else dep['rev']
                    if git_commit :
                        if 'depth' in dep :
                            # when using rev, we may not want depth because the revision may not be reachable
                            log.colored(log.YELLOW, "=== 'depth' was ignored because parameter 'rev' is specified.")
                        dep['depth'] = None
                    git_depth = git.clone_depth if not git_commit and 'depth' not in dep else dep['depth']
                    git_url = dep['git']
                    git_branch = dep['branch']
                    if git.clone(git_url, git_branch, git_depth, dep_proj_name, ws_dir) :
                        if git_commit :
                            log.colored(log.YELLOW, "=== revision: '{}':".format(git_commit))
                            dep_ok = git.checkout(dep_proj_dir, git_commit)
                        else :
                            dep_ok = True
                    else :
                        log.error('failed to git clone {} into {}'.format(git_url, dep_proj_dir))
                else :
                    # directory already exists
                    log.info("dir '{}' exists".format(dep_proj_dir))
                    dep_ok = True

                # recuse
                if dep_ok :
                    handled = _rec_fetch_imports(fips_dir, dep_proj_dir, handled)

    # done, return the new handled array
    return handled