Exemple #1
class AppT(ServiceT):
    """Abstract type for the Faust application.

    See Also:
    Settings: ClassVar[Type[_Settings]]

    BootStrategy: ClassVar[Type[BootStrategyT]]
    boot_strategy: BootStrategyT

    #: Set to true when the app is finalized (can read configuration).
    finalized: bool = False

    #: Set to true when the app has read configuration.
    configured: bool = False

    #: Set to true if the worker is currently rebalancing.
    rebalancing: bool = False
    rebalancing_count: int = 0

    #: Set to true if the assignment is empty
    # This flag is set by App._on_partitions_assigned
    unassigned: bool = False

    #: Set to true when app is executing within a worker instance.
    # This flag is set in faust/worker.py
    in_worker: bool = False

    on_configured: SyncSignal[_Settings] = SyncSignal()
    on_before_configured: SyncSignal = SyncSignal()
    on_after_configured: SyncSignal = SyncSignal()
    on_partitions_assigned: Signal[Set[TP]] = Signal()
    on_partitions_revoked: Signal[Set[TP]] = Signal()
    on_rebalance_complete: Signal = Signal()
    on_before_shutdown: Signal = Signal()
    on_worker_init: SyncSignal = SyncSignal()

    client_only: bool

    agents: AgentManagerT
    sensors: SensorDelegateT

    fixups: MutableSequence[FixupT]

    def __init__(self,
                 id: str,
                 monitor: _Monitor,
                 config_source: Any = None,
                 **options: Any) -> None:
        self.on_startup_finished: Optional[Callable] = None

    def config_from_object(self,
                           obj: Any,
                           silent: bool = False,
                           force: bool = False) -> None:

    def finalize(self) -> None:

    def main(self) -> NoReturn:

    def worker_init(self) -> None:

    def discover(
        *extra_modules: str,
        categories: Iterable[str] = ('a', 'b', 'c'),
        ignore: Iterable[Any] = ('foo', 'bar')
    ) -> None:

    def topic(self,
              *topics: str,
              pattern: Union[str, Pattern] = None,
              key_type: _ModelArg = None,
              value_type: _ModelArg = None,
              key_serializer: CodecArg = None,
              value_serializer: CodecArg = None,
              partitions: int = None,
              retention: Seconds = None,
              compacting: bool = None,
              deleting: bool = None,
              replicas: int = None,
              acks: bool = True,
              internal: bool = False,
              config: Mapping[str, Any] = None,
              maxsize: int = None,
              allow_empty: bool = False,
              loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop = None) -> TopicT:

    def channel(self,
                key_type: _ModelArg = None,
                value_type: _ModelArg = None,
                maxsize: int = None,
                loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop = None) -> ChannelT:

    def agent(self,
              channel: Union[str, ChannelT] = None,
              name: str = None,
              concurrency: int = 1,
              supervisor_strategy: Type[SupervisorStrategyT] = None,
              sink: Iterable[SinkT] = None,
              isolated_partitions: bool = False,
              use_reply_headers: bool = False,
              **kwargs: Any) -> Callable[[AgentFun], AgentT]:

    def task(self,
             fun: TaskArg,
             on_leader: bool = False,
             traced: bool = True) -> Callable:

    def timer(self,
              interval: Seconds,
              on_leader: bool = False,
              traced: bool = True,
              name: str = None,
              max_drift_correction: float = 0.1) -> Callable:

    def crontab(self,
                cron_format: str,
                timezone: tzinfo = None,
                on_leader: bool = False,
                traced: bool = True) -> Callable:

    def service(self, cls: Type[ServiceT]) -> Type[ServiceT]:

    def stream(self,
               channel: AsyncIterable,
               beacon: NodeT = None,
               **kwargs: Any) -> StreamT:

    def Table(self,
              name: str,
              default: Callable[[], Any] = None,
              window: WindowT = None,
              partitions: int = None,
              help: str = None,
              **kwargs: Any) -> TableT:

    def page(self,
             path: str,
             base: Type[View] = View,
             cors_options: Mapping[str, ResourceOptions] = None,
             name: str = None) -> Callable[[PageArg], Type[View]]:

    def table_route(self,
                    table: CollectionT,
                    shard_param: str = None,
                    query_param: str = None,
                    match_info: str = None) -> ViewDecorator:

    def command(self,
                *options: Any,
                base: Type[_AppCommand] = None,
                **kwargs: Any) -> Callable[[Callable], Type[_AppCommand]]:

    async def start_client(self) -> None:

    async def maybe_start_client(self) -> None:

    async def send(
            channel: Union[ChannelT, str],
            key: K = None,
            value: V = None,
            partition: int = None,
            timestamp: float = None,
            headers: HeadersArg = None,
            key_serializer: CodecArg = None,
            value_serializer: CodecArg = None,
            callback: MessageSentCallback = None) -> Awaitable[RecordMetadata]:

    async def maybe_start_producer(self) -> ProducerT:

    def is_leader(self) -> bool:

    def FlowControlQueue(
            maxsize: int = None,
            clear_on_resume: bool = False,
            loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop = None) -> ThrowableQueue:

    def Worker(self, **kwargs: Any) -> _Worker:

    def on_webserver_init(self, web: Web) -> None:

    def on_rebalance_start(self) -> None:

    def on_rebalance_end(self) -> None:

    def conf(self) -> _Settings:

    def conf(self, settings: _Settings) -> None:

    def transport(self) -> TransportT:

    def transport(self, transport: TransportT) -> None:

    def cache(self) -> CacheBackendT:

    def cache(self, cache: CacheBackendT) -> None:

    def producer(self) -> ProducerT:

    def consumer(self) -> ConsumerT:

    def tables(self) -> TableManagerT:

    def topics(self) -> ConductorT:

    def monitor(self) -> _Monitor:

    def monitor(self, value: _Monitor) -> None:

    def flow_control(self) -> FlowControlEvent:
        return FlowControlEvent(loop=self.loop)

    def http_client(self) -> HttpClientT:

    def http_client(self, client: HttpClientT) -> None:

    def assignor(self) -> PartitionAssignorT:

    def router(self) -> RouterT:

    def serializers(self) -> RegistryT:

    def web(self) -> Web:

    def web(self, web: Web) -> None:

    def in_transaction(self) -> bool: